Welcome to Irish Eyes' Custom Graphics & Design.  This site offers many free (linkware) web graphics for personal and non-profit use.  All background sets and buttons may be customized to your website for a small fee.  You may also use any of the graphics for commercial websites by purchasing a licenseCustom graphics can also be made to your specifications.  Please visit the terms of use page before using any of the graphics found on this website.  Thank You for visiting! Coming Soon:
Blade Pro Presets!
Sunday, March 25, 2001:
2 new control panels - Fireball and Paint Splotches
Thursday, March 22, 2001:

Webbed&Wired and Picture This: Free Images have come together to form a cohesive blend of linkware graphics and custom design.  I hope that you enjoy your visit! ~IE~

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If you would like to link to this site, you may use the following graphic:


|Home| |Sets| |Buttons| |Dividers| |Tiles| |Panels| |Teach U.| |Quote| |Email Me|

This site and all its contents © Copyright under the Terms of Use, E.N. Kennedy, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001