Endangered Species

Hermine and Roger Stover, 23280 Stephanie, Perris, Ca 92570
Voicemail (800)709-5568, FAX (909)943-9199
E-mail nursery@endangeredspecies.com

Bamboo, Palms, Cycads, Sansevierias, Exotic Foliage.

3 acres of rare and beautiful plants from gallon pots to 36" boxes for landscapers, gardeners and collectors. We are in Perris, California. We can fax or mail you driving directions & a map so you can visit us and get your plants by appointment, or we can deliver big stuff in California and Arizona by truck.

Our pricelist may be obtained free in the U.S. by mail. Our highly informative illustrated FAT CATALOG, which is loaded with plant photos, drawings and cultural info is $5. ($10 foreign).