Is A Rip Off!
Sure HE's rich. At your expense!
Please Email me with any comments: heresafig@geocities.com
I will have to admit that this program is not a scam. It has been around for over 3 years. If it was illegal, it would be out of business by now. It is on the other hand a big time rip off.
The main way T.S. attracts potentials is by different types of advertisements
( spam mail, newspapers, magazines, flyers, postal mail, ect.) Once a person calls
in on one of these adds, they are forwarded to a sales rep. These reps tell the person vaguely what the program is and asks them to fork over the $238 that it
takes to become a member.
Once a person is a member, they receive a kit that has things to help them get started with their advertising and the process repeats.
The way that members make money with the program is through a code # that is on all of their adds. Once someone signs up under a code #, the person belonging to that code gets $100.
The problem with all this is that the majority of the claimed 15,000 members of T.S. do not generate enough calls themselves to make their money back.
- Many T.S. marketers' adds claim that T.S. was voted, "Best Home Based Business Two Years In a Row," by Forbes Magazine This is not true. And even though the CEO of T.S. supposedly sent a memo telling the members this, a great deal of the ones that had this pitch are still using it.
- Many T.S. marketers as well as sales reps. claim that T.S. is registered with the Better Business Bureau in their home town. This is also not true.
- The Top Secrets scripts mention that the membership fee is a "one time payment." This is not true. The actual Shopper's Network is $199 a year. If you just want to do the marketing it is only $39 a year, but either way, it's more than a one time payment.
- An interesting page that talks about the supposed Forbes Magazine article:
- A link to the Better Business Bureau exposing the false claim that T.S. is a member of the BBB.
- A link to the World Wide Scam Network. It has a lot of T.S. stuff on it.
- Link to How to Spot Work-At-Home scams
- Some definitions of schemes and such. See is T.S. fits into any of the categories...
The opinions expressed on this page are mine. The do not necessarily represent anyone else's opinion (although many share
my opinion on this matter). None of the statements made on this page are untrue to my knowledge. They are all backed up with proof from other web sites, my personal calls to the Top Secrets 800 number, or to Top Secrets or former Top Secrets members. If any information I have on this page is inaccurate, please notify me and I will look into it.