Looking for Cycling for Children??? I have taken it off the Internet for now because I don't have the time to properly maintain it. This site is a different side of my life and actually a very small peek at that... Have a look... and enjoy.

Welcome to Philosophy in Art

This site was created in November of 2001. In reality, I have been writing since about 1978, but simply don't think anything I write is worth anything to anyone excepting me. Some people see "bits" that help them... and that makes me feel good. The goal of the site is to express ideas and thoughts through art. This may be in poetry, songs, or visual arts. At this time the thoughts expressed are my own and I take full responsibility for their creation. That said, if you don't agree with them, I take no offense. It is a world in which we can agree to disagree, stimulate minds through debate... and basically... just think about the exciting days that lie ahead.

Eventually the site will be organized in themes. For now, it will be simple dates. By the way, I don't mind you using my work, but please don't claim it as your own or I will have to "publish" and I really don't think we need to give shareholders any more money from efforts of others.


Dates Unknown - The Dream

Under Contruction
1990 1991 1992 1993
1994 1995 1996 1997
1998 1999 2000 2001
2002 2003 2004 2005