Welcome to Matco Sales &
Service !
Your one stop shop for Substation
Power Equipment Parts.

Company Profile
We are
manufacturers and suppliers of Electric Power Equipment Spare Parts.
We supply spare parts & equipment to Utilities, Power Plants, Municipal
Cooperatives, Refineries, Petrochemical Plants, Steel Mills, and other
Our products include Substation Spare Parts, high voltage & high current
contacts, motor starter contacts, bushings, coils, connectors, switchgear parts,
breaker and transformer parts, gauges, relays, pressure switches, control
valves, disconnects switches, arrestors, seal kits, o-rings, and gaskets.
AC or DC - 2 volts to 800 kV, if its used in a power application, we can supply
it! Older and obsolete equipment parts are our specialty !
Give us a call today to discuss your needs. We also buy used and surplus spare
parts & equipment.

Contact Information
Feel free to contact us at the phone numbers & addresses below.
- Telephone
- 732-280-3630
- 732-280-3631
- Postal address
- 1933 Hwy 35 PMB 162
- Wall NJ
- Electronic mail
- General Information: info@matcosales.com
Sales: sales@matcosales.com
Customer Support: support@matcosales.com
Webmaster: webmaster@matcosales.com