>>>    Order informatioN   <<<

Women Clothes

Order on-line with our Secured Service.  We are proud to use CCNOW as our Secure Online Shopping Cart.  

To order via credit card, simply CLICK on the "Add to Cart" icon to select a desired item.  When clicking on this item, you will be taken to your "shopping cart" to select color, size, etc.  
To add additional items, click on "Add More Items" from the Shopping Cart Page.  If you need to delete an item from your shopping cart, change the quantity of the item to ZERO (0) while on the shopping cart page.  
When you are done shopping, CLICK on "View Cart/Check Out" on the left side of the page.  You will be taken to your "Shopping Cart" page where you will fill out all information regarding shipping & billing.  
After completing the requested information, you will CLICK "Submit".  Then, it's done! Your order will be processed in a timely manner.  We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, & Discover Card.

PAYMENT VIA CREDIT CARD:  At the time of your order, you will receive a confirmation form our Secure Service "CCNOW" of your entire order and payment total.  On the day your order is shipped, we will also e-mail you a "confirmation" showing what was shipped, how it was shipped and the total amount charged to your credit card.

                            OTHER METHOD PAYMENT
   [Money Transfer Agent]                               [Bank Transfer]


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