Welcome to the worst Internet site you have ever seen - don't hope that you will find anything interesting here, so if you are not strong enough better leave untill it is not too late
Would you like to build a house in Poland or Germany?

Visit PPU DOMEK - Polish construction company

Want to see a Saint Bernard Dog - take a look at my little puppy / Mój mały piesek

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But - if it happens that you would like to contact me, or you appear to be my long gone friend - don't even think of e-mailing me. 

Other sites that it is better to avoid:

Really bad site - if you want to get pissed you should try it

This site's creator lives under illusion that his site is even worse than mine - check it out

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Another page on this site  Nothing special (the same as this one)...   Links to Paranormal Activity sites  Thus quoth the raven - Nevermore