The TOOTELL History Page

The aim of this page is to try and link the Tootell name around the world.  So far my search has indicated that there are 2 main lines emanating from England - Nottingham and Lancashire.  Most of the information on this site is at present connected to Nottingham, since that is the origin of my line.  I feel, however, considering the rarity of the spelling that there must be links somewhere.  Please have a look over the pages and contact me if you have that 'missing link' or wish to add pages or information to the site.

   The Heraldic Crest

     Origins of The Name

   The Knights Templar

Nottingham Parish Records



Frederick's Descendants   

Marriage Index

Burial Register 
1770 -1851

 Misc. Registers


Nottingham History

Surrounding Villages

    Local Trades

Nottingham Map 
(may be poor quality)
Map Description

Other TOOTELL lineages and contacts
(I have maintained these as personalised as possible)

Bridgette Pacy-Tootell
South Africa

Darrell Tootell

Lorraine Tootell

Suella Postles

Chantal Coyle

Kate Allan


Vivienne Durbridge

Kadie Tootell


Audrey Mitchell

Hugh Tootell

David Tootell


Marriage and Christening Records form English Genealogical Records
I have included most spelling variations as it is probable (and in fact the case) that there were many instances of misspellings down the generations.









Other items of interest in relation to the Tootell surname.

Charles Dodd

Brother Dennis Tootell



Matthew Tootell

Clockmaker – Southern England?




If you have any links, comments or additions, please email me:
Caven Tootell     -