Wiking Ford's

I have a large number of duplicate Wiking models (all are in perfect condition and many are boxed), which I would like to either exchange for other Wiking models or sell. Listed below are some of the many Wiking cars, vans and trucks that I have for exchange or sale. I also many others available, including Wiking buses and coaches and Wiking fire models. Please e.mail me at if you have any Wikings, which you would like to exchange with the ones I am offering. I am particularly interested in obtaining Wiking models from the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, to fill gaps in my collection.
Listed here are the Ford Wikings.

Price (£ sterling) No. Make Model Colour
£8.00 202 Ford Capri dark red(no interior)
£5.00 20401 B Ford Sierra XR 3 door metallic.grey/black

Price (£sterling) No. Make Type Colour Cab Colour Body
£6.00 540 Ford 2+2 artic green/yellow white/green/ICI Lacke Farben Meisterpreis
£6.00 530 Ford 2+2 artic green/yellow green/yellow/WEST-FRIESLAND
£11.00 540Ford 2+2 artic maroon/yellow yellow/Hungarocamion

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