Hello! Welcome to My Webpage!! My name is Lizette!
To tell you a little about myself... I'm from New York City. I'm a vegan, and a spiritual individual who loves helping others. I enjoy being with my family and friends. To learn more about them go HERE.

Some of my interest are reading; I just love curling up with a good book! Visiting museums, going to the zoo, listening to the sound of the ocean, candle lit dinners, surfing the net, and working on line. So please kick off your shoes and stay awhile, and visit my business page HERE...

you might be interested in sleeping very comfortable tonight,

and while your there leave the last "S" off for savings!

Please Don't Forget To Sign My Guestbook On The Next Page!


WithChild< /HTML>


Back To Basics Toys




Oak Meadow Homeschooling



Natural Child

Mother Love

Creations by Carol

The Sharper Image

The Food Coop


La Leche League


Some groups that I belong to on the
net...Your welcome to join :-)


Moms In Business Banner 
ExchangeMoms In Business 
Banner Exchange
Moms In Business Banner Exchange

~Webrings I Belong To~

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BONANZA9@web tv.net

**Many Special thanks to LadyPiedPiper who assisted me with making my first Webpage!! **Love and Kisses to my daughter "Julie" who assisted me,too!