INFORMATION FOR LIST heavenly-c -----
:From Thu Apr 30 03:02:16 1998
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[]) by (8.8.8/8.8.BEST) with SMTP id
DAA20357 for <>; Thu, 30 Apr 1998
03:01:25 -0700 (PDT)
:Message-ID: <>
:Received: from [] by send1a; Thu, 30 Apr 1998 03:00:19 PDT
:Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 03:00:19 -0700 (PDT)
:From: Frog <>
:Subject: heavenly creatures mailing list
:MIME-Version: 1.0
:Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
: ----------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n739 --------------
001 - Stephen Bull <sybull@line - I can't believe it's not Jean
002 - Baboon4444 <Baboon4444@ao - Off topic, sorry
003 - "Laurin M. McNiff" <engli - HeavenlyAmp
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n739.1 ---------------
From: Stephen Bull <>
Subject: I can't believe it's not Jean
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 09:43:45 +0100
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This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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I was reading Interface ( A
weekly computer supplement in
the Times newspaper) when I
spotted the attached picture
in an article, which i thought
you guys would appreciate..
Congratulations to Peter
Jackson and crew on a job well
done !
P.S Trying Mirroring the
picture in a paint package for
the full effect.
Content-Type: image/jpeg; name="orson1.jpg"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
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--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n739.2 ---------------
From: Baboon4444 <>
Subject: Off topic, sorry
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 17:13:05 EDT
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
If anyone on this list from England wouldn't mind emailing me
personally, I
have some questions about England. Thanks.
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n739.3 ---------------
From: "Laurin M. McNiff" <>
Subject: HeavenlyAmp
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 23:16:01 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Dear Creatures,
Well, I downloaded the new WinAmp 1.9 and discovered
that it has a "skin" option, therefor creating the option of forming
your own versions of WinAmp! I decided to go a little creative and make
an HC one, sort of experimental, but, if anyone on the list has WinAmp
and would like me to send off the files, let me know. Thanks!
---- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n740 --------------
001 - (F - HC screening in Germany
002 - (F - [Fwd: HC screening in Germany]
003 - - Re: (fwd) Re: The Butcher Boy
004 - Ken Grady <keng@intercoas - Re: Heavenly Creatures on video
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n740.1 ---------------
From: (Frank Liekefett)
Subject: HC screening in Germany
Date: Fri, 01 May 1998 12:56:48 +0200
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Hi fellow creatures,
here is some information for creatures who live in Germany:
HC will be presented on the big screen during the "Fantasy Filmfest"!!!
Attached to this mail is a file with further information (written in
german). It is from the "Pro7-Server"
( and I can only hope
that there are no errors within. I myself would like to see it in
Hamburg because it is the nearest location to my home-town.
Just for info,
'Pauline and I are going to Hollywood. They’re desperately keen to sign
us up.
We’re going to be film stars!'
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1; name="Fantasy
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="Fantasy Filmfest.txt"
Info zum diesjaehrigen Fantasy Filmfest (Stand: 29.04.98)
Beim Fantasy Filmfest laufen folgende Peter Jackson-Filme:
Bad Taste
Meet the Feebles
Heavenly Creatures !!!
The Frighteners
Wie jedes Jahr tourt das Fantasy Filmfest durch Deutschland. Hier
die Termine
und die Kinos, in denen der Spaß zu sehen ist:
30 Juli - 6. August
Cinema, Atelier, Cinerama
6. August - 13. August
6. August - 13. August
Residenz Kino
13. August - 20. August
Europa Kinos
20. August - 27. August
Streit’s, Metropolis, Fama
STREIT'S Filmtheater, Jungfernstieg 38, 20354 Hamburg, 040-346051
METROPOLIS - Kommunales Kino, Dammtorstr. 30a, 20354 Hamburg,
040-342353, FAX 040-354090
FAMA KINO, Luruper Hauptstr. 247, 22547 Hamburg, 040-8325441
20. August - 27. August
Royal Palast
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n740.2 ---------------
From: (Frank Liekefett)
Subject: [Fwd: HC screening in Germany]
Date: Fri, 01 May 1998 13:19:02 +0200
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Dies ist eine mehrteilige Nachricht im MIME-Format.
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
forwarding some corrections to my earlier info...
Does anyone else would like to go to Hamburg on June, 10 or 13? Please
let me
know, maybe we could start a little HC-meeting.
P.S.: I know that german creatures are the minority in this list but
there is no
"german" list available so I try to "spread the news around the world"
this way
(hope you english/american folks don't mind)
'Pauline and I are going to Hollywood. They’re desperately keen to sign
us up.
We’re going to be film stars!'
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id <m0yUpEH-0003OFC>; Thu, 30 Apr 1998 11:02:09 +0200
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Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 11:02:09 +0200
Subject: Anfrage vom 30.4.98
X-Mailer: T-Online eMail 2.2
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From: (Kinemathek-Hamburg)
Sehr geehrter Herr Liekefett,
das Fantasy Filmfest findet in diesem Jahr nicht in unserem Hause
statt. Für
nähere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an die Firma Rosebud
Tel: 089 260 228 38
Der Film "Heavenly Creatures" läuft jedoch am 10. Juni um 22 Uhr und am
um 21.15 Uhr in einem anderen Zusammenhang in unserem Kino.
Der Eintrittspreis beträgt 11,- DM und die Karten sind an der
erhältlich. Telefonische Vorbestellung ist auch möglich. Tel.: 040 34
23 53.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Martin Aust
Metropolis Kino
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n740.3 ---------------
From: (Bettina.Hahn)
Subject: Re: (fwd) Re: The Butcher Boy
Date: Sat, 2 May 1998 10:14:49 +0200
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References: <>
> oh yes! i was waiting for someone to mention the Young Poisoner's
HandbooK. i
> absolutely loved that film!
> just my opinion.....
> ~~^^SARAH^^~~
Me too! I thought about where to get 'Tallium' to give it to some
stupid persons at school... no. But a nice idea...
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n740.4 ---------------
From: Ken Grady <>
Subject: Re: Heavenly Creatures on video
Date: Sat, 02 May 1998 18:42:53 +1000
MIME-Version: 1.0
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
References: <>
I'm new to this list. I have a query about Heavenly Creatures that I
hope someone can help me with.
I read in the review of Heavenly Creatures in Leonard Maltin's Movie and
Video Guide that the running time of Heavenly Creatures is 99 minutes.
It also mentions that the original New Zealand running time is 108
Does anyone know if the videotape available in New Zealand is the
longer version, or if the 108 minutes version for New Zealand was only
for the movie's initial release and only the 99 minute version is now
available there as well. I'm hoping they have the 108 minutes version -
I would be interested to see the extra 9 minutes.
If the longer version is available in New Zealand can anyone recommend
any mail order outlets that would stock it.
Thanks very much.
--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n740 ---------------
----------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n741 --------------
001 - (Jeroen) - OFF: tori / kundun
002 - SueBridhed <SueBridhed@ao - hello creatures
003 - Daxtanner <Daxtanner@aol. - Re: Heavenly Creatures on video
004 - "E. Jean Guerin" <orson@v - Orson's Godzilla Hunt!!!
005 - "Laura Anne Brenneman" <l - Re: tori / kundun
006 - "E. Jean Guerin" <orson@v - Upcoming CBC Midday appearance.
007 - (Jeroen) - Re: Orson's Godzilla Hunt!!!
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n741.1 ---------------
From: (Jeroen)
Subject: OFF: tori / kundun
Date: Sat, 02 May 1998 12:23:30 GMT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Considering the number of tori amos fans on this list i think it's
safe to say i think her new cd is fantastic! And i got the 'spark'
single too, it's equally brilliant.
And, to continue my off-topicness, i was wondering if anybody here saw
scorsese's latest, KUNDUN? I saw some clips on tv, and i was
impressed. Unfortunately it isn't playing overhere yet :(
Jeroen - The Netherlands -
All the best people have bad chests and bone diseases.
It's all frightfully romantic! - Heavenly Creatures
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n741.2 ---------------
From: SueBridhed <>
Subject: hello creatures
Date: Sat, 2 May 1998 10:25:32 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
I'm back on the list yay! Someone changed my aol password so I had some
trouble for while. I use to be Anywho, just wanted
to say
Best of everything,
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n741.3 ---------------
From: Daxtanner <>
Subject: Re: Heavenly Creatures on video
Date: Sat, 2 May 1998 10:47:42 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
In a message dated 98-05-02 04:49:50 EDT, you write:
<< Does anyone know if the videotape available in New Zealand is the
longer version, or if the 108 minutes version for New Zealand was only
for the movie's initial release and only the 99 minute version is now
available there as well. I'm hoping they have the 108 minutes version
I would be interested to see the extra 9 minutes. >>
The NZ version is 15 min. longer. But it's almost impossibe to get in
the US
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n741.4 ---------------
From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>
Subject: Orson's Godzilla Hunt!!!
Date: Sat, 2 May 98 20:22:17 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Hello Creatures!
Well, it's that time again when being stuck in Canada means I'm going
have trouble getting my mitts on some cool memorabilia. (Older listers
will remember last year's Martian hunt).
In the weeks to come, America will be swamped with cool stuff related
not only the new Godzilla movie but the old classic as well. I'm
for CLASSIC Godzilla stuff, that is memorabilia & toys based on the old
"guy-in-a-suit" movies (the new stuff will be available in Canada, I'm
sure). Thaty is my Holy Grail and that is my Quest.
Write me if you are interested in making trades. Perhaps finding my
can help you find yours.
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n741.5 ---------------
From: "Laura Anne Brenneman" <>
Subject: Re: tori / kundun
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 22:00:12 -0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Kundun was fabulous from start to finish---if you're a Philip Glass fan,
then try to get the soundtrack.
> From: Jeroen <>
> To:
> Subject: OFF: tori / kundun
> Date: Saturday, May 02, 1998 5:23 AM
> Considering the number of tori amos fans on this list i think it's
> safe to say i think her new cd is fantastic! And i got the 'spark'
> single too, it's equally brilliant.
> And, to continue my off-topicness, i was wondering if anybody here saw
> scorsese's latest, KUNDUN? I saw some clips on tv, and i was
> impressed. Unfortunately it isn't playing overhere yet :(
> --
> Jeroen - The Netherlands -
> All the best people have bad chests and bone diseases.
> It's all frightfully romantic! - Heavenly Creatures
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n741.6 ---------------
From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>
Subject: Upcoming CBC Midday appearance.
Date: Sat, 2 May 98 20:33:25 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Hi Creatures,
On thursday May 21st, I will be appearing on CBC's "Midday" to discuss
the politics of GODZILLA (? - Basically, I'm pointing out how the
American Godzilla film differs from the Japanese ones: for one thing
Americans blame the appearance of Godzilla on French nuclear testing
have been cutting out references to American bombs when translating the
Japanese films).
Some of you may already know of my fondness for the big GREY (not
lizard. Godzilla was my lucky mascot in film school and two summers
I got to program a revival of his films as part of Fant-Asia.
Midday airs at 12 noon across Canada.
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n741.7 ---------------
From: (Jeroen)
Subject: Re: Orson's Godzilla Hunt!!!
Date: Sun, 03 May 1998 07:08:04 GMT
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
References: <>
In-Reply-To: <>
On Sat, 2 May 98 20:22:17 -0400, "E. Jean Guerin" <>
Hi jean, i just found this in my mailbox (together with the
announcement of the 80's classic SIXTEEN CANDLES - yeah!!):
NEW DVD Releases for the Week of May 4, 1998:
-- Simitar DVD --
Godzilla Vs. Monster Zero (DVD/LBX/P&S/AC3/DUB)=20
Godzilla Vs. Mothra (DVD/LBX/P&S/AC3/DUB/1964)=20
Godzilla's Revenge (DVD/LBX/P&S/AC3/DUB)=20
Godzilla:King Of The Monsters (DVD/AC3/DUB/1954).
Jeroen - The Netherlands -
All the best people have bad chests and bone diseases.
It's all frightfully romantic! - Heavenly Creatures
--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n741 ---------------
---- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n742 --------------
001 - "E. Jean Guerin" <orson@v - Re: Orson's Godzilla Hunt!!!
002 - "ZeldaMarilynHanson" <slw - Re: Upcoming CBC Midday
003 - "Laurin M. McNiff" <engli - Re: Upcoming CBC Midday
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n742.1 ---------------
From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>
Subject: Re: Orson's Godzilla Hunt!!!
Date: Sun, 3 May 98 12:37:15 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
I know about the DVD releases.
Maybe it's best if we don't begin bombarding the list with Godzilla
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n742.2 ---------------
From: "ZeldaMarilynHanson" <>
Subject: Re: Upcoming CBC Midday appearance.
Date: Sun, 3 May 1998 17:31:25 -0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
who are you and why will you be on tv?
Zelda Marilyn Hanson
(met marilyn manson 66 days ago)
The Phantom of the Opera is here with Hanson's MMMBop to the Beautiful
Manson People who ride unicorns with Guns N Roses and lucious lipped
as Kate Winslet, who are Down With the Clownz Till their ass is dead in
ground with Titanic
while you skate spreading Spicy Girl Power with Brad Renfro!
: From: E. Jean Guerin <>
: To:
: Subject: Upcoming CBC Midday appearance.
: Date: Saturday, May 02, 1998 5:33 PM
: Hi Creatures,
: On thursday May 21st, I will be appearing on CBC's "Midday" to
: the politics of GODZILLA (? - Basically, I'm pointing out how the
: American Godzilla film differs from the Japanese ones: for one thing
: Americans blame the appearance of Godzilla on French nuclear testing
: have been cutting out references to American bombs when translating
: Japanese films).
: Some of you may already know of my fondness for the big GREY (not
: lizard. Godzilla was my lucky mascot in film school and two summers
: I got to program a revival of his films as part of Fant-Asia.
: Midday airs at 12 noon across Canada.
: (:^)]
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n742.3 ---------------
From: "Laurin M. McNiff" <>
Subject: Re: Upcoming CBC Midday appearance.
Date: Sun, 03 May 1998 17:36:40 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
References: <>
Jean is a veteran member of the list, who was in Heavenly Creatures. He
portrayed Orson Welles nearing the end of the film. We are very lucky yo
have him with us on the list.
--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n742 ---------------
-------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n743 --------------
001 - Baboon4444 <Baboon4444@ao - St. George and the Dragon
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n743.1 ---------------
From: Baboon4444 <>
Subject: St. George and the Dragon
Date: Mon, 4 May 1998 20:51:03 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
I just had to share this- in my school, each class can paint a mural on
wall. There is now one under construction by my class. I didn't get
involved, but imagine my surprise when I went by it. . . . and it was
other than St. George and the Dragon. I was really excited. Now I get
little bit of HC everyday in school. My friends think I'm crazy,
because each
time we walk by I say "Oh, I haven't gotten around to drawing her yet.
I was
going to pop her on a rock, but I seem to have run out room. Sorry! I
know if you've noticed, Mrs. Collin but I've actually drawn St. George
in the
likeness of world's greatest tenor—Mario Lanza!"
--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n743 ---------------
--- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n744 --------------
001 - "E. Jean Guerin" <orson@v - Old CBC site
002 - (F - Heavenly Desktop Theme
003 - "Phil West" <pgw16@hermes - Covent Garden delusions
004 - Berryface <Berryface@aol. - Re: Covent Garden delusions
005 - mailcall <mailcall@bluema - Re: NZ Anne Perry Article
006 - mailcall <mailcall@bluema - Re: How to tell if you're a die
hard HC Fan
007 - "MC Frappier" < - Re: Covent Garden delusions
008 - Zoe C Woodworth <zcw+@and - fame! I'm gonna live forever...
009 - mailcall <mailcall@bluema - Re: Just a little observation
010 - mailcall <mailcall@bluema - Re: anne perry
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n744.1 ---------------
From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>
Subject: Old CBC site
Date: Wed, 6 May 98 09:52:02 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Emailer_-1317621218"
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Hi Gang,
The list has been very quiet of late.
Makes you wonder if it went down...
Anyway, I found this site I had forgotten about.
For those of you who wonder what I look like outside my Orson persona...
This was from Brave New Waves, a CBC Stereo Show.
If you don't feel like surfin on over, I joined the pic. It's pretty
tiny. It's also compressed. (Any old stuffit expander or unstuff should
do- If you can't open it, go to the site)
Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="guerin.jpg.SIT.hqx"
(This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0)
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n744.2 ---------------
From: (Frank Liekefett)
Subject: Heavenly Desktop Theme
Date: Wed, 06 May 1998 16:35:57 +0200
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Hi folks,
some time ago I made a Desktop Theme with some HC sound-bites and a HC
background pic (P & J hand in hand in front of Ilam with 2 unicorns on
the right
side). Unfortunately I had it only in inferior quality (rough grainy
(sp?)). But
now I figured out how to get a video image onto my computer monitor.
The pic I
have now contains a higher resolution and is a bit more handsome and I
would be
lucky to send it to any interested creature. Maybe someone likes it to
place it
on a HC-homepage?
Let me now,
'I adore anything to do with... HC
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n744.3 ---------------
From: "Phil West" <>
Subject: Covent Garden delusions
Date: Wed, 06 May 1998 16:38:58 +0100
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Hey creatures
Somebody is going to tell me that I was having a delusion yesterday...
here's the story... yes, this is HC related...
So I'm in London yesterday, just shopping before going to a seminar in
evening up in Camden, it's about 4pm and I'm coming out of the Covent =
tube station thinking about going to the cheese shop in Neal's Yard, and
thinking it would be a good idea to get some money first. A pretty
ordinary, sunny afternoon.
I go to the nearest cash points, two adjacent Abbey National machines
near the station, and one is in use, so I move to the next and get out
cashcard. Next to me, the girl using the other machine is getting a
bit =
hassle from some old homeless guy, and I'm thinking that it will be my =
in a minute, and wondering whether I'm feeling generous today. Anyway,
gives him something, but she's clearly not happy about being bothered.
this while I'm waiting for the slow damn machine to tell me my balance.
Here's the good part.
I ask the machine for money. Girl turns to go... girl is Kate Winslet.
is wearing all black, black jeans, a black jacket of some sort over a
T-shirt, fairly scruffy and a bit unwashed, with a kind of jewel thing
her forehead, like an acessory of some kind, I don't know. No trademark
DMs, just canvas shoes like deck shoes. Apart from the jewel thing she
looks rather like Juliet in the sanitorium: unbrushed hair. She gives
the tail end of the withering look she has been giving the guy asking
money; the expression on her face is, perhaps, one of boredom at being
recognised. Now, I expect you'll guess that I am pretty much stunned at
this moment, and I'm trying really hard not to stare, but I wasn't
believing my eyes so I couldn't help looking a bit, and besides, London
warm and relaxed yesterday, people were out looking at each other, it
that sort of day. I think first I thought, 'Oh, she's pretty' and only
then, 'Oh, hang on, she's Kate Winslet!'
She has a little boutique bag dangling in one hand. She starts off
down =
street, and I'm thinking, 'Oh! It's Kate! Where's my prize!', as though
someone was going to award me =A35 for spotting and not hassling her.
walks down the nearby taxi queue, quite calm (but also keeping her head
lowered, I notice), then chats to the driver a moment through the
ges in, and is gone.
Weird, n'est capos? It certainly put me off my cheese shopping!
So is somebody going to tell me that Kate is reading scripts in
Australia =
the moment and that it wasn't her? Well, either there is a Winslet
doppelganger living in London (hmm, Jefferson Morris, are you still on =
list??) or Kate had popped into Covent Garden for something nice and was
popping out again. I think the taxi thing clinched it for me, because
wasn't dressed like someone who takes taxis. She was dressed like a =
poor student who'd walk halfway across London to save 10p on a fourpack
beer. (I know, I was one and know I teach them). And I think, after =
with a HC poster on my wall for a year, that I know the Winslet face.
Naturally it took the rest of the day for the shock to wear off!
[By the way, Orson, I really hope this doesn't disturb you; this was
just =
totally tiny moment and nothing remotely stalker-ish. I just wanted to
linger on a pleasant surprise and shock with all you listers.
Besides, I'm used to celebs... the comedian Rory Bremner just moved
into =
street (recipients of English TV will know who I mean). Double zowie].
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n744.4 ---------------
From: Berryface <>
Subject: Re: Covent Garden delusions
Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 12:48:37 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
I think I just fell off my chair!
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n744.5 ---------------
From: mailcall <>
Subject: Re: NZ Anne Perry Article
Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 12:05:18 -0500 (EST)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
In-Reply-To: <>
it's about time; i keep seeing promos for pbs' "mystery" series and
expecting to see them start in on a series based on her stories!
--==** melanthe alexian **==--
...she just slipped away...
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n744.6 ---------------
From: mailcall <>
Subject: Re: How to tell if you're a die hard HC Fan
Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 12:09:42 -0500 (EST)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
In-Reply-To: <>
starting the latest volume of your diary with "i decided that my motto
for this year will be..."
or just starting a diary in the first place if you have never had one
have egg & salmon sandwiches for lunch
making beautiful elaborate sand castles
collect mario lanza records & videos, & the other saints too
also listening to opera
looking for those 4th world moments when it seems that you too have
the key (i could really wax eloquent on this one)
--==** melanthe alexian **==--
...she just slipped away...
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n744.7 ---------------
From: "MC Frappier" <>
Subject: Re: Covent Garden delusions
Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 13:25:21 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
That big noise you just heard?
I gulped in awe.
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n744.8 ---------------
From: Zoe C Woodworth <>
Subject: fame! I'm gonna live forever...
Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 13:30:38 -0400 (EDT)
hey all,
reading phil's covent garden delusion (aside from making me insanely
jealous! lucky dog...) prompted a couple questions...
Firstly, Phil, it must've been really hard not to say anything. I know,
had I been in that situation, I would've played the part of the total
oggling groupie. What would everyone else have done?
Next, has anyone else had any dreams in which they met Kate? I had one
once, and it tweaked me out because I was sure it was a sign of
potentially psycho groupie behavior. Anyway, in my dream, Kate was in
some Shakespeare play at an outdoor theatre. She was backstage, in this
little nook, studying over her script, in period costume. I was on the
lawn, in the audience, and I snuck down to the corner of the stage, and
there was this little gravel ramp going down, so I slid down it, and lo
and behold found myself in this little culvert, looking up at Kate
through an iron grating. I gasped. She looked down at me.
"You're Kate Winslet," I said. Obvious, yes, but it just came out.
"Yes," she replied, in a sort of peeved, "well duh" tone of voice.
Overwhelmed by the moment, I put my hands over my mouth and said, "Oh my
god." I guess this peeved her even more and she turned away. The end.
Even though she didn't like me very much in my dream, I was thrilled,
simply because of that tiny moment of contact: "You're Kate Winslet."
"Yes." It bleeewww my mind!!
You can tell I've never met any famous people, can't you...the first
famous person I ever saw was Tori Amos, and that was from like 40 rows
away in an auditorium, and I still felt like I was going to pass out.
- Z o e
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n744.9 ---------------
From: mailcall <>
Subject: Re: Just a little observation
Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 12:50:51 -0500 (EST)
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In-Reply-To: <>
> that changed them...we shouldn=B4t forget that the girls in the
> might be a little different from real Paul and Juliet. Did you know=20
> that they are Christians now? There must be something that has
> them completely. I think this is sad.
i wouldn't exactly call juliet (anne perry) a christian. she is a
also known as the church of latter-day saints. now i can't remember
where i
read this, but there's stuff about their religion that wasn't mentioned
hc and someone said this is what drew anne perry to become a mormon.
dr medlicott, who wrote the ghastly "case of folie a deux" article about
the girls, studied them for many months and his article provides tons of
valuable information; the ghastly part is his interpretation of that
information. he was extremely impressed with their maturity of thought
their religious and philosophical ideas. their philosophy included a
lot of
detailed discussion of how to judge right and wrong. this is still
found in
anne's novels today.
there was an article on anne that describes how close the 4th world
religion is to the beliefs of the mormons. she must have really gotten
powerful echoes. i just can't remember who wrote it or where i read it.
--=3D=3D** melanthe alexian **=3D=3D--
...she just slipped away...
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n744.10 ---------------
From: mailcall <>
Subject: Re: anne perry
Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 12:54:15 -0500 (EST)
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In-Reply-To: <>
there are a lot of things, especially in "the cater street hangman",
may have been inspired by her real life. there is talk about this at the
very end of the faq.
the first time i picked up an anne perry novel i looked at the picture
the inside backflap and her expression and even her haircut were
those of kate-as-juliet reacting to "i think your drawing's fantastic!"
--==** melanthe alexian **==--
...she just slipped away...
--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n744 ---------------
------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n746 --------------
001 - "E. Jean Guerin" <orson@v - Re: anne perry
002 - "E. Jean Guerin" <orson@v - Repost: NZ Woman's Weekly-Pauline
003 - Christy Price <christy@ty - RE: new webpage
004 - Kate Douglas <c9315678@al - "Cinema Papers"
005 - Mad4Claire <Mad4Claire@ao - Re: meeting celebs...
006 - Phil West <pgw16@hermes.c - Re: fame! I'm gonna live
007 - "E. Jean Guerin" <orson@v - Re: fame! I'm gonna live
008 - Britland7 <Britland7@aol. - Re: Kate in The Mirror (UK)
009 - "Laurin M. McNiff" <engli - Re: Kate in The Mirror (UK)
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n746.1 ---------------
From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>
Subject: Re: anne perry
Date: Wed, 6 May 98 19:15:49 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
>Pauline Parker (who I assume goes
>under a different name?)
Hillary Nathan
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n746.2 ---------------
From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>
Subject: Repost: NZ Woman's Weekly-Pauline Found!!!
Date: Wed, 6 May 98 19:27:11 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
The following is from a Jan 97 issue of NZ Woman's Weekly.
It was originally posted by Jao Lu.
We have some new listers for whom this may be BIG News.
Parker-Hulme Murder Exclusive
Whatever happened to Pauline Parker? After serving time for the =
murder of Pauline=92s mother, Pauline Parker and Juliet Hulme =
vanished and
their new identities became New Zealand=92s best kept secret. Now, 42
years after that brutal crime, the Weekly has uncovered Pauline=92s =
haven in England. In a world exclusive, we talk to Pauline=92s sister,
Wendy, about the woman whose crime shocked a nation=85
Pauline: sad and reclusive
As a young teenager, Pauline Parker and her inseparable friend,
Juliet Hulme, lured Pauline=92s mother to a secluded Christchurch =
There, in a frenzied attack, Pauline Parker (15) and Juliet Hulme (15)
took turns clubbing Honora Parker (45) to death, using a brick inside =
Now, 42 years after that brutal crime, NZ Woman=92s Weekly has =
Pauline Parker living under the name of Hilary Nathan in a quiet, =
village in the south-east of England.
She leads the life of a recluse and, in a village where =
business is know, no one knows of Hilary=92s secret past.
The savage murder of the Christchurch mother is no less chilling
today than when the New Zealand public first read of it back in June =
The sensational murder trial divided the nation. Were the =
lesbians and "precocious and dirty minded girls", as the prosecution
painted them, or were they insane, as the defence argued. Or =96 =
the most disturbing scenario of all =96 were they just two, relatively
normal teenage girls?
After the trial, the young girls served separate five-year prison
sentences and, on their release, established new lives.
Juliet Hulme=92s secret identity as crime novelist Anne Perry was
discovered in 1994. A remorseful Perry said she had blocked out the
events of the actual killing but could recall how she became involved =
she helped Pauline kill her mother because she believed, if she =
she would have committed suicide.
But the mystery of what happened to Pauline was still unsolved =
until now. Like Perry, parker chose Great Britain to start her new =
She was discovered by reporter, Chris Cooke, who became interested in
finding her after seeing the interviews with Anne Perry.
In a methodical search, Cooke tracked Pauline to Britain. Now, =
58, she is know as Hilary Nathan, a name she took after her release =
Living in the village of Hoo, just out of the historic city of
Rochester in Kent, she runs a riding school for children. She declined
to speak with us directly but her sister Wendy told us about =
new life.
Wendy, just eleven months older than Hilary, says they were very
close as children and were often mistaken as twins. Wendy says Hilary
failed in a bid to become a nun but, now, "she is a nun in her way.
She=92s living in solitude. She=92s deeply religious.
"She leads a very unusual existence. She hasn=92t got a TV or a
radio, so would never have heard what Anne Perry had to say and she
wouldn=92t care."
Hilary hasn=92t seen, and doesn=92t want to see, the movie, =
Creatures, based on the Parker-Hulme murder.
"She doesn=92t have any contact with the outside world =96 =
she=92s a
reclusive, really. She=92s a devout Roman Catholic and spends much of =
time in prayer."
After she was released, Hilary studied towards a BA at the
University of Auckland, graduating in 1964. She then spent a year in
Wellington at the New Zealand Library School.
Colleagues at library school described her as mysterious and
secretive, making sure she was absent on the day of the class photo. A
close friend, who had no idea who she was, said there was something =
her past she kept well-hidden.
It=92s not clear why she chose the name Hilary Nathan but it=92s
likely, as a devout Catholic, she picked it for its biblical
significance. The Bible tells the story of David, the King of Israel,
who committed adultery with a woman named Bathsheba. He had her =
murdered by placing him in the front row of a battle, then instructing
the army to pull back.
Nathan was a prophet sent by God to make David face up to his
guilt. A Catholic priest said a person who chose the name Nathan would
be indicating they had repented of their sins.
"She has led a good life and is very remorseful for what she=92s
done, says Wendy. "She committed the most terrible crime and has spent
40 years repaying it by keeping away from people and doing her own
little thing."
Hilary travelled to Britain in 1965, where she has been living =
since. She worked for a library in London but eventually gave the
profession away.
Now, her sister says "she=92s a much more contented person =
she has achieved the lifestyle she always wanted to". That lifestyle =
a dream she had as a child =96 to own a place in the country and have =
stable of horse. She always loved horses and owned one as a child.
Wendy was just 17 years old when her sister murdered her mother.
"I had to decide if I would hate her for the rest of my life
because she took my mother away from me. It was the worst thing that
could ever have happened to me.
"Because we=92d been so close growing up, I wrote to her and =
said, "I
can=92t believe what=92s happened. I don=92t want to accept this." =
wrote back and said, "It just all got out of hand. I don=92t know what
happened and I just want to keep in touch with you."
Over the years, Wendy and Hilary have written regularly and she
sends money for her nephews and pieces in New Zealand. Wendy chose not
to confront her about what happened and they never talked about until =
years ago.
"She says she was an extremist. When things went against her,
Hilary went overboard the other way. She did this right from when she
was a little girl."
Although Pauline Parker=92s defence said she was insane at the =
Wendy says her sister understood what she was doing and intended t =
her mother.
"But, looking back, she said it was something that grew and grew
out of all proportion."
Wendy believes Hilary didn=92t fully understand the finality of
death. "After it happened, she was very sorry about it. It took her
about five years to realise what she had done." Hilary has never =
to her sister about the brutal way in which she took her mother=92s =
"Well, it was absolutely overboard, wasn=92t it? The story is =
met; they were ill-fated and they went overboard and committed a
dreadful crime they have paid for their whole lives."
Wendy believes her sister has never contacted Anne Perry although
they both live in Great Britain. She says suggestions Pauline and =
were lesbians is rubbish and believes they were not the monstrous, =
girls they were portrayed as.
"We were so close growing up =96 as little girls we were like =
says Wendy. "I loved her and she still loves me. I accept what =
in our lives was an absolute mistake."
Wendy is happy her sister has found contentment in her new life =
feels she has suffered by choosing to stay in New Zealand.
"There are a thousand people out there who will look and say, =
you know who she is, don=92t you?" I have to live with that and I=92m =
sensitive to it."
How I found Pauline
Hilary Nathan was shocked when I knocked on her door and asked her if =
could talk about the events of 1954.
"I=92ve never had another name =96 I=92m sorry you=92ve got the =
person," was her reaction when asked about her past as Pauline Parker.
Her initial reluctance was no surprise, considering she had hidden her
past for more than 40 years.
She declined to talk but her close sister Wendy, back in New
Zealand, gave us details of her life. She said Hilary was not like =
Perry and had no interest in giving an interview. She told us Pauline
was prepared for New Zealanders to learn of her new life and, now she
had told her story, wanted to be left alone to continue her quiet
I became fascinated by the case after seeing Peter Jackson=92s =
movie, Heavenly Creatures. Like many journalists I began investigating
what become of Pauline Parker after Juliet Hulme was revealed to be
murder mystery writer, Anne Perry. There was considerable sympathy for
Pauline and a strong reaction to Perry=92s suggestion that she only =
part because feared Pauline would commit suicide. Former schoolmates
remembered Juliet Hulme as a girl who didn=92t do anything she =
didn=92t want
The international media camped outside two Catholic bookshops in
Auckland after rumours Pauline was working there after a failed bid to
become a nun. All the while, she was on the other side of the world,
running a riding school.
I gave the search away but decided to have another look at the =
after watching the movie for a second time, earlier this year. I did
more research into the facts of the case, including reading through =
transcripts of the trial. The more I read, and the more people I spoke
to, the more I felt that there was so much about the two girls that =
well=85so normal.
Seeing that Anne Perry was such a highly respected person in her
community made it all the more intriguing for me. The girls were =
intelligent and shared so many dreams together, I felt sure =
life would be similar to Anne=92s. That turned out to be right.
Both women are devout Christians living in small, rural villages
and have chosen not to marry. They still share a love of books. In the
village of Hoo, one of the few people who knew Hilary Nathan was the
librarian who said she spent many hours there reading.
They have each fulfilled their childhood dreams =96 Anne Perry, =
to be
a published writer and Hilary Nathan, to own a stable in the country.
Yet, in many ways, they couldn=92t be more different. Perry=92s =
elegance and
London accent contrast heavily with Hilary: a wiry, fit figure, decked
in moleskins and gumboots with a broad rural accent.
It=92s a beautiful part of England Hilary has chosen to lead her
eccentric life, surrounded by her horses and the children she =
Whatever her past, it=92s obvious she has an affectionate relationship
with them.
Their dark friendship
Pauline and Juliet came from two very different family backgrounds in =
city where social classes were quite distinct. Juliet Hulme, born in
Britain, was the daughter of the university rector, Dr Henry Hulme,
living in a large and stately house.
By contrast, Pauline=92s inner city home doubled as a boarding =
run by her mother, while her father managed a fish shop.
Pauline and Juliet met in their first year at Christchurch Girls
High School. Both girls were highly intelligent and in the top class =
their year.
A former student from the same class remembered Pauline as "a
moody, scowling type of girl but a strong character. She insisted on
being called Paul. She was a tomboy, with dumpy, boyish looks sand =
black heir that was shorter than the other girls."
She recalls Juliet "as a fish out of water j=97but not in a =
way". She said Juliet was ant-authoritarian and once corrected a =
teacher in class.
"She had a very posh English accent and would hold her head high =
she walked. I was with a group of girls clowning around in a locker =
and she came up to us and said, =91Oh, you are all so very
The girls struck up an intimate friendship and Pauline spent
increasingly more time at the Hulme=92s home, often staying weekends =
school holidays.
The girls each chose new name =96 Pauline was Gina and Juliet,
Deborah. Together, they created a rich fantasy world of their own,
developing their increasing urge to write. They had their own =
characters and, at night, would dress up and sneak out, acting them =
until the small hours of the morning.
Juliet=92s mother, Hilda Hulme, said during the trial her =
had entered so completely into the characters it was difficult to make
contact with her as Juliet.
The girls formed a strong bond that began to cause their parents
concern. Pauline wrote of a bicycle ride in the country where they
stopped in some bush, took off their outer clothes and ran through the
bushes, ecstatically.
They became conceited and arrogant, believing they were geniuses.
Later, they decided it was something else that set them apart from the
common masses.
Pauline wrote, "We have an extra part of our brain which can
appreciate the 4th World but, meanwhile, on two days a year, we may =
the key to look into that beautiful world=85"
As their relationship began to intensify, so did their writing. =
the time they murdered Honora Parker, they completed six books between
them, as well as plays, poetry and an opera. Spending more and more =
together, their fictional family became entangled in escapades of
highway robberies, bedroom scenes and violent death.
Suddenly, the girls were torn apart when Juliet fell ill with
tuberculosis, spending three months in a sanatorium.
The two friends wrote continuously, each as characters in their
stories. Apart, Pauline begun sneaking out at night to meet boys much
older than herself. She was caught by her father in with one =96 an
university student called Nicholas who boarding at their home.
As Juliet=92s time in the sanatorium came to an end, Nicholas was
pushed aside, Pauline=92s entry on 28 October, 1953 (Juliet=92s =
read, "I told Nicholas I was no longer very much in love with him."
Obsessed with their writing and their fantasy worlds of Volumnia =
Borovnia, the girls built a temple where they held night-time =
to honour their "Saints" =96 singers and actors they had chosen who
represented their ideals. They gave them names like HE, HIM and IT.
Their favourite, HE, was singer Mario Lanza.
The girls decided on a fantastic plan to go to New York where =
would find a publisher for their books and then go on to Hollywood to
turn them into movies. Pauline visited shipping companies inquiring
about fares.
In the months leading up to the murder, the girls spent more and
more time with each other, taking baths together and even sleeping
together in Juliet=92s bed.
Pauline wrote, just after Juliet returned from the sanatorium, =
was wonderful returning with Juliet=85 it was as if she had never bee
away.. I believe I could fall in love with Juliet."
Pauline=92s relationship with her mother, already rocky after the
affair with Nicholas, began to deteriorate further. Concerned at the
intensity of the relationship, Pauline=92s mother asked Dr Hulme to =
to discuss how they could break it up.
The pair sought a medical opinion and the doctor said he believed
the relationship was homosexual =96 but it was a stage the girls would
grow out of.
Then came the devastating news, Juliet=92s father, Dr Henry =
announced he was separating from Juliet=92s mother and taking Juliet =
her brother Jonathan to South Africa.
Pauline and Juliet clung to their belief if Pauline could =
her parent=92 opposition, they could still remain together.
On 28 April, 1954, Pauline decided to kill her mother =96 the one
person she believed stood in their way. She recorded the idea in her
"Anger against mother boiled up inside. Suddenly, a means of
ridding myself of this obstacle occurred tome. If she were to die=85"
The next day, Pauline decided to make her mother=92s death look =
an accident =96 the last thing she wanted was to go to prison. She =
in her diary Juliet was "worried but does not disagree violently."
Pauline was allowed to stay at the Hulme=92s home for two weeks
before Juliet=92s departure. Defence psychiatrist Reginald Medlicott =
during this period, the violence in their writing increased to "a
fantastic crescendo".
Writing their novels and worshipping their "Saints" in the middle
of the night, the girls would return to bed together to act out how =
believed each of them made love. These diary entries for June 1954 =
used in the trial to show the girls=92 relationship was homosexual:
June 11: "=85we acted out how each Saint would make love in bed, =
doing the first seven as it was 7.30am by then. We felt very =
June 13: "We spent a hectic night going through he Saints. It was
wonderful! Heavenly! Beautiful! And ours! We felt satisfied indeed. We
have now learned the peace of the thing called bliss; the joy of the
thing called sin."
Three days before the murder, the girls decided on a plan. Again,
Pauline committed it to the diary on her bedside cabinet.
19 June: "=85our main idea for the day was to moider Mother. =
=85it=92s a
definite plan we intend to carry out. We have worked it out carefully
and re thrilled by the idea. Naturally, we feel a trifle nervous but =
pleasure of anticipation is great.
21 June: "Deborah rang and we decided to use a rock in a stocking
rather than a sandbag. We discussed the moider. I feel keyed up, as =
if I
were planning a surprise party."
22 June: "The day of the happy event." I am writing a bit of this
on the morning of the death. I felt very excited and
the-night-before-Christmassy last night. I didn=92t have pleasant =
At 3.3pm that day, Pauline and Juliet carried out their plan. =
failed in their attempt to make it look like an accident and clearly, =
the number of blows, must have panicked when she didn=92t die after =
Eventually, they both made full confessions, leaving their
barristers with only one defence: not guilty by reason of insanity.
The defence had to show the girls didn=92t know the nature or =
of the act they were committing or, if they did, they didn=92t know =
it was
Defence psychiatrists argued that the girls were delusional and
paranoid =96 a symptom of their homosexuality. They set out to prove =
girls suffered a kind of "communicated insanity" which made them =
in each other=92s presence.
But it was a hopeless case. It was clear form the diary and their
confessions the girls knew exactly what they were doing and that it
broke the law. After her arrest, Juliet said, "I would have to be a
absolute moron not to know murder was against the law."
Giving evidence for the crown, psychiatrist Kenneth Stallworthy
dismissed any link between homosexuality and insanity. He believed =
sexual encounters were just a normal phase of adolescence. Juliet also
denied they had a sexual relationship, saying "How could we? We=92re =
The girls showed no remorse after their arrest and continued to
believe they were beyond the laws of common men. A female constable =
cared for them during the trial said, "They would act as if they were
above all this."
The killing that was shocking, even today=92s standards, deeply
disturbed conservative Christchurch. The arresting officer in the case
later committed suicide. His daughter said the murder had deeply upset
"What really got to him was not only that they were the same age
as me but they appeared to be two normal girls."
The Parker-Hulme murder has been analysed and reanalysed ever
since. People close to the case say many things about the girls =
perfectly normal.
In isolation, their arrogance and conceit towards adults is not =
unusual in a teenager, nor the fact they wrote fantastic, violent
stories. And it=92s not too unusual for children, at some stage in =
lives, to wish their parents dead in anger.
But when a brutal murder is carried out by an adult and =
there=92s a
clear motive, the crime can be reconciled or explained and even a =
Here, it seems, there are no lessons to be learned, just sadness
and bafflement.
Chris Cooke
NZ Woman's Weekly
p.s. There some great pictures of the now 58 years old Hilary Nathan =
her home, including the usual trial court photos.
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n746.3 ---------------
From: Christy Price <>
Subject: RE: new webpage
Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 17:58:11 -0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 1998 2:05 PM
Subject: new webpage
Hey Creatures,
Just a short note. I have a web page!! It's cheesy, cheap=20
looking and silly, but it's all mine. There's a Heavenly=20
Creatures section so go see. (it's all text, btw, no pics
sounds or anything.)
the address is:
-talk to you later!
I will check it out! I love looking at webpages, and hey, you shouldn't
be so down on yourself...the way i look at it is: a webpage is for my =
enjoyment and if others like it, well GREAT!, but if not, then they can
go somewhere else. It sounds harsh, but it's just the way I feel.
I've been working on a h.creatures page, but I'm sooooo incredibly lazy
that I haven't gotten anywhere with it of late. Laziness and a bunch
of =
other stuff, but ah well, I'll keep plugging away at it! :-)
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--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n746.4 ---------------
From: Kate Douglas <>
Subject: "Cinema Papers"
Date: Thu, 7 May 1998 09:53:16 +1000 (EST)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
In-Reply-To: <>
Hello All,
Has anyone read this month's edition of "Cinema Papers"? There appears
be an article by/about Peter Jackson in it. I haven't had an opportunity
to check it out yet, but I thought maybe someone else might have.
Kate Douglas.
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n746.5 ---------------
From: Mad4Claire <>
Subject: Re: meeting celebs...
Date: Thu, 7 May 1998 03:45:53 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
this is in reponse to "what would you do if you met Kate".
i have met may celebrities in my short 18 years. when i was younger, i
very silent and lost all ability to talK. sort-of a spitting out of,
"can i
have yr autograph?" but now....i am very direct with people. i tell
them how
much i appreciate their worK. my father has 80+ autographs. i guess we
just lucKy in getting to meet people...being at the right place at the
time. but truly...if i met Claire Danes or Kate Winslet..i would be a
blubbering mess! and i am sure they would run away from me!!
just my opinion....
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n746.6 ---------------
From: Phil West <>
Subject: Re: fame! I'm gonna live forever...
Date: Thu, 7 May 1998 14:33:00 +0100 (BST)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
In-Reply-To: <>
Zoe Woodworth wrote:
> Phil, it must've been really hard not to say anything. I know,
> had I been in that situation, I would've played the part of the total
> oggling groupie.
What happened to me was that I froze in disbelief. It was so hard to
believe - I mean, it's not the sort of thing one expects when trapsing
around London just idly shopping. My mind was elsewhere. On caerphilly
cheese, to be precise, some of which I did, indeed, later buy. So
I had to look twice to confirm it, by which time la belle Kate had
skiddaddled into her taxi.
It was interesting, though, that she spoke to the taxi driver through
little window before clambering into the cab. I mean, for longer than
would take to say a destination. Perhaps she has to say, 'Hello, will
promise not to sell your story to the Sun newspaper or reveal the
whereabouts of my flat' or something similar.
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n746.7 ---------------
From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>
Subject: Re: fame! I'm gonna live forever...
Date: Thu, 7 May 98 11:38:00 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Phil West wrote:
>What happened to me was that I froze in disbelief.
I had the same reaction a couple of summers ago in Montreal. I was
rushing to work in Old Montreal and as I turned the corner I found
face to face with Diana Rigg! (Missed running into her) She was making
mini-series. I didn't get to say anything (I froze anyway) to her as
was talking to the director (and it looked like a tense discussion). I
then crossed the street and got to work. Everyone there was saying
did you know Diana Rigg was around?". Later, I ventured out into the
street, the shoot was still going on but she had gone.
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n746.8 ---------------
From: Britland7 <>
Subject: Re: Kate in The Mirror (UK)
Date: Thu, 7 May 1998 17:40:24 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
In a message dated 98-05-07 17:27:03 EDT, you write:
<< Did anyone see todays edition of the Mirror? It had a two page
article on
Kate. She was photographed out shopping somewhere in London. Looked
like a
very spontanious photo (she was carrying a set of keys) and had what
like no make-up on. (You know it is sooooo unfair that some people can
look good without makeup!!!!!) Anyway, the article was mainly about
her new
fashion accessory - an indian bindi on her forehead! She brought a
bunch of them whilst she was in India recently (oh and she said she
lost about
a stone in weight while she was there cos she got ill!!!!!!)
I got this from the Kate list, I wonder if this was the same day you
her Phil?
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n746.9 ---------------
From: "Laurin M. McNiff" <>
Subject: Re: Kate in The Mirror (UK)
Date: Thu, 07 May 1998 18:25:40 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
References: <>
Looks as though our man Phil is feeling incredibly lucky! Seems as
though the one you saw was indeed Kate, congrats at such the luck Phil!
(If only you had a camera!)
--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n746 ---------------
------ BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n747 --------------
001 - "Paul Bird" <birdp@mira.n - Re: Peter in Cinema Papers
002 - Michaela Rhea Drapes <ole - RE: meeting celebs...
003 - Mad4Claire <Mad4Claire@ao - this strucK me as comical....
004 - "Timothy O'Donnell" <Timo - Re: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n744
005 - Phil West <pgw16@hermes.c - Delusions no more
006 - Phil West <pgw16@hermes.c - The Christchurch Murder
007 - Juliana Bastos <jbastos@u - Re: The Christchurch Murder
008 - Daxtanner <Daxtanner@aol. - Re: fame! I'm gonna live
009 - LaSkA 4 u < - Re: Heavenly Desktop Theme
010 - Cassandra Hoover <Cassand - RE: meeting celebs...
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n747.1 ---------------
From: "Paul Bird" <>
Subject: Re: Peter in Cinema Papers
Date: Fri, 8 May 1998 03:28:56 +1000
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Kate Douglas wrote:
>Has anyone read this month's edition of "Cinema Papers"? There appears
>be an article by/about Peter Jackson in it. I haven't had an
>to check it out yet, but I thought maybe someone else might have.
It's a letter from Peter lamenting the current state of the film funding
bodies in NZ. It was reproduced with permission from a NZ publication,
can't remember which one. If anyone is really interested I could type
For those who were wondering, Cinema Papers is an Australian magazine
reporting on the film industry here, with a helpful listing of details
features planned and in production. (Including info on a film that
shot a
scene yesterday in the bottom of the very skyscraper I work in, and I
it! Bugger!)
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n747.2 ---------------
From: Michaela Rhea Drapes <>
Subject: RE: meeting celebs...
Date: Fri, 8 May 1998 01:23:32 -0500
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
On Thursday, May 07, 1998 2:45 AM, Mad4Claire wrote:
>this is in reponse to "what would you do if you met Kate".
>i have met may celebrities in my short 18 years. when i was younger, i
>very silent and lost all ability to talK. sort-of a spitting out of, =
"can i
>have yr autograph?" but now....i am very direct with people. i tell =
them how
>much i appreciate their worK. my father has 80+ autographs. i guess we
>just lucKy in getting to meet people...being at the right place at the
>time. but truly...if i met Claire Danes or Kate Winslet..i would be a
>blubbering mess! and i am sure they would run away from me!!
I've met quite a few famous people in my time, ever since I was a
little =
girl hanging out at gallery openings in Santa Fe. (: Currently, I
work =
in a hotel here in Austin, and all the people in the new Robert =
Rodriguez film are staying with us. There's a lot of young "unknowns,"
but we've also been a temporary home to Bebe Neuwirth (the coolest!), =
Famke Janssen, Robert Patrick, Piper Laurie, Jon Stewart (who actuallly
gave me a tip today...), Salma Hayek (I checked her in), and =
screenwriter George Huang (who's also really cool!). Mostly what I've =
learned is that celebs just want to be treated like normal people =
(duh!), but are also, for the most part, pretty cool when people =
approach them. I thought I'd be a total dork with Bebe Neuwirth, she's
always been a favourite--but I was very pleased that I didn't say =
anything too stupid. (:
Of course, if I ever saw Kate, I think I would just wig. I couldn't =
help it. And Mel too...I'd prolly freak them out by going on and on
and =
on about HC.
Michaela R. Drapes
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n747.3 ---------------
From: Mad4Claire <>
Subject: this strucK me as comical....
Date: Fri, 8 May 1998 03:23:31 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
i thought this was so funny. i worK for victoria's secret catalogue. i
am a
fashion consultant and taKe orders on the phone from all over the world.
today, my first phone call of the day weirded me out! her name was
parKer. and my first thought was "oh my godddd!!!" but then i realized
name is now Hilary Nathan. and i Knew it couldn't be her. but just the
idea of
her ever calling in, gave me the chills! i found it humorous! i wanted
to just
say the word "juliet" for no reason to see if i got a resonse! i Know
i Know!
i am a big nerd!!
just my opinion.....
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n747.4 ---------------
From: "Timothy O'Donnell" <>
Subject: Re: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n744
Date: Fri, 8 May 1998 02:35:59 -0700 (PDT)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
In-Reply-To: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Dear creatures,
In support of Phil West's Covent Garden delusion, I submit a JPEG taken
from the front page of the Mirror of Kate as Phil must have seen her.
was taken in CG while Kate was on a shopping trip. That "kind of jewel
thing on her forhead" is a bindi which is the hIndu sign of the third
The Mirror, bless their hearts turns this hip fashion accessory into a 2
page spread. The article, mostly about KW goes on to say that she's
recently back from India where she was preparing for her role in
film " Holy Smoke"
I for one never doubted Phil, even after the yellow jacket incident.
ps. I hope the attachment is OK, I am a computer moron
Content-Type: image/jpeg; name="kate.JPEG.jpg"
; x-mac-type="4A504547"
; x-mac-creator="3842494D"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="kate.JPEG.jpg"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n747.5 ---------------
From: Phil West <>
Subject: Delusions no more
Date: Fri, 8 May 1998 11:24:34 +0100 (BST)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
In-Reply-To: <>
Alex wrote:
> In support of Phil West's Covent Garden delusion, I submit a JPEG
> from the front page of the Mirror of Kate as Phil must have seen her.
Hurray! I thought maybe I was going crazy, but I'm not! Thanks for
confirmation. Really, I should have checked the papers yesterday...
perhaps I can still get hold of a Mirror and check this out. I couldn't
open the file, Alex, incidentally, my viewer said 'extraneous data' or
something, and didn't like it; nor did Adobe viewers open it.
> That "kind of jewel
> thing on her forehead" is a bindi
Yes indeed... I wish I'd got a better look at it. I think it was
pinkish-purple colour. As for the lost weight, yes, her cheekbones were
more prominent (I said she looked a bit like Juliet in the sanitorium),
just like EJG-Orson's. LOL... :)
> I for one never doubted Phil, even after the yellow jacket incident.
> regards,
Ah, the yellow jacket incident.... in which 2 Creatures trying to locate
each other at a screening of the World's Greatest Film a few months ago
spent ages looking for the yellow coat of Phil's girlfriend... which she
wasn't wearing for the first time ever when he met her at the
and tragically fail to meet, though they do, indeed, view the film at
same venue. Another tine maybe, Alex.
Thanks to everyone who confirmed my delusions! It is so incredible!
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n747.6 ---------------
From: Phil West <>
Subject: The Christchurch Murder
Date: Fri, 8 May 1998 11:45:22 +0100 (BST)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
In-Reply-To: <>
Hey y'all
Thanks to whoever posted the reference to Angela Carter's screenplay
Christchurch Murder' (1988) based on the Parker-Hulme case. Much less
funny than HC, it is nevertheless taught and tense and includes factual
scenes left out by HC's timeline (such as Bloody Bill's involvement with
covering up the evidence on 22 June) and speculation about the girls'
activities earlier that year (such as Pauline actually prostituting
There are no SFX or fantasy sequences, but Carter does dramatise some of
the moments we don't see in HC - particularly the moments after the
(which come right at the beginning) - and the following night. She
changes all the names, and it's irritating after a while to have to
transpose Lena and Nerissa to Pauline and Juliet. Also, by leaving out
the constant shifting of names, Carter cannot intimate the confusion of
identity and social aspirations of Pauline. In fact, 'The Christchurch
Muder' loses quite a lot of vital information. There isn't really any
competition with Walsh and Jackson's work of genius.
To take an example of how HC is better, Carter begins with the girls
running down a hillside back to the tearoom in Victoria Park; they are
seen at first ecstatic and happy, hair blowing free; then, after a shot
Nora's leg (and her dentures) from which a flow of bloods gradually then
quickly swells all over the picture, we see that the girl's clothes
school uniforms in this case) are bloodsoaked. They burst into the
So, to compare: no newsreel, no shattering of the gentility of the city
the plains, no cinematic shock at the change to widescreen, no gradual
eruption of screaming; nothing that makes the opening of HC so powerful.
Then, erroneously, the girls are running down not up. One might say
this was quibbling, and that Carter is allowed poetic license. OK, but
think how much more effective it is to have them running UP: the extra
effort, the sense of being drowned in the depths of what they have done;
HC speaks cinematically, Carter's screenplay in written metaphors.
I could go on: no ship scene intercut, no Jackson horror shop
or that sickening lurch through the hedge - a giddy fluidity apparent in
the film's best shots - no faces thrust into the camera.
In other words, read this screenplay and thank our lucky stars for HC!
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n747.7 ---------------
From: Juliana Bastos <>
Subject: Re: The Christchurch Murder
Date: Fri, 08 May 1998 11:49:26 -0300
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
References: <>
> Phil West wrote:
> Hey y'all
> Thanks to whoever posted the reference to Angela Carter's
> screenplay 'The Christchurch Murder' (1988) based on the
> Parker-Hulme case.
Ah, could someone please send the reference to me?
These days have been like hell here for me, I lost almost 98% of my
files, including all the most important messages from the list, which
been keeping since I subscribed (*sigh*). Now is just like starting over
again... Luckily most of my HC stuff is intact, but my huge list of
bookmarks is gone...
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n747.8 ---------------
From: Daxtanner <>
Subject: Re: fame! I'm gonna live forever...
Date: Fri, 8 May 1998 15:43:09 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
In a message dated 98-05-06 14:33:27 EDT, you write:
<< If I saw Kate walking down the street I would probably have to say
to her... Not to bother her or anything, but to say something nice...
how I have never seen anyone with quite as much talent or passion as
her, and
that I really appreciate the films she has given us. Something short,
then go on my merry way... It is best, I think, to treat famous
people like
the regular people that they are... And if you knew someone that you
you might want to tell them how great they are... Same thing. >>
Just last night I had a dream about meeting her. Okay I was outside a
store and i saw kate looking for her matches or a lighter so I offered
mine, we started to chat and soon became very good friends
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n747.9 ---------------
From: LaSkA 4 u <>
Subject: Re: Heavenly Desktop Theme
Date: Fri, 8 May 1998 16:23:31 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
In a message dated 98-05-06 10:51:00 EDT, you write:
<< Hi folks,
some time ago I made a Desktop Theme with some HC sound-bites and a HC
background pic (P & J hand in hand in front of Ilam with 2 unicorns on
side). Unfortunately I had it only in inferior quality (rough grainy
now I figured out how to get a video image onto my computer monitor.
The pic
have now contains a higher resolution and is a bit more handsome and I
lucky to send it to any interested creature >>
im interested! =)
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n747.10 ---------------
From: Cassandra Hoover <>
Subject: RE: meeting celebs...
Date: Fri, 8 May 1998 16:28:54 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
The only celebritites I've met are Tori Amos (twice...the 2nd time was
2 =
weeks ago) and John Waters.... I didn't care too much about Waters =
because I was there to meet Tim Burton and he didn't show so I was too =
upset to care.. But the first time I met Tori I flipped out because we
passed each other on the street and I stopped her...she hugged me and I
burst into tears....just shows how good I am with such a shocking =
On Thursday, May 07, 1998 2:45 AM, Mad4Claire wrote:
>this is in reponse to "what would you do if you met Kate".
>i have met may celebrities in my short 18 years. when i was younger, i
>very silent and lost all ability to talK. sort-of a spitting out of, =
"can i
>have yr autograph?" but now....i am very direct with people. i tell =
them how
>much i appreciate their worK. my father has 80+ autographs. i guess we
>just lucKy in getting to meet people...being at the right place at the
>time. but truly...if i met Claire Danes or Kate Winslet..i would be a
>blubbering mess! and i am sure they would run away from me!!
I've met quite a few famous people in my time, ever since I was a
little =
girl hanging out at gallery openings in Santa Fe. (: Currently, I
work =
in a hotel here in Austin, and all the people in the new Robert =
Rodriguez film are staying with us. There's a lot of young "unknowns,"
but we've also been a temporary home to Bebe Neuwirth (the coolest!), =
Famke Janssen, Robert Patrick, Piper Laurie, Jon Stewart (who actuallly
gave me a tip today...), Salma Hayek (I checked her in), and =
screenwriter George Huang (who's also really cool!). Mostly what I've =
learned is that celebs just want to be treated like normal people =
(duh!), but are also, for the most part, pretty cool when people =
approach them. I thought I'd be a total dork with Bebe Neuwirth, she's
always been a favourite--but I was very pleased that I didn't say =
anything too stupid. (:
Of course, if I ever saw Kate, I think I would just wig. I couldn't =
help it. And Mel too...I'd prolly freak them out by going on and on
and =
on about HC.
Michaela R. Drapes
--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n747 -----------
Sun, 10 May 1998 19:35:47 -0700 (PDT)
From: Add to Address Book
Digest heavenly-c.v001.n751
-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n751 --------------
001 - LaSkA 4 u < - Re: Heavenly Desktop Theme
002 - XWINSLETX <XWINSLETX@aol. - Re: Heavenly Desktop Theme
003 - Baboon4444 <Baboon4444@ao - Mel
004 - IrishEMT12 <IrishEMT12@ao - Re: Mel
005 - Juliana Bastos <jbastos@u - Re: Mel
006 - Laurin McNiff <englishpat - Added Desktop Images
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n751.1 ---------------
From: LaSkA 4 u <>
Subject: Re: Heavenly Desktop Theme
Date: Sat, 9 May 1998 22:34:22 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
In a message dated 98-05-09 13:21:28 EDT, you write:
<< File: HC.jpg (68661 bytes)
DL Time (28800 bps): < 1 minute
LaSkA 4 u schrieb:
> im interested! =)
interested in the pic or the whole theme (would be approx. 700 kb
Here comes the pic ("just to be on the safe side")... >>
thanx! =)
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n751.2 ---------------
Subject: Re: Heavenly Desktop Theme
Date: Sun, 10 May 1998 01:06:41 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
I would LOVE you to send me the theme!!! IF you would be so inclined!!!
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n751.3 ---------------
From: Baboon4444 <>
Subject: Mel
Date: Sun, 10 May 1998 16:07:35 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
I was reading Melanie Lynskey's filmography and it mentioned 2 films
for 1998.
Foreign Correspondents and A Cinderella Story. Did these movies come
out yet,
or are they due to?
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n751.4 ---------------
From: IrishEMT12 <>
Subject: Re: Mel
Date: Sun, 10 May 1998 16:45:26 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Unfortunatley no not yet. I believe Cinderella is slated to come out
at the
end of this summer, not exactly sure. She is in it with Drew
Barrymore. As
for Foriegn Correspondents, this one has Mel in a more lead role.
Howevere it
is an independent film, and the director still needs funds to finidh it
is in Post-Production. He is also looking for a distributor. Now it
is hard
to get one of those when the film is incomplete, at least for an indie.
that is the story there. I have always wondered if and when he
finishes it if
he could get it into some of the Film Festivals, because a lot of
indies get
picked up by a distributor at these. Anyway, if you go to the web site
can learn more, it is <> and the director is a really
cool and
nice person who, if you email will respond to you.
So hopefully we can get the ball rolling on this. I believe Mel also
has one
othetr film, but it is an independent film in another counrty, so not
sure of
deatils. Will check it out.
Jennifer EMT-B
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n751.5 ---------------
From: Juliana Bastos <>
Subject: Re: Mel
Date: Sun, 10 May 1998 18:21:01 -0300
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
References: <>
Cinderella is scheduled to come out on August 7th., according to the
Movie Database. And, by the way, Mel's birthday is on May 16th., next
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n751.6 ---------------
From: Laurin McNiff <>
Subject: Added Desktop Images
Date: Sun, 10 May 1998 22:25:47 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Dear Creatures,
Just added, 4 desktop images to the Desktop Image section
of "The Heavenly Creatures Webhome". Free for the download.
Any suggestions, comments, etc. Please let me know.
--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n751 ---------------
Tue, 12 May 1998 01:10:16 -0700 (PDT)
From: Add to Address Book
Digest heavenly-c.v001.n752
-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n752 --------------
001 - Tine Nielsen <tinen@dorit - The Christchurch Murder reference
002 - Jane Fribit <recurring@ya - Re: Hello all
003 - Jane Fribit <recurring@ya - Re: Hello all
004 - "Timothy O'Donnell" <Timo - Re: Desktop Images
005 - "E. Jean Guerin" <orson@v - Christchurch Murder URL?
006 - Juliana Bastos <jbastos@u - Re: Christchurch Murder URL?
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n752.1 ---------------
From: Tine Nielsen <>
Subject: The Christchurch Murder reference
Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 09:12:41 +0200
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Somebody asked for the reference to the Christchurch Murder here it is:
Angela Carter,
The Curious Room.
It's a collection of plays and screenplays..
"When everything gets tough, denials all we have"
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n752.2 ---------------
From: Jane Fribit <>
Subject: Re: Hello all
Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 02:33:37 -0700 (PDT)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Dear HC fans,
Have been observing this mailing list lately. I'm new and have never
posted anything.... hate being the new person, but I hope that you
will accept me into your group of heavenly fans.
I only saw Heavenly Creatures about 3 weeks ago after wanting to see
it for about a year.... I couldn't stop thinking about it. It has now
become my favourite film along side Trainspotting. So so good. and I
can't get over how good Melanie Lynskey was in it!
But this is just to say hi and that I am here. :o)
Humbly yours,
Jane Fribit
Get your free address at
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n752.3 ---------------
From: Jane Fribit <>
Subject: Re: Hello all
Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 02:38:49 -0700 (PDT)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Dear HC fans,
Have been observing this mailing list lately. I'm new and have never
posted anything.... hate being the new person, but I hope that you
will accept me into your group of heavenly fans.
I only saw Heavenly Creatures about 3 weeks ago after wanting to see
it for about a year.... I couldn't stop thinking about it. It has now
become my favourite film along side Trainspotting. So so good. and I
can't get over how good Melanie Lynskey was in it!
But this is just to say hi and that I am here. :o)
Humbly yours,
Jane Fribit
Get your free address at
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n752.4 ---------------
From: "Timothy O'Donnell" <>
Subject: Re: Desktop Images
Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 10:59:54 +0100
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
In-Reply-To: <>
Hey Creatures,
Does anyone have any tips on downloading those wonderful desktop images
for Mac users? I can't seem to get it right!
>From: Laurin McNiff <>
>Subject: Added Desktop Images
>Date: Sun, 10 May 1998 22:25:47 -0400
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Dear Creatures,
> Just added, 4 desktop images to the Desktop Image section
>of "The Heavenly Creatures Webhome". Free for the download.
>Any suggestions, comments, etc. Please let me know.
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n752.5 ---------------
From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>
Subject: Christchurch Murder URL?
Date: Mon, 11 May 98 12:14:10 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Tine Nielsen wrote:
>Somebody asked for the reference to the Christchurch Murder here it is:
>Angela Carter,
>The Curious Room.
Hey Tine,
Have the URL?
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n752.6 ---------------
From: Juliana Bastos <>
Subject: Re: Christchurch Murder URL?
Date: Mon, 11 May 1998 23:19:01 -0300
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
References: <>
> Tine Nielsen wrote:
> >Somebody asked for the reference to the Christchurch Murder here it
> >
> >Angela Carter,
> >The Curious Room.
> Hey Tine,
> Have the URL?
> (:^)]
I found out a listing of the book's contents in, and Blackwells of Oxford
have the
book in stock: What do you think, is it
worth buying?
--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n752 ---------------Date:
Tue, 12 May 1998 15:42:52 -0700 (PDT)
From: Add to Address Book
Digest heavenly-c.v001.n753
-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n753 --------------
001 - JF <> - Script help
002 - JF <> - Apologies and excitement
003 - Laurin McNiff <englishpat - Re: Script help
004 - crystal <beckwith@Oswego. - P&H trial
005 - StarScully <StarScully@ao - KW in In Style magazine
006 - XWINSLETX <XWINSLETX@aol. - Re: Script help
007 - Baboon4444 <Baboon4444@ao - Help, please
008 - Laurin McNiff <englishpat - Re: Help, please
009 - - Re: KW in In Style magazine
010 - SueBridhed <SueBridhed@ao - Re: KW in In Style magazine
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n753.1 ---------------
From: JF <>
Subject: Script help
Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 01:15:35 -0700 (PDT)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Dear Creatures fans,
Please forgive me if question has already been asked... I am
relatively new here.... but is there any site on the internet where
you can download the HC script? I found one a few nights ago...
forgotten the address but it was page after page. Not offending any of
you if it is at your site but I find it much easier if the text is
just on one page.
I would be most happy if you can give me any details on this.
Thanks, Jane Fribit
Get your free address at
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n753.2 ---------------
From: JF <>
Subject: Apologies and excitement
Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 01:41:32 -0700 (PDT)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Dear HC Fans,
Just realised I posted the same message twice (Hello all). So sorry
for wasting valuable space.
Just reading through old mailing list messages from the hc website.
Just makes me realise what an incredible film this really is. More so
each day..... I'll have to hire the film again this weekend and get a
tape of it!!!! So excited!
Yours, Jane Fribit
Get your free address at
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n753.3 ---------------
From: Laurin McNiff <>
Subject: Re: Script help
Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 06:24:44 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
References: <>
Dear Jane,
I have the scrit available on my website, The Heavenly
Creatures Webhome, it's url is:
If you need anything else, let me know.
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n753.4 ---------------
From: crystal <beckwith@Oswego.EDU>
Subject: P&H trial
Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 12:41:22 -0400 (EDT)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Trial transcripts are usually public record but does anyone know if it's
possible to get copies of the transcript from this case? Thanx.
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n753.5 ---------------
From: StarScully <>
Subject: KW in In Style magazine
Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 13:36:47 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
I don't mean to bring up the topic of Kate's weight as I'm sure it has
in the
past, but I liked what was said of Kate:
"I like the fact that Kate is not bone skinny and that she's such a
girl. She has a nice, womanly figure and a gorgeous face, luminous
skin." -
makeup artist Ronnie Spector (June issue, page 213)
There's a little picture of her in there too.
I remember reading in the newspaper that one girl said Kate looked fat
Titanic, but it was good to see a girl up there that looks more like
girls in
the *real* world. I don't think she's fat at all, but people see beauty
differently. I think Mel and Kate are both beautiful and because they
exactly the model type it shows that maybe Hollywood is starting to
cast more
girls that look like a "regular" girl. I hope this made sense. I can
write as fast as my brain thinks.
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n753.6 ---------------
Subject: Re: Script help
Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 15:08:44 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Dear Jane,
I have the script I can send you to download... Let me know if you are
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n753.7 ---------------
From: Baboon4444 <>
Subject: Help, please
Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 15:09:11 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
I have a few people who want to be on this list, but I forget the
address that
I went to sign up for it. Can someone remind me, please? Or Laurin,
your web page have it?
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n753.8 ---------------
From: Laurin McNiff <>
Subject: Re: Help, please
Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 15:51:14 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
References: <>
Dear Lauren,
My site has a mailing list, but not this list. That's
at Bryan's site:
There ya go, and stop by my site to join the Mel Kate list if you
haven't already.
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n753.9 ---------------
Subject: Re: KW in In Style magazine
Date: Tue, 12 May 98 15:05:23 -0500
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
I remember reading in the newspaper that one girl said Kate looked fat
Titanic, but it was good to see a girl up there that looks more like
girls in
the *real* world. I don't think she's fat at all, but people see
differently. I think Mel and Kate are both beautiful and because they
exactly the model type it shows that maybe Hollywood is starting to
cast more
girls that look like a "regular" girl. I hope this made sense. I can
write as fast as my brain thinks.
Actually, There was a article in either TV Guide or
Weekly this past week about the fact that larger woman were
getting better roles and they used Kate as an example. She
wasn't one of the largest, but she isn't model thin, which I
think is great. It's nice to see the stereotype of only
beautiful women are worth watching, much less thinking about,
being broken.
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n753.10 ---------------
From: SueBridhed <>
Subject: Re: KW in In Style magazine
Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 18:40:53 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Why must everyone bring everything down to Kate's weight? If she was
thin" then everyone wouldn't say, "Oh I think Kate's the best because
she's so
skinny" blagh blagh blagh....can't we just look at her ability to act?
I know
I'm gonna get chewed out for this one but I just had to speak my mind.
power to ya Kate!!!!! Yeah baby!!!!!
--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n753 ---------------
Wed, 13 May 1998 16:10:45 -0700 (PDT)
From: Add to Address Book
Digest heavenly-c.v001.n754
-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n754 --------------
001 - SueBridhed <SueBridhed@ao - Re: KW in In Style magazine
002 - (adam a - Re: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n753
003 - Kip Hoelscher <akira@iast - Another newbie!
004 - "E. Jean Guerin" <orson@v - Re: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n753
005 - - conversion
006 - REJuliet < - UNSUBSCRIBE
007 - (F - Re: Another newbie!
008 - "B & B Library APCO" <LIB - UNSUBSCRIBE -Reply
009 - Imran Hayat <ihayat@infom - HC Soundtrack available
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n754.1 ---------------
From: SueBridhed <>
Subject: Re: KW in In Style magazine
Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 18:46:54 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Oh yeah and another thing......before all this Kate hype I remember my
telling me that Kate was teeny tiny and she couldn't imagine why Kate
would go
on weight watchers. (her having seen Sense and Sensibility) Of course
this was
before everyone began scrutinizing Kate or even knowing she existed.
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n754.2 ---------------
From: (adam abrams)
Subject: Re: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n753
Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 22:56:27 -0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> It's nice to see the stereotype of only
> beautiful women are worth watching, much less thinking
about, is
> being broken.
...or the stereotype that only skinny women are beautiful!
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n754.3 ---------------
From: Kip Hoelscher <>
Subject: Another newbie!
Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 02:11:35 CDT
Greetings everyone.
I too have been observing the mailing list for a while now, several
in fact. I haven't posted anything because I wanted to finish reading
least the whole faq and possibly the mailng list archive first, so as
to repeat things that have already been covered. Anyway, I've watched
7 times now and I'm absolutely in love with it. It's become my
movie next to 'Akira'. I really enjoy reading the HC mailng list every
day, so keep it up. =) If I think of anything good to say, you'll be
the first to know.
By the way, does anyone know how many people are on this list?
(insert clever saying here...),
Kip Hoelscher
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n754.4 ---------------
From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>
Subject: Re: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n753
Date: Wed, 13 May 98 10:38:34 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
adam abrams wrote:
>> It's nice to see the stereotype of only
>> beautiful women are worth watching, much less thinking
about, is
>> being broken.
>...or the stereotype that only skinny women are beautiful!
Beauty is not limited to one standard.
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n754.5 ---------------
Subject: conversion
Date: Wed, 13 May 98 15:46:56 -0500
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Hey all,
Good news. There may be a Heavenly Creatures conversion
soon. I
was at lunch today and my friends were talking about the
they were reading at present. I asked them if they had ever
heard of or read any of Anne Perry's books. They said no but
that they had heard of her-mystery/murder novels aren't their
thing. (Mine either, but curiosity got the best of me and I
bought an Anne Perry book last week.)
They wanted to know who she was and I told them what she
and I told them why I had bought it. One of my friends
very interested in renting the movie soon.
Anyway...we've been talking about weight and actresses, and
it relates to Kate, etc. I agree that Kate Winslet is an
excellent actress. (I saw her in Sense and Sensibility first
she didn't make much of an impact, but then I saw Heavenly
Creatures and realized that she is a wonderful actress with a
wonderful range.) It just makes me wonder how many wonderful
actors/actresses are out there that aren't being given a
because of their lack of physical beauty. Actually, it
pi**es me off.
So, there's my rant of the day.
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n754.6 ---------------
From: REJuliet <>
Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 16:54:51 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Please tell me how to unsubscribe!!!
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n754.7 ---------------
From: (Frank Liekefett)
Subject: Re: Another newbie!
Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 22:57:43 +0200
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
References: <>
Kip Hoelscher schrieb:
> ...
> By the way, does anyone know how many people are on this list?
Welcome fellow creature,
for information about list members try the database on CrossPoet's Site:
Just for info,
'I suppose this is your idea of a joke' (Mrs Stevens, Heavenly
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n754.8 ---------------
From: "B & B Library APCO" <>
Subject: UNSUBSCRIBE -Reply
Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 16:20:25 -0500
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: inline
address to unsubscribe:
type UNSUBCRIBE in message.
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n754.9 ---------------
From: Imran Hayat <>
Subject: HC Soundtrack available
Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 14:33:44 -0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Hi everyone.
Well, I've found some places that are selling the HC soundtrack. Even
better, they're selling it for much lower than, et al so I
thought I'd let everyone here know about it. (Since I'm sure some of you
still don't have a copy of it) :)
Take a look at:
Greg's Music World
They are in NSW in Australia and carry the HC soundtrack for
US$21, and that includes shipping to North America.
And also:
Turn It UP
They also seem to be in Australia and carry the HC soundtrack for
about U$21 or so. I _think_ it includes shipping to North America,
but check anyway. :)
I've also found some CD stores in France that sell it too, for almost
the same price (I think it's a little higher though) but I don't have
URLs with me. If somebody wants them just let me know. :)
Hope this helps. Take care everyone!!
P.S. I'm not working for any CD store, etc. The above is just some
information for people who may be looking for the HC soundtrack.
IMRAN HAYAT - Simon Fraser University (3rd Yr.Geography/Comp.Science)
Burnaby, BC, Canada - ICQ 946837 - Webpage:
Interests: X-Files, The Beatles, Pet Shop Boys, Computing, Cows...
--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n754 ---------------Date:
Thu, 14 May 1998 13:22:19 -0700 (PDT)
From: Add to Address Book
Digest heavenly-c.v001.n755
-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n755 --------------
001 - Kip Hoelscher <akira@iast - The beautiful Kate W.
002 - RUbabes <> - Melanie Sightings?
003 - Phil West <pgw16@hermes.c - Re: The beautiful Kate W.
004 - "B & B Library APCO" <LIB - Melanie Sightings? -Reply
005 - Aileen Dayao <n9343700@ga - Re: The beautiful Kate W.
006 - Shania610 <Shania610@aol. - Intro
007 - Fairieglo <Fairieglo@aol. - Re: Re: The beautiful Kate W.
008 - Fairieglo <Fairieglo@aol. - Re: Intro
009 - "E. Jean Guerin" <orson@v - Re: The beautiful Kate W.
010 - (F - HC screening in Germany
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n755.1 ---------------
From: Kip Hoelscher <>
Subject: The beautiful Kate W.
Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 01:26:24 CDT
It's really sad that anyone would call Kate 'fat'. I've always just
assumed that the general concensus is that she is unquestionably
beautiful (and talented, of course). Don't even get me started on how
much I adore her...
Stark raving mad (and still searching for a good closing line),
Kip Hoelscher
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n755.2 ---------------
From: RUbabes <>
Subject: Melanie Sightings?
Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 03:18:07 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Hello Everyone! (Creatures and Kate/Mel Fans)
Just wondering if anyone else caught the "Ever After: A Cinderella
blurbs on Access Hollywood and Entertainment Tonight from several days
On my walkman, on the way home from work last week, I was listening to
the TV
(my walkman carries TV frequencies), and heard a story on ET. It
sounded like
Drew Barrymore was talking the interviewer on a tour of the set etc.
Didn't hear any clips from the film...and I'm not sure if Mel was shown.
On Access Hollywood a few nights ago, there was a clip of Drew talking
something on the set. No Mel.
Just wondering if anyone else saw these?
And was Mel actually shown on the ET spot?
I'm very excited about this new movie, and can't wait to see it on Aug.
Any input?
-Jesse :)
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n755.3 ---------------
From: Phil West <>
Subject: Re: The beautiful Kate W.
Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 12:26:43 +0100 (BST)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
In-Reply-To: <>
> It's really sad that anyone would call Kate 'fat'. I've always just
> assumed that the general concensus is that she is unquestionably
> beautiful (and talented, of course). Don't even get me started on
> much I adore her...
The main reason I nearly didn't recognise KW last week during our cash
machine coincidence was that she is shorter than she looks onscreen and
much much thinner - though perhaps this is exaggerated at the moment,
since reports suggest she has been ill.
All talk of her being fat is just silliness spread about by those who
not spent literally seconds next to her in a queue for money. :)
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n755.4 ---------------
From: "B & B Library APCO" <>
Subject: Melanie Sightings? -Reply
Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 07:50:52 -0500
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: inline
>>> RUbabes <> 05/14/98 02:18am >>>
Hello Everyone! (Creatures and Kate/Mel Fans)
Just wondering if anyone else caught the "Ever After: A Cinderella
blurbs on Access Hollywood and Entertainment Tonight from several days =
--- I saw the one on Access Hollywood. =20
On Access Hollywood a few nights ago, there was a clip of Drew talking =
something on the set. No Mel.
--- I saw Mel. They showed a scene where (if my memory serves me =
correctly) Angelica Houston shoves Drew on a chair and is very angry
with =
her. There's a voice over by the interviewer so you can't hear what =
Angelica is screaming. The camera pans from Drew to Angelica, and it =
shows 2 women sitting down a little bit behind and to the side
Angelica. =
The women closest to Angelica is Mel, I figure, because the other woman
is =
blonde. Her hair is very long and straight (hair extensions?) and her =
outfit is almost like Drew's. Her head was down and it looked like she
was =
knitting. =20
I recorded that segment (too obsessive?) and rewound it a couple times
to =
make sure it was Mel.
I don't have it anymore, I erased it by accident. *grr*
I'm very excited about this new movie, and can't wait to see it on Aug.
-- me too!
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n755.5 ---------------
From: Aileen Dayao <>
Subject: Re: The beautiful Kate W.
Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 01:05:53 +1000 (EST)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
In-Reply-To: <>
Hi =)) I saw an interview of Kate on location for the Hideously Kinky
movie a few weeks ago, this interview was a few days before the Golden
Globes.. in the interview she looked 'thinner' than when she was at the
Golden Globes.. I think it was the clothes she wore too..
__\\|//__ take care- justmeeh.. Aileen.
(` o-o ')
On Thu, 14 May 1998, Phil West wrote:
> > It's really sad that anyone would call Kate 'fat'. I've always
> > assumed that the general concensus is that she is unquestionably
> > beautiful (and talented, of course). Don't even get me started on
> > much I adore her...
> The main reason I nearly didn't recognise KW last week during our cash
> machine coincidence was that she is shorter than she looks onscreen
> much much thinner - though perhaps this is exaggerated at the moment,
> since reports suggest she has been ill.
> All talk of her being fat is just silliness spread about by those who
> not spent literally seconds next to her in a queue for money. :)
> Cheers,
> Phil
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n755.6 ---------------
From: Shania610 <>
Subject: Intro
Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 11:28:19 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Hi all!
I am new to the list. My name is Karen, I am 20, will be 21 in a few
weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!! I live in the United States, in Nebraska. I am going
school to get a degree in early childhood education, and I THINK I want
have my own daycare center soon. I love country music among many other
Heavenly creatures is an AWESOME movie. My fav part is when Paul gets
to see
Juliet in the hospital after they have been apart for so long.
Thanks for listening.
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n755.7 ---------------
From: Fairieglo <>
Subject: Re: Re: The beautiful Kate W.
Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 15:09:05 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
In a message dated 5/14/98 3:36:51 AM, you wrote:
<<All talk of her being fat is just silliness spread about by those who
not spent literally seconds next to her in a queue for money. :)
kinda makes one wonder.....kate at an ATM machine...what kind of "cash
available" balance does that girl have after titanic?! :)
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n755.8 ---------------
From: Fairieglo <>
Subject: Re: Intro
Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 15:13:15 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
In a message dated 5/14/98 7:52:11 AM, you wrote:
<<Hi all!
I am new to the list. My name is Karen, I am 20, will be 21 in a few
weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!! I live in the United States, in Nebraska. I am going
school to get a degree in early childhood education, and I THINK I want
have my own daycare center soon. I love country music among many other
Heavenly creatures is an AWESOME movie. My fav part is when Paul gets
to see
Juliet in the hospital after they have been apart for so long.
Thanks for listening.
welcome karen!!!! small internet world, eh?
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n755.9 ---------------
From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>
Subject: Re: The beautiful Kate W.
Date: Thu, 14 May 98 15:59:50 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Phil West wrote:
>All talk of her being fat is just silliness spread about by those who
>not spent literally seconds next to her in a queue for money. :)
Or had to "seduce" her on camera...
It was nerve wracking to do that. She is so beautiful. But she soon put
me at ease. Good thing I had to be "hideous". That took some pressure
Geeeeez! Kate is simply on of the most beautiful people I've met in my
life. As photogenic as she is, none of her photos do her justice. It
be that no film can really capture the true color of those eyes.
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n755.10 ---------------
From: (Frank Liekefett)
Subject: HC screening in Germany
Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 20:50:59 +0200
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Hi creatures,
apologize to all creatures overseas but I just had to write down this
"tremendous news" (hoping to reach some undiscovered german creatures).
Once again a little note about a HC screening here in Germany.
I can´t believe it but according to their program it seems to be the
10. Juni um 22 Uhr und 13. Juni um 21:15 Uhr
METROPOLIS - Kommunales Kino
Dammtorstr. 30a
20354 Hamburg
Tel. 040-342353, FAX 040-354090
Heavenly Creatures OmU
NZ 1994, Peter Jackson 108 Min.
Mit Kate Winslett, Melanie Lynskey, Sarah Peirse
Neuseeland in den 50er Jahren: Einander in enger Freundschaft zugetan,
sich zwei Teenager eine Phantasiewelt voller Poesie und märchenhafter
Geheimnisse geschaffen, die sie mit Rittern, Minnesängern und surrealen
Fabelwesen bevölkern. Als ihre spießigen Eltern sie aus ihrem
Paradies vertreiben und die beiden Mädchen voneinander trennen wollen,
sie Rettung nur noch durch eine Gewalttat. In Jacksons hinreißendem
Girl-Melodram »entfaltet sich das private Universum zweier emotional
vernachlässigter Teenager als farbige, tröstliche Opposition zu einer
von Zwang
und Prüderie beherrschten Wirklichkeit".(Sabine Horst, Frankfurter
Happy as can be,
can't wait to see it,
'We decided how sad it is for other people that they cannot appreciate
--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n755 ---------------Date:
Thu, 14 May 1998 23:09:08 -0700 (PDT)
From: Add to Address Book
Digest heavenly-c.v001.n756
-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n756 --------------
001 - Spj < - Re: The beatiful Kate Winslet
002 - Sharon Bowker <sbowker1@p - Welcome Kip and Karen!/Ever After
003 - IrishEMT12 <IrishEMT12@ao - Re: Melanie Sightings? -Reply
004 - Laurin McNiff <englishpat - Jude
005 - Aliooop1 < - Re: Jude
006 - (rober - Re: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n755
007 - Laurin McNiff <englishpat - Re: Jude
008 - Shania610 <Shania610@aol. - Re: Intro
009 - ( =? - Introduction
010 - Kip Hoelscher <akira@iast - lucky devil
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n756.1 ---------------
From: Spj <>
Subject: Re: The beatiful Kate Winslet
Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 22:23:30 +0100 (BST)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
In-Reply-To: <>
> From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>
> Subject: Re: The beautiful Kate W.
> Date: Thu, 14 May 98 15:59:50 -0400
> Geeeeez! Kate is simply on of the most beautiful people I've met in
> life. As photogenic as she is, none of her photos do her justice. It
> be that no film can really capture the true color of those eyes.
Please stop writing things like are making me extremely
P.S. All though I've been reading for ages, this is my first (or maybe
second) post. So, Hi everyone!
"Follow orders? No chance. Orders are for those who
don't know what to do, and thats not my problem."
Simon Johnston
Cambridge City Grid Christ's College, Cambridge, UK
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n756.2 ---------------
From: Sharon Bowker <>
Subject: Welcome Kip and Karen!/Ever After
Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 16:41:56 -0300
MIME-Version: 1.0
Greetings Heavenly Friends
And welcome to the list Kip and Karen! It's great to have you on board!
Entertainment Weekly's Summer Movie Preview gives the following
"Lowdown" on
Ever After: "With romances (as in romance films) and Drew Barrymore
both hot
after The Wedding Singer, and a now-happy Fox planning heavy promotion,
film may well triumph over diversity--if it can overcome the evil spell
of being
seen as a kiddie flick." I guess the diversity involved a huge script
casting problems and a tight budget. No mention of ML (What a crock!).
On a semi-related note, KW is mentioned in the same (May 15) issue in
an article
titled "Girth of a Nation." It's about how Hollywood and the
industry is "chunking up" and the stars of the Drew Carey Show and
Closet are cited as examples as well. A photo of Kate from the Golden
Globes is
included (she looks GORGEOUS and PERFECTLY PROPORTIONED)...right next
to the
image of Cartman from South Park...a show I am sort of embarrassed to
admit that
I like very much! For some reason, I was kind of tickled to see the two
of them
together on the same page!
Finally, in the regular column "Rent Check" in which celebrities list
recent movie rentals...model/author Veronica Webb said she watched HC
and had forgotten that KW was even it! (Another crock!) It's obviously
a great
issue for Creatures!
Another fun thing for Kate fans...her appearance on Rosie O'Donnell of
months ago (February, I think) is now being used (at least here in The
Heartland) in a promo for the show. It's the conversation about how
manages to avoid wrinkles and I've seen it several times...including
morning before leaving for work. What a wonderful way to start the day!
Best regards,
" sad it is for other people that they cannot appreciate our
Pauline Yvonne Parker
March 18, 1953
Sharon A. Bowker
Lafayette, Indiana, USA
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n756.3 ---------------
From: IrishEMT12 <>
Subject: Re: Melanie Sightings? -Reply
Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 17:59:57 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
About Melanie's appearence, it is no surprise that her hair is now
She was only 16 when she did HC, and it is not unusual to have yor
curls "straiten" as you grow older. She is now 20 years old, maybe
maybe 21, not sure. Anyway, you can see a lot of recent Mel pictures
at the
web site to another one of her new films, Foriegn Correspondents, ar
i am pretty sure that in those photos she has strait hair too. Anyway,
wait for this film to come out. Really want Mel to hvae more lead
role's. No
offense to Drew, love her, but Melanie is a much better actress, but
unfortunatley, she is not yet a star.
Jennifer EMT-B
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n756.4 ---------------
From: Laurin McNiff <>
Subject: Jude
Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 17:56:50 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Dear KMF/Creatures,
I just recently watched "Jude" and what can I say? If you
thought Heavenly Creatures was intense, think again..although HC is a
masterpiece within itself, "Jude" takes the cake for best performance
from Kate Winslet. It is utterly powerful, beautifully tragic and knocks
on every emotional door in you. It is cinematography, directing and
acting at it's best, and it leaves you breathless by the end credits.
>(I saw her in Sense and Sensibility first and
>she didn't make much of an impact, but then I saw Heavenly
>Creatures and realized that she is a wonderful actress with a
>wonderful range.)
This means you MUST go see Jude! Kate's range is astonishing and even
more unbelievable in Jude. To truly appreciate just how broad and vast
Kate's talent is, Jude should top the list of every Kate Winslet rental
The Heavenly Creatures Webhome:
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n756.5 ---------------
From: Aliooop1 <>
Subject: Re: Jude
Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 18:37:15 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Hi Creatures!
I just wanted to agree with Laurin about the movie Jude. Besides being
such a
great movie, I was really impressed with the way KW's character changes
physically throughout the film. It really shows her range as an
actress to
look like a young and vibrant young woman, to looking tired and older
near the
end. She truly is a great actress and I can't wait to see what she has
store for us next! :-)
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n756.6 ---------------
From: (robert stacy)
Subject: Re: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n755
Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 20:51:38 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
remove me from the mailing list
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n755
> Date: Thursday, May 14, 1998 4:22 PM
> -------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n755 --------------
> 001 - Kip Hoelscher <akira@iast - The beautiful Kate W.
> 002 - RUbabes <> - Melanie Sightings?
> 003 - Phil West <pgw16@hermes.c - Re: The beautiful Kate W.
> 004 - "B & B Library APCO" <LIB - Melanie Sightings? -Reply
> 005 - Aileen Dayao <n9343700@ga - Re: The beautiful Kate W.
> 006 - Shania610 <Shania610@aol. - Intro
> 007 - Fairieglo <Fairieglo@aol. - Re: Re: The beautiful Kate W.
> 008 - Fairieglo <Fairieglo@aol. - Re: Intro
> 009 - "E. Jean Guerin" <orson@v - Re: The beautiful Kate W.
> 010 - (F - HC screening in Germany
> --------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n755.1 ---------------
> From: Kip Hoelscher <>
> Subject: The beautiful Kate W.
> Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 01:26:24 CDT
> It's really sad that anyone would call Kate 'fat'. I've always just
> assumed that the general concensus is that she is unquestionably
> beautiful (and talented, of course). Don't even get me started on
> much I adore her...
> Stark raving mad (and still searching for a good closing line),
> Kip Hoelscher
> --------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n755.2 ---------------
> From: RUbabes <>
> Subject: Melanie Sightings?
> Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 03:18:07 EDT
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Hello Everyone! (Creatures and Kate/Mel Fans)
> Just wondering if anyone else caught the "Ever After: A Cinderella
> blurbs on Access Hollywood and Entertainment Tonight from several days
> On my walkman, on the way home from work last week, I was listening to
the TV
> (my walkman carries TV frequencies), and heard a story on ET. It
> Drew Barrymore was talking the interviewer on a tour of the set etc.
> Didn't hear any clips from the film...and I'm not sure if Mel was
> On Access Hollywood a few nights ago, there was a clip of Drew talking
> something on the set. No Mel.
> Just wondering if anyone else saw these?
> And was Mel actually shown on the ET spot?
> I'm very excited about this new movie, and can't wait to see it on
> :)
> Any input?
> -Jesse :)
> --------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n755.3 ---------------
> From: Phil West <>
> Subject: Re: The beautiful Kate W.
> Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 12:26:43 +0100 (BST)
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
> In-Reply-To: <>
> > It's really sad that anyone would call Kate 'fat'. I've always
> > assumed that the general concensus is that she is unquestionably
> > beautiful (and talented, of course). Don't even get me started on
> > much I adore her...
> The main reason I nearly didn't recognise KW last week during our cash
> machine coincidence was that she is shorter than she looks onscreen
> much much thinner - though perhaps this is exaggerated at the moment,
> since reports suggest she has been ill.
> All talk of her being fat is just silliness spread about by those who
> not spent literally seconds next to her in a queue for money. :)
> Cheers,
> Phil
> --------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n755.4 ---------------
> From: "B & B Library APCO" <>
> Subject: Melanie Sightings? -Reply
> Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 07:50:52 -0500
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Content-Disposition: inline
> >>> RUbabes <> 05/14/98 02:18am >>>
> Hello Everyone! (Creatures and Kate/Mel Fans)
> Just wondering if anyone else caught the "Ever After: A Cinderella
> blurbs on Access Hollywood and Entertainment Tonight from several
days =
> ago?
> --- I saw the one on Access Hollywood. =20
> On Access Hollywood a few nights ago, there was a clip of Drew
talking =
> about
> something on the set. No Mel.
> --- I saw Mel. They showed a scene where (if my memory serves me =
> correctly) Angelica Houston shoves Drew on a chair and is very angry
> her. There's a voice over by the interviewer so you can't hear what =
> Angelica is screaming. The camera pans from Drew to Angelica, and it
> shows 2 women sitting down a little bit behind and to the side
> The women closest to Angelica is Mel, I figure, because the other
is =
> blonde. Her hair is very long and straight (hair extensions?) and
her =
> outfit is almost like Drew's. Her head was down and it looked like she
was =
> knitting. =20
> I recorded that segment (too obsessive?) and rewound it a couple
times to
> make sure it was Mel.
> I don't have it anymore, I erased it by accident. *grr*
> I'm very excited about this new movie, and can't wait to see it on
Aug. =
> 7th!
> :)
> -- me too!
> bye,=20
> Pam=20
> --------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n755.5 ---------------
> From: Aileen Dayao <>
> Subject: Re: The beautiful Kate W.
> Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 01:05:53 +1000 (EST)
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
> In-Reply-To: <>
> Hi =)) I saw an interview of Kate on location for the Hideously Kinky
> movie a few weeks ago, this interview was a few days before the Golden
> Globes.. in the interview she looked 'thinner' than when she was at
> Golden Globes.. I think it was the clothes she wore too..
> __\\|//__ take care- justmeeh.. Aileen.
> (` o-o ')
> ---ooO-(_)-Ooo---
> On Thu, 14 May 1998, Phil West wrote:
> > > It's really sad that anyone would call Kate 'fat'. I've always
> > > assumed that the general concensus is that she is unquestionably
> > > beautiful (and talented, of course). Don't even get me started on
> > > much I adore her...
> >
> > The main reason I nearly didn't recognise KW last week during our
> > machine coincidence was that she is shorter than she looks onscreen
> > much much thinner - though perhaps this is exaggerated at the
> > since reports suggest she has been ill.
> >
> > All talk of her being fat is just silliness spread about by those
> > not spent literally seconds next to her in a queue for money. :)
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Phil
> --------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n755.6 ---------------
> From: Shania610 <>
> Subject: Intro
> Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 11:28:19 EDT
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Hi all!
> I am new to the list. My name is Karen, I am 20, will be 21 in a few
> weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!! I live in the United States, in Nebraska. I am
> school to get a degree in early childhood education, and I THINK I
> have my own daycare center soon. I love country music among many other
> Heavenly creatures is an AWESOME movie. My fav part is when Paul gets
> Juliet in the hospital after they have been apart for so long.
> Thanks for listening.
> karen
> --------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n755.7 ---------------
> From: Fairieglo <>
> Subject: Re: Re: The beautiful Kate W.
> Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 15:09:05 EDT
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> In a message dated 5/14/98 3:36:51 AM, you wrote:
> <<All talk of her being fat is just silliness spread about by those
> not spent literally seconds next to her in a queue for money. :)
> Cheers,>>
> kinda makes one wonder.....kate at an ATM machine...what kind of "cash
> available" balance does that girl have after titanic?! :)
> ~melanie
> --------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n755.8 ---------------
> From: Fairieglo <>
> Subject: Re: Intro
> Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 15:13:15 EDT
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> In a message dated 5/14/98 7:52:11 AM, you wrote:
> <<Hi all!
> I am new to the list. My name is Karen, I am 20, will be 21 in a few
> weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!! I live in the United States, in Nebraska. I am
> school to get a degree in early childhood education, and I THINK I
> have my own daycare center soon. I love country music among many other
> Heavenly creatures is an AWESOME movie. My fav part is when Paul gets
> Juliet in the hospital after they have been apart for so long.
> Thanks for listening.
> karen>>
> welcome karen!!!! small internet world, eh?
> ~melanie
> --------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n755.9 ---------------
> From: "E. Jean Guerin" <>
> Subject: Re: The beautiful Kate W.
> Date: Thu, 14 May 98 15:59:50 -0400
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
> Phil West wrote:
> >All talk of her being fat is just silliness spread about by those who
> >not spent literally seconds next to her in a queue for money. :)
> Or had to "seduce" her on camera...
> It was nerve wracking to do that. She is so beautiful. But she soon
> me at ease. Good thing I had to be "hideous". That took some pressure
> Geeeeez! Kate is simply on of the most beautiful people I've met in
> life. As photogenic as she is, none of her photos do her justice. It
> be that no film can really capture the true color of those eyes.
> (:^)]
> --------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n755.10 ---------------
> From: (Frank Liekefett)
> Subject: HC screening in Germany
> Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 20:50:59 +0200
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> Hi creatures,
> apologize to all creatures overseas but I just had to write down this
> "tremendous news" (hoping to reach some undiscovered german
> Once again a little note about a HC screening here in Germany.
> I can´t believe it but according to their program it seems to be the
> grail"(!!!):
> 10. Juni um 22 Uhr und 13. Juni um 21:15 Uhr
> METROPOLIS - Kommunales Kino
> Dammtorstr. 30a
> 20354 Hamburg
> Tel. 040-342353, FAX 040-354090
> Heavenly Creatures OmU
> NZ 1994, Peter Jackson 108 Min.
> Mit Kate Winslett, Melanie Lynskey, Sarah Peirse
> Neuseeland in den 50er Jahren: Einander in enger Freundschaft zugetan,
> sich zwei Teenager eine Phantasiewelt voller Poesie und märchenhafter
> Geheimnisse geschaffen, die sie mit Rittern, Minnesängern und
> Fabelwesen bevölkern. Als ihre spießigen Eltern sie aus ihrem
> Paradies vertreiben und die beiden Mädchen voneinander trennen wollen,
> sie Rettung nur noch durch eine Gewalttat. In Jacksons hinreißendem
> Girl-Melodram »entfaltet sich das private Universum zweier emotional
> vernachlässigter Teenager als farbige, tröstliche Opposition zu einer
> und Prüderie beherrschten Wirklichkeit".(Sabine Horst, Frankfurter
> 14.1.1995)
> Happy as can be,
> can't wait to see it,
> Frank
> --
> 'We decided how sad it is for other people that they cannot appreciate
> genius...'
> --------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n755 ---------------
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n756.7 ---------------
From: Laurin McNiff <>
Subject: Re: Jude
Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 21:24:43 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
References: <>
Dear Creatures/Alice,
Just another note, I bought the soundtrack before
viewing the movie(sort of a "bad" habit of mine!:-) and I must say,
Adrian Johnston does such a superb job with it! It's fantastic!
Heartfelt and soul stirring. I cannot stress how much any Kate fan needs
to see this film.
p.s. If anyone would like to hear any tracks from the soundtrack, email
me privately and I will send compressed attachments.:-)
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n756.8 ---------------
From: Shania610 <>
Subject: Re: Intro
Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 21:58:25 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
VERY small!! =)
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n756.9 ---------------
From: ( =?iso-8859-1?Q?Jos=E9?= Antonio Abad
Subject: Introduction
Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 00:04:44 -0500
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Hello everyone!
I just subscribed my self to this list, and I am amazed on how
people still is talking about HC. I thought that no one or only a few
really apreciate the gourgeous work of Kate and Mel in HC.
Let me introduce my self. I'm am a married male, 28 years old
(almost 29) with a normal life, a normal job and a normal brain. I
used to
work as the principal assistant on a High school here in Mexico city. I
tought science subjects as math, physics, or computing science. I have
degree in Electronical and communications engineering. I was born in
mexico in 1969. My mom is from here and my dad is spanish. Now I'm
working for a leader firm in software development. I play the role of
Oracle DBA and Oracle education manager. As you all can see, my life is
always surrounded by science and numbers, in every possible way.
Excuse me if I'm getting you bored.
The big change started a few months ago when I saw Titanic.
Honestly, the movie doesn't worth all the big scandal that followed it.
was good and nice. No more, no less. But i'd got stunned by the
beauty of
Kate. By then I can tell that I already saw the Kid In King... but it
not make on me any impression. After watching Titanic, I searched for
about Kate here, on Internet and I found her filmography. I read the
critics of every movie she acted in and the one that made on me some
of impression was HC. Unfortunatelly, movie theaters never showed it
and blockbuster didn't ever hear about it. I use to travel often to
USA so
I thought that I could by the video. To make this story short, for my
surprise, theaters started to anounce the movie. I saw it, twice. I
bought the video and, by now, i've already seen it 12 times. I also saw
Sense and... and Hamlet. Kate is gorgeous and beautyful. It's a shame
that Mel has not been recognized yet. So, here I am as a new fan of
Mel and HC, at your service.
The awfull part of the story is that my life change so much
since I
saw HC that I'm even planning moving my self to another part of the
No, i'm not leaving my lovely wife. I'm just feeling so many things
that I
never thought I could felt or that I didn't feel in so many years that I
feel like a teenager. I've decided to make a big change in my life
to merge all my science background in one more human and intense. So, I
want to thank Jackson for his great job, Mel for her intense performance
and Kate for her superb acting and qualities and HC for changing my
Thanks you all for reading this and for letting me the opportunity of
express my self in your forum. Greetings from Mexico City, the home of
poullution and corruption. By the way, I'm Jose Antonio. In a future
letter I will tell you more on how HC affected my life. Pardon my
because it is not my native languaje. :)
| Cuanto mas grande la cabeza, mas fuerte la jaqueca. |
| The bigger the head, the bigger the headache |
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n756.10 ---------------
From: Kip Hoelscher <>
Subject: lucky devil
Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 01:08:20 CDT
Gee, not everyone gets the chance to kiss Kate, but thanx for rubbing
in, EJG. (just kidding, silly) =P
--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n756 ---------------
Fri, 15 May 1998 17:23:20 -0700 (PDT)
From: Add to Address Book
Digest heavenly-c.v001.n757
-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n757 --------------
001 - StarScully <StarScully@ao - Re: Jude
002 - Tine Nielsen <tinen@dorit - Re: Welcome Kip and Karen!/Ever
003 - Laurin McNiff <englishpat - Re: Jude
004 - "MC Frappier" < - Re: Hello all
005 - crystal <beckwith@Oswego. - Parker&Hulme
006 - LaSkA 4 u < - Re: Jude
007 - (Sa - Newbie
008 - Jeff Hamilton <jeffhamilt - Re: Jude
009 - Jeff Hamilton <jeffhamilt - Hello
010 - JF <> - date....
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n757.1 ---------------
From: StarScully <>
Subject: Re: Jude
Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 03:49:38 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Everywhere I've been I can't seem to find this freakin movie. My
friend got
to watch it in her English class last week. She asked if I had seen it
said "Oh My God It was so good. The part where that girl you like...."
told her to stop telling me because I want to see it myself without her
spoiling it for me. Oh but noooo she gets to watch it in school. Oh
that reminds me I did see "S&S" in English class last year as well. Of
I liked the movie just because Emma Thompson was in it. Sorry for such
short and rambled post. I hardly post for reasons like this, either my
answers are too short or what I'm trying to say never comes across the
way I
want it to.
Janel "I adore Bette Davis" H.
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n757.2 ---------------
From: Tine Nielsen <>
Subject: Re: Welcome Kip and Karen!/Ever After
Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 11:32:06 +0200
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
In-Reply-To: <>
At 16:41 14-05-98 -0300, you wrote:
>Another fun thing for Kate fans...her appearance on Rosie O'Donnell of
>months ago (February, I think) is now being used (at least here in The
>Heartland) in a promo for the show. It's the conversation about how
>manages to avoid wrinkles and I've seen it several times...including
>morning before leaving for work. What a wonderful way to start the day!
And the interview Kate did on the Tonight show is also used to advertise
the show!
welcome to all the new ones too :)
If anybody's interested I've put all the Kate Winslet fan addresses I've
been able to find on my KW page :
"When everything gets tough, denials all we have"
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n757.3 ---------------
From: Laurin McNiff <>
Subject: Re: Jude
Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 15:53:58 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
References: <>
Dear Janel,
It's not that hard to find, you can get it from
and CDNOW as well, on tape. Or if there is a blockbuster or Suncoast
Video near you they will have it. seems to have a
pretty comprehensive list of Kate movies available through the internet
for purchase. Also, the soundtrack as I've said before, is utter
paradise..I hope you can find it, if not, email me.
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n757.4 ---------------
From: "MC Frappier" <>
Subject: Re: Hello all
Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 16:48:03 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Hello Jane
Welcome to the list!
We are quite the bunch of merry (and not so merry) folks!
> From: Jane Fribit <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: Hello all
> Date: 11 mai, 1998 05:38
> Dear HC fans,
> Have been observing this mailing list lately. I'm new and have never
> posted anything.... hate being the new person, but I hope that you
> will accept me into your group of heavenly fans.
> I only saw Heavenly Creatures about 3 weeks ago after wanting to see
> it for about a year.... I couldn't stop thinking about it. It has now
> become my favourite film along side Trainspotting. So so good. and I
> can't get over how good Melanie Lynskey was in it!
> But this is just to say hi and that I am here. :o)
> Humbly yours,
> Jane Fribit
> _________________________________________________________
> Get your free address at
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n757.5 ---------------
From: crystal <beckwith@Oswego.EDU>
Subject: Parker&Hulme
Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 17:22:49 -0400 (EDT)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Well I'm in the middle of Glamuzina and Laurie's book on the case and I
had planned on skipping the first section as some of you advised but
couriosity got the best of me....but now I've got a question. Rich talks
about the house in Port Levy being once owned by Maoris and being
in a spiritually charged Maori area", I don't know if I believe this or
its an explanation for the girls "visiting" the 4th world while there,
I'd never heard of this before and found it very intersting. It also
that Paulene went on to study the Maori language while in prison. Has
anyone else who has read this find it kind of interesting or just have
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n757.6 ---------------
From: LaSkA 4 u <>
Subject: Re: Jude
Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 17:39:42 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
In a message dated 5/15/98 3:45:40 AM Romance Daylight Time, writes:
<< p.s. If anyone would like to hear any tracks from the soundtrack,
me privately and I will send compressed attachments.:-) >>
can u send some to me?
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n757.7 ---------------
From: (Sasha Raevyn Caulfield)
Subject: Newbie
Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 18:02:04 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0 (WebTV)
Content-Type: MULTIPART/MIXED; BOUNDARY=WebTV-Mail-2039320056-7779
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT
Hi Im Sasha I joined the list a few weeks ago and I wanted to introduce
myself to the list. I saw HC about a year ago and I thought it was a
great film. I think Kate and Melanie are wonderful actresses. I was
wondering would anyone know of any movies Melanie is in ? I can not seem
to find any movies with her. Does she have any films coming up soon?
Content-Description: signature
Content-Disposition: INLINE
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT
<audioscope bgcolor="black" leftcolor="red" rightcolor="blue"
height="40" width="400"gain="0">
"Elven Princess" By Nils Altenbach
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n757.8 ---------------
From: Jeff Hamilton <>
Subject: Re: Jude
Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 18:36:57 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
References: <>
In-Reply-To: <>
Wow - I sure wasn't aware that there was a soundtrack to this movie
available (gee - that knowledge alone makes it worth having joined this
Jeff Hamilton - the capitalist
to join the 461 (network), send a message to
and hope for the best
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n757.9 ---------------
From: Jeff Hamilton <>
Subject: Hello
Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 18:33:38 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
In-Reply-To: <>
Hi everyone - it's so hard to believe that there are others in this
that love this movie so much! I saw it in the theatre in Atlanta
United States of America) a few years ago and thought it was great.
to get my hands on a used VHS copy in mid-1996. Love it - I really do.
Nothing more to say, I guess. Haven't seen any of the pair's other
(except Titanic, of course - a whopping 14 times), but I'm looking
to "Cinderella."
I put my letter to Miramax in the mail today (egging them on to release
"Heavenly Creatures" on DVD). I hope they do it - then I'll have to
out $$$$ and actually buy a DVD player.
Jeff Hamilton - the capitalist
to join the 461 (network), send a message to
and hope for the best
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n757.10 ---------------
From: JF <>
Subject: date....
Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 17:17:07 -0700 (PDT)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Remember someone said before they were born on the date of Pauline
Parker's birthday... I was born on the day of the murder (though 2o
something years after). Just realised yesterday. It was quiet strange.
Get your free address at
--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n757 ---------------Date:
Sat, 16 May 1998 13:49:24 -0700 (PDT)
From: Add to Address Book
Digest heavenly-c.v001.n758
-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n758 --------------
001 - JF <> - Kate
002 - Aileen Dayao <n9343700@ga - Re: Repost: NZ Woman's
Weekly-Pauline Found!!!
003 - Jane Fribit <recurring@ya - webpages/video length
004 - Stephen Bull <sybull@line - Without Genre
005 - "INDALECIA SELLERS" <jeng - Re: date....
006 - XWINSLETX <XWINSLETX@aol. - Other HC lists and Mel pages
007 - "Jose Antonio Abad Trujil - Mel birthday
008 - Juliana Bastos <jbastos@u - Re: Without Genre
009 - Juliana Bastos <jbastos@u - Re: Repost: NZ Woman's
Weekly-Pauline Found!!!
010 - Juliana Bastos <jbastos@u - Maori interpretation
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n758.1 ---------------
From: JF <>
Subject: Kate
Date: Fri, 15 May 1998 17:23:57 -0700 (PDT)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Kate Winslet = beautiful
Get your free address at
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n758.2 ---------------
From: Aileen Dayao <>
Subject: Re: Repost: NZ Woman's Weekly-Pauline Found!!!
Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 19:21:18 +1000 (EST)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
In-Reply-To: <>
p.s. There some great pictures of the now 58 years old Hilary Nathan
her home, including the usual trial court photos.
hi =)) i wondered if anyone had a scanner and access to these photos?
i also wondered how the actresses compared in looks to the 'real people'
they played at the time?
__\\|//__ take care- justmeeh.. Aileen.
(` o-o ')
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n758.3 ---------------
From: Jane Fribit <>
Subject: webpages/video length
Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 05:48:39 -0700 (PDT)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
This is sort of a message to Laurin individually to say thanks for her
really great heavenly creatures web page. It was so good!
I loved the home page and especially the warped sort of images.
About an hour ago I finished watching HC for the second time. So
The video which I watched it from was the Australian release... and
was only 95 minutes long. I did assume that we would have gotten the
NZ one but obviously we didn't so I'm hanging out for a visit to NZ
From Jane Fribit
PS So sorry about the irrelevance of this post.
Get your free address at
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n758.4 ---------------
From: Stephen Bull <>
Subject: Without Genre
Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 16:38:19 +0100
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Hiya all,
Been kinda busy the last few weeks, but have made time to read the
positings. Anyway, I was reading the posting from two newbies (Welcome
to our world!) and they both contained simmilar sentances....
Kip said.......It's become my favorite movie next to 'Akira'
Jane said......I couldn't stop thinking about it. It has now become my
favourite film along side 'Trainspotting'
which made me wonder. .......What made you (memeber on the list) want to
watch HC in the first place?
For me, the reason for watching HC was down soley to it being a Peter
Jackson film, who's previous films I greatly admire. When I bought HC
(without having watched it), I bought "The city of the lost children" by
Jeunet & Caro at the same time(again without having watched it) , so I
had a pretty amazing evenings viewing !
Just curious.
"In two years, she's only had four divorces. She should really be
working for the U.N.!"
Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Hiya all,
<P>Been kinda busy the last few weeks, but have made time to read the
Anyway, I was reading the posting from two newbies (Welcome to our
and they both contained simmilar sentances....
<P>Kip said.......It's become my favorite movie next to 'Akira'
<P>Jane said......I couldn't stop thinking about it. It has now become
my favourite film along side 'Trainspotting'
<P>which made me wonder. .......What made you (memeber on the list) want
to watch HC in the first place?
<P>For me, the reason for watching HC was down soley to it being a Peter
Jackson film, who's previous films I greatly admire. When I bought HC
having watched it), I bought "The city of the lost children" by Jeunet
& Caro at the same time(again without having watched it) , so I had
a pretty amazing evenings viewing !
<P>Just curious.
<P><I>"In two years, she's only had four divorces. She should really be
working for the U.N.!"</I>
<BR> </HTML>
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n758.5 ---------------
Subject: Re: date....
Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 10:50:19 -0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
hey! me too! june 22.
-----Original Message-----
From: JF <>
To: <>
Date: Friday, May 15, 1998 5:26 PM
Subject: date....
>Remember someone said before they were born on the date of Pauline
>Parker's birthday... I was born on the day of the murder (though 2o
>something years after). Just realised yesterday. It was quiet strange.
>Get your free address at
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n758.6 ---------------
Subject: Other HC lists and Mel pages
Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 15:16:54 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Hello Creatures,
I was wondering if there are any other HC lists out there that someone
tell me about. Also, are there any pages out there dedicated to Mel?
Any suggestions for HC related pages or discussions would be greatly
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n758.7 ---------------
From: "Jose Antonio Abad Trujillo" <>
Subject: Mel birthday
Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 14:29:27 -0500
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
According to IMDB, today, may 16, it's Melanie's birthday.
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n758.8 ---------------
From: Juliana Bastos <>
Subject: Re: Without Genre
Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 17:13:43 -0300
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
References: <>
> What made you (member on the list) want to watch HC in the first >
Hm, interesting... it seems to me that there are lots of different
stories here about the first HC watching. I remember watching the HC
trailer (the 2 min. one) once when I went to see a movie in the theater,
mid-'95. and one thing I remember clearly was that I thought at first,
"oh well, it must be one of these silly movies about friends and all".
Of course by the end of the trailer I had changed my mind completely...
> For me, the reason for watching HC was down soley to it being a Peter
> Jackson film, who's previous films I greatly admire.
When I saw "Braindead", last year, I could never imagine this would come
from the same director. Of course, paying more attention to his camera
movements and all (although I'm not a specialist) made me sure it was
indeed him. But his other movies are quite different in content. I mean,
if it was for me, I would never look for a movie like "Braindead", 'cos
it isn't definetely the kind of movie I like (but HC is, see what I
Just 2 cents on this,
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n758.9 ---------------
From: Juliana Bastos <>
Subject: Re: Repost: NZ Woman's Weekly-Pauline Found!!!
Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 17:23:16 -0300
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
References: <>
> hi =)) i wondered if anyone had a scanner and access to these photos?
> i also wondered how the actresses compared in looks to the 'real
> they played at the time?
Take a look at Adam's 4th World Site, at the picture gallery
( You'll
pictures from the real Pauline and Juliet. Compare them with the movie:
think they're very much alike.
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n758.10 ---------------
From: Juliana Bastos <>
Subject: Maori interpretation
Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 17:44:08 -0300
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
References: <>
> ...but now I've got a question. Rich talks
> about the house in Port Levy being once owned by Maoris and being
> in a spiritually charged Maori area", I don't know if I believe this
or if
> its an explanation for the girls "visiting" the 4th world while
there, but
> I'd never heard of this before and found it very intersting.
Yes, it's indeed very interesting: whatever happened there was unique,
because Paul didn't mention anything about it later on in her diary (am
correct?). Unfortunately I think Glamuzina and Laurie didn't get to
work hard
on it, and it's a pity because I think it makes a fascinating topic. I
can anyone understand this? (SPOILERS FROM THE BOOK, maybe):
"First, there is the concept of Mauri. This is the physical life force
or life
principle which is fed from the solar system and controlled by the Nga
Kaitiaki. These Kaitiaki are imbued with Mana from their Atua and are
therefore in the state of tapu." And so on - it seems to me that it's
And, by the way, as this is my third posting today, I want to welcome
all the
newbies. We even have one more Latin American here (bienvenido, Jose)!
Is this really Mel's birthday? So let me shout very loud
--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n758 ---------------Date:
Sat, 16 May 1998 20:07:32 -0700 (PDT)
From: Add to Address Book
Digest heavenly-c.v001.n759
-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n759 --------------
001 - "Jose Antonio Abad Trujil - Thanks for the welcome
002 - Shania610 <Shania610@aol. - Why I started watching.
003 - Shania610 <Shania610@aol. - Re: Mel birthday
004 - Baboon4444 <Baboon4444@ao - Re: Without Genre
005 - "Jose Antonio Abad Trujil - RE: Mel birthday
006 - Jeff Hamilton <jeffhamilt - Re: date....
007 - Jeff Hamilton <jeffhamilt - Re: Why I started watching.
008 - StarScully <StarScully@ao - Re: Why I started watching.
009 - StarScully <StarScully@ao - Opinions on "The Butcher Boy"
010 - StarScully <StarScully@ao - Re: Jude
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n759.1 ---------------
From: "Jose Antonio Abad Trujillo" <>
Subject: Thanks for the welcome
Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 17:24:22 -0500
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Hi everybody. I sent yesterday some sort of resume about my experience
with HC. I use two accounts in internet, and with both i'm subscribed
this list, so, I'm the same Jose Antonio in antonioa@spin... and
Thanks Juliana for aknowledging my comments and for the welcome. I
apreciate that.
According to the IMDB i found that today, 21 years ago, Mel arrived to
world. By now, her birthday ended in her birthland, but, anyway she
must be
happy because she is now a legal adult.
I am trying to find the script of HC. I visited a Mel's dedicated page
where it was suppoused to be (The script) But it is incomplete!!! Does
anyone of you could send me a copy of the whole material, please?
As an interesting fact, here, in Mexico City, theaters are showing now
Not many theaters, but quite enogh. It has been shown during the last
weeks, so, you can rate that as a fair success. Even though, the
here aint that good. Thats a pity. The most sad thing is the fact that
most of my friends who already saw the movie, didn't like it. I assume
lack of information about the story, the facts, the actors and the
background while making the film makes people not to understand the
mvoie it is.
You can only find here, in video, Hamlet and Sense and Sensibilty. On
black market you can find copies of Titanic and HC. The last one only
because it is been shown these days.
None of the movies where Mel cast, except for HC, are found here.
Many people watch HC just because Kate, but they got dissapointed
they expected some hollywood-happy-end-like-movie.
As my personal opinion HC shows the best performance of Kate and Mel.
My next step is to find a copy of Jude.
Finally, i want to congratulate all the members of this list. I thought
that after so many years, maybe only a few could keep interest on the
subject. I am glad it is not true.
Thanks for reading.
Jose Antonio
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n759.2 ---------------
From: Shania610 <>
Subject: Why I started watching.
Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 18:28:20 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
For those of you who have AOL, you will understand. I have been having a
TERRIBLE weekend. First, I got into a fight with mom, then I was late
at work
and had to pospone a sitting job, she was annoyed with me. THEN I get
home and
was replying to the message about why I started watching and aol locked
up and
I had to totally re start my computer.
Anyhow, I hope all of you are having a better weekend!! =)
Why I started? I have to be honest. It was because I watched bound at a
friends recomendation, and when I loved that she said I had to watch
HC. I did
and liked it too! I like most any movie where there is a bond like
June is a popular month =)
My bday is the 10th
"All the best people have bad chests and bone diseases. It's all
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n759.3 ---------------
From: Shania610 <>
Subject: Re: Mel birthday
Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 18:30:00 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
how old is she, and kate?? My browser is too slow unless it is nite, I
do plan
to look later.
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n759.4 ---------------
From: Baboon4444 <>
Subject: Re: Without Genre
Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 18:49:03 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Okay, I will admit it- I did only know about HC through Kate's Titanic
success. I knew about Kate before, from Sense and Sensibility, but not
her old films. Articles on her aroused my interest in her earlier
work, and I
went to Blockbuster to rent the film (HC). The second I saw it, I knew
I had
to own it. I have probably seen it every other day since I've gotten
it. (It
will wear out soon!)
Anyway, I think HC is Kate's best performance, slightly ahead of Jude.
absolutely cannot wait for Melanie's new movies to come out either. I
want to
see what see looks like today, so I'll have to visit those web pages.
time I see HC, I realize another part of it that shows the absolute
of everyone involved with the making. I love all of the, I guess you
say, irony of the very beginning.
Well, that's my HC story, sorry to babble on!
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n759.5 ---------------
From: "Jose Antonio Abad Trujillo" <>
Subject: RE: Mel birthday
Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 18:11:23 -0500
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> De: Shania610 <>
> A:
> Asunto: Re: Mel birthday
> Fecha: Sábado 16 de Mayo de 1998 05:30 PM
> how old is she, and kate?? My browser is too slow unless it is nite,
I do
> to look later.
> Karen
Kate was born on october 5, 1975, so she is now 22. Quite young, isn't
her? BOth are lovely.
Jose Antonio
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n759.6 ---------------
From: Jeff Hamilton <>
Subject: Re: date....
Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 20:10:57 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
In-Reply-To: <>
Darn - (19 June) - I missed it by three days :(
Jeff Hamilton - the capitalist
to join the 461 (network), send a message to
and hope for the best
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n759.7 ---------------
From: Jeff Hamilton <>
Subject: Re: Why I started watching.
Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 20:21:01 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
In-Reply-To: <>
Well - I hate to admit it but I went to see the movie strictly because I
was enchanted with the premise of it all (particularly, the enmity that
two central characters felt for their parents). And also, it seems every
time I see a film made in NZ, it turns out to be really good. By the way
Karen, my ex-father's birthday was also 10 June.
Jeff Hamilton - the capitalist
to join the 461 (network), send a message to
and hope for the best
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n759.8 ---------------
From: StarScully <>
Subject: Re: Why I started watching.
Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 22:52:12 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
In a message dated 98-05-16 18:34:29 EDT, you write:
<< For those of you who have AOL, you will understand. I have been
having a
TERRIBLE weekend. First, I got into a fight with mom, then I was late
at work
and had to pospone a sitting job, she was annoyed with me. THEN I get
was replying to the message about why I started watching and aol
locked up
I had to totally re start my computer. >>
I know how that is. I have aol, but I only use it to view my mail and
but otherwise I use Netscape to "surf".
<< Why I started? I have to be honest. It was because I watched bound
at a
friends recomendation, and when I loved that she said I had to watch
and liked it too! I like most any movie where there is a bond like
that. >>
I wanted to see HC on my own since the previews were first out, but
just last
year I finally got a chance to see it.
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n759.9 ---------------
From: StarScully <>
Subject: Opinions on "The Butcher Boy"
Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 23:02:29 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
I plan on seeing this movie sometime in June. I've heard of the
about this movie and HC, just wanted some opinions on this movie.
Where I
live I have to drive like 20 minutes out of my way just to see some of
good "indie" movies that aren't in the regular theaters. That's how I
"Welcome to the Dollhouse", "Trainspotting", "House of Yes" and alot of
strange movies. How come movies like these aren't being put in regular
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n759.10 ---------------
From: StarScully <>
Subject: Re: Jude
Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 23:06:05 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
<< It's not that hard to find, you can get it from
and CDNOW as well, on tape. Or if there is a blockbuster or Suncoast
Video near you they will have it. seems to have a
pretty comprehensive list of Kate movies available through the internet
for purchase. Also, the soundtrack as I've said before, is utter
paradise..I hope you can find it, if not, email me.
Laurin >>
I figure I may just wait till I have the money to buy "Jude" from
Suncoast. I
did look for the movie at Blockbuster awhile ago, but couldn't find it.
Thanks for your help though.
--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n759 ---------------Date:
Sun, 17 May 1998 22:10:16 -0700 (PDT)
From: Add to Address Book
Digest heavenly-c.v001.n760
-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n760 --------------
001 - (Ava Ad - My HC story
002 - Laurin McNiff <englishpat - Re: Other HC lists and Mel pages
003 - (Ava Ad - Re: Other HC lists and Mel pages
004 - Laurin McNiff <englishpat - Re: Other HC lists and Mel pages
005 - IrishEMT12 <IrishEMT12@ao - Re: Other HC lists and Mel pages
006 - ( =? - Tosca
007 - Laurin McNiff <englishpat - Biggles of 266
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n760.1 ---------------
From: (Ava Adore)
Subject: My HC story
Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 19:49:07 -0400
References: <>
Hello Creatures,
I got into HC just this year. I am not afraid to admit that it was
because of Kate Winslet. I think she is one of the best actors I have
ever seen... I wont go into my adoration of Kate Winslet speech here,
but if it werent for here it is unlikely that I ever would have heard of
the film.
When I did see it, I was mesmerized... I have bever seen a movie like
it, and all in all I would probably say it is my favorite movie starring
Kate, and pretty much all time. I really enjoy seeing true life movies,
because they are charachters you can relate to... Meaning that they
existed in some form or another. Pauline and Juliet were living
breathing people which is why the story is extraordinary. The entire
film wasnt fictional.
It has become something I have been fascinated in now. I am on a quest
to find all the information about the real charachters as I can, and if
ever get my browser fixed I may get to actually read the FAQ!
Anyhow, thats my story. If anyone has any articles or stories
Parker/Hulme/Nathan/Perry that they could send, I would be so
"We Must Never Be Apart"
-Billy Corgan
You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.
Get completely free e-mail from Juno at
Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n760.2 ---------------
From: Laurin McNiff <>
Subject: Re: Other HC lists and Mel pages
Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 02:44:08 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
References: <>
Dear Melinda,
This might not be what you were looking for, but I have an
HC page, and a Kate Winslet/Melanie Lynskey mailing list. The address
for the HC page is:
The address for the mailing list info is:
Hope this helps.
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n760.3 ---------------
From: (Ava Adore)
Subject: Re: Other HC lists and Mel pages
Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 09:06:05 -0400
References: <>
Hello Laurin,
I tried to access your page and though I got on there fine, I was unable
to get the list info beacuse I guess my browser doesnt suooprt frames...
Is there any other way?
You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.
Get completely free e-mail from Juno at
Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n760.4 ---------------
From: Laurin McNiff <>
Subject: Re: Other HC lists and Mel pages
Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 12:11:44 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
References: <>
Dear Melinda,
Yes, go to:
That will sign you up directly, you must first register (this feature is
free of course, only to deter people from signing people up to mailing
lists against their will, and gives personal stats as well.)then
subscribe. If you need any other assistance, email me.
p.s. I don't know what you mean about frames capable, I designed the
site so that it was easier to navigate, but not quite frames. Let me
know what happens when you try to access it..
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n760.5 ---------------
From: IrishEMT12 <>
Subject: Re: Other HC lists and Mel pages
Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 13:17:55 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
In a message dated 98-05-17 12:27:16 EDT, you write:
<< Yes, go to:
That will sign you up directly, you must first register (this feature
free of course, only to deter people from signing people up to mailing
lists against their will, and gives personal stats as well.)then
subscribe. If you need any other assistance, email me. >>
There is also another mailing list that is about the fim HC it is at
<> and like with the mailing list above you have
register. (You only have to register once so if you are already
subscribed to
a mailing list at onelist, you do not need to register again to get onto
another list.)
To get to these you have to go to the web page <>, when
you are
there, just click on find a list, and then it can lead you to it. Good
So you know the absolute best mailing list for HC and Kate and Mel, I
is right here, so joining the other lists is only supplemental. I
know, I am
the moderator of the latter.
Jennifer EMT-B
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n760.6 ---------------
From: ( =?iso-8859-1?Q?Jos=E9?= Antonio Abad
Subject: Tosca
Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 13:02:51 -0500
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Hello everybody:
I apologize if I'm posting to much and to often. Try to understand that
am new in this list and I want to tell you guys a lot of things. Also I
want to read lots from you. So, excuse me if I touch some subjects
Did you realize that the music in the most important moments in HC is
Giacomo Puccini? I happen to be a lover of classical music and operas.
When Pauline, in her second christmas with Juliete, just after being
Dr. Bennet, feels the friendship is threatened by Honora, Jackson used E
lucevan le stelle, the beautiful aria in the 3rd act of Tosca. When
Juliete is sad about their fate she sings (very well, indeed) Sono
a sublime masterpiece from the 4th act in La Boheme. And when Honora,
Pauline and Juliete are waking down in the park to face their terrible
we can listen the Humming Chorus. All from Puccini. You can find the
lyrics of Sono Andati in italian and english in one page for Kate
but I do not remember wich one, so I just include them here. But it is
interesting to analize E lucevan le stelle. In Tosca, Mario
who happens to be Floria Tosca's lover, is taken to serve his death
penalty. As a last wish, he writes a letter for Tosca, but while he
he is lost in thought and he sings as he remember:
1 E lucevan le stelle... e olezzava
2 la tera... stridea l'uscio
3 dell'orto... e un paso sfiorava la rena.
4 Entrava ella, fragante,
5 mi cadea fra le braccia.
6 Oh! dolci baci, o languide carezze,
7 mentr'io fremente
8 la belle forme disciogliea dai veli!
9 Svan=EC per sempre il sogno mio d'amore...
10 L'ora =E8 fuggita
11 e muoio disperato!
12 E non ho amato mai tanto la vita!
I remeber that this is sung in HC by 6, but I'm not sure. If I am
I'll let you know. This is a powerfull moment, because of the thoughts
despair and suicide from Pauline. The scene starts with Pauline
about the awfull reality, continues with the new year's eve, later the
diary and ends with the picture at school. All this time you can
listen E
luevan le stelle.
1 And the stars were shining... the earth
2 smelt sweet... the garden gate creaked...
3 and a footstep brushed the sand.
4 She entered, fragrant,
5 and fell into my arms.
6 Oh soft kisses, tender caresses,
7 while I, all a-quiver,
8 unveiled her lovely features!
9 Vanished for ever is my dream of love...
10 That time has fled
11 and I die in despair.
12 Never have I loved life so dearly!
By the way, in Tosca, both, Cavaradossi and Toca die at the end. (
:/ )
I love how Jackson uses the power of opera in this shots and the secret
message the lyrics have.
In Sono andati, titled in the movie as Juliete's Aria, the lyrics lead a
very nice message:
Sono andati?
Fingevo di dormire
Percho volli
con te sola restare
Ho tante cose
che ti voglio dire
O una sola
ma grande como il mare
Como il mare,
profunda ed infinita
Sei il mio amor
- e tutta la mia vita.
Have they gone?
I pretended to be asleep
Because I wanted
to be alone with you
I've so many things to
tell you
Or one thing,
as huge as the sea
Deep and infinite as the
Being my love
- is all my life.
In the real play from La Boheme, the last two lines are sung in a very
tone only reached by soppranos, so Juliete's Aria differes slightly from
the original work one octave down. It is also remarkable and beautiful.
The girls are running in the liner when Kate is singing the part of the
sea, and they kissed each other when the last two lines are sung.
In La Boheme, this part is sung by Mimi to her lover, and later she
dies. (
Another spoiler, sorry )
That's all by now.
Thank you very much to all of you for reading this.
Jos=E9 Antonio Abad
| Cuanto mas grande la cabeza, mas fuerte la jaqueca. |
| The bigger the head, the bigger the headache |
--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n760.7 ---------------
From: Laurin McNiff <>
Subject: Biggles of 266
Date: Sun, 17 May 1998 21:27:42 -0400
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Dear Creatures,
Well, I must admit, I don't want to add this in for fear of
blood thirsty attack, but I believe I *may* have found an error in the
film(God help me!). Seems as though the "Biggles of 266" book used in
the film had an original copyrigft of 1955, which was exactly one year
AFTER the murder as we know. However, I would like to think that Peter
Jackson used a book within the time frame, so my information may be
mixed, but, I did some extensive net surfing and believe it or not,
those Biggles books are hot collectibles! The originals that is. But,
since the list has been so quiet (Was that my own echo I just heard?)
lately, I thought I'd drum up something not quite talked about..even if
it means possible shunning!(gasp!) Well, that's all for now, let me know
if anyone else has any solid info on the Biggles books. For once, I
really want to be proven wrong on something!<g>
The Heavenly Creatures Webhome
--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n760 ---------------Date: