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Offering You the Latest in Multimedia
Web Design

Hello, please let me introduce myself to you and offer a little back round information.

I'm One day I was looking into expanding my business by advertising on the World Wide Web, I thought how else can you reach so many potential customers and still produce a good quality product while maintaining a low over head. However I could not believe the prices quotes I was receiving for Web Designs. Being a small business man and always looking at the bottom line, I thought to myself (out loud) "I'll need to get another job just to afford these prices". So being the person that I am, I took it upon myself to study Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML). So there I was working the business sixteen to eighteen hours a day and in my spare time (Ha) studying so I could get in on the ground floor of what I believe is the advertising of the future. Well to my astonishment and my friends, I was able to get Web Designing down in a short period of time. I decided to put up a site of my own and did. I let a few people know about it and asked them to take a look and give me their honest opinion. Well, to my delight they all had positive comments. One close friend was so impressed at the site he asked me to do a site for him. I did and to my surprise it took less than half the time as mine. Of course I'm still learning, expanding my abilities and my equipment. So if you thought state of the art web sites were only for large companies, with large bank accounts, drop me an E-mail and let me tell you how affordable they are. In the mean time, if you would like to see a sample of my work, just click on the links below and have a look see for yourself.