
Sat, 5 Sep 1998 08:10:04 -0700 (PDT)

From: Add to Address Book


Digest heavenly-c.v001.n910





-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n910 --------------

001 - Laurin McNiff <englishpat - Re: Titanic

002 - "E. Jean Guerin" <orson@v - Hypothermia is family


003 - "E. Jean Guerin" <orson@v - Re: Kate Titanic Winslet

004 - mailcall <mailcall@bluema - "Our Movie" (was Re: Kate Titanic


005 - (jeroen) - Re: Kate Titanic Winslet

006 - "Jose Antonio Abad Trillo - Re: HC in Mexico

--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n910.1 ---------------

From: Laurin McNiff <>

Subject: Re: Titanic

Date: Fri, 04 Sep 1998 11:54:46 -0700

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

References: <>


> Or they could just ask the child to close his or her eyes

> for those few seconds..

I agree, that would be the way I would go about "editing" it. However, I

was merely addressing the other reasons why someone else might have felt

it neccasary.




--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n910.2 ---------------

From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>

Subject: Hypothermia is family entertainment?

Date: Fri, 04 Sep 1998 13:33:01 -0400

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

>11-12 year old child

>>hasn't seen the film and would like to but their parents object to the

>>scenes in question?

Somehow subjecting the child to the sight of hundreds of people


and freezing to death is ok but a subtly photographed love scene (where

the only thing exposed should be familiar to a child as a source of


anyway) is bad?

And what about that guy bouncing off the propellor?

The film does have a rating you know.




--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n910.3 ---------------

From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>

Subject: Re: Kate Titanic Winslet

Date: Fri, 04 Sep 1998 13:23:25 -0400

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

jeroen wrote:

>>And more people will see HC after she's worked with Ahrrrnuld.


>Frankly, i don't think i'd want those people to see 'our' movie.

So you are saying that people with populist tastes should not expand

their horizons....

That's a slap in the face of those newer list members who wrote in


they liked Titanic and ended up LOVING HC.

I like some Arnie movies. Peter likes some Arnie movies. Kate likes


Arnie movies.

Sometimes I like popcorn and sometimes I feel like real meat.

So what's this crap about not wanting AS fans watching (*ahem*) "our"

movie, uh?

I guess you don't want me watching HC anymore? After all, back in 1984,


went to see Terminator for a lark and came back telling everybody the

director would one day be as big as Spielberg.

The same attitude bugged me when I was excited about going town to NZ


work with the "genius behind BRAINDEAD".

What is it about some armchair film directors that they get snottier


more possessive than the ones actually involved in the process?




--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n910.4 ---------------

From: mailcall <>

Subject: "Our Movie" (was Re: Kate Titanic Winslet)

Date: Fri, 4 Sep 1998 13:46:15 -0500 (EST)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

In-Reply-To: <>

> >>And more people will see HC after she's worked with Ahrrrnuld.

> >Frankly, i don't think i'd want those people to see 'our' movie.

think of it this way; we're basically talking about a film that was made

about two real people who genuinely believed they were above the rest of

humanity. they honestly thought themselves superior in every possible


in real life this probably translated to a kind of snobbish taste in


art, and film. some things were worthy of consideration by those who

appreciate the 4th world, and some things just were not.

you hear pauline say a little smugly in the film "only about ten people

have it" (the ability to appreciate the 4th world). what is often


is that dr. medlicott specifically asked them about this, and they


that they'd thought things over after writing that, and decided that


probably are a lot more than ten. they must have based the "ten people"

statement on their observation of people in the creative professions--

composers, singers, actors, etc.--who conveyed some sense of the 4th


in their work. as they went along they'd have found plenty of others.

heck, you don't know who can appreciate the 4th world. my dad is a very

ordinary rural type but he's got a sense of beauty that would surprise


and he's very fond of opera :) (he also thinks the bible's a load of


so let's not throw out the cushion with the bathwater (from the bathtub


ilam) maybe being exposed to hc will awaken something in these arnold


my husband likes the occasional arnold movie and he's the most


romantic person i've iver mit.

--==** melanthe alexian **==--

...she just slipped away...



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n910.5 ---------------

From: (jeroen)

Subject: Re: Kate Titanic Winslet

Date: Fri, 04 Sep 1998 21:16:28 GMT

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

References: <>

In-Reply-To: <>

On Fri, 04 Sep 1998 13:23:25 -0400, "E. Jean Guerin"

<> wrote:

>jeroen wrote:


>>>And more people will see HC after she's worked with Ahrrrnuld.


>>Frankly, i don't think i'd want those people to see 'our' movie.


>So you are saying that people with populist tastes should not expand

>their horizons....

No, but you knew that didn't you?

I have quite a populist taste myself. Take a look at my movie

collection, you'll find populist classics such as MY GIRL, CONTACT,


WIZARD OF OZ etc etc. I love 'm all.

All i'm saying is that i hate arnold and every movie he's ever done.

The guy and his work represent everything that's bad about movies.

And i find the thought of watching HC with a bunch of hardcore arnold

fans quite frightening to say the least.

To be honest, my post was partly meant as a joke, but i'm tired of

using those damn smilies everywhere for the humour impaired.

>That's a slap in the face of those newer list members who wrote in


>they liked Titanic and ended up LOVING HC.

Don't get me started on TITANIC.

Besides who are you to judge me? You said some pretty nasty things

about NBK and the people who like that film.

>I like some Arnie movies. Peter likes some Arnie movies. Kate likes


>Arnie movies.

Why should i care what other people think of arnold?

Didn't kate once say she thinks oliver stone is a genius? Better go

kill yourself jean.

>So what's this crap about not wanting AS fans watching (*ahem*) "our"

>movie, uh?

Chill out man. I was just saying how *i* feel about arnold fans

seeing HC. Sorry if you're offended.

>I guess you don't want me watching HC anymore? After all, back in

1984, I

>went to see Terminator for a lark and came back telling everybody the

>director would one day be as big as Spielberg.

Ha, and that's a compliment?

>What is it about some armchair film directors that they get snottier


>more possessive than the ones actually involved in the process?

Maybe because they are the people who actually own the films and the

people who make them. Think about it, i'm paying your salary.

Btw you're fired.


jeroen -- the netherlands --



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n910.6 ---------------

From: "Jose Antonio Abad Trillo" <>

Subject: Re: HC in Mexico

Date: Sat, 05 Sep 1998 04:02:04 -0500

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

References: <>


jeroen wrote:


> On Thu, 03 Sep 1998 10:36:22 -0400, "E. Jean Guerin"

> <> wrote:


> >I met with a journalist from Mexico who comes to the Montreal World


> >Festival (currently on 'til sunday). He told me that HC was finally

> >released in Mexico just a couple of months ago. At the top of their

> >advertising is- you guessed it- "Starring Kate Winslet of the



> Hmm, is this good or bad?


> I would have prefered TITANIC ads saying 'starring kate winslet from

> HC'. Or even better, 'starring kate winslet who played mel lynskey's

> friend in HC' ;)


> --

> jeroen -- the netherlands --



Hello dearest creatures:

Let me afford my two cents in this one. I'm from Mexico, and I'm a

little upset with the Hollywood-movie-like-goodie. What I mean is the

fact that here (and I guess in many other countries) only if you make a

blockbuster-hollywood-kind-of-movie you have success and then all your

work is released. Before Titanic, here in Mexico, they never showed any

work from kate but Hamlet. After titanic, now you can find in the

blockbuster Jude, HC, and even a kid in king arthurs... As a fan of HC,

I'm glad more people can see it but as I mentioned in a previous post, I

found that most of the Mexicans did not like it.

Other anoying thing is that here they did not released the ever after


I do agree with Jeroen about that I would like better the fact that Kate

should be appreciated first from HC rather than from Titanic.

Also (last one) because most of people that I asked about HC (I made a

survey) didn't like it, I became some kind of jelaous about it. I guess

I feel that it is not for everyone... "it's so sad they cannot

appreciate our genious.."

I guess that almost the same thing will occur with Liv Tyler after

Armageddon. Now they are exploding her face but before Armageddon only

a few knew her not so bad but not so good work. (No possible point of

comparison with Kate or Mel) :)

Thanks for reading

Jose Antonio





| Cuanto mas grande la cabeza, mas fuerte la jaqueca. |

| The bigger the head, the bigger the headache |



--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n910 ---------------


Sun, 6 Sep 1998 01:49:22 -0700 (PDT)

From: Add to Address Book


Digest heavenly-c.v001.n911





-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n911 --------------

001 - "E. Jean Guerin" <orson@v - Re: Kate Titanic Winslet

002 - Laurin McNiff <englishpat - Re: Kate Titanic Winslet

003 - (jeroen) - Re: Kate Titanic Winslet

004 - (jeroen) - Re: Kate Titanic Winslet

005 - - HC

006 - Laurin McNiff <englishpat - Re: Kate Titanic Winslet

007 - "E. Jean Guerin" <orson@v - Re: Kate Titanic Winslet

008 - "E. Jean Guerin" <orson@v - Re:Arnie's diet tips

009 - "E. Jean Guerin" <orson@v - Fight? This is all out War!!


010 - - Titanic 2?

--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n911.1 ---------------

From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>

Subject: Re: Kate Titanic Winslet

Date: Sat, 05 Sep 1998 14:22:19 -0400

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

jeroen wrote:

>All i'm saying is that i hate arnold and every movie he's ever done.

I'm OK with your tastes. I'm just not OK with value judgement.

There is a difference between saying "I don't like it!" and "It's


And I'm definitely not OK with "It's crap and everybody who likes this


a lesser human being" attitudes.

>The guy and his work represent everything that's bad about movies.

Like what? The fact that Arnold has been selctive enough in his career


hook up with GOOD directors? I would've agreed with you back in the


of CONAN (at which point his career was a bit of a joke).

>Besides who are you to judge me? You said some pretty nasty things

>about NBK and the people who like that film.

I get disturbed by people who watch ANY film obsessively and miss the


I respect your opinion of NBK as it has been eloquently defended. If

anything, you've proved that I can't generalize a movie's audience. I

still feel creepy by those who watch NBK as wish fulfillment.

For example, I liked watching HENRY PORTRAIT OF A SERIAL KILLER but I


creeped out by the ones who watch it over and over and like it too


The same goes for ERASERHEAD, anything by Dario Argento and people who

watch Peter's BRAINDEAD for the gore aspect.

Heck! I'd get creeped out if I met someone who liked HC and gave me the

feeling she wanted to emulate Pauline's actions. I've said so in this

list before.

>Didn't kate once say she thinks oliver stone is a genius? Better go

>kill yourself jean.

I don't kill myself (or others) over tastes dude. They're only movies.

Besides. I too think Stone's a genius- albeit an evil genius. I don't

agree with what he does with his gift but I still think he is a genius.

>>So what's this crap about not wanting AS fans watching (*ahem*) "our"

>>movie, uh?


>Chill out man. I was just saying how *i* feel about arnold fans

>seeing HC. Sorry if you're offended.

The wording with the word *I* is better.

HC is a movie I worked on. It's not *my* movie nor is it *yours*.

I found the possessive *our* linked with a general judgement as to who

should be allowed to experience HC to be elitist and offensive.

HC belongs to all who embrace it. No one person can lay claim to it.

Even Peter shares credit with Fran.

>>I guess you don't want me watching HC anymore? After all, back in

1984, I

>>went to see Terminator for a lark and came back telling everybody the

>>director would one day be as big as Spielberg.


>Ha, and that's a compliment?

It sure is! Besides, if you read closely you'll see I wrote "big". Not

"good", "brilliant". I was saying that if the guy can make AS look good

like he did, he would one day climb to the top of the Box-Office. Back


1984 Spielberg was King of the Box-Office and now Cameron is.

It's kinda like John Lennon said the Beatles were "bigger" than Jesus


people thought he meant "better".

>>What is it about some armchair film directors that they get snottier


>>more possessive than the ones actually involved in the process?


>Maybe because they are the people who actually own the films and the

>people who make them. Think about it, i'm paying your salary.

You're just paying PART of it. I'll be more than happy to reimburse


cut of my salary but they don't issue currency under a penny.

>Btw you're fired.

Buying a movie ticket or a copy of the film makes you a shareholder,


the CEO. You decision to fire me has to be supported by the other

millions of people worldwide who have seen me in something.











--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n911.2 ---------------

From: Laurin McNiff <>

Subject: Re: Kate Titanic Winslet

Date: Sat, 05 Sep 1998 17:59:29 -0700

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

References: <>

My my, I leave my email alone for a day and look what happens! You can't

fire Jean, while he may be "the most hideous man alive" he just signed

with an agent.

Frankly, I've seen alot of opinions go through and around the list that

I chose not to comment on, but maybe now is a good time? HC is a

fantastic movie, that's what we all share in common. If it were not for

HC, 75% of us wouldn't even know of each others' existence, and that's

the truth. But, because someone had a big heart and created this awesome

mailing list-here we are. And, personally speaking, through the smoke

and flames, I've had a damn good time. Why? Because not only am I

sharing a similiar film love, but we can all (most of us) debate on

related, and sometimes NON related topics firmly without declaring war.

HC doesn't belong to one person, in fact, it was created to share with

the world-and share it has. It's a fantastic piece of film making that

many of us enjoy and can never watch enough. That's fine, but to claim

it and deny others' enjoyment? That's not right. We're all rational

people on this list correct? At least I would love to think so:) So, why

not end this fight, before it starts up? And hey, Jean can't be fired,

he just got settled in:)





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n911.3 ---------------

From: (jeroen)

Subject: Re: Kate Titanic Winslet

Date: Sat, 05 Sep 1998 22:35:03 GMT

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

References: <>


In-Reply-To: <>

On Sat, 05 Sep 1998 17:59:29 -0700, Laurin McNiff

<> wrote:

>HC doesn't belong to one person, in fact, it was created to share with

>the world-and share it has. It's a fantastic piece of film making that

>many of us enjoy and can never watch enough. That's fine, but to claim

>it and deny others' enjoyment? That's not right. We're all rational

>people on this list correct? At least I would love to think so:) So,


>not end this fight, before it starts up?

Fight? Come on, this isn't a fight, just a healthy discussion. I'm

sure jean feels the same way.

>And hey, Jean can't be fired, he just got settled in:)

That was a joke. I've said it before, but now it's official: no more

lame smilies in my posts.

Besides, i'm an idiot, everybody who knows me in real life knows not

to take a word i say seriously. I advice the the people on this list

to do the same.


jeroen -- the netherlands --



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n911.4 ---------------

From: (jeroen)

Subject: Re: Kate Titanic Winslet

Date: Sat, 05 Sep 1998 22:35:03 GMT

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

References: <>

In-Reply-To: <>

On Sat, 05 Sep 1998 14:22:19 -0400, "E. Jean Guerin"

<> wrote:

>>The guy and his work represent everything that's bad about movies.


>Like what? The fact that Arnold has been selctive enough in his career


>hook up with GOOD directors? I would've agreed with you back in the


>of CONAN (at which point his career was a bit of a joke).

The fact that he can't act and still is one of the biggest stars out

there. Actually this says more about his fans than about the man

himself, but heck, that was my point to begin with. I don't want

those people judging MY MOVIE! Oops sorry.

And then there's the 'kate must loose weight to play his wife' thing

which i find really disgusting.

>HC is a movie I worked on. It's not *my* movie nor is it *yours*.

Sure it isn't. Still i'm sure i'm not the only person on this list

who feels like this. I've read quite a lot of messages from people

saying they showed HC to friends only to learn that they don't like

it, or they think it's weird or whatever. My personal experience is

more or less the same, i've showed the film and handed out copies to

at least 15 people, and only 2 of them liked it, the rest HATED it.

It's only natural for one to become a little protective and selective

after that.

>>>I guess you don't want me watching HC anymore? After all, back in

1984, I

>>>went to see Terminator for a lark and came back telling everybody


>>>director would one day be as big as Spielberg.


>>Ha, and that's a compliment?


>It sure is! Besides, if you read closely you'll see I wrote "big". Not

I can read. I meant to say that big in the $pielberg way really isn't

a good thing. Look at all those 'big' directors, most of 'm release

one lame movie after another.

Hell even the mighty oliver stone is casting the hideous puff daddy

for his new flick.

Thank god for indy film makers.


jeroen -- the netherlands --



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n911.5 ---------------


Subject: HC

Date: Sat, 5 Sep 1998 19:25:11 EDT

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Darling Creatures-

May I take the time out of this *disagreement* we're having to say

how much

I enjoy being on this list, and how I love to ready your posts, and


you say? =)

*giggle* Ok... carry on.




--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n911.6 ---------------

From: Laurin McNiff <>

Subject: Re: Kate Titanic Winslet

Date: Sat, 05 Sep 1998 23:37:52 -0700

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

References: <>



> That was a joke. I've said it before, but now it's official: no more

> lame smilies in my posts.

The same goes for me, only no lame insults in my posts. I was joking as

well. No one called you an idiot either, so why the self insult?

Obviously people aren't always going to take things as you might like,

hell, tons of things I've said have been "taken the wrong way". So,

lighten up.




--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n911.7 ---------------

From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>

Subject: Re: Kate Titanic Winslet

Date: Sun, 06 Sep 1998 01:38:00 -0400

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

jeroen wrote:

>I meant to say that big in the $pielberg way really isn't

>a good thing.

I guess people have forgotten the days when Spielberg was the underdog

who questionned why stars got million dollar salaries while the

filmmakers were getting smaller and smaller budgets to work with.

People have also forgotten when he passed on projects he was pelted


to other directors needing a break. After "E.T." he got every project

involving some critter with a wire up the kazoo in H'wood. He became

producer on them and passed them on to Joe Dante, Robert Zemeckis etc.

etc. while he went out to make Beautiful films like "The Color Purple"

and "Empire of the Sun".

And now he's proving the old adage that "filmmakers make their best


after age fifty" with "Saving Private Ryan"

It's too easy to resent success. Often I find that people who take that

route often only end up displaying their ignorance. Like the reviewer


Montreal who dismissed Jackie Chan as "some chinese VanDamme wannabe".

That's what I like about the shift in my film journalism jobs, I do


"background" pieces than out and out reviews. It takes more research


it also makes for a meatier read.

Like the old saying goes "opinions are like assholes, everyone has


I'd rather read the biography of a filmmaker over a collection of


Kael reviews anyday.

As for Arnie,people often forget that the hardest part in acting is to

make it look all too easy. Sure he's not the BEST actor in the biz but

he's one of the best at what he does. The great thing about him is that

he knows his limitations and never had the pretense of becoming his own

scriptwriter and director (like some other less talented bags of meat



This still remains the entertainment industry and both the gentlemen

discussed have proven themselves to be great entertainers.

Wether it's your cup of tea it's one thing but dismissing their work on

the grounds of "artistic merit" is a high road approach which has


bugged me.

Oh yeah! And that "lame smiley face" at the bottom of my posts is my

cyber self portrait. I came up with it when I first shaved my head two

years ago and it sorta stuck. I just thought it was more friendly than


signature with the lengthy resume I used to have, especially since I


being here as a fan of the flick and not a some sort of celeb. But I'm

not adverse to "emoticons" as they often add an element in a typed

discussion that is usually carried by tone of voice. ;-p





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n911.8 ---------------

From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>

Subject: Re:Arnie's diet tips

Date: Sun, 06 Sep 1998 02:01:19 -0400

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

jeroen wrote:

>And then there's the 'kate must loose weight to play his wife' thing

>which i find really disgusting.

Again, this has been blown out of proportion.

It's just ten pounds. Not an uncommon request in this biz since the

camera adds ten to begin with. It's something that Arnie himself

undergoes everytime he makes a film. I can understand it because his


of film is very physically demanding; especially when you think that

every sequence is restaged so many times for all the diffrent camera

angles not to mention the retakes. This is one of those common trade

secrets that somehow made headlines because Kate doesn't pursue being


the front cover of tabloids so they have to find something, anything to

get a headline with her name on it.

Besides, it turns out she was losing those same ten pounds for another

film anyway.

Heck! Stan Shaw was sent to the gym for a week on "Snake Eyes" as he


way too "soft" to be convincing as a champion prize fighter. But a


Shaw must diet" doesn't sell papers. An "Arnie says Kate must diet" has

two star names and the word diet in it which grab attention.

And earlier today, I was chatting with Geoffrey Holder *(who's


the Montreal Film Festival) and was joking about how some shoots ask


to slim down only to make you sit and wait around all day with nothing

else to do but eat.

*[Geoffrey Holder is a painter, costume designer, singer and actor

probably best know for playing the dreaded Baron Samedi in the James


flick "Live and Let Die". He is as charming as I thought he'd be if not

more. And he's a fan of HC! He caught it at the Angelika film Center in

NY when it first opened there. He was here for the premiere of Claude

Lelouch's new film "Hasards et Coincidences"]




--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n911.9 ---------------

From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>

Subject: Fight? This is all out War!! (kidding!)

Date: Sun, 06 Sep 1998 02:06:07 -0400

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

jeroen wrote:

>Fight? Come on, this isn't a fight, just a healthy discussion. I'm

>sure jean feels the same way.

Oops, I thought it was a fight and was pulling political strings to


Canada repossess the Netherlands. After all, the only reason you guys

aren't german subjects is because we bailed your ass out in WWII. :-)

[call the smileys lame but there's no way I'd writea post like this

without making sure noooobody thinks I'm serious.]




--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n911.10 ---------------

From: (Bettina.Hahn)

Subject: Titanic 2?

Date: Sun, 6 Sep 1998 10:46:40 +0200

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8BIT

Iīve heard thereīs planned a second part of Titanic: Jack actually

didnīt die,

he survived and is now looking for his beloved Rose who is a nurse


during WW2. I say if they do that and Kate plays Rose although the

story is

highly illogical and everyone can see that itīs just because of the

profite, I

will never ever watch a movie with her again!!! I donīt believe sheīll

do it,

but how could anyone respect that? Itīs a disgusting thought...

Jack could never have survived, and if they ever met again, why should

old Rose

hace lied about it? I think.....NO.

Maybe itīs just a roumor, I donīt know. What do you think?




--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n911 ---------------


Mon, 7 Sep 1998 00:43:30 -0700 (PDT)

From: Add to Address Book


Digest heavenly-c.v001.n912





-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n912 --------------

001 - "Marie Braden" <braden@ms - RE: Titanic 2?

002 - (jeroen) - Re: Fight? This is all out War!!


003 - (jeroen) - Re: Arnie's diet tips

004 - (jeroen) - Re: Kate Titanic Winslet

005 - "E. Jean Guerin" <orson@v - Re: Titanic 2? + that Rose Doll

006 - "E. Jean Guerin" <orson@v - Re: Arnie's diet tips

007 - ~lyric~ <dalyric@writeme. - War(s)!!! (-:

008 - - Should I be Committed?

009 - (jeroen) - Re: Should I be Committed?

010 - ~lyric~ <dalyric@writeme. - Re: Should I be Committed?

--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n912.1 ---------------

From: "Marie Braden" <>

Subject: RE: Titanic 2?

Date: Sun, 6 Sep 1998 18:34:55 +0900

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain;


Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

In-Reply-To: <>


> Iīve heard thereīs planned a second part of Titanic: Jack

> actually didnīt die,

> he survived and is now looking for his beloved Rose who is a

> nurse somewhere

> during WW2. I say if they do that and Kate plays Rose although

> the story is

> highly illogical and everyone can see that itīs just because of

> the profits, I

> will never ever watch a movie with her again!!! I donīt believe

> sheīll do it,

> but how could anyone respect that? Itīs a disgusting thought...

> Jack could never have survived, and if they ever met again, why

> should old Rose

> haze lied about it? I think.....NO.

Probably a rumor...however, if the story is Jack surviving and looking


Rose, he probably wouldn't find her....Still,'s pretty


to bring back the dead....though it could be amusing to see other of


adventures throughout her life....



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n912.2 ---------------

From: (jeroen)

Subject: Re: Fight? This is all out War!! (kidding!)

Date: Sun, 06 Sep 1998 10:57:40 GMT

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

References: <>

In-Reply-To: <>

On Sun, 06 Sep 1998 02:06:07 -0400, "E. Jean Guerin"

<> wrote:

>jeroen wrote:


>>Fight? Come on, this isn't a fight, just a healthy discussion. I'm

>>sure jean feels the same way.


>Oops, I thought it was a fight and was pulling political strings to


>Canada repossess the Netherlands. After all, the only reason you guys

>aren't german subjects is because we bailed your ass out in WWII. :-)

Thanks but no thanks. Being a german subject i could at least have

afforded that nice bmw 325 convertible.

Btw i love canada. It gave us michael j. fox and electrohome

projectors. Hallelujah.

You've seen MEET WALLY SPARKS? I love rodney's canada joke: 'they

started a country and nobody showed up'. Hehe.


jeroen -- the netherlands --



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n912.3 ---------------

From: (jeroen)

Subject: Re: Arnie's diet tips

Date: Sun, 06 Sep 1998 10:57:39 GMT

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

References: <>

In-Reply-To: <>

On Sun, 06 Sep 1998 02:01:19 -0400, "E. Jean Guerin"

<> wrote:

>jeroen wrote:


>>And then there's the 'kate must loose weight to play his wife' thing

>>which i find really disgusting.


>Again, this has been blown out of proportion.

Maybe, but it still happened.

It's all about appearances. He and his kind think that having a 'good

looking' babe co-star in their movies makes them look good too. Take

a look at their barbie doll wives in real life, it's the same thing.

And by 'good looking' i mean what's considered good looking by the

general public.

Take mel lynskey, or alison folland. I don't think arnold would even

consider having them in one of his movies. Thank god for that.

>It's just ten pounds. Not an uncommon request in this biz since the

>camera adds ten to begin with.

This makes me think of a brilliant joke from THE LARRY SANDERS SHOW

which i'm not gonna repeat here. People who have seen the 'hank's

birthday' episode know what i'm talking about.


jeroen -- the netherlands --



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n912.4 ---------------

From: (jeroen)

Subject: Re: Kate Titanic Winslet

Date: Sun, 06 Sep 1998 10:57:38 GMT

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

References: <>

In-Reply-To: <>

On Sun, 06 Sep 1998 01:38:00 -0400, "E. Jean Guerin"

<> wrote:

>jeroen wrote:


>>I meant to say that big in the $pielberg way really isn't

>>a good thing.


>I guess people have forgotten the days when Spielberg was the underdog

>who questionned why stars got million dollar salaries while the

>filmmakers were getting smaller and smaller budgets to work with.

My problem with spielberg and his kind is that they represent the

hollywood money making machine. Hey, i studied business economics, so

i know all about supply and demand, but everytime i see one of those

blockbuster movies i think of all the 'little' directors who

practically have to beg for money to get their movies of the ground.

One less explosion or cgi effect in a stupid summer action flick could

finance a whole indy project!

And where i live it's even worse. What's considered low-budget in the

US is very big budget overhere.

Wasn't it the same spielberg who said to martin scorsese 'oh you're

working low budget now' after martin told him he was making TAXI

DRIVER for less than the price of a 3rd world country?

Apart from that i just don't like his movies. I was 11 y/o when ET

came out, and i was the only kid in class who hated it. I almost got

beaten up over it once but that's another story. And don't get me

started on that SHINDLER'S LIST wannabe art-house crap, please.

>Like the old saying goes "opinions are like assholes, everyone has


>I'd rather read the biography of a filmmaker over a collection of


>Kael reviews anyday.

Actually i love reading reviews, but only after i've seen a film. Btw

i'd really love to read yours, make sure to put 'm on your site!

>As for Arnie,people often forget that the hardest part in acting is to

>make it look all too easy. Sure he's not the BEST actor in the biz but

>he's one of the best at what he does. The great thing about him is


>he knows his limitations and never had the pretense of becoming his


>scriptwriter and director (like some other less talented bags of meat



Another one of his limitations is that he can't act, so he shouldn't

have the pretense to be an actor.

The guy reads his lines like a 6 y/o in a school play. He's a joke.

Flipping burgers in one of his restaurants is all he's good for,

although i think even beavis and butt-head would do a better job at

that. Hey at least they're the better actors.


jeroen -- the netherlands --



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n912.5 ---------------

From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>

Subject: Re: Titanic 2? + that Rose Doll

Date: Sun, 06 Sep 1998 09:36:37 -0400

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Bettina.Hahn wrote:

>Maybe itīs just a roumor, I donīt know. What do you think?

We really are at the rumor stage here. The other idea was for a later

adventure for Rose.

BTW, I saw a pic of the "Rose" doll. While it wears a replica of the

evening dress Rose wore, the face on the doll didn't seem to be modeled

after Kate (either they did a crap job or she didn't sign for them to

use her likeness- maybe they couldn't afford it)




--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n912.6 ---------------

From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>

Subject: Re: Arnie's diet tips

Date: Sun, 06 Sep 1998 09:58:35 -0400

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

jeroen wrote:

>Maybe, but it still happened.


>It's all about appearances. He and his kind think that having a 'good

>looking' babe co-star in their movies makes them look good too. Take

>a look at their barbie doll wives in real life, it's the same thing.

See, it's those "he and his kind" , "& their ilk" generalized


that get me riled up.

I really wouldn't call Maria Schriver a "Barbie Doll".

That weight thing is really an actor's tool(lose weight, gain weight,

shave your head, grow a beard etc.). Kate added some pounds for Titanic

as that suited the part (the Cindy Crawford look wasn't the standard


beauty earlier this century)

It happened to Roger Moore too when he was cast as James Bond. It was

conditionnal that he lose weight and cut his hair. (I caught that


yeserday while I was reading up on Geoffrey Holder last night)

I've been asked to trim for some films. I really don't see the big deal.

Besides, Kate's one of the most mature, smart actresses I've ever met.


one's going to make her do anything against her will. If she goes for


then, eshe's ok with it and she had a lot more insight into the


than any of us did. I'm playing "devil's advocate" here mostly for that


And that sort of thing happens on Indie films too . And while we are on

that topic, there are some good indies that rise to the top and some

baaaaad indies that never pay anybody for their hard work.

After a while you learn that you can't generalize. Prejudice is


no matter what direction it goes.




--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n912.7 ---------------

From: ~lyric~ <>

Subject: War(s)!!! (-:

Date: Sun, 06 Sep 1998 16:29:56 +0200

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

References: <>


A lot of cutting and pasting (replying to a lot of emails at once) and

voila: (-:

E. Jean Guerin wrote:

> Oops, I thought it was a fight and was pulling political strings to


> Canada repossess the Netherlands. After all, the only reason you guys

> aren't german subjects is because we bailed your ass out in WWII. :-)'re actually Biggles and rescued the Thetherlands!! A bit late

though, too late to save my family...

But you defenately made it up with dropping chocolate, gum and

cigarettes! thanx... (-:

jeroen wrote:

> Apart from that i just don't like his movies. I was 11 y/o when ET

> came out, and i was the only kid in class who hated it. I almost got

> beaten up over it once but that's another story. And don't get me

> started on that SHINDLER'S LIST wannabe art-house crap, please.

Schindler's list is a wonderful film. And that's all I have to say about


jeroen wrote:

> And then there's the 'kate must loose weight to play his wife' thing

> which i find really disgusting.

Actors loose and gain weight all the time in order to play their roles.

Take a look at some John Travolta pictures over the years! Yeah, of

course he became older, but still... (-:

E. Jean Guerin wrote:

> HC is a movie I worked on. It's not *my* movie nor is it *yours*.

True, but I also understand what Jeroen's trying to say. I sorta gave up

hope that one of the people I show it to, will ever like it. "Weird and

scary" is more what they think of it...

Okay, all together now, repeat after me:

I think HC's fantastic!!!! (-:

Take care,



Though I am different from you,

We were born involved in one another

- Tau Ch'ien



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n912.8 ---------------


Subject: Should I be Committed?

Date: Sun, 6 Sep 1998 18:58:09 EDT

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Since I'm fairly new to the list, I wanted ask your opinions on

something. In

some sort of strange, twisted way, I kind of take Heavenly Creatures as


comedy. The same way films like A Clockwork Orange, Natural Born


Pulp Fiction, Fargo and others are comedies (I'm sorry to use such


films as examples, but I can't think of any other such films off the

top of my

head). Yes, HC is also a drama, a tragedy, and a thriller, but the


absurdity (if there is such a word) of it makes it amusing. I was

watching it

last night with some friends that had never seen it before, and I found


laughing at it when my friends weren't. I hope you don't think I'm

some sicko

because of this. But I was wondering if anyone else sees the film in





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n912.9 ---------------

From: (jeroen)

Subject: Re: Should I be Committed?

Date: Mon, 07 Sep 1998 07:38:15 GMT

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

References: <>

In-Reply-To: <>

On Sun, 6 Sep 1998 18:58:09 EDT, wrote:

>some sort of strange, twisted way, I kind of take Heavenly Creatures

as a

>comedy. The same way films like A Clockwork Orange, Natural Born


I agree that there are some funny parts in both HC and NBK. In HC i

think some of the early scenes are hilarious, like the 'all the best

people' scene, and the first scene with hilda and bill. I also think

kate's crying over the phone (they can't they can't!) is funny in an

NBK over the top kinda way, but i doubt that was done on purpose.

About NBK, the rodney dangerfield sitcom sequence is black comedy at

it's best, although that creepy laugh track makes me a bit

uncomfortable. Also the 'drop it' scene where the guard drops the

donut is an instant classic. And of course tommy-lee jones' character

is funny throughout the whole film (his '50 seconds and i'm coming up'

scene is my favorite).

To me both films are very similar, with the perfect mix of over the

top humor and serious drama as one of the many similarities.


jeroen -- the netherlands --



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n912.10 ---------------

From: ~lyric~ <>

Subject: Re: Should I be Committed?

Date: Mon, 07 Sep 1998 09:48:30 +0000

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

References: <> wrote:


> Since I'm fairly new to the list, I wanted ask your opinions on

something. In

> some sort of strange, twisted way, I kind of take Heavenly Creatures

as a

> comedy.

I wouldn't want to label it a 'comedy' but there are defenately a lot of

funny scenes. That's what I like about this film, the different emotions

it brings up. One moment I'm rolling on the floor laughing out loud, and

the next moment I'm crying...

The Donkey Serenade brings a BIG smile on my face, so does the chase by

Orson Welles! Anyway, what I wanted to say is that the scenes, and the

wonderful acting make me laugh. But the story as a whole doesn't...

Take care,



--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n912 ---------------


Mon, 7 Sep 1998 14:47:37 -0700 (PDT)

From: Add to Address Book


Digest heavenly-c.v001.n913





-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n913 --------------

001 - Tine Nielsen <tinen@dorit - Re: Titanic

002 - Phil West <pgw16@hermes.c - Re: Should I be Committed?

003 - mailcall <mailcall@bluema - Re: Should I be Committed?

004 - - Re:rose doll...

005 - - Re: Should I be Committed?

006 - Phil West <pgw16@hermes.c - Re: Should I be Committed?

007 - Phil West <pgw16@hermes.c - Re: Should I be Committed?

008 - (jeroen) - unidentified heavenly object

009 - Marissa Carlson <rissacar - unsubscribe

010 - "Marie Braden" <braden@ms - RE: Should I be Committed?

--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n913.1 ---------------

From: Tine Nielsen <>

Subject: Re: Titanic

Date: Mon, 07 Sep 1998 12:56:57 +0200

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

References: <>


In-Reply-To: <>

Hi Creatures,

At 11:54 04-09-98 -0700, you wrote:

>> Or they could just ask the child to close his or her eyes

>> for those few seconds..


>I agree, that would be the way I would go about "editing" it. However,


>was merely addressing the other reasons why someone else might have


>it neccasary.


Yeah I know :)




"Excuse me sir, but you're standing in your pizza"

- Thelma and Louise



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n913.2 ---------------

From: Phil West <>

Subject: Re: Should I be Committed?

Date: Mon, 7 Sep 1998 12:54:59 +0100 (BST)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

In-Reply-To: <>

> Since I'm fairly new to the list,

- Hi, Paul

> I wanted ask your opinions on something. In some sort of strange,

> twisted way, I kind of take Heavenly Creatures as a comedy.

well, comedies are often about bringing people together, tragedies about

pulling them apart. In this sense, HC begins like a comedy and ends

tragically: it is a beautiful centaur. Peter Jackson is so gifted at

pacing his films really fast - a rare skill, I think - that he can get

both bits into 100 minutes, convincingly and seamlessly.

> Yes, HC is also a drama, a tragedy, and a thriller, but the whole

> absurdity (if there is such a word) of it makes it amusing.

I was just reading an article in the newspaper the other day by the

novelist Howard Jacobson (not my favourite guy). He had been on a boat

off the coast of Africa somewhere, scattering the ashes of his father in

law. It was windy, and the ashes kept blowing back in the family's


they couldn't get the urn open for 20 minutes, until someone hacked into

it with a knife; and the whole occasion became utterly absurd,


remark was that since life was itself so absurd, there's no reason death

should be anything else.

In HC, though, there's nothing absurd about the death of Honora. In the

last scene she is played with enormous sympathy, and Sarah Peirse looks

utterly tragic and motherly. I don't think the ending is comedic or

comic: in fact, I'd say it's a double tragedy, and that that is why it


so gut-wrenching. Double because Jackson intercuts the separation scene

of Pauline and Juliet - the ship/dock b&ws - with the murder; tragic

because neither event is both inevitable and ineluctable: we know it


happen, we can't believe it will. The last time I saw the film, when it

was on British TV, I was watching with a few people I didn't know, at a

friend's, and they were all hiding behind cushions, saying "Oh, she's


going to, she's not going to,.... what? what? oh NO" and so forth.

> I was watching it last night with some friends that had never seen it

> before, and I found myself laughing at it when my friends weren't. I

> hope you don't think I'm some sicko because of this. But I was

> wondering if anyone else sees the film in this way.

I noticed that the second and third times I saw HC in the cinema, the

audiences were much more into the laughing than the first time. I think


depends on all kinds of things about your mood, but it certainly doesn't

mean you're a sicko, Paul. Not necessarily, anway... ;-) ho ho...

There's a lot of building up of tension and release going on during a

viewing of HC. Aristotle's definition of tragedy is that during a

performance, the audience experience heightened emotions of fear and


the tragic ending then purges them of these sensations, enabling them to

go about their lives as citizens (and beating their slaves like a good

Athenian). Loosely, I'd say that HC, too, creates and purges certain

emotions. In other words, it kicks like a tragic mule! :)

Sorry to blather on.

Welcome to the list, Paul!




(..flying to the City of Brotherly Love tomorrow to visit his Juliet.)



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n913.3 ---------------

From: mailcall <>

Subject: Re: Should I be Committed?

Date: Mon, 7 Sep 1998 08:48:47 -0500 (EST)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

In-Reply-To: <>

don't worry, the first time i sat down to watch hc (knowing the full


i've known it since college) i laughed my head off at some scenes. it


cute and funny. i still laugh at dad singing to the fish, pauline and

juliet dancing around in their underwear and running into that guy


the fence, "the empress deborah has the most enormous difficulty..." i

think the fun stuff is part of the whole point of the film.

--==** melanthe alexian **==--

...she just slipped away...



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n913.4 ---------------


Subject: Re:rose doll...

Date: Mon, 7 Sep 1998 10:58:24 EDT

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

In a message dated 98-09-07 04:00:08 EDT, you write:

> BTW, I saw a pic of the "Rose" doll. While it wears a replica of the


> dress Rose wore, the face on the doll didn't seem to be modeled after

Kate (

> either they did a crap job or she didn't sign for them to use her


> maybe they couldn't afford it)

well I guess they just did a crap job (i know, i saw it too...looks

more like

just barbie with a lot of titanic-ized make up on!) because kate did

sign and

tell them they could do a doll after her... the reason there is no jack


is because Leo wouldnt sign tto let them do one of him, but kate said

it was

ok, so thats why the dolls are here, but i guess the company doesnt

have very

good eyesight or something... hmmmm.. :-)

ok, talk to ya later


Rachel :-) !!!


--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n913.5 ---------------


Subject: Re: Should I be Committed?

Date: Mon, 7 Sep 1998 10:58:21 EDT

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

In a message dated 9/7/98 7:01:46 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:

<< In HC, though, there's nothing absurd about the death of Honora. In


last scene she is played with enormous sympathy, and Sarah Peirse looks

utterly tragic and motherly. I don't think the ending is comedic or

comic: in fact, I'd say it's a double tragedy, and that that is why it


so gut-wrenching. Double because Jackson intercuts the separation


of Pauline and Juliet - the ship/dock b&ws - with the murder; tragic

because neither event is both inevitable and ineluctable: we know it


happen, we can't believe it will. The last time I saw the film, when


was on British TV, I was watching with a few people I didn't know, at a

friend's, and they were all hiding behind cushions, saying "Oh, she's


going to, she's not going to,.... what? what? oh NO" and so forth.


Now, just to reiterate, I don't find the ending absurd or comedic


Maybe I should clarify. When I said that the absurdity of the film

made me

laugh, I was more referring to the fantasy aspects and the way Pauline


Juliet can't tell the difference between it and everyone else's

reality. The

scenes that made me laugh in particular (off the top of my head) were


Pauline is at the psychologist and Diello comes up from behind and

kills him.

In some weird, fantastic way, I found this amusing (I mean, come on,


we all fantasized something like that with a teacher or some other


figure. I think that's a major part of the film, in that they may be


the same things the rest of us think, but where we treat it as fantasy,


treat it as reality). Or again when Pauline dreams of Diello dropping


gate on the former boarder. That's comedy! I think Mel Brooks put it


when he said: "Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you

fall in an

open sewer and die."



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n913.6 ---------------

From: Phil West <>

Subject: Re: Should I be Committed?

Date: Mon, 7 Sep 1998 17:12:00 +0100 (BST)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

In-Reply-To: <>

> I was more referring to the fantasy aspects and the way Pauline and

> Juliet can't tell the difference between it and everyone else's


> The scenes that made me laugh in particular (off the top of my head)

> were when Pauline is at the psychologist and Diello comes up from


> and kills him. In some weird, fantastic way, I found this amusing (I

> mean, come on, haven't we all fantasized something like that with a

> teacher or some other authority figure.

Iconoclasm has been high on PJ's inspiration list since Bad Taste, and

Braindead must be the fullest exposition of the id yet seen on a cinema

screen -- totally Dionysian, uncontrolled, unleashed. A love of


down pompous, self-important idiots or the societies they uphold, is

certainly seething under the surface of HC. It was something all the

reviewers picked up on as a continuity between HC and earlier Jackson.

One has to be a little careful, though. Braindead passed on the

questionable enthusiasm of Lionel's mass murdering of zombies because,

after all, they're zombies(!): at their most human, they're metaphorical

representatives of the tedious, prissy culture the film loathes; at


they're just the undead. :)

But HC isn't so content to approve of Pauline and Juliet, even when

they're being very funny and we're laughing along. Miss Waller, Miss

Stuart, et al are played as objects of ridicule, 2D characters whose

emotions we are not meant to consider. The film deliberately

anaesthetizes us to their feelings, as all comedy tends to (for


the death of Vincent Vega in Pulp Fiction is a shock, but not a nasty


since we're tied up in the story of Butch and pleased that he appears to

be getting away at that point; or indeed, no one worries about the death

of the boxer he has killed the previous day).

> I think that's a major part of the film, in that they may be thinking

> the same things the rest of us think, but where we treat it as


> they treat it as reality.

True. But isn't it just the same inability to perceive a difference

between fantasy and reality that plays a large part in the murder?

(The echoes of schizophrenia it suggests worry me, too). The


of fantasy into reality occurs in the great moment you mention -

> Or again when Pauline dreams of Diello dropping the

> gate on the former boarder.

> That's comedy!

This directly foreshadows the method of the murder using the gemstone.

It's funny and exciting to watch Diello being squashed (or decapitated


the NZ cut) but not particularly funny to contemplate how directly

Pauline's fantasy life later fuels her murderous act. For me this is a

very perceptive comment by J&W on why some people murder.

> I think Mel Brooks put it best when he said: "Tragedy is when I cut my

> finger. Comedy is when you fall in an open sewer and die."

It's a good joke, but leads me to wonder whether Mel Brooks ever laughs


himself. (I'm inclined to think he probably does).

HC denies the "us and them" morality of this joke in the grim brutality


its closing scenes. We can no longer treat Honora as a 2D character:


Pauline and Juliet as they kill her, we have to come to terms with the

real person behind the dentures and hair pins. The look on Mel


face after she has struck the first blow is as uncomedic as it is


This doesn't deny the earlier jokes; it just puts them in their place.





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n913.7 ---------------

From: Phil West <>

Subject: Re: Should I be Committed?

Date: Mon, 7 Sep 1998 17:26:26 +0100 (BST)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

In-Reply-To: <>

> HC denies the "us and them" morality of this joke in the grim

brutality of

> its closing scenes. We can no longer treat Honora as a 2D character:


> Pauline and Juliet as they kill her, we have to come to terms with the

> real person behind the dentures and hair pins.

Sorry to quote myself, but I meant to add that this moment is absolutely

riveting when compared to Euripides' Electra. Electra and Orestes, her

brother, make such a bad job of killing their mother Clytemnestra (in

revenge for her killing of their father Agamemnon) and they take so long

about it, that the quick bonk on the head they had planned turns into

protracted suffering for all - mother and children. It's quite the most

painful thing you can imagine (other than Men in Tights) and drains

revenge of all its glory.




--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n913.8 ---------------

From: (jeroen)

Subject: unidentified heavenly object

Date: Mon, 07 Sep 1998 17:03:31 GMT

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

In the port levy scene, during the shot of juliet right after pauline

has jumped in the water, you can see something black moving into the

frame. It's all the way on the left side of the screen, on the edge

of the jetty.

Is it a cameraman's foot or a boom mike or something?


jeroen -- the netherlands --



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n913.9 ---------------

From: Marissa Carlson <>

Subject: unsubscribe

Date: Mon, 07 Sep 1998 14:24:09 -0400

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

References: <>

unsubscribe, UNSUBSCRIBE, Unsubscribe

HELP someone - something!! unsubscribe

PLEASE unsubscribe.

What do we have to do to stop getting these messages????

unsubscribe wrote:

> -------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n912 --------------


> 001 - "Marie Braden" <braden@ms - RE: Titanic 2?

> 002 - (jeroen) - Re: Fight? This is all out

War!! (kidding!)

> 003 - (jeroen) - Re: Arnie's diet tips

> 004 - (jeroen) - Re: Kate Titanic Winslet

> 005 - "E. Jean Guerin" <orson@v - Re: Titanic 2? + that Rose Doll

> 006 - "E. Jean Guerin" <orson@v - Re: Arnie's diet tips

> 007 - ~lyric~ <dalyric@writeme. - War(s)!!! (-:

> 008 - - Should I be Committed?

> 009 - (jeroen) - Re: Should I be Committed?

> 010 - ~lyric~ <dalyric@writeme. - Re: Should I be Committed?


> --------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n912.1 ---------------


> From: "Marie Braden" <>

> Subject: RE: Titanic 2?

> Date: Sun, 6 Sep 1998 18:34:55 +0900

> MIME-Version: 1.0

> Content-Type: text/plain;

> charset="iso-8859-1"

> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

> In-Reply-To: <>


> > Iīve heard thereīs planned a second part of Titanic: Jack

> > actually didnīt die,

> > he survived and is now looking for his beloved Rose who is a

> > nurse somewhere

> > during WW2. I say if they do that and Kate plays Rose although

> > the story is

> > highly illogical and everyone can see that itīs just because of

> > the profits, I

> > will never ever watch a movie with her again!!! I donīt believe

> > sheīll do it,

> > but how could anyone respect that? Itīs a disgusting thought...

> > Jack could never have survived, and if they ever met again, why

> > should old Rose

> > haze lied about it? I think.....NO.

> Probably a rumor...however, if the story is Jack surviving and

looking for

> Rose, he probably wouldn't find her....Still,'s pretty


> to bring back the dead....though it could be amusing to see other of


> adventures throughout her life....


> --------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n912.2 ---------------


> From: (jeroen)

> Subject: Re: Fight? This is all out War!! (kidding!)

> Date: Sun, 06 Sep 1998 10:57:40 GMT

> MIME-Version: 1.0

> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

> References: <>

> In-Reply-To: <>


> On Sun, 06 Sep 1998 02:06:07 -0400, "E. Jean Guerin"

> <> wrote:


> >jeroen wrote:

> >

> >>Fight? Come on, this isn't a fight, just a healthy discussion. I'm

> >>sure jean feels the same way.

> >

> >Oops, I thought it was a fight and was pulling political strings to


> >Canada repossess the Netherlands. After all, the only reason you guys

> >aren't german subjects is because we bailed your ass out in WWII. :-)


> Thanks but no thanks. Being a german subject i could at least have

> afforded that nice bmw 325 convertible.


> Btw i love canada. It gave us michael j. fox and electrohome

> projectors. Hallelujah.


> You've seen MEET WALLY SPARKS? I love rodney's canada joke: 'they

> started a country and nobody showed up'. Hehe.


> --

> jeroen -- the netherlands --



> --------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n912.3 ---------------


> From: (jeroen)

> Subject: Re: Arnie's diet tips

> Date: Sun, 06 Sep 1998 10:57:39 GMT

> MIME-Version: 1.0

> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

> References: <>

> In-Reply-To: <>


> On Sun, 06 Sep 1998 02:01:19 -0400, "E. Jean Guerin"

> <> wrote:


> >jeroen wrote:

> >

> >>And then there's the 'kate must loose weight to play his wife' thing

> >>which i find really disgusting.

> >

> >Again, this has been blown out of proportion.


> Maybe, but it still happened.


> It's all about appearances. He and his kind think that having a 'good

> looking' babe co-star in their movies makes them look good too. Take

> a look at their barbie doll wives in real life, it's the same thing.


> And by 'good looking' i mean what's considered good looking by the

> general public.


> Take mel lynskey, or alison folland. I don't think arnold would even

> consider having them in one of his movies. Thank god for that.


> >It's just ten pounds. Not an uncommon request in this biz since the

> >camera adds ten to begin with.


> This makes me think of a brilliant joke from THE LARRY SANDERS SHOW

> which i'm not gonna repeat here. People who have seen the 'hank's

> birthday' episode know what i'm talking about.


> --

> jeroen -- the netherlands --



> --------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n912.4 ---------------


> From: (jeroen)

> Subject: Re: Kate Titanic Winslet

> Date: Sun, 06 Sep 1998 10:57:38 GMT

> MIME-Version: 1.0

> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

> References: <>

> In-Reply-To: <>


> On Sun, 06 Sep 1998 01:38:00 -0400, "E. Jean Guerin"

> <> wrote:


> >jeroen wrote:

> >

> >>I meant to say that big in the $pielberg way really isn't

> >>a good thing.

> >

> >I guess people have forgotten the days when Spielberg was the


> >who questionned why stars got million dollar salaries while the

> >filmmakers were getting smaller and smaller budgets to work with.


> My problem with spielberg and his kind is that they represent the

> hollywood money making machine. Hey, i studied business economics, so

> i know all about supply and demand, but everytime i see one of those

> blockbuster movies i think of all the 'little' directors who

> practically have to beg for money to get their movies of the ground.

> One less explosion or cgi effect in a stupid summer action flick could

> finance a whole indy project!


> And where i live it's even worse. What's considered low-budget in the

> US is very big budget overhere.


> Wasn't it the same spielberg who said to martin scorsese 'oh you're

> working low budget now' after martin told him he was making TAXI

> DRIVER for less than the price of a 3rd world country?


> Apart from that i just don't like his movies. I was 11 y/o when ET

> came out, and i was the only kid in class who hated it. I almost got

> beaten up over it once but that's another story. And don't get me

> started on that SHINDLER'S LIST wannabe art-house crap, please.


> >Like the old saying goes "opinions are like assholes, everyone has


> >I'd rather read the biography of a filmmaker over a collection of


> >Kael reviews anyday.


> Actually i love reading reviews, but only after i've seen a film. Btw

> i'd really love to read yours, make sure to put 'm on your site!


> >As for Arnie,people often forget that the hardest part in acting is


> >make it look all too easy. Sure he's not the BEST actor in the biz


> >he's one of the best at what he does. The great thing about him is


> >he knows his limitations and never had the pretense of becoming his


> >scriptwriter and director (like some other less talented bags of

meat out

> >there).


> Another one of his limitations is that he can't act, so he shouldn't

> have the pretense to be an actor.


> The guy reads his lines like a 6 y/o in a school play. He's a joke.


> Flipping burgers in one of his restaurants is all he's good for,

> although i think even beavis and butt-head would do a better job at

> that. Hey at least they're the better actors.


> --

> jeroen -- the netherlands --



> --------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n912.5 ---------------


> From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>

> Subject: Re: Titanic 2? + that Rose Doll

> Date: Sun, 06 Sep 1998 09:36:37 -0400

> MIME-Version: 1.0

> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit


> Bettina.Hahn wrote:


> >Maybe itīs just a roumor, I donīt know. What do you think?


> We really are at the rumor stage here. The other idea was for a later

adventure for Rose.


> BTW, I saw a pic of the "Rose" doll. While it wears a replica of the

evening dress Rose wore, the face on the doll didn't seem to be modeled

after Kate (either they did a crap job or she didn't sign for them to

use her likeness- maybe they couldn't afford it)


> (:^)]


> --------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n912.6 ---------------


> From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>

> Subject: Re: Arnie's diet tips

> Date: Sun, 06 Sep 1998 09:58:35 -0400

> MIME-Version: 1.0

> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII


> jeroen wrote:


> >Maybe, but it still happened.

> >

> >It's all about appearances. He and his kind think that having a


> >looking' babe co-star in their movies makes them look good too. Take

> >a look at their barbie doll wives in real life, it's the same thing.


> See, it's those "he and his kind" , "& their ilk" generalized


> that get me riled up.


> I really wouldn't call Maria Schriver a "Barbie Doll".


> That weight thing is really an actor's tool(lose weight, gain weight,

> shave your head, grow a beard etc.). Kate added some pounds for


> as that suited the part (the Cindy Crawford look wasn't the standard


> beauty earlier this century)


> It happened to Roger Moore too when he was cast as James Bond. It was

> conditionnal that he lose weight and cut his hair. (I caught that


> yeserday while I was reading up on Geoffrey Holder last night)


> I've been asked to trim for some films. I really don't see the big



> Besides, Kate's one of the most mature, smart actresses I've ever

met. No

> one's going to make her do anything against her will. If she goes for


> then, eshe's ok with it and she had a lot more insight into the


> than any of us did. I'm playing "devil's advocate" here mostly for


> reason.


> And that sort of thing happens on Indie films too . And while we are


> that topic, there are some good indies that rise to the top and some

> baaaaad indies that never pay anybody for their hard work.


> After a while you learn that you can't generalize. Prejudice is


> no matter what direction it goes.


> (:^)]


> --------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n912.7 ---------------


> From: ~lyric~ <>

> Subject: War(s)!!! (-:

> Date: Sun, 06 Sep 1998 16:29:56 +0200

> MIME-Version: 1.0

> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

> References: <>



> A lot of cutting and pasting (replying to a lot of emails at once) and

> voila: (-:


> E. Jean Guerin wrote:


> > Oops, I thought it was a fight and was pulling political strings to


> > Canada repossess the Netherlands. After all, the only reason you


> > aren't german subjects is because we bailed your ass out in WWII.



>'re actually Biggles and rescued the Thetherlands!! A bit


> though, too late to save my family...

> But you defenately made it up with dropping chocolate, gum and

> cigarettes! thanx... (-:


> jeroen wrote:


> > Apart from that i just don't like his movies. I was 11 y/o when ET

> > came out, and i was the only kid in class who hated it. I almost


> > beaten up over it once but that's another story. And don't get me

> > started on that SHINDLER'S LIST wannabe art-house crap, please.


> Schindler's list is a wonderful film. And that's all I have to say


> that...


> jeroen wrote:


> > And then there's the 'kate must loose weight to play his wife' thing

> > which i find really disgusting.


> Actors loose and gain weight all the time in order to play their


> Take a look at some John Travolta pictures over the years! Yeah, of

> course he became older, but still... (-:


> E. Jean Guerin wrote:


> > HC is a movie I worked on. It's not *my* movie nor is it *yours*.


> True, but I also understand what Jeroen's trying to say. I sorta gave


> hope that one of the people I show it to, will ever like it. "Weird


> scary" is more what they think of it...


> Okay, all together now, repeat after me:

> I think HC's fantastic!!!! (-:


> Take care,

> Marloes


> --

> Though I am different from you,

> We were born involved in one another

> - Tau Ch'ien


> --------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n912.8 ---------------


> From:

> Subject: Should I be Committed?

> Date: Sun, 6 Sep 1998 18:58:09 EDT

> MIME-Version: 1.0

> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


> Since I'm fairly new to the list, I wanted ask your opinions on

something. In

> some sort of strange, twisted way, I kind of take Heavenly Creatures

as a

> comedy. The same way films like A Clockwork Orange, Natural Born


> Pulp Fiction, Fargo and others are comedies (I'm sorry to use such


> films as examples, but I can't think of any other such films off the

top of my

> head). Yes, HC is also a drama, a tragedy, and a thriller, but the


> absurdity (if there is such a word) of it makes it amusing. I was

watching it

> last night with some friends that had never seen it before, and I

found myself

> laughing at it when my friends weren't. I hope you don't think I'm

some sicko

> because of this. But I was wondering if anyone else sees the film in


> way.


> Paul


> --------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n912.9 ---------------


> From: (jeroen)

> Subject: Re: Should I be Committed?

> Date: Mon, 07 Sep 1998 07:38:15 GMT

> MIME-Version: 1.0

> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

> References: <>

> In-Reply-To: <>


> On Sun, 6 Sep 1998 18:58:09 EDT, wrote:


> >some sort of strange, twisted way, I kind of take Heavenly Creatures

as a

> >comedy. The same way films like A Clockwork Orange, Natural Born



> I agree that there are some funny parts in both HC and NBK. In HC i

> think some of the early scenes are hilarious, like the 'all the best

> people' scene, and the first scene with hilda and bill. I also think

> kate's crying over the phone (they can't they can't!) is funny in an

> NBK over the top kinda way, but i doubt that was done on purpose.


> About NBK, the rodney dangerfield sitcom sequence is black comedy at

> it's best, although that creepy laugh track makes me a bit

> uncomfortable. Also the 'drop it' scene where the guard drops the

> donut is an instant classic. And of course tommy-lee jones' character

> is funny throughout the whole film (his '50 seconds and i'm coming up'

> scene is my favorite).


> To me both films are very similar, with the perfect mix of over the

> top humor and serious drama as one of the many similarities.


> --

> jeroen -- the netherlands --



> --------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n912.10 ---------------


> From: ~lyric~ <>

> Subject: Re: Should I be Committed?

> Date: Mon, 07 Sep 1998 09:48:30 +0000

> MIME-Version: 1.0

> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

> References: <>


> wrote:

> >

> > Since I'm fairly new to the list, I wanted ask your opinions on

something. In

> > some sort of strange, twisted way, I kind of take Heavenly

Creatures as a

> > comedy.


> I wouldn't want to label it a 'comedy' but there are defenately a lot


> funny scenes. That's what I like about this film, the different


> it brings up. One moment I'm rolling on the floor laughing out loud,


> the next moment I'm crying...

> The Donkey Serenade brings a BIG smile on my face, so does the chase


> Orson Welles! Anyway, what I wanted to say is that the scenes, and the

> wonderful acting make me laugh. But the story as a whole doesn't...


> Take care,

> Marloes


> --------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n912 ---------------





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n913.10 ---------------

From: "Marie Braden" <>

Subject: RE: Should I be Committed?

Date: Tue, 8 Sep 1998 06:56:38 +0900

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain;


Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

In-Reply-To: <>




> Since I'm fairly new to the list, I wanted ask your opinions on

> something. In

> some sort of strange, twisted way, I kind of take Heavenly Creatures

as a

> comedy. The same way films like A Clockwork Orange, Natural Born


> Pulp Fiction, Fargo and others are comedies (I'm sorry to use

> such 'cliche'

> films as examples, but I can't think of any other such films off

> the top of my

> head). Yes, HC is also a drama, a tragedy, and a thriller, but the


> absurdity (if there is such a word) of it makes it amusing. I

Can't agree. There are funny moments, yes, but it would be difficult to

understand the girls' friendship if they DIDN'T ever have any fun.

The classic definition of tragedy is of someone noble being brought

down by

a tragic flaw---and by that definition, all three of the Hulmes get it.

Pauline, too, because she tries very hard to be one of them......

Comedy? No. I can't agree with that in the modern sense, but in the

classic sense, it was basically anything that WASN'T a tragedy, and

generally involved the common in that sense, yes.

I admit, some of my favorite scenes are the funny ones, but they stick


like jewels in the "unbearable tedium" that looks like Pauline felt her


to be.



--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n913 ---------------


Tue, 8 Sep 1998 14:14:13 -0700 (PDT)

From: Add to Address Book


Digest heavenly-c.v001.n914





-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n914 --------------

001 - Phil West <pgw16@hermes.c - RE: Should I be Committed?

002 - "E. Jean Guerin" <orson@v - Re: Should I be Committed?

003 - "E. Jean Guerin" <orson@v - Re: Should I be Committed?

004 - Phil West <pgw16@hermes.c - Re: Should I be Committed?

005 - Laurin McNiff <englishpat - Re: Should I be Committed?

006 - Laurin McNiff <englishpat - Re: No thanks necessary/kate_mel


007 - "Eileene Coscolluela" <ec - Re: Should I be Committed?

008 - Laurin McNiff <englishpat - Re: Should I be Committed?

009 - "Eileene Coscolluela" <ec - Re: Should I be Committed?

010 - "Marie Braden" <braden@ms - RE: Should I be Committed?

--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n914.1 ---------------

From: Phil West <>

Subject: RE: Should I be Committed?

Date: Mon, 7 Sep 1998 23:27:27 +0100 (BST)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

In-Reply-To: <>

On Tue, 8 Sep 1998, Marie Braden wrote:

> The classic definition of tragedy is of someone noble being brought

down by

> a tragic flaw

Aristotle called it 'hamartia': Macbeth's ambition, Antony's love,

Othello's jealousy and so forth. Later tragedy (Ibsen, Strindberg,

Miller) tends to be less concerned with the individual, and returns to

themes of waste and futility which dominate some Greek tragedies.

The greatest tragedian of the 20th century - Samuel Beckett - was also


of its funniest playwrights.

> ---and by that definition, all three of the Hulmes get it.

When are the Hulmes noble, though? The parents are pretty seedy from


beginning: snobbish, selfish, superficial unconcerned for their


The NZ cut includes scenes in which Dr Hulme becomes a more sympathetic,

tragic figure, it's true: we see him weep and break down, and seem

pathetic. But never grand or noble. Only Pauline thinks he is the

'noblest and most wonderful person' she has ever known; and this at a


when he is coming apart at the tweedy seams.

> Comedy? No. I can't agree with that in the modern sense, but in the

> classic sense, it was basically anything that WASN'T a tragedy, and

> generally involved the common man....

Yeah, comedy is 'low', while tragedy is 'high'... interesting... HC kind

of reverses the roles. Pauline is the lower class hero, and should

therefore be comic, but ends up as a tragic heroine; and the upper class

tragedy that is Juliet provides us with the initial humour in the film.

So a comedy begins with an upper class hero, Juliet; then it becomes a

lower class tragedy with Pauline at the centre. Have to think about



> so in that sense, yes. I admit, some of my favorite scenes are the

> funny ones, but they stick out like jewels in the "unbearable tedium"

> that looks like Pauline felt her life to be.

I agree totally with the idea that HC is about Pauline's desire to


from, among many things, the tedium of the office job or teacher's life

that her parents wanted for her. In this sense, she focuses feelings


people feel, I guess. The humour is dark and, I think, not comedic,

because it is only a temporary escape, and paid for later on.

See you all in a fortnight,




--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n914.2 ---------------

From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>

Subject: Re: Should I be Committed?

Date: Mon, 07 Sep 1998 19:05:41 -0400

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

mailcall wrote:

>i laughed my head off at some scenes.

Oh! There are some light moments in HC. This is what makes the ending


powerful (How could somebody so sympathetic as these two girls commit

such an atrocious act?). Life is made of bitter and sweet times.

Even while watching the rushes, we were laughing at "You've been eating


Pauline (Mel) says it best "It's a three part opera with a tragic end".




--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n914.3 ---------------

From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>

Subject: Re: Should I be Committed?

Date: Mon, 07 Sep 1998 19:07:40 -0400

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Phil West wrote:

>to watch Diello being squashed

That was Charles. Diello is the one dropping the gate on him.




--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n914.4 ---------------

From: Phil West <>

Subject: Re: Should I be Committed?

Date: Tue, 8 Sep 1998 00:26:11 +0100 (BST)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

In-Reply-To: <>


> >to watch Diello being squashed


> That was Charles. Diello is the one dropping the gate on him.

my mistake,! - (but hey, wasn't it Nicholas, not Charles!)

et maintenant, enfin, au revoir les anges,




--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n914.5 ---------------

From: Laurin McNiff <>

Subject: Re: Should I be Committed?

Date: Mon, 07 Sep 1998 20:28:08 -0700

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

References: <>

> The same way films like A Clockwork Orange, Natural Born Killers..

Was I the only one that thought A Clockwork Orange was a sincerely

strange, grotesque drama and NOT a comedy?




--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n914.6 ---------------

From: Laurin McNiff <>

Subject: Re: No thanks necessary/kate_mel list

Date: Tue, 08 Sep 1998 00:47:08 -0700

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

References: <>


Yes, the kate/mel list is still up and running, things

are just a bit slow these days..I run the list, and I just recently

checked-all the subscribers are still with the list, so, it's most

likely just a backup or busy schedule that's making the list seem dead.




--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n914.7 ---------------

From: "Eileene Coscolluela" <>

Subject: Re: Should I be Committed?

Date: Tue, 8 Sep 1998 10:18:56 -0400

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Disposition: inline

> Was I the only one that thought A Clockwork Orange was a sincerely

> strange, grotesque drama and NOT a comedy?


Well, it is srange and grotesque, but I found it hilariously funny in


parts. Like Heavenly Creatures. HC isn't a comedy but it is funny in


parts. They are both strange films and have a tinge of the grotesque.



Eileene =)



PS -- Read Anthony Burgess' "A Clockwork Orange". It is an excellent





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n914.8 ---------------

From: Laurin McNiff <>

Subject: Re: Should I be Committed?

Date: Tue, 08 Sep 1998 15:39:36 -0700

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

References: <>

> Like Heavenly Creatures. HC isn't a comedy but it is funny

> in some parts. They are both strange films and have a tinge of

> the grotesque.

HC is in my opinion completely different. HC was not NEARLY as grotesque

and strange as "A Clockwork Orange". Neither film can be described to me

as a "comedy"..




--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n914.9 ---------------

From: "Eileene Coscolluela" <>

Subject: Re: Should I be Committed?

Date: Tue, 8 Sep 1998 15:15:17 -0400

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Disposition: inline


Laurin wrote:

> HC is in my opinion completely different. HC was not NEARLY as


> and strange as "A Clockwork Orange". Neither film can be described to


> as a "comedy"..

I look at it this way:

A Clockwork Orange is pure fantasy, something that Burgess

created out of his own mind. I've created worse imagery in my own head

than what is depicted in ACO, so I don't see it as all that "strange".


it really happened, it would be a completely different story...

Heavenly Creatures is based on a true story, where someone was

really killed in a brutal fashion. To me, it is grotesque that two

creative, intelligent young ladies could do something so irrational and


They are grotesque and strange in different ways. Perhaps I don't

find ACO so shocking because I watched it when I was MUCH younger (I was

introduced to the film when I was in elementary school after reading the

novel) and the message of the story is moving and provocative for me.


the end, though, it's still just fiction.

Eileene =)







--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n914.10 ---------------

From: "Marie Braden" <>

Subject: RE: Should I be Committed?

Date: Wed, 9 Sep 1998 05:56:11 +0900

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain;


Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

In-Reply-To: <>



> When are the Hulmes noble, though? The parents are pretty seedy from


> beginning: snobbish, selfish, superficial unconcerned for their


Noble in the sense of nobility, not actions. They are fairly high up on


social ladder, after all.

> Yeah, comedy is 'low', while tragedy is 'high'... interesting... HC


> of reverses the roles. Pauline is the lower class hero, and should

> therefore be comic, but ends up as a tragic heroine; and the upper


> tragedy that is Juliet provides us with the initial humour in the


> So a comedy begins with an upper class hero, Juliet; then it becomes a

> lower class tragedy with Pauline at the centre. Have to think about


> one.

That is an interesting comment......I'll have to think about it too....




--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n914 ---------------


Wed, 9 Sep 1998 10:07:54 -0700 (PDT)

From: Add to Address Book


Digest heavenly-c.v001.n915





-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n915 --------------

001 - "E. Jean Guerin" <orson@v - Re: Should I be Committed?

002 - - Re: Should I be Committed?

003 - "E. Jean Guerin" <orson@v - Re: Should I be Committed?

004 - - Re: unsubscribe

005 - (jeroen) - Re: Should I be Committed?

006 - ~lyric~ <dalyric@writeme. - Re: unsubscribe

007 - "Eileene Coscolluela" <ec - Re: Should I be Committed?

008 - Adit <adit@main.aquanet.c - Kate & Leo again

009 - "E. Jean Guerin" <orson@v - Re: Should I be Committed?

010 - "E. Jean Guerin" <orson@v - Clockwork Creatures(Re: Should I

be Committed?)

--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n915.1 ---------------

From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>

Subject: Re: Should I be Committed?

Date: Tue, 08 Sep 1998 18:52:33 -0400

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Eileene Coscolluela wrote:

>A Clockwork Orange is pure fantasy, something that Burgess

>created out of his own mind.

Actually, ACO derived from an incident where Burgess' wife was


From that, the writer extrapolated. It's an anti-utopian fantasy with

very real roots.




--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n915.2 ---------------


Subject: Re: Should I be Committed?

Date: Tue, 8 Sep 1998 19:27:04 EDT

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

In a message dated 9/8/98 2:31:25 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

<< I look at it this way:

A Clockwork Orange is pure fantasy, something that Burgess

created out of his own mind. I've created worse imagery in my own head

than what is depicted in ACO, so I don't see it as all that "strange".


it really happened, it would be a completely different story...


You're right, its based totally in fantasy (although it was inspired by

a real

incident). But it is in some sense a satire, along the lines of


451, Brave New World, 1984, et al. They may take place in fantasy

worlds but

are very based in reality. And in a different way than a typical

comedy, a

satire's main point is (usually) to show something that is so fantastic


absurd yet at the same time accurately portrays current society. In

this way,

ACO and HC are quite similar. Although HC is based on a true story,

both it

and ACO show the results of a society that doesn't quite know how to

deal with

some of its children.

And I want to clear something up. I never meant to classify HC as a


It is many things, comedy being one. I wasn't trying to say that all


video stores in the world should take it out of the drama or suspense


and move it to the comedy section. I just meant that on some strange


twisted level, I find myself amused by the antics (not the murder


by) of Pauline & Juliet.



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n915.3 ---------------

From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>

Subject: Re: Should I be Committed?

Date: Tue, 08 Sep 1998 23:29:24 -0400

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII wrote:

>You're right, its based totally in fantasy (although it was inspired

by a



In my own very humble opinion (truly I cannot speak for Fran & Peter's

intents), I find HC to be one of those stories about the clash between

fantasy and reality and how it affects the life of the person doing the


Other films with this shift between fantasy and reality are Brazil


is a fantasy about a person who fantasizes), Naked Lunch (could HC be


Anne Perry what NL is to William Burroughs? Perhaps this parallel


to Pauline as the writer.) It even applies to NBK as Mike and maddy are

using guns instead of typewriters and plasticine to create their art.

(That oughta make Jeroen smile)

An interesting variant is the Ray Bradbury story "The Banshee" where RB

disposed of (a thinly veiled stand-in for ) John Houston on paper as a

way of ridding himself of the nightmares he kept getting after working

with him on "Moby Dick". Now imagine if Bradbury had not only written

that story but ended up murdering Houston as well.




--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n915.4 ---------------

From: (Bettina.Hahn)

Subject: Re: unsubscribe

Date: Wed, 9 Sep 1998 06:47:51 +0200

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8BIT

References: <>


I tried to unsubscribe once, and I had some troubles as well, but I

think the

solution is to write as subject UNSUBSCRIBE, in capital letters! I

guess thatīs

the problem. At least, after some failures, I got unsubscribed!

But remember: Do not write to the mailinglist, but to

if Iīm not wrong....try it this way!

regards, Bettina



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n915.5 ---------------

From: (jeroen)

Subject: Re: Should I be Committed?

Date: Wed, 09 Sep 1998 09:30:23 GMT

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

References: <>

In-Reply-To: <>

On Tue, 08 Sep 1998 23:29:24 -0400, "E. Jean Guerin"

<> wrote:

>It even applies to NBK as Mike and maddy are

>using guns instead of typewriters and plasticine to create their art.

>(That oughta make Jeroen smile)

You always make me smile jean, see :)

Some appropriate oliver stone quotes from the NBK director's cut ld

interview (quoting from memory):

'I expressed myself like a painter, by throwing paint at a canvas'.

'I felt like let's just blow it out of the end of a shotgun fuck it'.

And this one is for jean:

'Our initial plan was to make a summer action movie, something arnold

schwarzenegger would be proud of'.

Btw i just learned something new while watching NBK last night. The

sounds of the snakes biting mickey are actually gunshots played

backwards, symbolizing the turnpoint in the story. Just thought i'd

share this with you, since there is no NBK list.

Thank you drive through.


jeroen -- the netherlands --



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n915.6 ---------------

From: ~lyric~ <>

Subject: Re: unsubscribe

Date: Wed, 09 Sep 1998 12:34:46 +0000

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8BIT

References: <>



Hmmm...I think it doesn't have to do anything with the capitals, nor the

subject box.

You should write to and put

unsubscribe in the lower box. Just that, nothing more, the subjectbox

should be empty... I unsubscribed and subscribed a lot of times when I

was having problems a few weeks worked for me!

Take care


Bettina.Hahn wrote:


> I tried to unsubscribe once, and I had some troubles as well, but I

think the

> solution is to write as subject UNSUBSCRIBE, in capital letters! I

guess thatīs

> the problem. At least, after some failures, I got unsubscribed!

> But remember: Do not write to the mailinglist, but to


> if Iīm not wrong....try it this way!

> regards, Bettina


--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n915.7 ---------------

From: "Eileene Coscolluela" <>

Subject: Re: Should I be Committed?

Date: Wed, 9 Sep 1998 09:02:37 -0400

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Disposition: inline


Jean wrote:

> Actually, ACO derived from an incident where Burgess' wife was


> From that, the writer extrapolated. It's an anti-utopian fantasy with

> very real roots.


That's a really far extrapolation, atleast, it goes beyond the


of an assault.

It's still far more fantastic than Heavenly Creatures is, IMHO.

Eileene =)






--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n915.8 ---------------

From: Adit <>

Subject: Kate & Leo again

Date: Wed, 09 Sep 1998 16:35:15 +0200

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: multipart/alternative;




Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Did you hear that Kate Winslet and Leonardo Dicaprio are going to be on

the next James Cameron movie? This is what I read: (I translated it from

hebrew and I might have a few mistakes- but this is the main idea)

The director of "Titanic", James Cameron doesn't want to take any risks.

That's why he asked the cast of his Oscar loaded film to play in his new

movie. Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Winslet will have the main roles in a

new version for the classic "The Star Of Monkeys" (I'm not sure this is

its name in English). Its still unknown whether Winslet and Dicaprio

will play people or monkeys...

What do you think about that?



Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


Did you hear that Kate Winslet and Leonardo Dicaprio are going to be on

the next James Cameron movie? This is what I read: (I translated it from

hebrew and I might have a few mistakes- but this is the main idea)

<P>The director of "Titanic", James Cameron doesn't want to take any


That's why he asked the cast of his Oscar loaded film to play in his new

movie. Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Winslet will have the main roles in a

new version for the classic "The Star Of Monkeys" (I'm not sure this is

its name in English). Its still unknown whether Winslet and Dicaprio


play people or monkeys...

<P>What do you think about that?






--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n915.9 ---------------

From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>

Subject: Re: Should I be Committed?

Date: Wed, 09 Sep 1998 13:02:46 -0400

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Eileene Coscolluela wrote:

>> Actually, ACO derived from an incident where Burgess' wife was


>> From that, the writer extrapolated. It's an anti-utopian fantasy with

>> very real roots.


> Really?

> That's a really far extrapolation, atleast, it goes beyond the


>of an assault.

I didn't want to get into the details but the scene of the writer's


Alexander played by Patrick Magee) wife being raped is eerily close to

what happened to Burgess's wife in real life. During the WWII London

blackout, 3 AWOL GI's vandalized and robbed his home and proceeded to

rape and brutally beat Burgess' pregnant wife. She lost her baby and


internal injuries led to a steady decline in her health and her own


at age 40. The title of the piece he was working at the time of the

assault was "A Clockwork Orange". In 1961 he used it as the title of


novel we know which he wrote as "an exorcism". The incident made him

wonder what the world was coming to. You can argue that Burgess foresaw

the punk movement.

Later Burgess wrote a novel called "Beard's Roman Women" (1976) about


widowed author being haunted by insistent phone calls from his dead





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n915.10 ---------------

From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>

Subject: Clockwork Creatures(Re: Should I be Committed?)

Date: Wed, 09 Sep 1998 13:10:03 -0400

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Eileene Coscolluela wrote:

>It's still far more fantastic than Heavenly Creatures is, IMHO.

Absolutely. "A Clockwork Orange" is what derived from the incident. A

movie based on Anthony Burgess's real life that would flip flop into

exerpts of ACO would be on the level of HC "fantasy wise".

Another film to add to our growing list of "reality and fantasy mix

taking us inside an artist's mind" genre is Paul Shrader's MISHIMA. In

this film the narrative goes from the events of the Japanese novelist


playwright Mishima's last day to flashbacks (in B&W) to dramatized

exerpts of his work.




--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n915 ---------------


Thu, 10 Sep 1998 11:22:53 -0700 (PDT)

From: Add to Address Book


Digest heavenly-c.v001.n916





-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n916 --------------

001 - - Re: Unsubscribing (NEW INFO)

002 - "Laura" <laura@pointlomac - UNSUBSCRIBE

003 - "Laura" <laura@pointlomac - Fw: UNSUBSCRIBE

004 - crystal <beckwith@Oswego. - Miramax letter (fwd)

005 - Bao Ly <Refuse_to_be_burn - HeavenlyWeb Status - Opens 9/19/98

006 - - Re: Kate & Leo again

007 - (jeroen) - Re: Miramax letter (fwd)

008 - Christy Price <christy@ty - Where to Subscribe

009 - "Jose Antonio Abad Trillo - I saw it again

010 - "Jose Antonio Abad Trillo - HC Laserdisc extinct!

--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n916.1 ---------------


Subject: Re: Unsubscribing (NEW INFO)

Date: Wed, 9 Sep 1998 14:16:45 EDT

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hello Creatures,

I'm still catching up big time...but, am enjoying the ACO/HC

conversation...hmmm. When I get a logical "two cents" together I'll


Anyway...I just read yesterday on the Kate Winslet Show's Message Board


all unsubscription inquiries should be directed towards the webmaster

of that

site, Bao.

The KWS is hosting Brian Woodworth's site now, but is currently


hosts and both pages are not really running for another 10 days or so.

Here's what Bao had to say:

<<Hi everyone,

I am sorry to announced that KWS will not be back up and running until


18th or thereabouts. We bought a new server and migrated everything from

Apache to Windows NT (for future development of ASP scripting, in

addition to

Perl). We will leased a direct line as soon as the money situtation is



In the meanwhile, we are working on redesigning the site, adding

contents and

features, and basically ''updating it''. It has been a very slow and


process I have to admit - 'grunt' work as well as 'creative' work.

We need assitance with the Articles and Gallery sections in particular

- which

will need major reinnovations and updates. If you would like to help us

out or

contribute materials, drop me a line at I believe

it will

all be worth in the end. Pheeew! :)


KWS Webmaster

P.S. We are also hosting Bryan Woodworth's HeavenlyWeb website

( on our server and I apologize that

it has

also been down. It should be back up the same time The Kate Winslet

Show is

back up and running. If you need to subscribe or unsubscribe to the


Creatures mailing list, you may direct your emails to me for the time

being if

needed. >>

Bao's e-mail is

-Jesse :)

PS...Sorry Bao if I'm stepping on toes...dunno if you're still on this

list or

not! :) Talk Soon...lots to catch up on. :)


--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n916.2 ---------------

From: "Laura" <>


Date: Wed, 9 Sep 1998 11:17:38 -0700

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: multipart/alternative;


This is a multi-part message in MIME format.


Content-Type: text/plain;


Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable



Content-Type: text/html;


Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable




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<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 =





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n916.3 ---------------

From: "Laura" <>


Date: Wed, 9 Sep 1998 12:00:10 -0700

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: multipart/alternative;


This is a multi-part message in MIME format.


Content-Type: text/plain;


Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


-----Original Message-----

From: Laura <>

To: <>

Date: Wednesday, September 09, 1998 11:50 AM





Content-Type: text/html;


Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable




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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><B>-----Original =


</B>Laura <<A=20



</B><A =





</B>Wednesday, September 09, 1998 11:50 AM<BR><B>Subject:=20


<DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 =





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n916.4 ---------------

From: crystal <beckwith@Oswego.EDU>

Subject: Miramax letter (fwd)

Date: Wed, 9 Sep 1998 15:10:24 -0400 (EDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Hello everyone,

A fellow listmate from the Kate Winslet Hotline list is writing a letter

to Miramax about a possible rerelease of Heavenly Creatures that


all the original content. She has asked me to forward it on to all of


in the hopes that maybe some of you would like to add your name to it.


sending you all a copy of the letter that she plans on sending out and


you would indeed like you name attached email Sarah at, make sure to include your full name and what list

you're from (this request is also being sent to other lists) and write

"letter" as the subject. Thanx.


Sarah Antolini

79 Central Avenue

Fredonia, NY 14063

Miramax Inc.

375 Greenwich Street

New York, NY 10013

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing on behalf of the Kate Winslet Hotline Mailing List

concerning the re-release of Peter Jackson’s 1994 cult classic,

Heavenly Creatures. Heavenly Creatures premiered in Wellington, New

Zealand on October 14, 1994, with a running time of 109 minutes.

However, when the movie was released for worldwide (and later, video)

distribution, it carried a total running time of only 99 minutes.

Apparently, someone thought it necessary to edit out 10 minutes of film

-- 10 minutes of film that we, as fans and critics, deem critical to


understanding and general flow of the movie. These scenes add

considerable information and subtext and their absence change the film

noticeably -- right down to the final moments. We would like Miramax to

give the rest of the world the chance to do what currently only New

Zealand residents can; be able to walk into a video store and find an

uncut, full-screen Heavenly Creatures movie that uses the entire film

frame (unlike the 3/5 film frame used in the previous release). It’s

that simple. I have provided, for your convenience, a list of the

deleted scenes that we would like to see restored:

Two scenes of the Avon River and Christchurch's cyclists are deleted

from the newsreel prologue (total time 49 seconds)

The drive to Port Levy as the Hulmes and Pauline sing "How Much Is That

Doggy In The Window". (40 seconds)

Hilda Hulme refers to the girls as "my two daughters" outside the

holiday home in Port Levy (not timed)

Helicopter shot of Pauline pursuing Juliet over the hills (10 seconds)

Sanitarium patient coughs bloody sputum into cup (2 seconds)

Borovnian is more graphically cleft in two by castle gate (1 second)

After Juliet picks up the gem stone a shot is shown of the two girls

dressed as princesses on a Borovnian balcony raising their chalices in


toast and then "morphing" into their clay-sculpted figurines before

cutting to the shots of "brown" and "gray" eyes. Pauline's verse refers

to watching "the race of men

decay and change". (10 seconds)

The girls fantasize about love scenes with James Mason and Mel Ferrer

after stealing the family silver. Juliet says they can simply murder


odd wives that might get in their way. (26 seconds)

A garden party at the Hulmes has Hilda and Bill Perry playing tennis as

the girls roam the shrubbery consuming wine and grapes. They hurl a


in the stream to soak Pauline's psychiatrists trousers. A flashback

shows Hilda at dinner suggesting Bill stay with them to recuperate and

Juliet’s romantic

vision of his arrival by ambulance segues into drab reality as he is

shown to the servants quarters. Before a disciplinary committee Mr.

Hulme is given until the end of the year to resign his post and is seen

weeping alone in his armchair as Hilda and Bill's laughter is heard


another room while they continue their affair. (3 minutes 40 seconds)

Hilda, upon being caught in bed with Bill, insists she was merely

bringing him a cup of tea (10 seconds)

Pauline imagines her mother choking and her father impaling himself on


knife at the dinner table. (1 minute 24 seconds)

The girls bedroom scene (A night with the saints) shows a banner S-I-N

unfurling and later bursting forth with blood. Borvnian peasants cheer

the girls on from outside the window. (10 seconds)

Pauline’s final cry "NO" with her bloodied visage is seen in the final

shot. The US version only features her cry on the soundtrack after

fading to black. (3 seconds)


Why should Miramax release Heavenly Creatures in its entirety? First


all, due to James Cameron’s Titanic, Kate Winslet has become an

international star. Those fans who have recently "discovered" Kate


to view her earlier work, including Creatures, which is considered


many to be her best role to date. Second, re-releases, especially


that include extra footage, are a proven way to attract new attention

(and more importantly, new sales) to previously released film. Fans of

both the movie and Kate Winslet will jump at the chance to own what is

considered to be the "holy grail" -- the original version of Heavenly


I, the members of the Kate Winslet Hotline Mailing List, and other Kate

Winslet/ Heavenly Creatures fans around the world, STRONGLY urge you to

do whatever necessary to put the uncut version of Heavenly Creatures


in the market. Demand is at a high, Kate Winslet is riding a wave of

popularity -- now’s the time to act!!

Thank you for your attention on this matter.



Sarah Antolini

Cosigned by fellow members of the Kate Winslet Hotline Mailing List:


Crystal Beckwith Sarah Packard

Katerine Bellantoni Don Rightmyer

Julia Brinckloe Kristine Roeder

William T. Cussings Kristen E. Schwarz

Michael C. Falciani Cara Sottak

Juli Gilliam Tim Zajac

Ryan Hrabec

Michael J. Jaski

Rachel Klasner




Get Your Private, Free Email at



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n916.5 ---------------

From: Bao Ly <>

Subject: HeavenlyWeb Status - Opens 9/19/98

Date: Wed, 09 Sep 1998 12:20:23 -0700

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hello Creatures,

Sorry for the delays, but it look like **HeavenlyWeb will back online

9/19/98**! The new location is at:

so bookmark it.

This is date **The Kate Winslet Show** is expected to be available

also. Drop by and check out all the new stuff and send us some

feedback. I'm sure there will be many KW fans on the message board and

chat rooms - which are open to HC discussions of course. Plus there

will be a fully illustrated HC script in .pdf available (reprinted from

Scenario, hmm). We're planning to put up a database of articles

developed in ASP, many of which are HC articles I've collected and

received over the years.

As a treat, here is a lengthy article "If Michael Focault Had Seen Peter

Jackson's Heavenly Creatures" from the New Zealand Journal of Media

Studies in Acrobat format (

If I recall correctly, thank you to Pam Acree for sending me a copy!

And Jefferson Morris for helping me with the layout. (Warning: I

believe a few of the footnotes maybe inaccurate). I hope you all enjoy

the read!

I've been occupied with school and personal life so I haven't had time

to keep in touch - produce a bunch of HC documents and media - as I had

planned. Anyway, I'm graduating this semester and looking forward to

joining the working class soon. It still **nice** to be on the list

after all this time, even in a lurking state.

Long live Borovnia! :)



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n916.6 ---------------


Subject: Re: Kate & Leo again

Date: Wed, 9 Sep 1998 18:50:00 EDT

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

In a message dated 9/9/98 9:50:19 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:

<< The director of "Titanic", James Cameron doesn't want to take any


That's why he asked the cast of his Oscar loaded film to play in his


movie. Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Winslet will have the main roles in a

new version for the classic "The Star Of Monkeys" (I'm not sure this is

its name in English). Its still unknown whether Winslet and Dicaprio

will play people or monkeys...


Well, there has been a rumor that Cameron was going to remake Planet of


Apes with Arnold Schwarzenegger in the Charlton Heston role, and maybe


where the 'Star of Monkeys' is coming from. And Kate has said in public

interviews that the only way she would work for Cameron again is if she

got A

LOT of money.



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n916.7 ---------------

From: (jeroen)

Subject: Re: Miramax letter (fwd)

Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 08:49:08 GMT

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

References: <>

In-Reply-To: <>

On Wed, 9 Sep 1998 15:10:24 -0400 (EDT), crystal <beckwith@Oswego.EDU>


>A fellow listmate from the Kate Winslet Hotline list is writing a


>to Miramax about a possible rerelease of Heavenly Creatures that


>all the original content. She has asked me to forward it on to all of


I'm no expert on this, but why is this letter addressed to miramax? I

mean they only have the rights for US distribution and nothing else.

What i'm trying to say is that the message could just as well have

been addressed to any other distributor hoping they will release the

NZ cut, right?

Wasn't there a rumour a while ago that criterion was going to release

the SE on laserdisc with commentary etc?

In fact i hate to see miramax release HC on dvd, as i'm sure they will

fuck it up big time like all other disney dvd's: no extra's and not

16:9 enhanced.


jeroen -- the netherlands --



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n916.8 ---------------

From: Christy Price <>

Subject: Where to Subscribe

Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 12:21:01 -0700

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

I can't recall where I found the page to subscribe to this list...can

someone help me? I would like to put a link to it on my page..whenever

I can find the time to edit my page that is


--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n916.9 ---------------

From: "Jose Antonio Abad Trillo" <>

Subject: I saw it again

Date: Wed, 10 Sep 1997 12:40:24 -0600

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Hello fellow Creatures:

Last night I saw HC again. It has been nearly three months since the

last time. I was shocked because I forgot how intense is the entrance

when Juliete and Pauline are running to the coffee shop. Immediately I

felt a knot in my throat. I was alone with my dog. My wife is now

visiting my mother in law so I had the whole movie just for me. I

really enjoyed it a lot.

A few months ago someone said that the scene where Pauline pretends to

be death after the bike accident was hilarious. I must disagree. The

face of Juliette in front of a loss-situation again and the pain it

reflects is awful.

Also the night with the saints after the Orson's pursuit is a

masterpiece, Maybe Jean could explain us how they made it (speciall

effects, camera movements, etc).

Heavenly Creatures is, in deed, my very favorite movie.


Thanks a lot to all of you Creatures for reading

José Antonio Abad



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n916.10 ---------------

From: "Jose Antonio Abad Trillo" <>

Subject: HC Laserdisc extinct!

Date: Wed, 10 Sep 1997 12:49:25 -0600

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Hello Creatures

I've been looking for a copy of HC on Laserdisc and I can not find it

anywhere! At KenCranes, where I placed an order, they told me that it

is out of stock but it could came any minute. But at LaserExchange they

told me that it is not been produced anymore!!! Does anyone of you know

if that is true? I sent an email to Miramax asking that and by now I

haven't received an answer. Does anyone of you have a spare copy that

are willing to be sell? Can someone help me please?


Thanks for reading

José Antonio Abad



--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n916 ---------------


Thu, 10 Sep 1998 20:43:18 -0700 (PDT)

From: Add to Address Book


Digest heavenly-c.v001.n917





-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n917 --------------

001 - "Jose Antonio Abad Trillo - Technical question for Jean or


002 - - Laserdisc-For Jose

003 - Stephen Bull <sybull@line - DVD and the like.

004 - "E. Jean Guerin" <orson@v - Re: Technical question for Jean

or else

005 - "E. Jean Guerin" <orson@v - Re: Miramax letter (fwd)

006 - "E. Jean Guerin" <orson@v - Re: I saw it again

007 - "Jose Antonio Abad Trillo - Re: Laserdisc-For Jose

008 - "E. Jean Guerin" <orson@v - Re: DVD and the like.

009 - "E. Jean Guerin" <orson@v - Re: DVD and the like.

010 - "Jose Antonio Abad Trillo - Re: Technical question for Jean

or else

--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n917.1 ---------------

From: "Jose Antonio Abad Trillo" <>

Subject: Technical question for Jean or else

Date: Wed, 10 Sep 1997 12:56:24 -0600

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Hello creatures:

May be someone can answer me this question. How Peter Jackson made the

scene in the classroom when Juliete anoyed the french teacher? I mean,

how the camera is placed as it be the blackboard? I think that they

made several shots and the closeup of the teacher is achieved moving

everybody backwards just to make some room for the camera between the

blackboard and the teacher, but also maybe there is a special technique

unknown by me. Jean, where you there by then or you arrived later?

Thanks for reading

José Antonio Abad



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n917.2 ---------------


Subject: Laserdisc-For Jose

Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 17:40:12 EDT

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hello All,

Just hoping to give you some insight into the laserdisc hunt, Jose.

I don't have one myself, but, I helped a friend in NYC locate one


months ago. There is a large music/video store in downtown Chicago


'Crow's Nest'...they not only carry (regularly) HC, but, also Jude and

S&S. My

friend in NY was able to order the laserdisc from them on the phone and


it shipped to her. I know that the store would probably be willing to


one for you if they don't have it in stock, and ship it that way, too.


should defintely look into those possibilities if you are having such a


time getting might be a little costly in the long run-but,

worth it

I'd imagine!!! :)

Again, it's called Crow's Nest...the address is 300 S. State St.

Chicago, IL

60605, I believe...if, when calling information (312-555-1212), the

State St.

address doesn't work, try asking for Jackson Blvd. That's the cross

street...I'd just look up the number myself, but, I'm out of town! :)

Hope it helps...

-Jesse :)


--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n917.3 ---------------

From: Stephen Bull <>

Subject: DVD and the like.

Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 22:05:51 +0100

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


I think jeroen will probably be the best to answer this, but any input

would be nice.

The other day, I was in HMV and noticed they had a Phillips Widesceen TV

hooked up to a DVD player (not sure which one) but it looked impressive

so i went and had a closer look. They were playing the DVD of "Matilda"

(an excellent film). I was watching it, when the scene came up where the

teacher jokingly asks the class what 2 large numbers multiplied together

are. Anyway, at this point there is a lovely circular pan shot of the

whole class and I noticed the picture appeared to "judder"/"Blur" as it

panned around. I assume this is to do with the compression techniques

used. It occurred to me a bit later that Alun Bollinger uses wonderfully

dramatic camera techniques in HC. Would this same affect happen with HC

and The Frightners?

It has made me a bit cautious of DVD. But then again, it could just have

been my imagination/ the store lighting etc.


P.S Jean, do you know what ever happened to the Port Levy Holiday snaps

from HC? They would make a lovley set to own. Maybe they could be

incorparated in a "Holy Grail " DVD verision of HC? 8-)>



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n917.4 ---------------

From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>

Subject: Re: Technical question for Jean or else

Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 18:28:38 -0400

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Jose Antonio Abad Trillo wrote:

>Jean, where you there by then or you arrived later?

I may have arrived before. Movies aren't shot in sequence.

They could move things back. They call it "cheating for the camera".




--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n917.5 ---------------

From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>

Subject: Re: Miramax letter (fwd)

Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 18:30:54 -0400

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

jeroen wrote:

>I'm no expert on this, but why is this letter addressed to miramax? I

>mean they only have the rights for US distribution and nothing else.

Actually, Miramax holds world rights to HC. Wingnut only has NZ





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n917.6 ---------------

From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>

Subject: Re: I saw it again

Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 18:26:40 -0400

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Jose Antonio Abad Trillo wrote:

>Also the night with the saints after the Orson's pursuit is a

>masterpiece, Maybe Jean could explain us how they made it (speciall

>effects, camera movements, etc).

I was there for my bit but on the plane the next day so I really


explain it.





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n917.7 ---------------

From: "Jose Antonio Abad Trillo" <>

Subject: Re: Laserdisc-For Jose

Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 22:16:35 -0500

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

References: <>

Thank you very much Jesse! I will try to contact them. It is a little

hard because I live in Mexico but it worths it. When you get the right

number, I'll appreciate if you give it to me. Thanks again!

Jose Antonio Abad


> Hello All,


> Just hoping to give you some insight into the laserdisc hunt, Jose.


> I don't have one myself, but, I helped a friend in NYC locate one


> months ago. There is a large music/video store in downtown Chicago


> 'Crow's Nest'...they not only carry (regularly) HC, but, also Jude

and S&S. My

> friend in NY was able to order the laserdisc from them on the phone

and have

> it shipped to her. I know that the store would probably be willing to


> one for you if they don't have it in stock, and ship it that way,

too. You

> should defintely look into those possibilities if you are having such

a hard

> time getting might be a little costly in the long run-but,

worth it

> I'd imagine!!! :)


> Again, it's called Crow's Nest...the address is 300 S. State St.

Chicago, IL

> 60605, I believe...if, when calling information (312-555-1212), the

State St.

> address doesn't work, try asking for Jackson Blvd. That's the cross

> street...I'd just look up the number myself, but, I'm out of town! :)


> Hope it helps...

> -Jesse :)





| Cuanto mas grande la cabeza, mas fuerte la jaqueca. |

| The bigger the head, the bigger the headache |



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n917.8 ---------------

From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>

Subject: Re: DVD and the like.

Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 23:41:32 -0400

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Stephen Bull wrote:

>I noticed the picture appeared to "judder"/"Blur" as it

>panned around.

Those artefacts actually dissapear somewhat when viewed on a digital TV

(which the DVD is designed for). These artefacts are created as the


is "converted" to a normal TV signal.

It's also a bug which should get ironed out with subsequent generations.




--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n917.9 ---------------

From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>

Subject: Re: DVD and the like.

Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 23:38:39 -0400

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Stephen Bull wrote:

>P.S Jean, do you know what ever happened to the Port Levy Holiday snaps

>from HC? They would make a lovley set to own. Maybe they could be

>incorparated in a "Holy Grail " DVD verision of HC?

I'm sure they are still amongst (still photog) Pierre Vinet's archives

along with tons of stills and production shots. (I was given one of

"Orson" with the promise they'd send more but that didn't happen. It's


good thing I brought my camera.)




--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n917.10 ---------------

From: "Jose Antonio Abad Trillo" <>

Subject: Re: Technical question for Jean or else

Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 22:23:38 -0500

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

References: <>

E. Jean Guerin wrote:


> Jose Antonio Abad Trillo wrote:


> >Jean, where you there by then or you arrived later?


> I may have arrived before. Movies aren't shot in sequence.


> They could move things back. They call it "cheating for the camera".


> (:^)]


This one is for Jean also, sorry Creatures!

Jean, do you know if there is (if exists) a diary of the filmation of

HC? See, I am very interested of knowing how, exactly, the movies are

made. I have some books but I would love to read some about a movie

I've already saw, and it could be better if it is from my favourite

movie. Excuse me if I'm bothering you with this kind of questions. (I

apologize because I have some more, but I'll made them later)

Yhanks for reading


Jose Antonio Abad





| Cuanto mas grande la cabeza, mas fuerte la jaqueca. |

| The bigger the head, the bigger the headache |



--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n917 ---------------


Fri, 11 Sep 1998 11:14:12 -0700 (PDT)

From: Add to Address Book


Digest heavenly-c.v001.n918





-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n918 --------------

001 - (jeroen) - Re: Technical question for Jean

or else

002 - (jeroen) - Re: DVD and the like.

003 - adam abrams <adamabr@heli - Re: Any piano players out there?

Track 13 transcribed

004 - ~lyric~ <dalyric@writeme. - just a sad note

005 - - little OT, but personal

006 - ~lyric~ <dalyric@writeme. - perverts?????

007 - "E. Jean Guerin" <orson@v - Re: Technical question for Jean

or else

008 - "E. Jean Guerin" <orson@v - Video diary

009 - Stephen Bull <sybull@line - I wonder....

010 - (jeroen) - Re: just a sad note

--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n918.1 ---------------

From: (jeroen)

Subject: Re: Technical question for Jean or else

Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 06:12:45 GMT

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

References: <>


In-Reply-To: <>

On Thu, 10 Sep 1998 22:23:38 -0500, "Jose Antonio Abad Trillo"

<> wrote:

>Jean, do you know if there is (if exists) a diary of the filmation of


On a similar note, didn't they keep some sort of video diary on the

set? I remember peter saying they have about 200 hours 'making of HC'

material on tape, and that he was going to use it for a documentary

for a special edition ld (like the 4-hrs documentary on the THE


I'd love to take these tapes off his hands though.


jeroen -- the netherlands --



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n918.2 ---------------

From: (jeroen)

Subject: Re: DVD and the like.

Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 06:12:44 GMT

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

References: <>

In-Reply-To: <>

On Thu, 10 Sep 1998 22:05:51 +0100, Stephen Bull <>


>The other day, I was in HMV and noticed they had a Phillips Widesceen


>hooked up to a DVD player (not sure which one) but it looked impressive

>so i went and had a closer look. They were playing the DVD of "Matilda"

I love that film! Unfortunately the dvd is a pan & scan job, so i got

the 2.35:1 ld instead.

>(an excellent film). I was watching it, when the scene came up where


>teacher jokingly asks the class what 2 large numbers multiplied


>are. Anyway, at this point there is a lovely circular pan shot of the

>whole class and I noticed the picture appeared to "judder"/"Blur" as it

>panned around. I assume this is to do with the compression techniques

>used. It occurred to me a bit later that Alun Bollinger uses


No nothing to do with compression. best described as a slight stutter

of smooth movement. When you're watching an interlaced picture you're

also watching a 3/2 pulldown sequence (every other film frame produces

3 video fields instead of 2). You should see it when you're watching

tv all the time. There are 3 ways to get rid of judder:

- a faroudja line doubler for $10k

- a progressive scan dvd-rom like the 3d fusion for $300

- a stand-alone progressive scan dvd like the toshiba 8107 for $1200

Note that for all these solutions you need a display device capable of

producing a vertical refresh rate of at least 31 khz.

I've already ordered the tosh 8107, it should come out by the end of

this month.


jeroen -- the netherlands --



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n918.3 ---------------

From: adam abrams <>

Subject: Re: Any piano players out there? Track 13 transcribed

Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 23:47:59 -0700 (PDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

In-Reply-To: <>


>I've transcribed track 13 "Pauline & Juliet" by Peter Dasent

>on the HC soundtrack. This is a really beautiful piano piece.

>If you are a keyboard/piano playing HC fan, this is a must for

>your repetoire.

That's great! I actually did something similar: I learned it "by ear". I

took jazz piano for a few years and have a good ear for picking up

stuff so

I was able to do it, after listening to that track over and over and


>If there

>is enough interest I'll maybe ask Adam if he would be interested in

>putting it up on his website. Hopefully the score will be tweaked by


I'd be happy to give it a home.

>Also, I have outputted the track in MIDI format if anyone wants that.

>The cheesy piano sounds on my sound card don't do it justice though.

>I'm sure the piece sounds MUCH better when played on a grand piano,

>in the dark, at 4:30 in the morning of a sleepless night, half-awake.

You are truly the master of evocation. Hey, I would LOVE to hear your


file, cheesy or not (my Mac usually does a decent enough job of


Midi files...) Please send it along whenever you can!




Visit the HEAVENLY CREATURES website... "for the good of your health!"






--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n918.4 ---------------

From: ~lyric~ <>

Subject: just a sad note

Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 12:00:06 +0000

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

References: <>


I just discovered that Ever After won't be shown here until February

1999. By then I'll be in Tennessee for 5 months...and I guess Ever After

will be out of the theatres there...

So there's probably no chance I can see it on the big screen... )-:



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n918.5 ---------------

From: (Bettina.Hahn)

Subject: little OT, but personal

Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 14:03:29 +0200

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8BIT

so now Iīll tell you how it happened that my real-world-person died and

how I

became a citizen of the 4th world...if youīre not too much into sad

psyco-heartbreak-stories (LOL- what else is HC?), donīt read it, itīll

bore you.

Today I decided that my real caracter Bettina died, and that from now

on Iīll

live as my borovnian character, Layala. Betty was a nice girl, really,

but she

was to weak and naive, so she had to die. Iīll still have to change my


Layala knows how to get along in the "real world", so Iīll have no

problems with

my metamorphose...Iīll be wearing black the next few days, because Iīm

sorry for

my former "me", but then Iīll treat the upward way!

Betty is no longer worth to be a heavenly creature. She made a mistake,

she fell

in love with a fool. He ripped her heart out! Bastard!

No, itīs not his fault that we are too different, he couldnīt cope with

me, so

it was the best way to dump him, wasnīt it? He turned out ignorant and

intolerant, so forget about him.

The pride of a borovnian princess doesnīt allow to show tears. Others

turn to

axe-murderers, Iīve turned into an obsessed heavenly creature, now what


better? I promise you all I will never kill one of them. Let me just be

different, maybe better than the rest...

I just thought you would understand what happened to me, better than


else. This sure is interesting for you, it shows what can happen to

someone like


now I feel no pain at all! My re-inkarnation saved my life!





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n918.6 ---------------

From: ~lyric~ <>

Subject: perverts?????

Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 16:27:46 +0000

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

References: <>

My Dearest Creatures,

Just two days ago Heavenly Creatures was shown on the Belgian TV-channel

Canvas. I checked the Belgian TV-magazine and found an half-page article

about it with some info on HC and a little interview with Kate.

I thought it was a pretty bad article...Melanie is not even

mentioned...not at all. A part is about the real story (including some

mistakes), the rest about Kate...(About Titanic and about what she

thinks of the Parker-Hulme case)

The title was: 'Perverts or just lesbians?'

Which, like Jeroen already mentioned to me, proves that the the person

who made up this piece of crap is just as narrow-minded as the New

Zealanders in the fifties...*sigh*

If anyone wants me to translate the whole article I'll be happy to do it

and share it with would be nice to know what other creatures

think of it. Let me know, if there are enough interested people I'll

post in on the mailinglist.

Ohhh...before I forget: Happy Birthday to you Layala!!

Have a nice weekend!



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n918.7 ---------------

From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>

Subject: Re: Technical question for Jean or else

Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 11:21:29 -0400

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Jose Antonio Abad Trillo wrote:

>Jean, do you know if there is (if exists) a diary of the filmation of


If there is one, it hasn't been published. I have kept a personal diary

of my own experience which I hope to put in my website- eventually


now, I have too many fires to put out)


>See, I am very interested of knowing how, exactly, the movies are


That takes years of film school and on-set experiences and I'm still

trying to figure it out :-)

Perhaps some movies are shooting in your area. It's a good idea to go


casting agencies and register for "background work" or as an "extra".

This allows you to be on set and see for yourself. The one drawback is

that movie sets are incredibly boring to most people. There is a lot of

"Hurry up and wait"





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n918.8 ---------------

From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>

Subject: Video diary

Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 11:27:09 -0400

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

jeroen wrote:

>On a similar note, didn't they keep some sort of video diary on the


They did. There was a camcorder on set. I'd love to see that stuff too!

The special ed was discussed (Peter loves videodiscs and special eds


was planning for one) but kinda "forgotten" by Miramax later. This is

typical of the biz.

It may still happen.




--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n918.9 ---------------

From: Stephen Bull <>

Subject: I wonder....

Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 16:59:24 +0100

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Hiya all,

Just sitting here thinking

(must have to much time on my


I wonder if Anne Perry went to

see Titanic just to see what

Kate looked liked? And if she

did see Kate in Titanic,

interviews etc, what she

thinks of Kate as an actress?

These questions presumes Anne

knows that Kate played her in


Does anyone know if it is

possible to get hold of stills

from films. I was wondering if

all stills are kept in a

central archive for books,

autobiographies, documentries

etc. I would love to see the

stills from HC. Seems a

terrible waste to keep them

under wraps. What is the point

of taking then? Does one

assume we will only see them

when a Kate bio appears?





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n918.10 ---------------

From: (jeroen)

Subject: Re: just a sad note

Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 18:10:40 GMT

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

References: <>


In-Reply-To: <>

On Fri, 11 Sep 1998 12:00:06 +0000, ~lyric~ <>


>I just discovered that Ever After won't be shown here until February


Bummer. Oh well, big chance i'll have it on dvd or laser before it

hits the theaters anyway.

And at least it will be shown, it's not like the wonderful U TURN

which never even made it to dutch cinemas.


jeroen -- the netherlands --



--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n918 ---------------


Fri, 11 Sep 1998 19:46:14 -0700 (PDT)

From: Add to Address Book


Digest heavenly-c.v001.n919





-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n919 --------------

001 - (jeroen) - Re: perverts?????

002 - - Re: pictures jean?

003 - ~lyric~ <dalyric@writeme. - Re: perverts?????

004 - "E. Jean Guerin" <orson@v - Re: pictures jean?

005 - "Jose Antonio Abad Trillo - Re: Any piano players out there?

Track 13 transcribed

006 - "Jose Antonio Abad Trillo - Re: just a sad note

007 - "Jose Antonio Abad Trillo - Re: little OT, but personal

008 - "Jose Antonio Abad Trillo - Re: perverts?????

009 - - Re: HC Laserdisc extinct!

010 - "Jose Antonio Abad Trillo - Re: pictures jean?

--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n919.1 ---------------

From: (jeroen)

Subject: Re: perverts?????

Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 18:10:41 GMT

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

References: <>


In-Reply-To: <>

On Fri, 11 Sep 1998 16:27:46 +0000, ~lyric~ <>


>Just two days ago Heavenly Creatures was shown on the Belgian



Which, btw, was framed 16:9 from the open matte cut. Not too bad.

And i even think it was broadcasted in PAL-plus (which is kinda like

anamorphic dvd, +33% vertical resolution blabla). Damn, should have

taped it.


jeroen -- the netherlands --



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n919.2 ---------------


Subject: Re: pictures jean?

Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 16:48:51 EDT

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

In a message dated 98-09-11 00:42:09 EDT, you write:

> It's a

> good thing I brought my camera.)


well.... do you have a scanner or what??? :-) id live to see any pics


took, I can scan my pics of kate... but they really suck coz im an

idiot!...(long story...) but anyways, just wondering if you scould

scan them

in or anything if u have any good pics of anything ;-) ok, talk to you



to the stage!


Rachel :-)!!!


--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n919.3 ---------------

From: ~lyric~ <>

Subject: Re: perverts?????

Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 23:14:30 +0200

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

References: <>



Okay, two people were interested in the article so far...that's enough

for this little obsessed creature to bombard you all with it! *giggle*

But first:

Jeroen wrote:

> Which, btw, was framed 16:9 from the open matte cut. Not too bad.

> And i even think it was broadcasted in PAL-plus (which is kinda like

> anamorphic dvd, +33% vertical resolution blabla). Damn, should have

> taped it.

No, it wasn't too bad, and I taped it! Just to compare the subtitles

once again... I don't know if it's a good tape, I did buy a new one

especially, but that doesn't say much. I can't copy tapes, but if you

can, you can take mine when you pick up the cd's...

Okay, her it goes!

I tried to translate the text litterally...but if anything remains

unclear (because of my typos or misunderstandings), just let me know and

'll try to find a better translation...


Heavenly Creatures

Perverts or just Lesbians?

The Parker-Hulme case. Every kiwi knows the story. In 1954, in a little

park in the village Christchurch in New Zealand, an in a stocking rolled

half brick crushed the skull of housewife Honora Parker. Perpetrators

were her daughter Pauline Yvonne Parker and Juliet Marion Hulme. De

girls, fifteen back then, were close friends with a big imagination who

felt threatened by the interference of their narrow-minded parents. The

court called it 'a cold, horrible, calculated murder, committed by two

very bright and healthy, but precocious girls with a defiled conscience.

Their youth saved them from the death penalty. After five and a half

years they were released provided that they would never meet again.

Hulme is now 58 years old, she lives in a little Scottish town, is a

dedicated mormon and her mother lifes five doors away. Her name's now

Anne Perry and she writes murderstories (and pretty good ones). Pauline

Parker has disappeared; there are rumours that she lives in devoutness

and works in a bookstore.

The New Zealand director Peter Jackson - check out his fantastic

slasherfilm 'Braindead'- has filmed these bizarre facts in 1994. Kate

Winslet was seventien when she made her impressive debut as Juliet

Hulme. She was chosen out of 175 girls. "I couldn't have wished for a

better debut," says Kate. "you know, five years ago I was still slicing

ham in a delicatessen in London. But i'm also proud of that work. THe

bos ensured me I could come back any timem (laughs). Believe me, there's

nothing more difficult than slicing ham of the bone."

- How do you look back at Heavenly Creatures?

Winslet << Actually only now I realize what a weird story it is. I was

seventien back then and played the role unconsciously. I was glad I was

able to act in the first place, for that was my big dream. >>

- Have you ever found an explanation for the murder yourself?

Winslet << I think it was the result of a too close friendship, but I

can't really explain it. What those girls did, can't be explained

rationally. In the fifties Pauline and Juliet were labelled as the two

most evil people on earth. Hey found the cause of their behaviour: they

just called them lesbians. That was evil enough. And it cleared the

country of any blame: they weren't real kiwi's, they were abnormal.

>> But their expiriments were just typical for girls around that age:

they slept in the same bed sometimes, they hugged and sometimes they

made love 'like their idols'. In the middle-age fantasy-world they

built together, the psychiatrists only saw sexual symbols. Their

parents wanted to break them up, and they did everything they could to

prevent that, I think. Because they loved eachother.

>> To prepare for the role I read their diaries, and the letters they

sent to eachother about their fantasy-world, and I looked at a lot of

pictures from their family-albums. I also talked to old friends. It was

a strange experience altogether.>>

- And how do you look back at 'Titanic'? After the filming you screamed

to the media how terrible it was to make that film.

Winslet << There were indeed days I woke up in the morning and thought:

'God, let me die!' It was so terrible. The takes to SO long, Leonardo

and I didn't see any dramatic progress in the story. When we were half

way, we only slept four hours a night. I went to sleep when the boats

left to fish for lobster. And James Cameron made bets about who would

first collapse because of the enormous pressure. He loved it all.

>> I just shot in Marrakesh for the BBC 'hideous Kinky', a low-budget

film. I didn't have to wear a corset for once! I was even allowed to

lay in the sun, while my contract with 'Titanic' made clear I had to

stay white. It was quite different. And I wasn't suicidal this time!



Hope you had 'fun' reading this...I'm going to get my beautyrest! nite!



Though I am different from you,

We were born involved in one another

- Tau Ch'ien




--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n919.4 ---------------

From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>

Subject: Re: pictures jean?

Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 20:07:25 -0400

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII wrote:

>well.... do you have a scanner or what??? :-)

I had them on my website. However, redoing my page has had to take a

backseat to trying to land a paying gig. I've been doin the starvin'

artist bit since the ice storm (and the producer who "greenlighted" my

screenplay and tried to buy it for a buck).

I intend to post my diary with pics.




--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n919.5 ---------------

From: "Jose Antonio Abad Trillo" <>

Subject: Re: Any piano players out there? Track 13 transcribed

Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 21:18:02 -0500

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

References: <>

Hello Creatures:

I would like to have your transcription. I have a Mac but I have a Opus

as my music program wich is not registered and I can't transcribe MIDI

files. I have a MIDI player but I can't edit or even view the score. I

play the piano and I would like to have the score and de MIDI file. If

you are so kind please send them to me. Thank you!

Jose Antonio Abad


adam abrams wrote:


> >I've transcribed track 13 "Pauline & Juliet" by Peter Dasent

> >on the HC soundtrack. This is a really beautiful piano piece.

> >If you are a keyboard/piano playing HC fan, this is a must for

> >your repetoire.


> That's great! I actually did something similar: I learned it "by

ear". I

> took jazz piano for a few years and have a good ear for picking up

stuff so

> I was able to do it, after listening to that track over and over and



> >If there

> >is enough interest I'll maybe ask Adam if he would be interested in

> >putting it up on his website. Hopefully the score will be tweaked by

> >then.


> I'd be happy to give it a home.


> >Also, I have outputted the track in MIDI format if anyone wants that.

> >The cheesy piano sounds on my sound card don't do it justice though.

> >I'm sure the piece sounds MUCH better when played on a grand piano,

> >in the dark, at 4:30 in the morning of a sleepless night, half-awake.


> You are truly the master of evocation. Hey, I would LOVE to hear your


> file, cheesy or not (my Mac usually does a decent enough job of


> Midi files...) Please send it along whenever you can!


> Thanks,

> Adam




> Visit the HEAVENLY CREATURES website... "for the good of your











| Cuanto mas grande la cabeza, mas fuerte la jaqueca. |

| The bigger the head, the bigger the headache |



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n919.6 ---------------

From: "Jose Antonio Abad Trillo" <>

Subject: Re: just a sad note

Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 21:21:59 -0500

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

References: <>


~lyric~ wrote:


> Hi,

> I just discovered that Ever After won't be shown here until February

> 1999. By then I'll be in Tennessee for 5 months...and I guess Ever


> will be out of the theatres there...

> So there's probably no chance I can see it on the big screen... )-:


> Marloes


As always, here in my country, they don't show anything but the same old

hollywood adventure, so I'm loosing my hope also.

Thanks for reading

Jose Antonio Abad





| Cuanto mas grande la cabeza, mas fuerte la jaqueca. |

| The bigger the head, the bigger the headache |



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n919.7 ---------------

From: "Jose Antonio Abad Trillo" <>

Subject: Re: little OT, but personal

Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 21:27:54 -0500

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

References: <>

Bettina.Hahn wrote:


> so now Iīll tell you how it happened that my real-world-person died

and how I

> became a citizen of the 4th world...if youīre not too much into sad

> psyco-heartbreak-stories (LOL- what else is HC?), donīt read it,

itīll bore you.


> Today I decided that my real caracter Bettina died, and that from now

on Iīll

> live as my borovnian character, Layala. Betty was a nice girl,

really, but she

> was to weak and naive, so she had to die. Iīll still have to change my

> eMail-address...

> Layala knows how to get along in the "real world", so Iīll have no

problems with

> my metamorphose...Iīll be wearing black the next few days, because

Iīm sorry for

> my former "me", but then Iīll treat the upward way!

> Betty is no longer worth to be a heavenly creature. She made a

mistake, she fell

> in love with a fool. He ripped her heart out! Bastard!

> No, itīs not his fault that we are too different, he couldnīt cope

with me, so

> it was the best way to dump him, wasnīt it? He turned out ignorant and

> intolerant, so forget about him.

> The pride of a borovnian princess doesnīt allow to show tears. Others

turn to

> axe-murderers, Iīve turned into an obsessed heavenly creature, now

what is

> better? I promise you all I will never kill one of them. Let me just


> different, maybe better than the rest...


> I just thought you would understand what happened to me, better than


> else. This sure is interesting for you, it shows what can happen to

someone like

> us...

> now I feel no pain at all! My re-inkarnation saved my life!


> Love,

> Layala

Bety ha muerto, Viva Bety!

Welcome Layala. Enjoy your pain so you will enjoy better the health.

Thanks for reading

Jose Antonio Abad





| Cuanto mas grande la cabeza, mas fuerte la jaqueca. |

| The bigger the head, the bigger the headache |



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n919.8 ---------------

From: "Jose Antonio Abad Trillo" <>

Subject: Re: perverts?????

Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 21:34:31 -0500

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

References: <>


~lyric~ wrote:


> My Dearest Creatures,


> Just two days ago Heavenly Creatures was shown on the Belgian


> Canvas. I checked the Belgian TV-magazine and found an half-page


> about it with some info on HC and a little interview with Kate.

> I thought it was a pretty bad article...Melanie is not even

> mentioned...not at all. A part is about the real story (including some

> mistakes), the rest about Kate...(About Titanic and about what she

> thinks of the Parker-Hulme case)

> The title was: 'Perverts or just lesbians?'

> Ohhh...before I forget: Happy Birthday to you Layala!!


> Have a nice weekend!

> Marloes


I saw a similar article here in Mexico talking about Kate and it

mentioned HC just as Kate's first movie and it was quoted as a psicho

realtion between two lesbians. I do understand that HC is not for

everyone but before you can make a critic you must research a little.

i.e. I did not like Kids. I think it has too long sex scenes and that

it lacks of conclusion but it is not a bad movie, it is only different!

Thanks for reading

Jose Antonio Abad





| Cuanto mas grande la cabeza, mas fuerte la jaqueca. |

| The bigger the head, the bigger the headache |



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n919.9 ---------------


Subject: Re: HC Laserdisc extinct!

Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 22:38:04 EDT

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

You can try a place called lasertown. I believe that is what it is


That is where I got my laserdisk version of HC. I believe they have a


and where you can order from...i think the address is

check it out and if this is not the right address let me know and I'll

try to

find it


--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n919.10 ---------------

From: "Jose Antonio Abad Trillo" <>

Subject: Re: pictures jean?

Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 21:43:27 -0500

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

References: <>

E. Jean Guerin wrote:


> I intend to post my diary with pics.


> (:^)]

If you do so Jean, I guess must of the fellow creatures here will be for

ever grateful to you (me included, of course) of such a nice gift.

Yhanks for reading

Jose Antonio Abad





| Cuanto mas grande la cabeza, mas fuerte la jaqueca. |

| The bigger the head, the bigger the headache |



--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n919 ---------------


Sat, 12 Sep 1998 21:10:04 -0700 (PDT)

From: Add to Address Book


Digest heavenly-c.v001.n920





-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n920 --------------

001 - "Jose Antonio Abad Trillo - Re: HC Laserdisc extinct!

002 - "Jose Antonio Abad Trillo - Re: Puccini's Tosca and Biggles

and The Loveliest Night...

003 - ~lyric~ <dalyric@writeme. - OT: Kids (was: perverts???)

004 - - thanks to all!

005 - Adit <adit@main.aquanet.c - RE: Kate & Leo again

--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n920.1 ---------------

From: "Jose Antonio Abad Trillo" <>

Subject: Re: HC Laserdisc extinct!

Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 22:42:27 -0500

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

References: <> wrote:


> You can try a place called lasertown. I believe that is what it is


> That is where I got my laserdisk version of HC. I believe they have

a webpage

> and where you can order from...i think the address is

> check it out and if this is not the right address let me know and

I'll try to

> find it

Thank you!!

The address is ok, but they don't have it. I just sent them an email

inquiring for it. I hope they can find it for me. Thank you very much

Jose Antonio Abad





| Cuanto mas grande la cabeza, mas fuerte la jaqueca. |

| The bigger the head, the bigger the headache |



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n920.2 ---------------

From: "Jose Antonio Abad Trillo" <>

Subject: Re: Puccini's Tosca and Biggles and The Loveliest Night...

Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1998 00:28:56 -0500

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

References: <>


> Juliana Bastos wrote:

> > Jane Fribit wrote:

> > Anyway, I was just curious about whether Juliet's Aria (Sono Andati)

> > in actually in Tosca or another of Puccini's operas. Also if "E

> > lucenvan le stelle" is in this. And, if so, where are they found?


> > which act)

> I'm not

> sure of what part of Tosca is "E lucevan le stelle", but I'm almost


> it's in the end. Maybe Jose Antonio knows more about it; hey Jose!




I'm so sorry of not answering this really old post! Excuse me, I was on

a heavy load of work and moving my self to another city and I skiped

this one! May be is not too late to answer it.

E Lucevan Le Stelle leads the third and final act of Puccini's Tosca.

In fact is the start of a lovely memory scene where Mario (the hero) is

about to face his doom. He is in jail and awaiting. He ask for a

permit to write a letter to Tosca and he starts to remind the good ol'

times. The lyrics tell you how sad is he and how he wants to live. You

can find it in the extraits or the complete version which includes the

dialog with the celator. Both are beautiful. All great tenors had sung

it, so if you find a compendium of any tenor you'll probably find it

there. In my point of view, Jose Carreras interpretation is the best


Humming Chorus, played during the fatal walk in the park, is from

Puccini's Madama Butterfly. It is in the final part of the second act

(middle one) It interprets how Madama walks down to the peer with her

maid Suzuki and her son. She's walking to receive her boy friend but

the little she knows. She's wearing a wedding dress (after years of

wait) after Pinkerton (boy friend). He is married now withother woman,

so, Madama walk down to her fate.

Again, sorry for the delay and I hope Jane Fibrit can read this one (May

be she is no longer on the list)

Thanks for reading

Jose Antonio Abad





| Cuanto mas grande la cabeza, mas fuerte la jaqueca. |

| The bigger the head, the bigger the headache |



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n920.3 ---------------

From: ~lyric~ <>

Subject: OT: Kids (was: perverts???)

Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1998 11:31:56 +0200

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

References: <>



Jose Antonio Abad Trillo wrote:

> i.e. I did not like Kids. I think it has too long sex scenes and that

> it lacks of conclusion but it is not a bad movie, it is only


I liked the documentary-style of the film...but the (according to me

childish) dialogues were irritating me...



Though I am different from you,

We were born involved in one another

- Tau Ch'ien




--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n920.4 ---------------

From: (Bettina.Hahn)

Subject: thanks to all!

Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1998 14:04:42 +0200

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8BIT

thanks to everyone! Iīm really feeling better now, especially as my

friends in

real life like the Layala-idea as well! (actually they know that Iīm a


weird...*G*) and my exboyf is really pissed because he loved the idea


Borovnia and Layala, but I never dressed up as her for HIM. Now I made


really georgeous dresses, I coloured my hair in a sexy red tone, and

painted my

nails black ( he loves that, but I never did it before), and he also


like that I donīt look sad or depressed at all ;c)

thanks for sharing this with me!





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n920.5 ---------------

From: Adit <>

Subject: RE: Kate & Leo again

Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1998 21:31:35 +0200

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Well, there has been a rumor that Cameron was going to remake Planet of


Apes with Arnold Schwarzenegger in the Charlton Heston role, and maybe


where the 'Star of Monkeys' is coming from. And Kate has said in public

interviews that the only way she would work for Cameron again is if she

got A

LOT of money.





That might be it. I saw one of those interviews too- but who told you

that Kate is NOT going to get a lot of money for it?!?!??!



--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n920 ---------------