NEW! (24/6/99) Sisoft Sandra Ver Download now!
(20/4/99) Dual Celeron @450MHz Success (Very Kewl)!
Ini bukan bohong. Kalau anda bisa membuktikan Celeron @450MHz saya sampai kalah kecepatannya (memakai program: Sisoft Sandra, Wintune98 dan 3DSMAX rendering process) dan kestabilannya (memakai program apa saja) dengan Pentium II 450MHz, silahkan bawa pulang processor saya; GRATIS!
Karena banyak sekali orang yang menanyakan kestabilan dari
processor yang di overclocking, maka saya akan jelaskan bagaimana saya mengetest sebuah
1. Harus bisa booting Windows dengan bersih.
2. Harus bisa menjalankan basic programs seperti MS Office, Internet Explorer dan
lain-lain dengan mulus.
3. Harus bisa menjalankan program-program graphic seperti Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia
Director, 3DSMAX dan lain-lain dengan mulus.
4. Harus bisa menjalankan program-program game 3D seperti Quake II, Final Fantasy 7, Half
Life, FIFA99 dan lain-lain dengan mulus.
5. Menjalankan/membuka program-program tersebut di atas secara bersamaan dengan mulus.
6. Menjalankan sebuah program yang menggunakan 100% CPU utilization selama 24 jam dengan
casing tertutup untuk memastikan processornya kuat dipakai non-stop (saya memakai program
Prime95, sebuah program kalkulasi matematika).
Bagi yang mempunyai program-program 3D, anda bisa membandingkan rendering time system anda di sini.
Overclocking tidak hanya dengan secara mudah menaikkan bus speed saja, ada beberapa faktor yang harus dipertimbangkan untuk mendapatkan system yang stabil. Saya sendiri telah memulai overclocking sejak jaman Pentium Classic (Pentium 133 @150MHz dan Pentium 166 @225MHz). Kedua system tersebut sampai sekarang masih jalan sangat stabil. Anda tidak perlu tergesa-gesa untuk mengambil keputusan. Cobalah explore homepage saya ini dan ikuti dan pelajari semua links yang ada. Semua links/data yang ada berasal dari para pakar computer hardware. Sudah puluhan Celeron 450MHz system yang saya jual dan sampai sekarang saya belum pernah menerima satu complain dari salah satu customer saya; itu menjadi sebuah kebanggaan tersendiri bagi saya.
happy overclocking!
Office Performance Windows 98: Business Winstone 98 (Windows 98)
Celeron 450MHz: 31.7 Pentium II 450MHz: 31.4
3D Gaming Performance: Quake 2 massive1.dm2 (fps)
Celeron 450MHz: 70 Pentium II 450MHz: 69
FPU Performance 3D Rendering Power: 3D Studio Max Rendertime
Celeron 450MHz: 43.9 Pentium II 450MHz: 42.9
Business Winstone 98 Windows NT: Business Winstone 98 (Windows NT 4)
Celeron 450MHz: 41.5 Pentium II 450MHz: 41.3
Highend Winstone 98 Windows NT 4
Celeron 450MHz: 46 Pentium II 450MHz: 46.3
PC Magazine Labs Benchmark Tests Result (CPUmark 99)
My Celeron 450MHz: 36.2 Pentium II 450MHz: 33.5
Wintune98 average CPU result - Bandingkan hasil Wintune98 anda disini
Wintune98 Express Tests
Testing your PC using Wintune98 online! - Anda harus connect ke Internet!
Sandra Ver (run the CPU Benchmark)
SiSoft Sandra (the System ANalyser, Diagnostic and Reporting
Assistant) is an information & diagnostic utility. It should provide most of
the information (including undocumented) you need to know about your hardware, software
and other devices whether hardware or software. Download now!
WinBench99 Ver 1.1 (
By far the most popular benchmarking software for Windows-based PCs are those released
by Ziff-Davis. They've named themselves the Ziff-Davis Benchmark Operation, or ZDBOp for
short, and are the world's largest independent developer of benchmark software. Many of
you are probably already familiar with their Winbench, Winstone and 3DWinbench utilities.
Wintune98 Ver 1.0.38
After the test you can upload your result afterward and compare it. Just open
wt98.html on your windows Desktop and click Upload button. Download now!
Norton System Information (not recommended)
I don't recommend this benchmark program. Norton SI is very L2 cache intensive. The
Celeron, with 128K of L2 will give results that are not as promising. To get an accurate
view of your new screamer, download SiSoft Sandra or Wintune 98 and benchmark with those
MIPS = Million Instructions Per Second - MFLOPS = Million Floating Point Operations Per Second
Sisoft Sandra Ver (CPU Benchmark) - Perbandingan dengan Pentium III 500MHz.
Wintune98 Ver 1.0.38 offline test result (go 3 times) - 464MHz
CPU | (1) Intel Celeron A@464 MHz |
Video Board | Intel740 Win9x PC3.2W 3.1.2407-981207 |
Video Mode | 1024x768@16bits/pixel |
RAM | 64 MB |
OS | Windows 98 4.10.1998 |
Area Tested | Value |
CPU Integer | 1357.021 MIPS |
CPU Floating Point | 541.2886 MFLOPS |
What is the Dhrystone benchmark?
The original Dhrystone benchmark is still widely used to measure CPU performance in
industry under various versions/variants. The benchmark is designed to contain a
representative sample of types of operations, mostly numerical, used by applications.
Unfortunately this does not always represent a true real-life performance, but is useful
to compare the speed of various CPUs.
The Dhrystone benchmark used here is a 32-bit variant of the original one which runs under
UNIX. The result is determined by measuring the time it takes to perform some sequences of
instructions. Due to various changes, the result is not directly comparable with other
Dhrystone benchmarks. However the MIPS (Million Instructions Per Second) should be the
same for the same system (+5-10% variation) between benchmarks.
What is the Whetstone benchmark?
The Whetstone benchmark is widely used in the computer industry as a measure of FPU or
Co-Processor performance. Floating-point arithmetic is most significant in programs that
require a Co-Processor. These are mostly scientific, engineering, statistical and
computer-aided design programs.
The Whetstone benchmark used here is a 32-bit variant of the original one which runs under
UNIX. The result is determined by measuring the time it takes to perform some sequences of
floating-point instructions. Due to various changes, the result is not directly comparable
with other Whetstone benchmarks. However the MFLOPS (Million FLoating OPerations per
Second) should be the same for the same system (+5-10% variation) between benchmarks.
Semua hasil test benchmark (Sisoft Sandra 99,
Winbench99, Business Winstone 98, Quake 2 massive1.dm2 dan 3DStudio Max Rendertime) jelas
menunjukan bahwa Celeron 450MHz masih sedikit lebih cepat dari pada original Pentium II
450MHz. Dan yang terpenting adalah system ini jalan sangat stabil.
Untuk itu saya telah menginstall dan menjalankan programs/games sebagai berikut:
MS Windows 98, MS Windows 98 (LAN), MS NT 4 Server (LAN), Novell LAN, MS Office 97
Professional, MS Internet Explorer 4.0, 3DSMAX 2.5, Adobe Photoshop 5.0, Adobe Premiere
5.0, Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0, Macromedia Freehand 8.0, Macromedia Authorware 4.03,
Macromedia Director 6.5, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Macromedia Flash 3.0, PeachTree
Accounting 6.0, ACDSee32 ver 2.3, Xing Mpeg 3.30, Jet Audio 3.12, Eudora Pro 4.1,
CleanSweep 4.0, Norton Utilities 3.0, Winfax Pro 9.0, DirectX 6.0, HalfLife, Quake2.
Bahasa Indonesia
Meskipun L2 cache Celeron hanya 128KB sedangkan L2 cache Pentium II adalah 512KB,
L2 cache Celeron jalan full clock speed (dalam hal ini 450MHz) sedangkan L2 cache Pentium
II hanya jalan setengah clock speed (dalam hal ini 225MHz). MS Office applikasi, 3D games
bahkan 3D rendering programs sangat sedikit perbedaan kecepatannya antara jalan L2 cache
128KB dengan full CPU clock atau jalan 512KB jalan setengah dari CPU clock. Mungkin ada
beberapa software yang lebih diuntungkan dengan adanya L2 cache yang lebih besar dari
Pentium II tetapi ada pula software yang menarik keuntungan dengan lebih cepatnya L2 cache
dari Celeron.
Why is the Celeron so
overclockable? (John Bogush)
As you may know, a given chip design is used for CPU's of many different
speeds. The P2 and Celeron designs are named after Western US counties: Deschutes,
Klamath and Mendocino. More on this later.
In theory, a CPU is tested first at it's maximum speed. The ones that pass the testing
process at this speed are marked as such and sold as top-of-the-line CPU's. Those that
fail at the fastest speed are tested at successively lower and lower speeds until they run
reliably. These slower cores are then marked with the speed at which they passed the
testing process and sold as slower processors. At least, that's the theory. No one really
knows how Intel decides which cores get marked for a given speed. Several other factors,
such as customer demand and production quality, affect how many processors of each speed
are produced.
A CPU of any given speed can usually be made to run somewhat faster if one is willing to
play around with the motherboard settings. This is the overclocker's bread and butter.
Now, through a convenient turn of events, Intel has produced a CPU with an unusually
high capacity for overclocking.
Intel has long controlled the high-end CPU market while it's competitors, Cyrix and AMD
were gaining market share in the low- and mid-price range because of the popularity of
lower priced PC's. Intel finally realized what was happening and wanted to recover the low
ground while also keeping the high end market (can you say "total market
domination"?). When Intel designed the CPU core for their newest line of
processors, the P2, they changed the way the CPU was mounted. All P2's are mounted on a
circuit board, called an SECC (Single Edge Contact Cartridge), that plugs into a special,
patented CPU slot (Slot 1) similar to a PCI slot. [Intel calls the Celeron packaging a
SEPP (Single Edge Processor Package) but it's still compatible with the Slot 1 connector,
go figure.] AMD and Cyrix do not have a Slot 1 CPU, so if you want high-end speed, you
need to buy an Intel processor. Thus the high-end market is preserved for Intel.
Now, Intel needed a cheap Slot 1 CPU to corner the low-cost PC market.
Enter the Celeron line. To reduce production costs, Intel left out the expensive
Level 2 cache. Also, to eliminate design costs, the original Celerons
(C266 and C300) used the same CPU core as the new P2 350-450 mHz (code name
Deschutes). [Remember, design costs account for a huge percentage of the total cost
of a CPU. Once in production, it costs exactly the same to manufacture a core
destined for use as a 266 mHz processor as it does to use that same core in a 450 mHz
processor.] Many media pundits immediately dubbed the Celeron a backward-stepping
piece of crap because of the lack of the L2 cache. Later, perhaps due to the poor
reviews from hardware critics, Intel released the Celeron 300A and 333 with 128
Kb of built-in cache. Again, they used basically the same core design with
some modifications to incorporate the on-die cache. The C300A and the C333 modified
Deschutes core carries the code name Mendocino.
Here's where it gets interesting. The fastest P2 CPU's (350 to 450) require a relatively
new type of Slot 1 motherboard with the BX chipset. The BX motherboard runs at a bus
speed of 100 mHz. They can also run at 66 mHz bus which allows them to accept slower
P2 CPU's (233, 266, 300 and 333) and Celerons. The Celerons are supposed to be used on the
earlier EX and LX generation of Slot 1 motherboards which run at 66 mHz only. Since
the Celerons have the exact same core as the new architecture P2 CPU's, there's
nothing to stop you from setting the bus to 100 mHz and running a Celeron at 400 or 450
People started buying BX motherboards and Celerons and overclocking the hell
out of them by setting the bus speed to 100 mHz. A chip meant to run at 266 running at 400
mHz and more was unheard of previously. It's all because Intel is trying to capture
the low-cost CPU market without the R & D costs of a new chip. It's really
a marketing stroke of genius when you think about it. Produce one type of CPU. Take
the best ones, add 512 kb of fast, expensive cache and sell it as the top-of-the-line CPU
for $700+. Take the rejects, leave off the expensive L2 cache and sell them as
cheap Celerons. Except they're too smart for their own britches. The
production yield of 450 mHz cores is too good and the "rejects" are too few and
far between. Because they want to flood the market with $100 CPU's, they have to
mark them as 266 to 333 mHz Celerons and sell them cheap anyway. It doesn't cost
them any more since both chips came off the same production line. Because the P2-450
market is relatively small compared to the low- and mid priced market, the demand is
greater for Celerons.