From Sat Apr 13 16:56:21 1996

Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) with ESMTP id QAA06308 for <>; Sat, 13 Apr 1996 16:56:20 -0700


Received: (root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) id RAA19101; Sat, 13 Apr 1996 17:00:52 -0700

Date: Sat, 13 Apr 1996 17:00:52 -0700

Message-Id: <>

Subject: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n001






Status: RO



-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n001 --------------


001 - ( - test of digest

002 - ( - second in digest

003 - ( - third

004 - ( - testing of diget

005 - ( - one more

006 - mailcall <mailcall@kiva.n - this is a test

007 - mailcall <mailcall@kiva.n - test 2

008 - Bryan Woodworth <bryanw@6 - test..


--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n001.1 ---------------


From: (Bryan Woodworth)

Subject: test of digest

Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 23:56:11 GMT


I should get this (first of 3 msgs) in the future as a digest.

this is a test to see what it looks like



"'Tis indeed a miracle, one must feel,

that two such heavenly creatures are real." bryan woodworth

-- "Heavenly Creatures," 1994



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n001.2 ---------------


From: (Bryan Woodworth)

Subject: second in digest

Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 23:56:21 GMT


second posting in the digest



"'Tis indeed a miracle, one must feel,

that two such heavenly creatures are real." bryan woodworth

-- "Heavenly Creatures," 1994



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n001.3 ---------------


From: (Bryan Woodworth)

Subject: third

Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 23:56:29 GMT


this is the third one.




"'Tis indeed a miracle, one must feel,

that two such heavenly creatures are real." bryan woodworth

-- "Heavenly Creatures," 1994



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n001.4 ---------------


From: (Bryan Woodworth)

Subject: testing of diget

Date: Sat, 13 Apr 1996 00:28:02 GMT


Just so another subscriber can see the digest later :)



"'Tis indeed a miracle, one must feel,

that two such heavenly creatures are real." bryan woodworth

-- "Heavenly Creatures," 1994



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n001.5 ---------------


From: (Bryan Woodworth)

Subject: one more

Date: Sat, 13 Apr 1996 00:28:22 GMT


One more test for good measure. BTW, I really hate green eggs and ham.



"'Tis indeed a miracle, one must feel,

that two such heavenly creatures are real." bryan woodworth

-- "Heavenly Creatures," 1994



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n001.6 ---------------


From: mailcall <>

Subject: this is a test

Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 20:36:55 -0500 (EST)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


we have decided we are the most incredible optimists. - gina





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n001.7 ---------------


From: mailcall <>

Subject: test 2

Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 20:42:32 -0500 (EST)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


we are so brilliantly clever, there probably isn't anything we couldn't

do. -gina






--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n001.8 ---------------


From: Bryan Woodworth <>

Subject: test..

Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 22:40:15 -0700 (PDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Content-Length: 278

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


this address is aliased.

testing to ensure delivery to list



"'Tis indeed a miracle, one must feel,

that two such heavenly creatures are real." bryan woodworth

-- "Heavenly Creatures," 1994



--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n001 ---------------


From Sun Apr 14 18:55:47 1996

Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) with ESMTP id SAA06381 for <>; Sun, 14 Apr 1996 18:55:46 -0700


Received: (root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) id TAA03295; Sun, 14 Apr 1996 19:00:24 -0700

Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 19:00:24 -0700

Message-Id: <>

Subject: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n002






Status: RO



-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n002 --------------


001 - Bryan Woodworth <bryanw@6 - List Opening Sunday

002 - Bryan Woodworth <bryanw@6 - List officially open!


--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n002.1 ---------------


From: Bryan Woodworth <>

Subject: List Opening Sunday

Date: Sat, 13 Apr 1996 17:56:03 -0700 (PDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Content-Length: 686

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit




I plan to advertise the list Sunday on HeavenlyWeb

(, in the Newstuff section. Following this,

a special section will be created on the webpage for support issues

regarding the list. Additionally, news of the list will be included in

the weekly 'Heavenly Creatures' posting to the relevant Usenet

newsgroups (rec.arts.movies.past-films, and a few others).


Enjoy the list!


Bryan Woodworth


Heavenly Creatures Mailing List




"'Tis indeed a miracle, one must feel,

that two such heavenly creatures are real." bryan woodworth

-- "Heavenly Creatures," 1994



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n002.2 ---------------


From: Bryan Woodworth <>

Subject: List officially open!

Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 04:07:02 -0700 (PDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Content-Length: 1123

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


Hello dear subscribers,


The Heavenly Creatures Mailing List is now officially open. I have made

a link on HeavenlyWeb (

providing information about the list, including subscription and helpfile



At the moment, you select few are the trailblazers of the list.

Membership is about 5 users at this time (myself included). This number

can only increase as time passes. I welcome your comments anytime.


As a note to you, the loyal early-followers of the List, I kindly ask you

to check out HeavenlyWeb soon! We have just revamped our main imagemap.

It is much superior to the former layout. Please let me know what you



Exciting development upcoming by Wednesday of this week! Stay tuned to

HeavenlyWeb, your source for the latest Heavenly Creatures information.



Best regards,


Bryan Woodworth


Heavenly Creatures Mailing List



"'Tis indeed a miracle, one must feel,

that two such heavenly creatures are real." bryan woodworth

-- "Heavenly Creatures," 1994



--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n002 ---------------


From Mon Apr 15 21:00:02 1996

Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) with ESMTP id VAA20692 for <>; Mon, 15 Apr 1996 21:00:02 -0700


Received: (root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) id VAA27926; Mon, 15 Apr 1996 21:04:41 -0700

Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 21:04:41 -0700

Message-Id: <>

Subject: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n003






Status: RO



-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n003 --------------


001 - mailcall <mailcall@kiva.n - hello

002 - Bryan Woodworth <bryanw@6 - Melanie Lynskey Update (minor)

003 - Donald Chin <donaldc@nets - Thanks for setting up the list...


--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n003.1 ---------------


From: mailcall <>

Subject: hello

Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 22:28:17 -0500 (EST)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


my name is mela alexian. i am a simple clerk by day, but at night i become

a cultural reviewer. i've been interested in (obsessed with?) the story of

pauline and juliet since i first read about it just after coming to

university. while i forgot many of the details, including their names, i

remembered the famous school picture of pauline looking down, and the fact

that she later said she regretted it as soon as she'd hit honora with the

brick, but felt she had to go through with it. if you can believe it, for

a long time i forgot juliet. i think i confused it in my mind with another

very similar case in the same book, which was "the world's worst

murderers," published in the early 1960s. i picked up the book again some

years later and refreshed my memory, about their having been two of them,

their fantasy kingdom, their belief that they were superior to most human

beings, and that the killing took place outdoors, not indoors as i had

thought. but once again their names went right out of my head, although if

you'd said "pauline parker" to me i think i'd have said "wasn't she my lab

partner in botany 201?"


i didn't know a film had been made until i saw a mention of it on usenet.

despite the fact that all the post said was "the two girls, pauline and

juliet, did exist" i knew immediately what was being talked about. ye

gods, i thought, they've made a film out of -that-??? you see, i assumed

it was going to be like a docu-drama, a straightforward film based on the

real events, like all the president's men or call northside 777. such a

film may keep very close to the actual story, and even be quite good.


i couldn't exactly say why i had these "oh, no," feelings. my exact

thought was "haven't they got anything better to do?" and i believe that

at the back of my head i was thinking, "those girls had a fantasy kingdom,

and they're going to play it up like dungeons and dragons and say that's

why they killed pauline's mother." which is exactly what would have

happened if this were an amerikan film (which i thought it was).


i couldn't have been more wrong, and as i went on reading the posts i

realised that i was in for a treat. someone had had a brainwave. tell the

story from the girls' point of view! explain the way things are when

you're fifteen and brilliant and nobody understands you except your best

friend in the whole world, with whom you drown yourself in endless

creativity and artistic exploration, and how together you two are going to

take the literary and cinematic and operatic world by storm, and everyone

will recognise you for the goddesslike beings you are, just as soon as you

can get away from your sucky family (who will be sorry when you've gone

to hollywood and the only chance they get to see you is on the silver

screen, acting in something you probably wrote and directed your own



you don't often see that kind of situation told from the point of view of

the people who are doing it. most of the time it's all darkly sinister

with ominous music and it's all about incorrigible adolescents with their

dangerous fantasy lives. intense creativity in adolescents is -always-

portrayed in the worst light possible. nobody seems to remember what it

was really like.


while all such films that i have seen invariably end with someone either

committing suicide, murder, or being locked away in a mental home (there

to be re-educated to "reality"), in "heavenly creatures" there's clearly

a lot more to the story. of course, there was a lot more to the -real-

story than jackson was able to get into the film (and of course, we in

the states haven't had the privilege of seeing the -real- film as jackson

intended it!!!).


my one regret is that i couldn't take john porter's advice and see it in a

theatre. it was in town for only a few days and i couldn't get away to see

it. i didn't want to see it on video. i thought, i'll wait till it comes

to the art house (it never did). when the porter faq's came out, i

succumbed to the inevitable.


i spent the next several days writing commentary on faq v.2 to mr porter,

who graciously and cheerfully corresponded with me for several weeks

before mysteriously vanishing. every once in a while i'd type in

"heavenly creatures" on a web search, to see if he'd returned from

borovnia or if v.3 was yet available. i didn't find mr porter, but i did

find heavenly web.


i'm glad to be on the mailing list. thank you to mr woodworth for

creating these wonderful outlets for our celebration.


melanthe alexian


*--==--==--*love is real*--==--*imagine*--==--==--*remember*--==--==--*





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n003.2 ---------------


From: Bryan Woodworth <>

Subject: Melanie Lynskey Update (minor)

Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 04:35:17 -0700 (PDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Content-Length: 972

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit




The Melanie Lynskey section on HeavenlyWebis coming along.


I am in the process of

designing the graphical theme for the page. I think I have settled on

something, but this is subject to change.


I could go nuts, but I have to keep bandwidth in mind. I don't want to

slow down those of us (including myself, from home) with modems. Much of

the surfers out there are overseas as well!


It is marvelous what can be done even with small images, so I'm sure this

will only hamper me marginally.


In the near future I will be adding other things to the ML info center.

Be sure to check it every now and again for new stuff. (Lamentably,

nothing yet. This shall soon change.)


Best regards,

Bryan Woodworth


Heavenly Creatures Mailing List



"'Tis indeed a miracle, one must feel,

that two such heavenly creatures are real." bryan woodworth

-- "Heavenly Creatures," 1994



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n003.3 ---------------


From: Donald Chin <>

Subject: Thanks for setting up the list...

Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 22:41:39 +1000

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Hi Bryan,


Thanks for setting up the list! A great idea! This way of reading messages

about the movie is much better than the Chat Zone. I do hope you are going

to archive the Chat Zone entries.


Again, well done!







Donald Chin <>

"Lost somewhere in Australia...

and fanatical about Heavenly Creatures and Jane Austen!"





--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n003 ---------------


From Wed Apr 17 09:15:29 1996

Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) with ESMTP id JAA17766 for <>; Wed, 17 Apr 1996 09:15:28 -0700


Received: (root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) id DAA23871; Wed, 17 Apr 1996 03:00:22 -0700

Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1996 03:00:22 -0700

Message-Id: <>

Subject: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n004






Status: RO



-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n004 --------------


001 - ( - "HC" comments!! juicy

002 - ( - archiving the list

003 - Michael Chin <mktchin@pyr - Another brilliant inovation...

004 - Marco Thorbruegge <marco. - Introduction

005 - - HC IRC

006 - Bryan Woodworth <bryanw@6 - NZFC AREA GRAND OPENING!

007 - - Re: Introduction

008 - michaela <michaela@babbag - My Introduction

009 - Tim Baglio < - as far as that goes...


--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n004.1 ---------------


From: (Bryan Woodworth)

Subject: "HC" comments!! juicy

Date: Tue, 16 Apr 1996 09:15:44 GMT




>From: mailcall <>

>Subject: hello

>Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 22:28:17 -0500 (EST)

>MIME-Version: 1.0

>Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


>my name is mela alexian. i am a simple clerk by day, but at night i become

>a cultural reviewer. i've been interested in (obsessed with?) the story of

>pauline and juliet since i first read about it just after coming to

>university. while i forgot many of the details, including their names, i

>remembered the famous school picture of pauline looking down, and the fact

>that she later said she regretted it as soon as she'd hit honora with the

>brick, but felt she had to go through with it. if you can believe it, for


My name is Bryan Woodworth. I first saw "HC" in early December, 1995. Since

then, my life has been changed markedly!


Has Pauline said she regretted it? I don't remember every hearing this .

(Perhaps it is in the last section of the v2.0 FAQ, which I have not gotten

to yet! I am in section 3.10, of this massive tome...)


>a long time i forgot juliet. i think i confused it in my mind with another

>very similar case in the same book, which was "the world's worst

>murderers," published in the early 1960s. i picked up the book again some

>years later and refreshed my memory, about their having been two of them,

>their fantasy kingdom, their belief that they were superior to most human

>beings, and that the killing took place outdoors, not indoors as i had

>thought. but once again their names went right out of my head, although if

>you'd said "pauline parker" to me i think i'd have said "wasn't she my lab

>partner in botany 201?"


Do you have the ISBN number for this book?



>i didn't know a film had been made until i saw a mention of it on usenet.

>despite the fact that all the post said was "the two girls, pauline and

>juliet, did exist" i knew immediately what was being talked about. ye

>gods, i thought, they've made a film out of -that-??? you see, i assumed

>it was going to be like a docu-drama, a straightforward film based on the

>real events, like all the president's men or call northside 777. such a

>film may keep very close to the actual story, and even be quite good.


I didn't know about the real case. I guess most people in the U.S. have

little knowledge of this event (the Parker/Hulme Murder), as it occurred in

the 1950s, in New Zealand, which is very far away and probably of little

consequence to many Americans (though I value it highly).


It was by chance that I was flipping channels in early December, 1995, and

heard some wicked old bat saying "I will not have girls talking out of turn

in my class!" I recoiled instantly, and flipped the channel. However, I

immediately turned it back. I wondered, why was I put off? I'm glad I turned

it back, needless to say! Juliet was introduced to the class a few moments

later, and I was hooked for the rest of the movie.


I cursed my luck that I had not recorded the film! I dashed off to the

living room to retrieve my cable guide. Fortunately, the film would be on

again, so I could record it. I exhaled with relief. However, to wait a

whole week.. surely I would go mad.


Now, the following week, after I got home from work and watched the tape, to

my delight, it was the letterboxed version! (I had seen the pan/scan

initially.) If you haven't seen the letterboxed version, you must. It is

like a different movie. It is appalling, how much footage in which Pauline

is cut out of the frame. As you know, she is a quiet character, and we learn

most about what she is thinking and feeling by reading her facial

expressions. Well, you are robbed of this insight if you can't see her on

the screen!



>i couldn't exactly say why i had these "oh, no," feelings. my exact

>thought was "haven't they got anything better to do?" and i believe that

>at the back of my head i was thinking, "those girls had a fantasy kingdom,

>and they're going to play it up like dungeons and dragons and say that's

>why they killed pauline's mother." which is exactly what would have

>happened if this were an amerikan film (which i thought it was).



I think we are very fortunate that the movie was made in New Zealand, by New

Zealanders. They have the insight, since it is their own back yard, so to

speak. Additionally, they possess knowledge of the accents and other

important details which would probably be lost on most American filmmakers.

I myself was in the dark regarding the accents, until I read Porter's FAQ. I

now hold a newfound appreciation for the accents.


>i couldn't have been more wrong, and as i went on reading the posts i

>realised that i was in for a treat. someone had had a brainwave. tell the

>story from the girls' point of view! explain the way things are when

>you're fifteen and brilliant and nobody understands you except your best

>friend in the whole world, with whom you drown yourself in endless

>creativity and artistic exploration, and how together you two are going to

>take the literary and cinematic and operatic world by storm, and everyone

>will recognise you for the goddesslike beings you are, just as soon as you

>can get away from your sucky family (who will be sorry when you've gone

>to hollywood and the only chance they get to see you is on the silver

>screen, acting in something you probably wrote and directed your own



Precisely! Fortunately for me, I was never that obtuse a teenager. Sure, I

felt resentment at the world, didn't fit in very well in high school, felt

"different" or "special," etc. etc., but not to the degree of Pauline and




>you don't often see that kind of situation told from the point of view of

>the people who are doing it. most of the time it's all darkly sinister

>with ominous music and it's all about incorrigible adolescents with their

>dangerous fantasy lives. intense creativity in adolescents is -always-

>portrayed in the worst light possible. nobody seems to remember what it

>was really like.



One of my English professors in high school told me something valuable. One

of the most-read books by teenagers is the novel "The Catcher In the Rye" by

J.D. Salinger. I had read the book for his class, and loved it. He informed

me, "Read it in 5 years and let me know what you think." Of course, 5 years

later, I had lost contact with him. However, I did read it again. I didn't

like it nearly as much! In fact, I felt the character was a bit off his



So you see, unless you are experiencing those feelings at that point in time,

you lose sight of the frame of reference. You lose that ability to relate.

Even though we've all "been there" -- the angst of teen youth -- most of us

mature, and those old scars heal and are forgotten.


In this light, it is remarkable, what Peter Jackson and Frances Walsh have

done with this film. It brilliantly captures that dizzying thrill of

youthful, limitless exuberance, the feeling that, with the friendship of your

consummate equal, any obstacle can be conquered and nothing is impossible.


>while all such films that i have seen invariably end with someone either

>committing suicide, murder, or being locked away in a mental home (there

>to be re-educated to "reality"), in "heavenly creatures" there's clearly

>a lot more to the story. of course, there was a lot more to the -real-

>story than jackson was able to get into the film (and of course, we in

>the states haven't had the privilege of seeing the -real- film as jackson

>intended it!!!).


Please, don't remind me that Americans haven't seen the real version yet.

Sigh. And, when Jean Guerin told us all of that director's cut he saw, it

made my heart sink. Why are we not allowed to see it? Sigh! Mercy! I

cannot take this abuse from Miramax. Why have they not allowed the release?

We need to publicize our desire for this release, to pressure Miramax into

releasing it.



>my one regret is that i couldn't take john porter's advice and see it in a

>theatre. it was in town for only a few days and i couldn't get away to see

>it. i didn't want to see it on video. i thought, i'll wait till it comes

>to the art house (it never did). when the porter faq's came out, i

>succumbed to the inevitable.



Lamentably, I was a fool and didn't even take notice of this film when it was

in theatres! I don't recall ever seeing it advertised. I know that is not

possible that it was not advertised; I was probably just engrossed in other

things at the time.


However, I would love to see this on the big screen -- the way it was

intended.. With lots of HC fans with me! All of us shivering, laughing,

giggling, screaming, howling, twitching and whatever else we feel as we ride

Jackson's roller coaster of a movie to its morbid climax.


What a fantastic experience this film is. Even after 32 viewings, I feel

intoxicated every time by the scene at Ilam, when Pauline first espies

Juliet. We see Juliet on the bridge, twirling in her lovely gown, giggling

mirthfully, throwing flowers on the lake below. Suddenly, the music reaches

a crescendo, and the camera zooms in on Pauline's enraptured gaze.


Then, a few moments later, we see Pauline wave charmingly to Juliet. I love

the guarded look on Pauline's face, which quickly melts away into a genuine

display of enrapturement and wonderment.


And, finally, when Juliet's brother whacks Juliet on the bottom with the

sword, we see Pauline's face contort in amazement and shock. Delightful!


Melanie Lynskey is perfect for this role. I surely hope she is not typecast

by this movie! I doubt that would happen -- I guess I am just engaging in

silly talk (surely I am allowed, dear fans, as it is 2am in the morning!).


The first time I saw those scenes above, I felt a veritable shiver of glee

down my spine. I don't know why! It just happened. I have never felt so

much emotion from a movie!


>i spent the next several days writing commentary on faq v.2 to mr porter,

>who graciously and cheerfully corresponded with me for several weeks

>before mysteriously vanishing. every once in a while i'd type in

>"heavenly creatures" on a web search, to see if he'd returned from

>borovnia or if v.3 was yet available. i didn't find mr porter, but i did

>find heavenly web.


Tragically, I've never had a chance to correspond with Mr. Porter. I have

sent email, but it has never been answered. I am dying to learn what he

would think of HeavenlyWeb.


Let us all wish Mr. Porter the best! Perhaps he is now living in New

Zealand, learning more about the case. :-)



>i'm glad to be on the mailing list. thank you to mr woodworth for

>creating these wonderful outlets for our celebration.


You are quite welcome! I am thankful to you, the other members of this list

(who seem shy and quiet, so far!), and the many visitors to HeavenlyWeb, who

make all my hard work seem very effortless and worthwhile. Thank you so much

for your encouragement and support -- every one of you!


Good night!

Bryan Woodworth


HC Mailing List


... ever closer to Borovnia ...




"'Tis indeed a miracle, one must feel,

that two such heavenly creatures are real." bryan woodworth

-- "Heavenly Creatures," 1994



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n004.2 ---------------


From: (Bryan Woodworth)

Subject: archiving the list

Date: Tue, 16 Apr 1996 09:18:44 GMT





>From: Donald Chin <>

>Subject: Thanks for setting up the list...

>Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 22:41:39 +1000

>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


>Hi Bryan,


>Thanks for setting up the list! A great idea! This way of reading messages

>about the movie is much better than the Chat Zone. I do hope you are going

>to archive the Chat Zone entries.



Donald, always a pleasure. Yes, I am intending on archiving the Chat Zone.

In addition, I am considering archiving the mailing list. Then, these

archives will be made available on HeavenlyWeb. In this way, even late

subscribers to the list will be able to enjoy past discussions.


>Again, well done!


Thank you! Enjoy.









>Donald Chin <>

> "Lost somewhere in Australia...

> and fanatical about Heavenly Creatures and Jane Austen!"





"'Tis indeed a miracle, one must feel,

that two such heavenly creatures are real." bryan woodworth

-- "Heavenly Creatures," 1994



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n004.3 ---------------


From: Michael Chin <>

Subject: Another brilliant inovation...

Date: Tue, 16 Apr 1996 19:57:20 +1000

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Greetings to all on this most wonderful of lists.


Thanks Bryan for a wonderful extension of the Heavenly Web. I shall

look forward for the digests everyday.


Also cannot wait for the Mel L info-centre to start up.


The posting Mel A about her thoughts on Peter J's immortal movie was excellent.


Speaks for everyone I feel.


Keep up the enthusiasm Bryan! I am exceedingly obliged to you.


[All approriate and relevant quotations from Gina and Deborah...]


Regards &c.






Michael Chin <> Melbourne, Australia.

<> PostGradDipCS, RMIT.

Northcote CHC's SDO...........................Office: +61 3 9486 3411


"What do Jane Austen, Peter Jackson, Heavenly Creatures, Kate Winslet, aethism,

indie-pop, Apples and small, under-powered cars all have in common?"





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n004.4 ---------------


From: Marco Thorbruegge <>

Subject: Introduction

Date: Tue, 16 Apr 1996 15:22:04 +0200

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


Hi HC-Fans,


first of all thank You very much, Bryan, for this mailing-list. Great idea!


So, what about a short introduction of ourselves, so we can get to know each other

better ? OK, I will start :


my name is Marco Thorbruegge and I am a 28 year old soldier (since 1987) in the rank of

captain in the german army. I used to be an artillery-guy until my transfer to our

university in munich. Now I am quite more a civilian than a soldier, dealing with

computer-problems, especially PC and networking.


I live in a small village in the south-east of Munich (called "Ottobrunn"). I like

music, films, having a beer (or two, or three :-)) with friends and collecting

laserdiscs. My favourites are "Heavenly Creatures" (of course :-)) and the

Criterion-Edition of "Seven". Also I collect every piece of Disney-animated-movies

(still searching for "Little Mermaid" on laserdisc ...).


b.t.w.: whenever I am online, I have an IRC-channel open called "#Borovnia" (nickname

is "Brima"), so You can visit me there if You like.


So that is all for now .....


bye and greetings from Munich/Germany ... and please excuse my terrible english! :-)




Marco Thorbruegge + Universitaet der Bundeswehr Muenchen

Rechenzentrum + Gruppe Zentralsysteme

Werner-Heisenbergweg 39 + D-85577 Neubiberg

Tel.: +49(0)89-6004-3222 + Fax.: +49(0)89-6004-3254



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n004.5 ---------------



Subject: HC IRC

Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 12:59:40 GMT




I am a new subscriber to this list, and am glad there are finally some

good HC resources on the web. I was reading that post about the IRC

#borovnia, and since I am on IRC a bit, I thought I would check it out.

Unfortunately, no one was there. I have an IRC bot, and I thought that if

anyone wanted me to, I could put it up on #borovnia, and make that

channel a "real" channel. If anyone wants me to do this, it would be no

trouble, so just mail me at if there is any interest.



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n004.6 ---------------


From: Bryan Woodworth <>


Date: Tue, 16 Apr 1996 15:23:23 -0700 (PDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Content-Length: 1687

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


Hello dear subscribers,


HeavenlyWeb is proud to present, courtesy of the New Zealand Film

Commission, the grand opening of the ...






(This section, please note, is not endorsed by the NZFC. I just name it

thus, as it is they who made acquisition of these images possible.)


This section includes photographs regarding Heavenly Creatures:


* Early cast photos from a press kit! (Lamentably, some cast members

were not included; hence, they are not on this page. Notable

cast members not included: Jean Guerin, Simon O'Connor, and

a few others.)


* Scans from a magnificent tripanel Heavenly Creatures advertisement!


* Scans from several issues of NZfilm, the leading source of information

about New Zealand film today.


Enjoy the section! As Juliet said to Pauline in the sanitorium, when

Pauline remarked to Juliet about what Juliet was knitting,

"I love the color," I say to you, regarding the NZFC Photo Repository:


"It's for you!"




My boundless appreciation goes out to Lindsay Shelton and the NZFC for

being very generous and making acquisition of these images possible! Do

click on the link to Lindsay Shelton in the NZFCHCPR, to learn more about

one of the fascinating people in the NZFC!


On this page, you will also have an opportunity to contact the NZFC, as

they have an Internet email address.


Best regards,


Bryan Woodworth


Heavenly Creatures Mailing List



"'Tis indeed a miracle, one must feel,

that two such heavenly creatures are real." bryan woodworth

-- "Heavenly Creatures," 1994



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n004.7 ---------------



Subject: Re: Introduction

Date: Tue, 16 Apr 1996 21:05:21 -0400


Marco, I like the idea of getting some background info on my fellow Heavenly

Creatures fans. Here's me:


My name is Matt, I'm seventeen years old and a high school senior from

Baltimore, Maryland. Next year I will be attending the California Institute

of the Arts for Character Animation. Last spring I went to a free movie at a

film series at a local university with some friends, and since then we have

been hooked on Heavenly Creatures. It's difficult to really say why or

specifically what draws me towards this film, I can only conclude that it is

the film in its entirety that fascinates me. The cinematography, the music,

the story, and of course the enchanting characters all add up to make this by

far the best film I have ever seen. I tried showing my family the film, but

their dislike of it only convinced me that their problem is that they simply

do not have the key to the fourth world and therefore cannot appreciate it's

genious. I look forward to this list and hearing what other people think

about this wonderful picture. Farewell for now, see you all in Borovnia.



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n004.8 ---------------


From: michaela <>

Subject: My Introduction

Date: Tue, 16 Apr 1996 20:44:45 -0500 (CDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


Hi all!


Since every one is introducing themselves, I thought I would throw in

something as well.

I'm Michaela Drapes, I'm almost 20 years old, and I'm a Radio/TV/Film

(critical and cultural studies concentration) at the University of Texas

@ Austin. I also do freelance graphic design and HTML on the side. I

currently maintain 'A Kate Winslet Homepage' and 'A Melanie Lynskey

Homepage,' of which the latter isn't quite ready for public consumption

yet, but y'all will be the first to know when it is. And that reminds

me...I'm on the hunt for two interviews with Melanie, one from the Sept.

21, 1994 issue of Dominion, and from The Listenter, month unknown, 1994.

If anyone knows where I could find these, please share. The UT library

system (which seems to get every magazine under the sun) does not

subscribe to these magazines.

Now, for the more important stuff. (:

I first saw 'Heavenly Creatures' in a small art house theater in Mesilla,

New Mexico my senior year of high school (And it is quite miraculous on

the big screen, I must say...). I was enthralled, thrilled,

and otherwise blown away by the film. Unfortunately, I had *alot* on my

mind that year, and I didn't really think about it much afterward. It

wasn't until the pestering of my friends during all of Spring 1995('Have you

seen 'Heavenly Creatures?' 'Oh my have to

see it!), did I remember the amazing film I'd seen a year before. I

didn't get a chance to view it again until the Fall of 1995, at which

point I watched it 7 times in one weekend, much to my housemates'

dismay. Since that time I've seen it upward of 25 times (I really have

lost count...), and everytime is richer and fuller than the previous

viewings; as I catch little details that I hadn't noticed before (this

still happens...). Since the beginning of the new year, I've been quite

HC-crazy. I've done a lot of personal research into the real

'Parker-Hulme' case (including reading all the newspaper accounts of the

time, and tracking down an old press photo of the real Juliet and

Pauline), and am planning on writing my thesis for my honours program on

the 'murder story without villians' from a proto-feminist viewpoint. I

don't plan to tread into Glauzima and Laurie's territory, however. The

issue of the girls' lesibianism (or not) is to me, like Peter Jackson

says: a red herring. The recent analysis in Film Quarterly, which I found

to be quite lacking in scope, had spurned this desire in me. I think

that one really needs to take the real life court case more into

consideration when one performs a serious analysis of the film.


Well, on that note, here's hoping that didn't bore you all to tears! I

look forward to the correspondence that this list will foster.


-michaela r. drapes



Michaela Rhea Drapes

My Homepage

Kate Winslet Homepage





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n004.9 ---------------


From: Tim Baglio <>

Subject: as far as that goes...

Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 20:19:11 +0000 (GMT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


As long as we are introducing ourselves, I thought I should say some

things that I left out in my last post. My birthday is 5/26/80 (which,

and I think that this is really cool, is the same day that the real life

Pauline Parker was born), so that makes me almost 16. and this movie ties

for favorite movie of all time with David Byrne's True Stories, which I

also recommend that everyone see. As soon as I get paid, the first thing

I will buy will be my own copy of this film. I saw it first over the

summer or 1995, and ended up obsessing over it for the next couple of

weeks. I will probably do the same again.



| |

| Tim Baglio |

| Bellingham, WA |





--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n004 ---------------


From Thu Apr 18 13:06:02 1996

Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) with ESMTP id NAA15391 for <>; Thu, 18 Apr 1996 13:05:58 -0700


Received: (root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) id MAA19631; Thu, 18 Apr 1996 12:01:55 -0700

Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 12:01:55 -0700

Message-Id: <>

Subject: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n005






Status: RO



-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n005 --------------


001 - Bryan Woodworth <bryanw@6 - My introduction

002 - mailcall <mailcall@kiva.n - "The World's Worst Murderers"

003 - michaela <michaela@babbag - test

004 - mailcall <mailcall@kiva.n - Re: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n004

005 - mailcall <mailcall@kiva.n - Re: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n004

006 - Tim Baglio < - Re: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n004

007 - ( - HC on #irc


--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n005.1 ---------------


From: Bryan Woodworth <>

Subject: My introduction

Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1996 11:51:53 -0700 (PDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Content-Length: 6691

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit




Well, I feel left out, so I shall now jump into the fray and give a

little intro on myself! I'm sorry for not starting off with this, it's a

great idea.


I'm Bryan Woodworth, 23 years old, residing in Northern California. I

work for an Internet Service Provider. I've been into web design for

only about a year and a half or so, and really enjoy it. I just do it

for fun, and I hope this enthusiasm is evident in 'HeavenlyWeb'!


I exposed a bit of this in another, earlier message, but I feel it is

worth repeating. :)


In early December of 1995, I came home from an exhausting day at work

(though quite fulfilling and rewarding) and sat down in front of the TV.

Debating whether to ingest some junk food or watch TV (both were

beckoning for my attention -- sometimes it can be quite a bedeviling

decision!), I decided on the latter, as the kitchen was too far away. I

turned on the TV, plopped myself down in my chair, and started the fabled

channel surfing.


I was flipping channels when, suddenly, I heard some snotty sounding old

lady grilling some student, "I will not have girls talking out of turn in

my class." I thought "How impudent!" and flicked the channel, annoyed.

However, for some reason, I wanted to see more of this old lady, and

study her, and see what else I found annoying about her. Of course,

Juliet was introduced to the class by Miss Stewart(?) moments later, and

I was hooked. And, too, the moment I saw the brooding girl in the class,

with the fabulous hair, whom the director seemed to think was important

(for he kept showing her on-camera), I was intruigued beyond words and

simply had to learn more!


The next hour and 28 minutes (approximate!) was enrapturing. Peter

Jackson succeeded masterfully in consummately placing me into Pauline

and Juliet's world. I felt the passion and intensity of their

friendship; I understood the resentment and contempt they harbored for

the "outsiders" in their midst (the other students, the parents who

'Could never fully appreciate our genius!'); I identified with the

tranquilizing, dizzying, all-consuming feeling of having a

friendship with another which was very fulfilling and gratifying;

and, quite surprisingly, towards the end of the movie, I myself had

formed an appreciation for Mario Lanza, a performer I had known nothing

of before this movie. This movie had an effect on me.


After seeing this movie, I cursed my luck, for I had not recorded it.

However, fortunately, it would be on again the following week, so I was

able to record it for future viewings. This was almost a moot point,

however, as I had acquired my own personal official copy a few weeks

later, through the good graces of someone who was gracious enough to sell

me their copy for the bargain-basement price of $13.95! (This back in

January of 1996, when the video was only sold at the "Video Store Owners'

Rate" of $99.95 or so.)


One of the things which touched me about this movie, as intimated

earlier, was the masterful manner in which the director, Peter Jackson,

conveyed to us the feeling of being youthful, of reminding us of how it

feels to be young and misunderstood (as most teenagers seem to

experience). Never before in film have I been so captivated by the

friendship conveyed in a movie.


Another thing which riveted me to the film was Jackson's masterful

camera work -- the zoom-ins, the dizzying movement of the camera during

the scene where the girls are dancing in the forest, and so forth -- it

was magnificent.


After many viewings, one also takes note of the exquisite cinematograpy.

And, do not underestimate the significance of the color green! I believe

the first time it makes its appearance known is when Pauline is shown on

the phone, having talked to Hilda Hulme, informed that "Juliet has

tuberculosis on one lung. I nearly fainted when I heard. I had a

terrible job not to cry." In the background, the color GREEN is there!

We also see the color green (very bright and intense) in the bathroom

scene with Pauline, where she is taking much time, and Honora yells at

her to get out, to which Pauline retorts "Yes, yes yes" in that

resoundingly delightful New Zealand accent; when Pauline is engaging in

that unsatisfying act with John the Boarder; during the "Third Man"

escape sequence (the portions filmed inside the house); and in many

other scenes when shots inside the house are taking place. Take a look

next time!


Finally (I feel I have taken up a lot of time doing this, both yours and

mine!) I wish to convey my boundless appreciation for the acting talents

of Kate Winslet and Melanie Lynskey. I was moved by both of their

performances. They are both so well suited to the role! There is a

reason why I put up a Melanie Lynskey section on HeavenlyWeb. It is to

give attention to one of the most compelling actresses I have ever seen

in my time, Melanie Lynskey! Kate is already appreciated and granted

space on many homepages (and to magnificent effect); I feel it is my duty

to do the same for Melanie! I will try to provide information on her

latest movies and so forth, as soon as information of that type is



In addition to Kate Winslet and Melanie Lynskey, I'd like to reveal my

adoration for the rest of the cast. I feel every role was perfectly

cast, from Mario Lanza to Orson Welles to the parents of Pauline and

Juliet. Oh, and don't forget the school staff as well! The staff you

love to hate.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their

enthusiasm and joyous support of HeavenlyWeb and the mailing list.

Thanks to you, I feel like I am only -- slightly -- deranged for having

invested so much time into the homepage, designing the graphics, typing

up the information, scanning the pictures, digitizing the sound samples,

and so forth. When I hear from all of you how delighted you are by what

I have placed online, it makes my heart overflow with joy and elation. I

am delighted to hear this. It is you, after all, that this webpage

is for! I wish to share this great movie with the world, to revel in its

grandiosity, to ensure that we can all have a place to discuss and enjoy

this fantastic film.


I feel I've rambled a bit too much! But, at least I know when the topic

is worthy of rambling :-)


Thank you all for your support and dedication! May Diello slay a few

enemies for you before breakfast tomorrow! :-)


Best regards,


Bryan Woodworth


Heavenly Creatures Mailing List



"'Tis indeed a miracle, one must feel,

that two such heavenly creatures are real." bryan woodworth

-- "Heavenly Creatures," 1994



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n005.2 ---------------


From: mailcall <>

Subject: "The World's Worst Murderers"

Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1996 14:44:58 -0500 (EST)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


| AUTHOR: Franklin, Charles, 1909-1976.

| TITLE: The world's worst murderers :

| exciting and authentic accounts of the great classics of murder /

| PLACE: London :

|PUBLISHER: Odhams Books,

| YEAR: 1965


also published in the u.s.:


| PLACE: New York,

|PUBLISHER: Taplinger Pub. Co.

| YEAR: 1966





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n005.3 ---------------


From: michaela <>

Subject: test

Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1996 15:11:20 -0500 (CDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII



Sorry, just testing to see if my mail is going though to this list...I

have problems posting to mailing lists from this account.





Michaela Rhea Drapes

My Homepage

Kate Winslet Homepage

"My life is as good as an AbbA song now--its as good as 'Dancing Queen'"

-Muriel's Wedding, 1995





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n005.4 ---------------


From: mailcall <>

Subject: Re: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n004

Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1996 16:24:35 -0500 (EST)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


: Has Pauline said she regretted it? I don't remember every hearing

: this . (Perhaps it is in the last section of the v2.0 FAQ, which I

: have not gotten to yet! I am in section 3.10, of this massive

: tome...)


"as soon as i started to strike my mother i regretted it, but could not

stop then." i think this was part of her statement to the police.


[snappy juliet mode on]

don't worry about not having finished reading the faq. it took me three

whole days before i got the hang of it ;)

[snappy juliet mode off]


no really, i did take three days to read the faq. three days of nothing

else -but- read the faq. it was the same weekend i rented the film and saw

it for the first time.


i'd downloaded the faq and opened it, only to discover the detailed

description of the prologue. this was nothing like the v.1 faq!! he was

telling me -much- more about the film than i wanted to know before seeing

it. the only solution, if i wanted to read the faq, was to see the film

right away, so i did. put a hold on it at the video store, called a taxi,

got it and returned directly. (to my surprise & delight the driver was an

old friend who used to work at my radio station.) i didn't look at the faq

again until i'd sat through the film twice. i also rolled it the following

day as i started to read the faq. talk about saturation.



*--==--==--*love is real*--==--*imagine*--==--==--*remember*--==--==--*





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n005.5 ---------------


From: mailcall <>

Subject: Re: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n004

Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1996 16:38:24 -0500 (EST)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


: My birthday is 5/26/80 (which,

: and I think that this is really cool, is the same day that the real

: life Pauline Parker was born)


you and pauline share a birthday with john wayne, stevie nicks, and my

best friend. (we've been surrealist partners in grime and adore anything to

do with the arts, but i think he has not seen "heavenly creatures" yet).






--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n005.6 ---------------


From: Tim Baglio <>

Subject: Re: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n004

Date: Tue, 16 Apr 1996 17:43:29 +0000 (GMT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


On Wed, 17 Apr 1996, mailcall wrote:


> you and pauline share a birthday with john wayne, stevie nicks, and my

> best friend. (we've been surrealist partners in grime and adore anything to

> do with the arts, but i think he has not seen "heavenly creatures" yet).


I actually knew about John Wayne. I think I also have the same birthday

as Emilia Ehrheart (if that is indeed how you spell it)... but I can't be



| |

| Tim Baglio |

| Bellingham, WA |





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n005.7 ---------------


From: (Bryan Woodworth)

Subject: HC on #irc

Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 11:21:29 GMT





>Subject: HC IRC

>Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 12:59:40 GMT




>I am a new subscriber to this list, and am glad there are finally some

>good HC resources on the web. I was reading that post about the IRC

>#borovnia, and since I am on IRC a bit, I thought I would check it out.

>Unfortunately, no one was there. I have an IRC bot, and I thought that if

>anyone wanted me to, I could put it up on #borovnia, and make that

>channel a "real" channel. If anyone wants me to do this, it would be no

>trouble, so just mail me at if there is any interest.




I think that is a great idea! Comments from anyone else? I just went there

(4:14am) but only one person was there (I think it was you, raven?). Alas, I

think you were sleeping, as my comments were met with charming silence! :)


Best Regards,


Bryan Woodworth


Heavenly Creatures Mailing List



"'Tis indeed a miracle, one must feel,

that two such heavenly creatures are real." bryan woodworth

-- "Heavenly Creatures," 1994



--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n005 ---------------


Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) with ESMTP id SAA05169 for

<>; Thu, 18 Apr 1996 18:01:59 -0700


Received: (daemon@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) id PAA08099;

Thu, 18 Apr 1996 15:34:53 -0700

Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 15:34:53 -0700

Message-Id: <>

Subject: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n006






Status: RO



-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n006 --------------


001 - Tim Baglio < - Re: HC on #irc


--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n006.1 ---------------


From: Tim Baglio <>

Subject: Re: HC on #irc

Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1996 13:51:27 +0000 (GMT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII



> I think that is a great idea! Comments from anyone else? I just went there

> (4:14am) but only one person was there (I think it was you, raven?). Alas, I

> think you were sleeping, as my comments were met with charming silence! :)


Actually, that was my bot, Shaft. My nick is almost always "Raven`".

Shaft is a non living entity, and he was probably there at that mentioned

time. Since he is not alive, he probably wouldn't say anything. You can

always tell by msging him and if he says something like "You are not an

operator... My command character is +." I am in the process of setting up

another bot named "Diello" (or a better name, if you can think of one),

specifically for #borovnia.



| |

| Tim Baglio |

| Bellingham, WA |





--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n006 ---------------


From Sat Apr 20 02:23:19 1996

Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) with ESMTP id CAA04760 for <>; Sat, 20 Apr 1996 02:23:18 -0700


Received: (root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) id BAA03860; Sat, 20 Apr 1996 01:00:30 -0700

Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 01:00:30 -0700

Message-Id: <>

Subject: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n007






Status: RO



-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n007 --------------


001 - Michael Chin <mktchin@pyr - About myself

002 - Tim Baglio < - The new IRC bot Diello.

003 - Donald Chin <donaldc@nets - NZ video release of HC...

004 - orson@CAM.ORG (Jean Gueri - Re: NZ video release of HC...

005 - "Jefferson F. Morris" <jf - Those lucky folks in Wellington


--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n007.1 ---------------


From: Michael Chin <>

Subject: About myself

Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1996 17:28:17 +1000

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Hello HC list members.


This is to introduce myself. From the mail-header, I guess you can tell

that my name is Michael.


I am a 27 year old (old, old?) living in Melbourne, Australia. During

daylight hours I pretend I am a dentist working in a community health

centre. During two nights of the week, I study at university doing a

Grad Dip in Computer Science. All other times, I listen to indie-pop,

watch movies and mainly use my Mac.


Heavenly Creatures was introduced to me by my brother. He saw it in the

middle of 1995 but I didn't actually see it until 1996. Loser that I

am, I caught it first on video with pan and scan. Luckily, it was on

the arthouse cinemas over the next few weeks. The screens were really

big but I had to have a clear view without any visual obstructions so I

sat really close to the screen. Massive images of Juliet, Pauline and

everything in the movie.


So affected by the movie, I immediately placed pictures relating to the

movie throughout the computers in the health centre and telling people

what an immpressive movie it was, reciting favourite quotes from the

movie and becoming so consumed by it all. Discovery of the web pages

and the FAQ that people were driven to produce were wonderful finds as

it added so much more to the movie experience. It made me appreciate

the qualities of Peter Jackson and Frances Walsh and all involved with

the movie. It made me want to read up any small amount of information

relating to the actors.


I could go on but I won't.


So that's me.


Regards &c.






Michael Chin <> Melbourne, Australia.

<> PostGradDipCS, RMIT.

Northcote CHC's SDO.....................Office: +61 3 9486 3411


"What do Jane Austen, Peter Jackson, Heavenly Creatures,

Kate Winslet, Melanie Lynskey, indie-pop, Apples, aethism,

rationality and small, under-powered cars all have in common?"





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n007.2 ---------------


From: Tim Baglio <>

Subject: The new IRC bot Diello.

Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 15:31:02 +0000 (GMT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


Okay, well I finished the initial compilation and intallation of

#Borovnia's new bot, Diello. His address is,

which is not my address, Bespin is my friend's computer,

which just happens to be connected to a T1. Diello is a fRitE bot, and I

have edited some of the c codes to be in my estimation "more

Diello-like". So far, he only ops me. I haven't seen anyone on #borovnia

other than myself and Diello, and my other bot Shaft, which has now been

removed as I have made Diello. Diello's command character is ~, so if you

say things (and I still need to edit these parts) like /msg Diello

~dance, he will do a little dance, et cetera. To see all the things that

you are able to do with Diello with your given security level, type /msg

Diello ~lists . Please feel free to comment.



| |

| Tim Baglio |

| Bellingham, WA |





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n007.3 ---------------


From: Donald Chin <>

Subject: NZ video release of HC...

Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 09:18:32 +1000

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Hi Robert/all,


>From the Chat Zone entry of April 12, Robert Freeman of Dunedin New

Zealand, wrote...


>I loved this film. I lived in Christchurch when it was released and

>through some contacts, got invited to the International premiere.

>Fantastic, got to meet both Jackson and Lynskey, alas Kate Winslet was

>not present. :-(


I was waiting for a New Zealander to post here. Robert, I was wondering if

the New Zealand video release of HC was the same version as the one that

you saw on its international premiere, ie, the director's cut. As you may

know, Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh with some input from Miramax removed

certain scenes from the international release of HC. If the video was of

the director's cut, then I would love to get my hands on a copy. The video

hasn't been released on sell through in Australia yet. If it is the longer

version, maybe you could give me the details of a video distributor in New



Thanks in advance...







Donald Chin <>

"Lost somewhere in Australia...

and fanatical about Heavenly Creatures and Jane Austen!"





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n007.4 ---------------


From: orson@CAM.ORG (Jean Guerin)

Subject: Re: NZ video release of HC...

Date: Thu, 18 Apr 1996 21:44:15 -0400

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Hello Donald/all


I have a copy of the NZ video of HC.


The box reads: Distributed by Roadshow Entertainment N.Z. Ltd.

Private Bag 56-905 Dominion Road P.O.,

Auckland 3, New Zealand


Unfortunately it also reads:


_WARNING: This video cassette is sold on the condition it is not offered

for sale or hire ouside New Zealand._


Which, I have learned over the years, means they cannot sell it mail order.

The only way to get it is to find someone who will go buy it for you in a

shop and mail it to you.


The box for the NZ release is the same as the Australian box seen on the

Web site. (Not surprising as the NZ box reads: Printed in Australia.)


Running time on this version is said to be 111 minutes approximately. [For

those reading in the US and Canada and wondering "Isn't there about 9

minutes of new stuff? How can that be since the running time on the US box

reads "Approximately

1h 39 minutes?" The answer is simple: film gets transferred to video at 24

frames per second in the US system- the frame rate is 30 fps for NTSC video

so an extra frame gets added every four frames to pad out 24 into 30. The

PAL system, used in NZ, Australia and England is 25 fps and film gets

transferred at that frame rate causing a 4% discrepancy in the running



Here are five unmistakeable scenes that will establish if you've seen the

full version:


Do the girls sing "How much is that doggie in the window" on their way to

Port Levy?


Does Pauline get to "make a wish" and fantasize about her parents dying at

the table at a family dinner?


Do we get to see Bill Perry move into the house and Dr. Hulme break down crying?


Does the banner on the Borovnian tower reading "Mad" suddenly reads "Sin"

(in letters that explode in a cascade of blood) after Juliet and Pauline

make love?


What's the last image of film? Is it B&W or colour?


If you remember seeing these, you have the seen. If not, you've seen "the

Disney Version" (as I've dubbed it).



Unfortunately, it is quite impossible for me to send copies of it.[So

please, do not write me with that request]. I wish I could because it is an

even more brilliant film the way Peter and Fran cut it originally.


Good luck in your quest!


E. Jean Guerin


Director of Programming

FANT-ASIA Film Festival

Montreal, Canada


also: Film Critic (HOUR magazine)

Cult/Trash Cinema specialist (CBC-Radio's Brave New Waves)

Actor (_Heavenly Creatures_,_Frankenstein & Me_,_La Vengeance de la


Femme en Noir_)


The critics rave:


"The Most Hideous Man Alive"

-Kate Winslet, Academy Award Nominee

for Best Actress in a Supporting role

_Sense and Sensibility_

"Sexy Demon"

-TIME Magazine.








--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n007.5 ---------------


From: "Jefferson F. Morris" <>

Subject: Those lucky folks in Wellington

Date: Fri, 19 Apr 1996 23:00:33 -0400 (EDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII



First of all, my name is Jefferson Morris. I'm a 23 year old male living

in Fairfax, VA (Washington DC suburbs, basically). I work in desktop

publishing. I heartily believe that even most great films suck compared

to 'Heavenly Creatures.'


Now that that's out of the way...


On Sat, 20 Apr 1996, Donald Chin wrote:


> I was wondering if

> the New Zealand video release of HC was the same version as the one that

> you saw on its international premiere, ie, the director's cut. As you may

> know, Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh with some input from Miramax removed

> certain scenes from the international release of HC.


'Input from Miramax'? I'm intrigued. What were their concerns?

(violence, weirdness, length?) I assume many of us here have seen the

AVI of the garden party scene (thank you, Mr. Woodworth), but the others

are more or less a mystery to me. I've heard one of the little snippets

involves Pauline imagining a fantastical tableau of her parents dead at

the dinner table (impaled, etc). I'm hoping the script, which I've

ordered from Scenario (thanks again, Mr. Woodworth), will have these excised



On a related note: When there are enough people on this list, I think it

might be fun to inundate the Voyager Company with shrill e-mail demands

that they release a special Criterion laserdisc edition of HC. CAV,

deleted scenes, outtakes, commentary, all the bells and whistles. I

mean, if they can do 'Prince of Tides...'





--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n007 ---------------


From Mon Apr 22 02:02:32 1996

Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) with ESMTP id CAA16652 for <>; Mon, 22 Apr 1996 02:02:31 -0700


Received: (root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) id BAA07306; Mon, 22 Apr 1996 01:00:22 -0700

Date: Mon, 22 Apr 1996 01:00:22 -0700

Message-Id: <>

Subject: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n008






Status: RO



-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n008 --------------


001 - Tim Baglio < - Diello

002 - 9506148v@Magpie.Magill.Un - script?

003 - Donald Chin <donaldc@nets - Re: NZ video release of HC...

004 - Donald Chin <donaldc@nets - Re:NZ release of HC...

005 - "Jefferson F. Morris" <jf - Deleted scenes (Why mess up a good thing?)

006 - Tim Baglio < - Movie posters


--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n008.1 ---------------


From: Tim Baglio <>

Subject: Diello

Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 00:11:08 +0000 (GMT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


Well, I found out that the old Diello was a very old version of Frite, so

I updated. This version is more flexible and has more features. I also

changed the command character to !. After reading the channel logs, I

found that a couple of you tried to use the old ~ to get Diello to

respond. If you want to see all your options, now just type !lists.

Diello will attempt a dcc chat, which you should accept. He also dances

the waltz and sings mario lanza. Just type !dance and !sing mario. Again,

just email me if there is any information you need.



| |

| Tim Baglio |

| Bellingham, WA |





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n008.2 ---------------



Subject: script?

Date: Sun, 21 Apr 1996 18:33:42 +0930


Does anyone know if the script for HC has been published?

I can't get it from any major bookseller in Australia.

I heard that it might be available via Italy (?)




--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n008.3 ---------------


From: Donald Chin <>

Subject: Re: NZ video release of HC...

Date: Mon, 22 Apr 1996 01:48:21 +1000

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Hi all/Jean,


orson@CAM.ORG (Jean Guerin) wrote...


> I have a copy of the NZ video of HC.


> The box reads: Distributed by Roadshow Entertainment N.Z. Ltd.

> Private Bag 56-905 Dominion Road P.O.,

> Auckland 3, New Zealand


> Unfortunately it also reads:


> _WARNING: This video cassette is sold on the condition it is not offered

> for sale or hire ouside New Zealand._


> Which, I have learned over the years, means they cannot sell it mail order.

> The only way to get it is to find someone who will go buy it for you in a

> shop and mail it to you.


Well, considering that NZ isn't that far from Australia and that we use the

same video system, I may have a slight possibility of getting the NZ copy

of the video. I may have to ask a friend of a friend of a friend!


> Here are five unmistakeable scenes that will establish if you've seen the

> full version:


> Do the girls sing "How much is that doggie in the window" on their way to

> Port Levy?


> Does Pauline get to "make a wish" and fantasize about her parents dying at

> the table at a family dinner?


> Do we get to see Bill Perry move into the house and Dr. Hulme break down



> Does the banner on the Borovnian tower reading "Mad" suddenly reads "Sin"

> (in letters that explode in a cascade of blood) after Juliet and Pauline

> make love?


> What's the last image of film? Is it B&W or colour?


> If you remember seeing these, you have the seen. If not, you've seen "the

> Disney Version" (as I've dubbed it).


Well, since you were fortunate to have such an intimate knowledge of the

film and its production, can you give some insight on the missing Bennet

party scene that was outlined in John Porter's FAQ? Bryan has some pictures

of Juliet in the spaghetti dress, and Cinema Papers also shows a different

shot of Juliet in the same dress. Was the scene actually shot and then left

out of any of the final releases, or was it excised from the screenplay so

early that it didn't make it to film? I know from my copy of the Scenario

magazine screenplay that it doesn't appear there at all. Also, in the Chat

Zone you mentioned that Peter Jackson apparently had some agreement with

Miramax to do a director's cut if he wished so. Would that be different

from that NZ print? Just curious questions from an enquiring fan!


> Good luck in your quest!









Donald Chin <>

"Lost somewhere in Australia...

and fanatical about Heavenly Creatures and Jane Austen!"





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n008.4 ---------------


From: Donald Chin <>

Subject: Re:NZ release of HC...

Date: Mon, 22 Apr 1996 01:48:25 +1000

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"




"Jefferson F. Morris" <> wrote...


> First of all, my name is Jefferson Morris. I'm a 23 year old male living

> in Fairfax, VA (Washington DC suburbs, basically). I work in desktop

> publishing. I heartily believe that even most great films suck compared

> to 'Heavenly Creatures.'


Agreed. I tend to compare every film I see now with HC. Every aspect of the

film is compared - direction, acting, cinematography, screenplay! Most tend

to fall short of HC's mark!


> 'Input from Miramax'? I'm intrigued. What were their concerns?

> (violence, weirdness, length?) I assume many of us here have seen the

> AVI of the garden party scene (thank you, Mr. Woodworth), but the others

> are more or less a mystery to me. I've heard one of the little snippets

> involves Pauline imagining a fantastical tableau of her parents dead at

> the dinner table (impaled, etc). I'm hoping the script, which I've

> ordered from Scenario (thanks again, Mr. Woodworth), will have these excised

> sequences.


Well, when you get your Scenario magazine, you will find that Miramax

thought the film was a little too long. They suggested to Peter Jackson and

Fran Walsh that something be removed. So they complied with the request and

made a few changes. Ultimately, both Fran W and Peter J felt the changes

were for the better. It made the movie's pace better. This was for the

North American release of the film. Miramax, from the article, also had a

great deal of input in to the advertising of the movie. You may notice the

advertisements for the movie in the Cinema Papers, and from the NZFC and on

the CD soundtrack cover show the Port Levy holiday scene with Juliet on the

pier, and Pauline taking a great leap into the lake. No sign of the

familiar movie poster. Maybe they felt that the Port Levy scene wouldn't

have drawn enough interest for the subject of the film. Personally, I think

the Port Levy poster would have been a better poster.


What do you think about the exclusion of the scene with Bill Perry after

seeing the avi that Bryan has posted?


> On a related note: When there are enough people on this list, I think it

> might be fun to inundate the Voyager Company with shrill e-mail demands

> that they release a special Criterion laserdisc edition of HC. CAV,

> deleted scenes, outtakes, commentary, all the bells and whistles. I

> mean, if they can do 'Prince of Tides...'


Yes, I emailed them some time ago. Just a reply saying, thanks for your

interest, but we're not planning anything at the moment, but we'll pass on

your message. One can always hope.







Donald Chin <>

"Lost somewhere in Australia...

and fanatical about Heavenly Creatures and Jane Austen!"





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n008.5 ---------------


From: "Jefferson F. Morris" <>

Subject: Deleted scenes (Why mess up a good thing?)

Date: Sun, 21 Apr 1996 17:20:51 -0400 (EDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


On Mon, 22 Apr 1996, Donald Chin wrote:


> Agreed. I tend to compare every film I see now with HC. Every aspect of the

> film is compared - direction, acting, cinematography, screenplay! Most tend

> to fall short of HC's mark!


One feels almost spoiled watching HC. You just know that 99.9% of the

rest of the movies you'll see in your life will seem flat, uninvolving,

and tired in comparison. I haven't seen a movie since, on video or in

the theaters, that has really been anywhere near it. And that includes a

number of films that I've liked a lot.


> Well, when you get your Scenario magazine


Out of curiosity, how long did it take for them to get it to you?


> you will find that Miramax

> thought the film was a little too long.


How odd. Well, I guess it takes all kinds to make a world. I suppose

the film is such an intense experience that it might seem longer than it

actually is to some people.


> Personally, I think

> the Port Levy poster would have been a better poster.


I suppose the N. American poster/disc cover seemed a little more visceral,

with the picture of the body on the ground. The Port Levy thing might

have made it seem more like a 'chick' movie (An unfortunate misconception

that many who haven't seen the film are still laboring under). Who was that

body on the ground, anyway? It sure isn't Honora. It looks more like

Juliet after a good swoon.

> What do you think about the exclusion of the scene with Bill Perry after

> seeing the avi that Bryan has posted?


After my experiences with James Cameron special editions, in which I've

felt that the re-inserted footage weakened the original picture, I've

gotten a little leery of deleted scenes. But I must say I loved that

AVI. It's a testimonial to the filmmaking that even in a tiny, 1.5 inch

high window, the scene was still fascinating. I especially loved the bit

with Juliet running out to see the ambulance, and her little impression

of Perry ('Hullo').


I suppose I'd have to see it inserted into the film before I could say that

it would have hindered/helped the pacing or anything else in any

substantial way.


> Yes, I emailed them some time ago. Just a reply saying, thanks for your

> interest, but we're not planning anything at the moment, but we'll pass on

> your message. One can always hope.


What address did you send to? I know they pay attention to requests, so

if they get enough of them...who knows? We could at least let them know

there's a market out there. I'm happy enough with Miramax's disc, but

I certainly think the film merits a more involved treatment.





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n008.6 ---------------


From: Tim Baglio <>

Subject: Movie posters

Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 21:43:40 +0000 (GMT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


No one knows where I can get one of the foreign movie posters that are

shown on 666's page? I would be especially interested if someone could

find me a copy of the german poster that is shown. I may be willing to

buy one (with shipping) if anyone could find one and send it to me.



| |

| Tim Baglio |

| Bellingham, WA |





--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n008 ---------------


From Tue Apr 23 07:05:50 1996

Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) with ESMTP id HAA05278 for <>; Tue, 23 Apr 1996 07:05:49 -0700


Received: (root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) id HAA22138; Tue, 23 Apr 1996 07:04:55 -0700

Date: Tue, 23 Apr 1996 07:04:55 -0700

Message-Id: <>

Subject: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n009






Status: RO



-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n009 --------------


001 - Donald Chin <donaldc@nets - Re:Deleted scenes (Why mess up a good thing?)

002 - Donald Chin <donaldc@nets - Re:script

003 - Bryan Woodworth <bryanw@6 - MELANIE LYNSKEY UPDATE!

004 - Bryan Woodworth <bryanw@6 - HC too short?

005 - Bryan Woodworth <bryanw@6 - U.S. Advertising


--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n009.1 ---------------


From: Donald Chin <>

Subject: Re:Deleted scenes (Why mess up a good thing?)

Date: Mon, 22 Apr 1996 23:54:14 +1000

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"




"Jefferson F. Morris" <> wrote...


> One feels almost spoiled watching HC. You just know that 99.9% of the

> rest of the movies you'll see in your life will seem flat, uninvolving,

> and tired in comparison. I haven't seen a movie since, on video or in

> the theaters, that has really been anywhere near it. And that includes a

> number of films that I've liked a lot.


> > Well, when you get your Scenario magazine


> Out of curiosity, how long did it take for them to get it to you?


It took them about a fortnight to send it to me.


> > you will find that Miramax

> > thought the film was a little too long.


> How odd. Well, I guess it takes all kinds to make a world. I suppose

> the film is such an intense experience that it might seem longer than it

> actually is to some people.


I felt the film wasn't long enough. Some 90 minute films seem to flash past

in a moment, others seem to drag on for an eternity.


> I suppose the N. American poster/disc cover seemed a little more visceral,

> with the picture of the body on the ground. The Port Levy thing might

> have made it seem more like a 'chick' movie (An unfortunate misconception

> that many who haven't seen the film are still laboring under). Who was that

> body on the ground, anyway? It sure isn't Honora. It looks more like

> Juliet after a good swoon.



I think it is meant to be Honora. Wasn't it mentioned somewhere that the

final scene of the movie was to have Pauline alone on the pier with the

body of Honora at her feet?


> high window, the scene was still fascinating. I especially loved the bit

> with Juliet running out to see the ambulance, and her little impression

> of Perry ('Hullo').


I love that scene as well!







Donald Chin <>

"Lost somewhere in Australia...

and fanatical about Heavenly Creatures and Jane Austen!"





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n009.2 ---------------


From: Donald Chin <>

Subject: Re:script

Date: Mon, 22 Apr 1996 23:54:02 +1000

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Hi, wrote...


> Does anyone know if the script for HC has been published?

> I can't get it from any major bookseller in Australia.


I tried very hard to find the script here in Australia but met with no

success. I was fortunate enough to find the Scenario Magazine issue with

the screenplay via Bryan's web page. I think the publisher will post out

back issues. Also, as you can see from the scans from the magazine, there

is some quite good artwork in the magazine.


> I heard that it might be available via Italy (?)









Donald Chin <>

"Lost somewhere in Australia...

and fanatical about Heavenly Creatures and Jane Austen!"





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n009.3 ---------------


From: Bryan Woodworth <>


Date: Tue, 23 Apr 1996 02:36:49 -0700 (PDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Content-Length: 777

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


Dear subscribers,


Now available, for your reading enjoyment --


News regarding Melanie Lynskey, straight from Melanie herself!


This enchanting, talented person had the kindness to respond to my letter

to her in late March of '96. Check the Melanie Lynskey Information

Center for more details!


This is the major development I have been hinting at for some time. As

before, whenever I have new information on Melanie, you can rest assured

it will be on HeavenlyWeb.


Best Regards,


Bryan Woodworth


Heavenly Creatures Mailing List

"It's for you!"



"'Tis indeed a miracle, one must feel,

that two such heavenly creatures are real." bryan woodworth

-- "Heavenly Creatures," 1994



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n009.4 ---------------


From: Bryan Woodworth <>

Subject: HC too short?

Date: Tue, 23 Apr 1996 02:57:45 -0700 (PDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Content-Length: 1873

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit




> From: Donald Chin <>

> Subject: Re:NZ release of HC...

> Date: Mon, 22 Apr 1996 01:48:25 +1000

> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


> Hi,



> Well, when you get your Scenario magazine, you will find that Miramax

> thought the film was a little too long. They suggested to Peter Jackson and

> Fran Walsh that something be removed. So they complied with the request and

> made a few changes. Ultimately, both Fran W and Peter J felt the changes

> were for the better. It made the movie's pace better. This was for the

> North American release of the film. Miramax, from the article, also had a

> great deal of input in to the advertising of the movie. You may notice the

> advertisements for the movie in the Cinema Papers, and from the NZFC and on

> the CD soundtrack cover show the Port Levy holiday scene with Juliet on the

> pier, and Pauline taking a great leap into the lake. No sign of the

> familiar movie poster. Maybe they felt that the Port Levy scene wouldn't

> have drawn enough interest for the subject of the film. Personally, I think

> the Port Levy poster would have been a better poster.



I'm not sure if I am in the minority, but after Pauline was crying on the

dock, left alone, with Julie sailing away, and the credits began to roll

to the strains of Mario Lanza's "You'll Never Walk Alone Again," I

screamed with almost as much force and fervor as Pauline a few moments



I felt this movie was TOO SHORT. I wanted MORE. I need MORE. I need a

director's cut! Now! Miramax, do you hear me?



Best regards,


Bryan Woodworth


Heavenly Creatures Mailing List




"'Tis indeed a miracle, one must feel,

that two such heavenly creatures are real." bryan woodworth

-- "Heavenly Creatures," 1994



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n009.5 ---------------


From: Bryan Woodworth <>

Subject: U.S. Advertising

Date: Tue, 23 Apr 1996 03:07:00 -0700 (PDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Content-Length: 2155

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit




> From: "Jefferson F. Morris" <>

> Subject: Deleted scenes (Why mess up a good thing?)

> Date: Sun, 21 Apr 1996 17:20:51 -0400 (EDT)

> MIME-Version: 1.0

> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


> On Mon, 22 Apr 1996, Donald Chin wrote:




> > Personally, I think

> > the Port Levy poster would have been a better poster.


> I suppose the N. American poster/disc cover seemed a little more visceral,

> with the picture of the body on the ground. The Port Levy thing might

> have made it seem more like a 'chick' movie (An unfortunate misconception

> that many who haven't seen the film are still laboring under). Who was that

> body on the ground, anyway? It sure isn't Honora. It looks more like

> Juliet after a good swoon.



I'm not sure what to say. I like the idea of either poster being used

for advertising the movie -- either the U.S. poster, showing the

close-ups of the faces of the two girls, along with the girls walking

with Honora in the woods near the bottom; or, the Port Levy scene, with

Pauline gleefully leaping into the water, as Juliet clings fearfully to

the pier.


I suppose if I walked by an advert and saw the taglines "Not All Angels

are Innocent," and "The True Story of A Crime That Shocked a Nation," I'd

be more compelled (and curious.. "Wow, it shocked a nation?"). I would

definitely be interested!


Perhaps the Port Levy scene would seem to put the "chick movie" label on

it. Who knows. I would probably have a more emotional attachment to

the advertisement if I saw the Port Levy scene, as opposed to a more

driven, curious attachment, were I to see the U.S. poster advert.


I'm not sure who the body on the ground is! I always assumed it was

Honora, but now that you've said it may not be, I am a bit curious. I'll

have to look at this more closely next time.



Best regards,


Bryan Woodworth


Heavenly Creatures Mailing List



"'Tis indeed a miracle, one must feel,

that two such heavenly creatures are real." bryan woodworth

-- "Heavenly Creatures," 1994



--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n009 ---------------


Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) with ESMTP id MAA03770 for <>; Wed, 24 Apr 1996 12:00:37 -0700


Received: (root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) id MAA16479; Wed, 24 Apr 1996 12:00:24 -0700

Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 12:00:24 -0700

Message-Id: <>

Subject: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n010






Status: RO



-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n010 --------------


001 - mailcall <mailcall@kiva.n - Re: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n009


--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n010.1 ---------------


From: mailcall <>

Subject: Re: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n009

Date: Tue, 23 Apr 1996 13:29:39 -0500 (EST)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


i naturally assumed the picture on the box was honora. whoever it is, she

seems to have too much hair to be her, but i thought that was artistic

license. it is a lot like the pictures that one sees on standard murder

mystery covers. i could have stood for less puffs on the box. heck, i

could design a box that was better than that. maybe i will. get one of

those videocassette library cases and decorate it with pictures from the

film and text from pauline's diary.



*--==--==--*love is real*--==--*imagine*--==--==--*remember*--==--==--*





--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n010 ---------------

From Thu Apr 25 23:02:08 1996

Received: from ( []) by shellx (8.6.12/8.6.5) with ESMTP id XAB02526 for <>; Thu, 25 Apr 1996 23:02:07 -0700


Received: (root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) id XAA02116; Thu, 25 Apr 1996 23:00:24 -0700

Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 23:00:24 -0700

Message-Id: <>

Subject: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n011






Status: RO



-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n011 --------------


001 - "Jefferson F. Morris" <jf - Re:Deleted scenes (Why mess up a good thing?)

002 - "Jefferson F. Morris" <jf - We've got ourselves a pair of Posters

003 - "Jefferson F. Morris" <jf - The Frighteners


--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n011.1 ---------------


From: "Jefferson F. Morris" <>

Subject: Re:Deleted scenes (Why mess up a good thing?)

Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 01:17:26 -0400 (EDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


On Mon, 22 Apr 1996, Donald Chin wrote:


> I felt the film wasn't long enough. Some 90 minute films seem to flash past

> in a moment, others seem to drag on for an eternity.


You're right, it depends on the pacing. There's so much packed into HC,

so much interest and detail in every frame, that you're continuously

engaged on every level--emotional, visceral, intellectual. Next time I

watch it I might compile a little list of some of the things I've

noticed, especially composition-wise, about the film. Might make for a

nice thread.


> I think it is meant to be Honora. Wasn't it mentioned somewhere that the

> final scene of the movie was to have Pauline alone on the pier with the

> body of Honora at her feet?


Was it? Where? You must alleviate my ignorance.





Usually I have a HC-related sig down here, but I guess it's sort of

redundant on this list.



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n011.2 ---------------


From: "Jefferson F. Morris" <>

Subject: We've got ourselves a pair of Posters

Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 01:25:33 -0400 (EDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


On Tue, 23 Apr 1996, Bryan Woodworth wrote:


> I'm not sure what to say. I like the idea of either poster being used

> for advertising the movie -- either the U.S. poster, showing the

> close-ups of the faces of the two girls, along with the girls walking

> with Honora in the woods near the bottom; or, the Port Levy scene, with

> Pauline gleefully leaping into the water, as Juliet clings fearfully to

> the pier.


The Port Levy poster is a nice visual metaphor for the story--Juliet has

run to the dock first, but she shies away at the last moment. Pauline,

of course, jumps right into it. (Or should I say, "It?") It depicts the

arc of the relationship--Juliet as the leader in the beginning, with

Pauline taking over later and pulling the duo to their doom.


But of course visual metaphors don't sell movies. I think the American

version, while more conventional, is arguably a more effective poster, in

terms of just interesting people in the film. I can't say I would've

been too turned on by the Port Levy poster, without knowing anything

about the film.




P.S. By the way, thanks for creating this list. And keep up the good

work with the page. When I first saw HC, there was nothing on the net

except version 1 of Porter's FAQ. It's nice to see this little net

community rallying around the movie.



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n011.3 ---------------


From: "Jefferson F. Morris" <>

Subject: The Frighteners

Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 01:31:34 -0400 (EDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII



In case anyone's interested (and I'm sure you are), the latest edition of

'Cinescape' has a little info on Jackson's next movie, 'The

Frighteners.' It's just a blurb in an article about summer movies, but

it mentions that Robert Zemeckis apparently saw some of the film, and was

so impressed with it that he had the release date moved up from

Christmas to July, presumably to let the film go head to head with the other

summer blockbusters. It also mentions that there is something like 400

CGI shots in the film. That could be a typo, I don't know. Jurassic

Park only had about 50.





--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n011 ---------------


From Fri Apr 26 23:38:37 1996

Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) with ESMTP id XAA15817 for <>; Fri, 26 Apr 1996 23:38:37 -0700


Received: (daemon@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) id XAA21408; Fri, 26 Apr 1996 23:38:17 -0700

Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 23:38:17 -0700

Message-Id: <>

Subject: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n012






Status: O



-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n012 --------------


001 - mailcall <mailcall@kiva.n - Re: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n011

002 - 9506148v@Magpie.Magill.Un - Re: NZ Video of HC...

003 - Donald Chin <donaldc@nets - Re:Deleted scenes (Why mess up a good thing?)

004 - (Jean Gueri - The body in question.

005 - michaela drapes <oleanna@ - On the subject of posters...


--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n012.1 ---------------


From: mailcall <>

Subject: Re: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n011

Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 01:21:57 -0500 (EST)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


: > I think it is meant to be Honora. Wasn't it mentioned somewhere th

: > final scene of the movie was to have Pauline alone on the pier wit

: > body of Honora at her feet?


: Was it? Where? You must alleviate my ignorance.


in the holy sacred faq, v.2, chapter, where it is written:


: [lfr] An early draft script (Heavenly Creatures, Draft #5,

: February 7, 1993, Margaret Herrick Library, Academy of Motion

: Picture Arts and Sciences, Beverly Hills, CA.) has Pauline

: screaming "No!" and calling out to Juliet, hand outstretched--and

: a pull back revealing the pier empty except for the body of

: Honora at her feet. I'm delighted they didn't use that--I don't

: believe it would have worked as effectively as the filmed ending.



'hey! isn't that the famous irish singer, murray o'lanza?'



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n012.2 ---------------



Subject: Re: NZ Video of HC...

Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 16:41:16 +0930




in regards to the messages from


orson@CAM.ORG (Jean Guerin) and (Donald Chin)


about the release of the 'longer' NZ video of HC - does anyone

actually know anyone who lives in NZ who would be willing to

facilitate the mailing out of copies of these (perhaps for a

nominal additional fee?) ? I am in Australia, but I don't know

anyone in NZ, and I would love to get one of these videos. Any

help on this would be much appreciated.


Also, just how many people are on this list? I am curious to know

how many HC people there are out there.




Shannon Lloyd <>



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n012.3 ---------------


From: Donald Chin <>

Subject: Re:Deleted scenes (Why mess up a good thing?)

Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 13:08:06 +1000

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"




"Jefferson F. Morris" <> wrote...


> You're right, it depends on the pacing. There's so much packed into HC,

> so much interest and detail in every frame, that you're continuously

> engaged on every level--emotional, visceral, intellectual. Next time I

> watch it I might compile a little list of some of the things I've

> noticed, especially composition-wise, about the film. Might make for a

> nice thread.


Please do, I am sure the list members would enjoy reading it.


> > I think it is meant to be Honora. Wasn't it mentioned somewhere that the

> > final scene of the movie was to have Pauline alone on the pier with the

> > body of Honora at her feet?


> Was it? Where? You must alleviate my ignorance.


I am trying to search through some of the articles I have relating to the

movie. I can't find it at the moment, but I am sure I have read it

somewhere. I will keep looking.







Donald Chin <>

"Lost somewhere in Australia...

and fanatical about Heavenly Creatures and Jane Austen!"





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n012.4 ---------------


From: (Jean Guerin)

Subject: The body in question.

Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 02:21:19 -0400

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Hi everybody,


Just thought I'd clarify the identity of the body on the american (and

canadian) video box art.


The body seems to be of no one in particular. It is just there to imply a

murder in the film without giving out who will get killed. Sort of the same

way Hitchcock used Vera Miles in a short blonde wig instead of Janet Leigh

as the victim in the shower in the Psycho trailer not to ruin the film for

the audience before the film opened.


This is not the only such bizarre art in the Miramax campain (which was

designed in America by Miramax and not by Wingnut Films in N-Z).


When the film first opened in New-York in November of 1994, the print ad

had the same art as the theatrical poster. This was the face of Kate and

Melanie in close up with a shot of Sarah Pierse walking through the woods.

On opening day, the ad in the New-York Times quoted the entire text of

Richard Corliss' Time Magazine review-which obliquely referred to me as a

"sexy demon"- a full two weeks before Time printed it!


The following week, however, that walking three-shot was replaced by a

picture of a man in a dark hat and coat skulking next to an iron fence.

This is not even an image of the film! (It certainly isn't me.)


This image remained for most of the ad campain until the one featuring a

shot of Kate with a lace clad other girl's body "airbrushed" over her (or

digitally composited or whatever- it's just not Kate's body nor was she

wearing wardrobe for the film...well, maybe Diana Kent's). When the caption

cried out "murder She Wrote!" _Entertainment Weekly_ ran a piece

questionning the tastefulness of the campain.


I guess there's probably a study of video srores that suggests that long

haired blonde corpses attract more rentals than middle aged women lying in



I used to communicate by e-mail with one of the designers of the original

poster (in L.A.) and she had never heard of the modifications to the art.


The identity of the body on the video box and video release posteris not a

riddle to be solved. It's just an ad campain.


Hope this explanation is satisfactory.


Hideously yours,





E. Jean Guerin


Director of Programming

FANT-ASIA Film Festival

Montreal, Canada


also: Film Critic (HOUR magazine) & Journalist (Cinefantastique)

Cult/Trash Cinema specialist (CBC-Radio's Brave New Waves)

Actor (_Heavenly Creatures_,_Frankenstein & Me_,_La Vengeance de la


Femme en Noir_)


The critics rave!


"The Most Hideous Man Alive"

-Kate Winslet, Academy Award Nominee


"Sexy Demon"

-TIME Magazine.








--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n012.5 ---------------


From: michaela drapes <>

Subject: On the subject of posters...

Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 01:38:22 -0500

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Hi all---have a question I *know* someone out there can answer


I might be doing a website for a rare movie poster dealer, and I'm thinking

of asking for some HC posters as part of the deal. Here's the question:


What versions were produced for the original release of the film? Were

different versions made for international markets (sorry if this has already

been discussed...I've been skimming my mail lately) ? Ie. Is there a

different one for the NZ, British, and US releases? Does anyone know if a

poster was ever made of the UK print ad that read 'Not all angels are

innocent?' I recall someone mentioning that the Port Levy shot was on the

NZ that right?

Jean, perhaps you can illuminate me as to what the poster from the NZ

premiere looked like, as that is ideally the one I would like to get a hold of.





Michaela R. Drapes

Kate Winslet page:

Will do WWW design for Atomic Fireballs.





--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n012 ---------------


From Sun Apr 28 06:01:08 1996

Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) with ESMTP id GAA04597 for <>; Sun, 28 Apr 1996 06:01:07 -0700


Received: (root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) id GAA07885; Sun, 28 Apr 1996 06:00:21 -0700

Date: Sun, 28 Apr 1996 06:00:21 -0700

Message-Id: <>

Subject: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n013






Status: RO



-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n013 --------------


001 - Bryan Woodworth <bryanw@6 - Membership tally

002 - "Jefferson F. Morris" <jf - The end and stuff

003 - (Jean Gueri - Re: The end and stuff

004 - Jane <misc1341@cantva.can - NZ copy of Heavenly Creatures video/poster


--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n013.1 ---------------


From: Bryan Woodworth <>

Subject: Membership tally

Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 03:28:16 -0700 (PDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Content-Length: 392

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit




FYI, the list has 24 subscribers.


I've been busy, or I would be contributing more! Sorry. :)


Best regards,



Bryan Woodworth


Heavenly Creatures Mailing List



"'Tis indeed a miracle, one must feel,

that two such heavenly creatures are real." bryan woodworth

-- "Heavenly Creatures," 1994



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n013.2 ---------------


From: "Jefferson F. Morris" <>

Subject: The end and stuff

Date: Sat, 27 Apr 1996 13:44:52 -0400 (EDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


On Fri, 26 Apr 1996, mailcall wrote:


> : [lfr] An early draft script (Heavenly Creatures, Draft #5,

> : February 7, 1993, Margaret Herrick Library, Academy of Motion

> : Picture Arts and Sciences, Beverly Hills, CA.) has Pauline

> : screaming "No!" and calling out to Juliet, hand outstretched--and

> : a pull back revealing the pier empty except for the body of

> : Honora at her feet. I'm delighted they didn't use that--I don't

> : believe it would have worked as effectively as the filmed ending.


I think I probably have to agree with the above-quoted person. Any kind

of pull-back from that last shot (last in the American version, anyway)

would have deflated the emotion somewhat. It might have been too much.


I've always been fascinated by those scenes on the liner. They're rather

odd when you think about them. They don't appear to be from anyone's

particular point of view. They're more a metaphorical representation of

the characters' hopes/fears (The dream of escape in the beginning of the

film, and the nightmare of separation at the end). You don't see that

very often in a film.


Good movie, eh?





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n013.3 ---------------


From: (Jean Guerin)

Subject: Re: The end and stuff

Date: Fri, 26 Apr 1996 14:40:23 -0400

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


If this will clarify anything, here's how the director's (NZ) cut ends:


We see Pauline standing alone on the dock crying and instead of fading out

to black before the words of the epilogue we bet a COLOR close-up of

Pauline's face covered in blood. This lasts about two seconds and is that

last piercing scream we hear in the "dark" at the end of the Miramax (US)



On the subject of posters:


The theatrical poster was white and the art of the two girls was in a blue

band going down the middle. The slogan on the left side of the art read

"Not all Angels are Innocent". The "shocked a nation" line was below the

title and the two words in the title are "separated" by an painting of the

girls walking in the woods with Honora.


I believe this was the art in NZ.


The reddish color version is for the video release.


The was a "temporary" poster at the Toronto film festival which was the

Port Levy shot (of Melanie jumping off the pier-also the cover of the CD)

on a narrow horizontal band running across a black background.



E. Jean Guerin


Director of Programming

FANT-ASIA Film Festival

Montreal, Canada


also: Film Critic (HOUR magazine) & Journalist (Cinefantastique)

Cult/Trash Cinema specialist (CBC-Radio's Brave New Waves)

Actor (_Heavenly Creatures_,_Frankenstein & Me_,_La Vengeance de la


Femme en Noir_)


The critics rave!


"The Most Hideous Man Alive"

-Kate Winslet, Academy Award Nominee


"Sexy Demon"

-TIME Magazine.








--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n013.4 ---------------


From: Jane <>

Subject: NZ copy of Heavenly Creatures video/poster

Date: Sun, 28 Apr 1996 07:21:50 +1300


Morning all,


I've just read Shannon's request for a NZ copy of the video of HC.

As I live in NZ (Christchurch even!) I may be able to help.

Although I personally haven't got a copy, I can easily inquire re

price etc and send some over.


The only 'problem' I can foresee is that as I am a student, I would

have to request pre-payment of video, packing and postage. And of

course, I could supply receipts etc re pricing. The other point is

that NZ VCR's are different from American ones - PAL I think - but

over here they can be converted quite easily. Anyway it would all

add to the investment potential as you could keep your original copy

in pristine condition!


As to the posters - well they are scarce as hen's teeth in

Christchurch and sadly I have missed out on getting one so I am of

little help in that respect.


So I guess that if people would like a copy of the video maybe they

could email me about directly over say, the next 10 days, and then if

I have several to send, I could do so all in one posting.





ps Kiaora Karen :-)


/ \

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( - - - )

( )

( )

------------------/l\ /l\-------------------


( )

( __ _)



Never try and teach a pig to sing.

It wastes your time and annoys the pig.....



--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n013 ---------------


Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) with ESMTP id IAA05283 for <>; Mon, 29 Apr 1996 08:00:43 -0700


Received: (root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) id IAA26803; Mon, 29 Apr 1996 08:00:21 -0700

Date: Mon, 29 Apr 1996 08:00:21 -0700

Message-Id: <>

Subject: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n014








-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n014 --------------


001 - Donald Chin <donaldc@nets - Australian Poster of HC...

002 - Donald Chin <donaldc@nets - On a different note...


--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n014.1 ---------------


From: Donald Chin <>

Subject: Australian Poster of HC...

Date: Mon, 29 Apr 1996 00:51:18 +1000

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Hi all,


The Australian poster of HC is very similar to the US poster except in size

(it is much smaller). The only other difference being that on the left and

right sides of the poster, there are quotes from various reviews, and the I

think the caption says "Not all Angels are Innocent". I can't be sure that

the caption says that as I don't have a copy of the poster and have to rely

on my memory. I am lucky enough to own a copy of the US poster and the

Finnish poster though.







Donald Chin <>

"Lost somewhere in Australia...

and fanatical about Heavenly Creatures and Jane Austen!"





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n014.2 ---------------


From: Donald Chin <>

Subject: On a different note...

Date: Mon, 29 Apr 1996 00:51:13 +1000

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"




I just saw From Dawn Till Dusk (or is it the other way around). Anyway, I

noticed that there were quite a few scenes that were reminiscent of those

in Peter Jackson's earlier films such as Bad Taste and Brain Dead (Dead

Alive). You lucky Americans will get to see his new film very soon.







Donald Chin <>

"Lost somewhere in Australia...

and fanatical about Heavenly Creatures and Jane Austen!"





--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n014 ---------------

Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) with ESMTP id TAA04780 for <>; Tue, 30 Apr 1996 19:01:04 -0700


Received: (root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) id TAA25997; Tue, 30 Apr 1996 19:00:38 -0700

Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 19:00:38 -0700

Message-Id: <>

Subject: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n015








-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n015 --------------


001 - "Jefferson F. Morris" <jf - Bloody good shows

002 - Bryan Woodworth <bryanw@6 - NEW STUFF 4/30/96

003 - (Jean Gueri - Re: Bloody good shows

004 - Bao Ly <lybao@earthlink.n - Melanie Lynskey


--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n015.1 ---------------


From: "Jefferson F. Morris" <>

Subject: Bloody good shows

Date: Mon, 29 Apr 1996 21:49:30 -0400 (EDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


On Mon, 29 Apr 1996, Donald Chin wrote:


> I just saw From Dawn Till Dusk (or is it the other way around). Anyway, I

> noticed that there were quite a few scenes that were reminiscent of those

> in Peter Jackson's earlier films such as Bad Taste and Brain Dead (Dead

> Alive).


As I understand it, Quentin Tarantino is a fan of Jackson's. But how

could he not be? Of course, FDTD is rather mild compared to 'Braindead.'


I saw Braindead before I saw HC, and I can remember being amazed at the

artistic development which occurred somewhere in between. Not that I

don't like Braindead. I love it. As that Film Comment reviewer pointed

out, it is undoubtedly the 'Intolerance' of splatter flicks. But of

course HC is on a whole different level.


It is rather fun to pick out HC actors in Braindead. Of course there's

Elizabeth Moody (Mrs. Waller/Mum). And also the woman who plays Ms.

Collins, who shows up as one of the unfortunate party-goers. And of course

"John", who gets emasculated and zombiefied about halfway through the movie.


I really should be looking up all these actors' names, but I'm too lazy.

Maybe later.


Here's a quick trivia question: Frances Walsh has a cameo in

Braindead, as one of the women in the park. Which one is she?


In case you're wondering, I don't know the answer. That's why I'm asking.


> You lucky Americans will get to see his new film very soon.


July. I'm hoping to see a trailer or something soon.

Incidentally, did Walsh also perchance co-author 'The Frighteners.'

Obviously I'm hoping the answer is yes.





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n015.2 ---------------


From: Bryan Woodworth <>

Subject: NEW STUFF 4/30/96

Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 01:37:52 -0700 (PDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Content-Length: 2246

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


Dear subscribers,


HeavenlyWeb is pleased to bring you continuous material regarding

the mesmerising film "Heavenly Creatures." Thank you all for

your support!


Contributions of any type, which are relevant to Heavenly Creatures, are

immensely appreciated. If you have an idea, comment, contribution or

something else to share, please get in touch.


This week, two new additions:



* A scan of the U.S. Poster of "Heavenly Creatures"


Now, subscribers outside the U.S. (as well as those in the US who

may not have been the U.S. poster) can enjoy this lovely work of art.

Available in three sizes: Thumbnail preview (6K), medium size

(~77K, fits perfectly in 1024x768 resolution), or jumbo (unknown

resolution, just slightly larger, only about ~112K however).



* Selection on "Heavenly Creatures" from "Film Quarterly," Fall '95.

special thanks to Bao Ly for providing these scans!


Thanks to the generosity of Bao Ly, visitors to HeavenlyWeb may now enjoy

this well-written article on "Heavenly Creatures." Analyzing the

cultural, societal, and spiritual aspects of "Heavenly Creatures," it is

a piece you won't soon forget. Even I found myself gasping in awe at some

of the revelations which I hadn't noticed before, reveling in some of the

subtle, charming nuances which had escaped my sharp eye.


This piece has been flagged ** mandatory reading ** for fans of

"Heavenly Creatures"!



* Minor update: The logo has been updated!


Yes, the vocal minority has now been satisfied! I am thankful

that the new logo is more appropriate to the site, and seems to be

in agreement with the majority of those who cast stones before. :-)

I must agree that the old logo was quite horrid, especially in comparison

to the new logo. It is a relief to have this segment of HeavenlyWeb



Thanks once again for your support! Enjoy HeavenlyWeb, and the new

selections we are able to bring you this week.


HeavenlyWeb -- "It's for you!"



Best regards,


Bryan Woodworth


Heavenly Creatures Mailing List



"'Tis indeed a miracle, one must feel,

that two such heavenly creatures are real." bryan woodworth

-- "Heavenly Creatures," 1994



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n015.3 ---------------


From: (Jean Guerin)

Subject: Re: Bloody good shows

Date: Mon, 29 Apr 1996 17:13:07 -0400

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"



>Here's a quick trivia question: Frances Walsh has a cameo in

>Braindead, as one of the women in the park. Which one is she?


>In case you're wondering, I don't know the answer. That's why I'm asking.


Fran was the lady in the park that pushes another carriage and goes

"Hellooo!" to her baby that Timothy Balme seeks to emulate.


She also appears as one of the zombies.


In HC, Fran also has a cameo. She can be seen riding the bus in the scene

where the girls are going to the scene of the crime with their mum. She is

the young woman sitting in the aisle seat just in front of them.

Unmistakeable with her profile and big blue eyes. Next to her, in the

window seat is her aunt Peg.


>Incidentally, did Walsh also perchance co-author 'The Frighteners.'

>Obviously I'm hoping the answer is yes.


Fran did co-write "The Frighteners" (released July 19) which she describes

as "a bubble-gum action flick". She will not be flying to any press junkets

though as she will about a week or so from giving birth to her (and

Peter's) second child. The first one, William, was born a few days away

from the Oscars last year.


As much as the name Peter Jackson gets used a lot, it should be noted that

it is really a team composed of Peter, Fran and Richard Taylor (who does

the special effects). "The Three Headed Beast" is how Peter once put it.


Hideously Yours,


E. Jean Guerin


Director of Programming

FANT-ASIA Film Festival

Montreal, Canada


also: Film Critic (HOUR magazine) & Journalist (Cinefantastique)

Cult/Trash Cinema specialist (CBC-Radio's Brave New Waves)

Actor (_Heavenly Creatures_,_Frankenstein & Me_,_La Vengeance de la


Femme en Noir_)


The critics rave!


"The Most Hideous Man Alive"

-Kate Winslet, Academy Award Nominee


"Sexy Demon"

-TIME Magazine.








--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n015.4 ---------------


From: Bao Ly <>

Subject: Melanie Lynskey

Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 16:54:54 -0700

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


Wow! Am I as excited Bryan Woodworth? Yes, indeed. Terrible, terrible day at the

University, as i got home, went online, and discovered Bryan's wonderful! and

heart-warming...recount of April 8, 1996. His letter to Melanie Lynskey was touching

don't you think? "In many ways, her facial expression - the scrunched nose, the

quizzical stare, the furrowed brow, the pursed lips, the enchanting smile - spoke

volumes more than her dialogue..."


I think Bryan's narrative really made my day. I felt, "Isn't that all you've ever

wanted? Was someone who wants to hear about your day." I am immensely gratified by the

update & personal news of Melanie's life (and Bryan's as well). I think he has shown us

<something new> here on HeavenlyWeb. Perhaps, i am a little inspired.


I just joined this mailing list a week ago, so "Hi" to everyone! Perhaps, we can start

a new thread on Melanie Lynskey? (or even Bryan W;) I think "someone" has found a new

<love> here! (sorry, Bryan)...


"Love is in the air,

Quite clearly,

People everywhere

Act queerly.

Some are hasty, some are halting,

Some are simply somersaulting.

Love is going around.


Anyone exposed

Can catch it.

Keep your window closed

And latch it.

Leave your house and lose your reason,

This is the contagious season.

Love is going around..."



or so the Internet Database claimed.




--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n015 ---------------

From Wed May 1 22:00:44 1996

Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) with ESMTP id WAA11319 for <>; Wed, 1 May 1996 22:00:44 -0700


Received: (root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) id WAA21898; Wed, 1 May 1996 22:00:21 -0700

Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 22:00:21 -0700

Message-Id: <>

Subject: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n016






Status: RO



-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n016 --------------


001 - "Jefferson F. Morris" <jf - A Question for It

002 - Bryan Woodworth <bryanw@6 - Digest Archive

003 - mailcall <mailcall@kiva.n - they're really getting to me

004 - mailcall <mailcall@kiva.n - This is the announcement I received:

005 - Donald Chin <donaldc@nets - Other Peter Jackson shows...

006 - Donald Chin <donaldc@nets - Re:Melanie Lynskey

007 - (Jean Gueri - Re: A Question for It

008 - Tim Baglio < - Re: they're really getting to me


--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n016.1 ---------------


From: "Jefferson F. Morris" <>

Subject: A Question for It

Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 00:13:02 -0400 (EDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


On Mon, 29 Apr 1996, Jean Guerin wrote:


> Fran was the lady in the park that pushes another carriage and goes

> "Hellooo!" to her baby that Timothy Balme seeks to emulate.


Thank you. And may I say it's terrific to have someone so obviously

close to the production here to answer our silly little questions.


Obviously there are about a million questions I'd like to ask you about

the shooting of the film (most of them concerning Kate Winslet, I'm

afraid), but at this point I'll restrict my queries to one:


How did you get the part?


> Fran did co-write "The Frighteners" (released July 19) which she describes

> as "a bubble-gum action flick".







--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n016.2 ---------------


From: Bryan Woodworth <>

Subject: Digest Archive

Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 00:16:51 -0700 (PDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Content-Length: 749

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


Dear subscribers,


In the coming week, I shall be placing the first edition of the Mailing

List (Digests 1-10) on HeavenlyWeb, that new subscribers to the list will

be able to follow the discussion and feel as informed as subscriber

Number One.


Another reason to archive the list is to store the often helpful,

fascinating and compelling information in a place where it is easily

accessible to those who desire it most -- the fans of "Heavenly




Best regards,


Bryan Woodworth


Heavenly Creatures Mailing List



"'Tis indeed a miracle, one must feel,

that two such heavenly creatures are real." bryan woodworth

-- "Heavenly Creatures," 1994



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n016.3 ---------------


From: mailcall <>

Subject: they're really getting to me

Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 04:26:36 -0500 (EST)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


one of the things i do at work is type addresses. well tonight i typed the

address of someone who lived on deborah street and i thought "oh, that's

nice, this lady lives on deborah street" pronounced like the empress of

borovnia. no matter how i try to make myself think "debra" it comes out

"day bo' ra." they've really got me. some day i'm going to have to read

that name aloud and i know how it's going to come out. i just hope the

person on the other end of the phone has seen the picture.


in other news:

when is anyone ever on the irc channel? nobody there when i go. i got a

note the other night to come quick and get on #borovnia but it was

postmarked 10 p.m. gmt. sigh. what was that all about?


i was really impressed with the new review that is on the web page.

unfortunately i could only read it with netscape. is there any chance of

getting a text copy of this? i want to put it with all my other hc files.

right now it is in my gif viewer directory, the only way i can read it.

but it's great!!!!


*--==--==--*love is real*--==--*imagine*--==--==--*remember*--==--==--*





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n016.4 ---------------


From: mailcall <>

Subject: This is the announcement I received:

Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 05:14:51 -0500 (EST)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


Date: Mon, 29 Apr 1996 22:33:31 GMT

From: Isopropyl System Administrator <>


Subject: read this


if you are reading your mail right now, join irc right now and come to

channel borovnia.



whoever it was used my -old- address. it changed to

about two months ago. did anyone else get an announcement like this and

if so, did you find out what this was all about?


*--==--*it's all frightfully romantic!*--==--**





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n016.5 ---------------


From: Donald Chin <>

Subject: Other Peter Jackson shows...

Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 22:36:43 +1000

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Hi all,


While we are on the subject of Peter Jackson/Fran Walsh productions, has

anyone else here on the list seen Forgotten Silver? This was a hoax

documentary about the unknown *famous* New Zealand film maker, Colin

McKenzie. It was recently shown in Australia and managed to convince a fair

few people that it was authentic. I think when it was shown in NZ, a fair

greater proportion of the viewers believed the documentary. It was quite an

inventful and funny 1 hour production. I laughed my way through it.







Donald Chin <>

"Lost somewhere in Australia...

and fanatical about Heavenly Creatures and Jane Austen!"





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n016.6 ---------------


From: Donald Chin <>

Subject: Re:Melanie Lynskey

Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 22:36:38 +1000

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Hi all,


Bao Ly <> wrote...


> a new thread on Melanie Lynskey? (or even Bryan W;) I think "someone"

>has found a new

> <love> here! (sorry, Bryan)...


I think Bryan just greatly esteems her!







Donald Chin <>

"Lost somewhere in Australia...

and fanatical about Heavenly Creatures and Jane Austen!"





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n016.7 ---------------


From: (Jean Guerin)

Subject: Re: A Question for It

Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 13:44:10 -0400

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"



>How did you get the part?


I was intending to put my intro together, but things kept cropping up. As

I'm getting the above question a lot. I should take the time to answer at

least that:


For starters, I can tell you about the motives behind the use of "The Third

Man". The scene itself is directly pulled from Pauline's diary- it is the

night they first made love. On that night they went to see "Trent's Last

Case" (1954- British Lion Films). However, Welles makeup in that film makes

him unrecogniseable. Peter decided to use "The Third Man" because that was

the film where Welles first appeared without any makeup and therefore would

be more recogniseable.


Jackson's original idea was to digitally "cut" Orson out of the footage of

"The Third Man" and "paste" him onto "Heavenly Creatures". That, however

caused some technical limitations (they would be resticted to moves Orson

did in the original film). He decided on using a lookalike but casting

calls in London, Australia and NZ returned nothing.


It was while attending a film festival in Montreal, Canada back in October

1992 that I first met with Peter and Fran. I was working PR for the

festival and had volunteered my car and my services as chauffeur to the

various guests. It was Fran Walsh who broke the ice and first mentionned my

resemblance to OW. I was litterally "discovered" by Jackson and Walsh.


When Peter left at the end of the festival, he still wasn't sure if the

scene was going to be included or not. He said: "If we need an Orson,

You're it". And mentionned that I should get news before the holidays.


The holidays went by and I sort of put it out of my mind thinking this was

too good to be true. Then, on one evening in february (1993), the phone

rang and my (ex-) girlfriend picked it up and handed it to me saying it

was: someone with a british accent. It was Peter asking if I "wouldn't mind

coming down to NZ and being Orson". I first thought someone was playing a

cruel joke on me but it was Peter's unmistakeable voice.


Three months later I was in Christchurch, living a dream and falling in

love with the film as well as becoming really intrigued by the case. I was

fortunate enough to be there during the shooting of a lot of great scenes.

If I wasn't on the set all the time, I would still get to see the rushes

every night. I remember screening the murder shots and the "dancing half

naked thru the woods" scenes in the same night and being struck by the

genius of such a contrast.


The irony of it all is that I was already a fan of Jackson as well as a

lifelong Welles nut. I am a writer and critic in Montreal and always had a

secret ambition to act. Being part of HC was a tailor made fantasy for me

as it would have been my favorite movie of 1994 in any case.


Since then, I've appeared in two more films, as yet unreleased. I play a

doctor in "Frankenstein & Me" a kid's movie starring Burt Reynolds due out

this summer in Canada. I also played "Orson/Harry Lime" again, this time as

a "detective's conscience" in "La Vengeance de la Femme en Noir" a

french-canadian comedy due out this fall. I lost a bit of weight since HC,

leaving my face more square (and, I am told, more handsome) so they had to

pad my face out with prosthetics.


I'm presently seeking more roles but organising this film festival is

keeping me too busy to get a couple of things in order (I still don't have

an agent and need to get head-shots).


Apart from acting, I'm a film-writer and critic. Presently, I am at work on

a few proposals as well as a script. I am also currently kept quite busy

organising a film festival called FANT*ASIA which will be a month long

showcase of HK action and fantasy films as well as Japanese anime and live

action fantasy.


I am 33 years old, single, fluent in both french and english. My main hobby

is collecting films on video. I've been amassing them for over 13 years and

have over 1500 tapes in my collection. I also collect memorabilia with a

peculiar obsession with material pertaining to japanese monsters. My

interests are wide-ranging from classic film to drive-in trash.


My web site is under construction at the present. I intend to put photos of

the shoot on it as well as a few clippings.


Well, that's it for now.


Hideously yours,





E. Jean Guerin


Director of Programming

FANT-ASIA Film Festival

Montreal, Canada


also: Film Critic (HOUR magazine) & Journalist (Cinefantastique)

Cult/Trash Cinema specialist (CBC-Radio's Brave New Waves)

Actor (_Heavenly Creatures_,_Frankenstein & Me_,_La Vengeance de la


Femme en Noir_)


The critics rave!


"The Most Hideous Man Alive"

-Kate Winslet, Academy Award Nominee


"Sexy Demon"

-TIME Magazine.








--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n016.8 ---------------


From: Tim Baglio <>

Subject: Re: they're really getting to me

Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 13:08:15 +0000 (GMT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


> in other news:

> when is anyone ever on the irc channel? nobody there when i go. i got a

> note the other night to come quick and get on #borovnia but it was

> postmarked 10 p.m. gmt. sigh. what was that all about?


Ah. I am on IRC often, to look to see if there is anyone there and to see

if my bot is still running. Sometimes I see people, but so far I have

never had anyone say anything to me, as they are all either lagged or

something. They all ping timeout after about 2 mintues. I read the logs

to the channel that the bot takes, and sometimes see people get on. I was

the one to send you that rather brief message. I fingered you at your

address, and found that you were on. I don't know you were using shell or

slip and somehow it appeared that you were using shell, but after several

unsuccessful tries to get your attention by use of talk or other kinds of

simple chat programs, I thought that I would just email you and see if

you would check your mail, get on, and I could acutally talk to someone.

Unfortunately, I had to go do something else and wasn't able to wait around.


| |

| Tim Baglio |

| Bellingham, WA |





--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n016 ---------------


From Fri May 3 07:02:52 1996

Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) with ESMTP id HAA01746 for <>; Fri, 3 May 1996 07:02:52 -0700


Received: (root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) id HAA15923; Fri, 3 May 1996 07:01:20 -0700

Date: Fri, 3 May 1996 07:01:20 -0700

Message-Id: <>

Subject: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n017






Status: RO



-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n017 --------------


001 - ( - HC parties encouraged

002 - Tim Baglio < - Re: HC parties encouraged


--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n017.1 ---------------


From: (Bryan Woodworth)

Subject: HC parties encouraged

Date: Wed, 01 May 1996 15:25:34 GMT


Dear subscribers,


I just got back from a "Heavenly Creatures Viewing Party." Premise is

simple: Gather a group of friends (or people you wish to (unsuspectingly,

hee hee!!) convert to the HC cult), provide food and drink, and watch this



What a great experience! This is a nice way to introduce people to this

fantastic film. Many people find it hard to turn down an invitation to a

viewing party -- hence the perfect opportunity to spring "HC" on them. :-)


The reception was great. To my delight, the new converts at the party

thoroughly enjoyed the film.


The best part was the discussion after the film. Everyone was so enraptured

by the film, that we found ourselves speaking quite loudly at times, to drown

out competing opinions and make sure our opinions were aired. :-)



Best regards,


Bryan Woodworth


Heavenly Creatures Mailing List




"'Tis indeed a miracle, one must feel,

that two such heavenly creatures are real." bryan woodworth

-- "Heavenly Creatures," 1994



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n017.2 ---------------


From: Tim Baglio <>

Subject: Re: HC parties encouraged

Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 12:54:29 +0000 (GMT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


> What a great experience! This is a nice way to introduce people to this

> fantastic film. Many people find it hard to turn down an invitation to a

> viewing party -- hence the perfect opportunity to spring "HC" on them. :-)


> The reception was great. To my delight, the new converts at the party

> thoroughly enjoyed the film.


When I did this a few weeks ago with some of my friends (who never liked

my taste before, so I don't see why they would now), all thought that I

was strange(r), as I had been telling them that it was one of they best

movies ever. At least they enjoyed it. Last time I was raving about David

Byrne's True Stories and made them see it, they all hated it. That's what

I get for hanging out with my damn adolescent friends.


| |

| Tim Baglio |

| Bellingham, WA |





--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n017 ---------------


From Sat May 4 20:02:00 1996

Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) with ESMTP id UAA08399 for <>; Sat, 4 May 1996 20:01:59 -0700


Received: (root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) id UAA16344; Sat, 4 May 1996 20:00:32 -0700

Date: Sat, 4 May 1996 20:00:32 -0700

Message-Id: <>

Subject: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n018






Status: O



-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n018 --------------


001 - "Jefferson F. Morris" <jf - Sacred viewing habits

002 - "Jefferson F. Morris" <jf - The dreadfully dull

003 - "Jefferson F. Morris" <jf - Re: Other Peter Jackson shows...

004 - michaela drapes <oleanna@ - Re: The dreadfully dull


--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n018.1 ---------------


From: "Jefferson F. Morris" <>

Subject: Sacred viewing habits

Date: Fri, 3 May 1996 22:09:52 -0400 (EDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


On Wed, 1 May 1996, Bryan Woodworth wrote:


> I just got back from a "Heavenly Creatures Viewing Party." Premise is

> simple: Gather a group of friends (or people you wish to (unsuspectingly,

> hee hee!!) convert to the HC cult), provide food and drink, and watch this

> movie.


Man, I'm jealous. I wish I could do that, but at this point I've made

watching HC into almost a religious experience. Sit down, alone, with

the lights off, no distractions, lock the door, turn the stereo up, and

let the disc spin. All the way from the Miramax logo to the Wingnut

logo--I only get up to change sides.


(The door locking is especially important. Once when I was introducing a

friend to the film, someone walked in to ask me a question just as Honora

was bending over to pick up the jewel. Doh!)


I also try not to watch it too often. Like a great piece of music, I

don't want to wear it out. I wait until I'm good and ready.


> The reception was great. To my delight, the new converts at the party

> thoroughly enjoyed the film.


Good show. Try to get them on the list. We could use the traffic.




P.S. Incidentally, I recently received the 'Scenario' script in the

mail. It took them about 3 weeks to get it to me. I heartily recommend

it to everyone. The interview with Jackson and Walsh immediately

following the script is fascinating, especially the story of

how Melanie Lynsky was cast. Talk about being plucked out of obsurity.

'Tis indeed a miracle.


For info on how to order it, consult Mr. Woodworth's page.



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n018.2 ---------------


From: "Jefferson F. Morris" <>

Subject: The dreadfully dull

Date: Fri, 3 May 1996 22:16:30 -0400 (EDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


On Thu, 2 May 1996, Tim Baglio wrote:


> When I did this a few weeks ago with some of my friends (who never liked

> my taste before, so I don't see why they would now), all thought that I

> was strange(r), as I had been telling them that it was one of they best

> movies ever. At least they enjoyed it.


Think of it this way--Nothing of any real value is ever adored by everyone.


It's like being able to glimpse the Fourth World. Not everyone is

capable. One feels sorry for them, but there it is.


Incidentally, has anyone read the old New Yorker review of HC? I came

across it in a library the other day, and it's

rather hilarious. The reviewer (Terrence Rafferty, I believe, one of

many hellspawn of Pauline Kael) actually criticized the film for its

fantasy sequences, and its tactic of bringing the viewer entirely into

the world of the girls. This is a bit like criticizing 'Raging

Bull' for its fight scenes. How can some people even dress themselves in

the morning without supervision?





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n018.3 ---------------


From: "Jefferson F. Morris" <>

Subject: Re: Other Peter Jackson shows...

Date: Fri, 3 May 1996 22:22:26 -0400 (EDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


On Wed, 1 May 1996, Donald Chin wrote:


> While we are on the subject of Peter Jackson/Fran Walsh productions, has

> anyone else here on the list seen Forgotten Silver? This was a hoax

> documentary about the unknown *famous* New Zealand film maker, Colin

> McKenzie. It was recently shown in Australia and managed to convince a fair

> few people that it was authentic.


I heard of it a number of months ago. It was discussed on

rec.arts.movies and some other boards. Everyone seemed to be under the

impression that Jackson directed the thing himself, but I understand he

didn't. He was a producer or something. Does anyone know who actually

directed it? Or when us podunks out here in the States will get to see it?






--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n018.4 ---------------


From: michaela drapes <>

Subject: Re: The dreadfully dull

Date: Sat, 04 May 1996 02:26:43 -0500

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"



>Incidentally, has anyone read the old New Yorker review of HC? I came

>across it in a library the other day, and it's

>rather hilarious. The reviewer (Terrence Rafferty, I believe, one of

>many hellspawn of Pauline Kael) actually criticized the film for its

>fantasy sequences, and its tactic of bringing the viewer entirely into

>the world of the girls. This is a bit like criticizing 'Raging

>Bull' for its fight scenes. How can some people even dress themselves in

>the morning without supervision?


I recently (as in like yesterday--love the end of the semester) had a

problem when I tried to use Rafferty's review of Sense and Sensibility. All

I have to say--is the man blind? I suppose he's one of those film critics

who hate every film just to seem cool and cynical.




Michaela R. Drapes

Will do WWW design for Atomic Fireballs.





--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n018 ---------------


From Sun May 5 23:04:22 1996

Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) with ESMTP id XAA25504 for <>; Sun, 5 May 1996 23:04:22 -0700


Received: (root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) id XAA07685; Sun, 5 May 1996 23:00:22 -0700

Date: Sun, 5 May 1996 23:00:22 -0700

Message-Id: <>

Subject: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n019






Status: RO



-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n019 --------------


001 - - I'm new

002 - mailcall <mailcall@kiva.n - Re: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n018

003 - 9506148v@Magpie.Magill.Un - Re: Forgotten Silver

004 - michaela drapes <oleanna@ - Parker-Hulme photo


--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n019.1 ---------------



Subject: I'm new

Date: Sun, 5 May 1996 01:13:31 -0400


Hi all! I am new to the mailing list and hope I am sending a message

the correct way! Just wanted to say I received Kate Winslet's

autograph in the mail the other day and I am thrilled! Also, have a

request out to Melanie Lynskey and am in the process of writing

to Peter Jackson.


Glad to be aboard!









--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n019.2 ---------------


From: mailcall <>

Subject: Re: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n018

Date: Sun, 5 May 1996 04:25:50 -0500 (EST)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


: Incidentally, has anyone read the old New Yorker review of HC? I

: came across it in a library the other day, and it's

: rather hilarious. The reviewer (Terrence Rafferty, I believe, one

: of many hellspawn of Pauline Kael) actually criticized the film

: for its fantasy sequences, and its tactic of bringing the viewer

: entirely into the world of the girls.


i remember that review. it gave new meaning to the word clueless. i

haven't taken the new yorker film reviews seriously ever since pauline

kael ripped up the 1980 atkins/shields/mckern "blue lagoon" (whether or

not it deserved it is beside the point). she was so choked by her own

"feminist," social and sexual problems that she completely lost it.


well, rafferty wasn't the only one who just didn't get it. remember those

steve rhodes howlers, "Jackson couldn't decide what kind of movie he

wanted to make so he made three", "The movie tries to be a comedy as well

- a sort of true story HAROLD AND MAUDE....", and this little gem, "The

saddest part was that they spent a lot of money on special effects and

made a significant part of the movie in a sword and sorcery show ala

WILLOW or EXCALIBUR. This was an abysmal failure for which I would have

given it no stars at all." pshee. oh well.


*--==--==--*love is real*--==--*imagine*--==--==--*remember*--==--==--*





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n019.3 ---------------



Subject: Re: Forgotten Silver

Date: Mon, 06 May 1996 03:05:40 +0930


Hello hello -


I just read the note from Jefferson about the note from Donald

about Forgotten Silver. I saw it a few months ago, here in

Australia, and they sucked me in completely. I believed every

word of it. It was so convincing that I thought they were

joking at the end when they told us that it was a hoax. After

the show, this guy comes on (don't know who he was) and says,

'Well, hope you liked it, because we made it all up.' I was

just confused. I was so convinced that MacKenzie invented the

aeroplane! What a let down. And I really wanted to see his

Salome, too...


I even checked the newspapers for the next week (and I never

read the newspaper) to see if there was anything about it, but

alas, nothing.


I think it was on channel 9 in Australia, so if you want a copy,

just ring up Kerry Packer. Charming fellow.


Anyway, if I remember anything else about it, I'll post it.




Shannon. <>



p.s. I can't wait to get my own copy of HC on video. After reading

what everyone else does, I won't feel nearly as strange. I

do not actually own a tv or video (struggling student etc),

but I am considering buying one of each just so I can watch

my film in peace. Friends have said that I can take it

around to their house to watch, but it's just not the same,

now is it?



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n019.4 ---------------


From: michaela drapes <>

Subject: Parker-Hulme photo

Date: Sun, 05 May 1996 21:57:02 -0500

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"




I have come upon a shot of Juliet Hulme and Pauline Parker in a true crime

book, and there is a scan on my Kate Winslet page. It is quite amazing how

much Winslet and Lynskey look like the 'real' Juliet and Pauline, specially

Lynskey--tis very freaky.


If you don't feel like sifting through my kate page to get to it, go here:





Michaela R. Drapes

Will do WWW design for Atomic Fireballs.





--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n019 ---------------


From Tue May 7 02:00:47 1996

Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) with ESMTP id CAA17539 for <>; Tue, 7 May 1996 02:00:46 -0700


Received: (root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) id CAA07186; Tue, 7 May 1996 02:00:29 -0700

Date: Tue, 7 May 1996 02:00:29 -0700

Message-Id: <>

Subject: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n020






Status: RO



-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n020 --------------


001 - Donald Chin <donaldc@nets - Re: Other Peter Jackson shows...

002 - "karen mcquillen" <kmcqui - re: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n019

003 - michaela drapes <oleanna@ - Kate Stuff and etc.

004 - Jane <misc1341@cantva.can - NZ HC videos

005 - - Some questions...

006 - "Jefferson F. Morris" <jf - Putrid film reviews

007 - "Jefferson F. Morris" <jf - Re: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n018

008 - "Jefferson F. Morris" <jf - Re: NZ HC videos


--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n020.1 ---------------


From: Donald Chin <>

Subject: Re: Other Peter Jackson shows...

Date: Mon, 6 May 1996 18:19:16 +1000

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"




"Jefferson F. Morris" <> wrote...


> I heard of it a number of months ago. It was discussed on

> rec.arts.movies and some other boards. Everyone seemed to be under the

> impression that Jackson directed the thing himself, but I understand he

> didn't. He was a producer or something. Does anyone know who actually

> directed it? Or when us podunks out here in the States will get to see it?


I don't have the video in front of me right now, and I haven't seen it for

some time, but I remember that Peter Jackson did direct the film. He may

have done it with someone else. Fran Walsh helped with the script (I think

that she was the script consultant). As to when the US will get it, who








Donald Chin <>

"Lost somewhere in Australia...

and fanatical about Heavenly Creatures and Jane Austen!"





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n020.2 ---------------


From: "karen mcquillen" <>

Subject: re: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n019

Date: Mon, 6 May 96 8:57:03 EDT




I'm enjoying the postings on this list. Keep those comments coming!


Check out the latest issue of People Magazine includes their list of the 50

Most Beautiful People in the world (Mel Gibson's on the cover). I'm happy to

announce that HC's own Kate Winslet is among the 50 on the list.


While scanning a recent issue of Empire Magazine, a British film magazine

which gave Kate a Best British Actress Award for her role in HC (see Bryan's

HeavenlyWeb for her acceptance speech), I saw an ad for the British version

of Premiere Magazine which was to have an article about Kate. It should have

appeared in the March 1996 issue. Has anyone seen it? Does anyone have it,

and if so, would you be willing to share? I was unable to obtain a copy here

in the States, but I didn't try *real* hard...just checked my three favorite

bookstores which carry non-US publications.


Seems to me there is an actual photo of Juliet Hulme on the wall above

Pauline's bed in her bedroom (the bedroom that was in the house itself). I've

seen the same photo of Juliet in another source, and it seems to match

perfectly. Has anyone else caught this? It can best be seen during the scene

when Pauline and Juliet are in the bedroom and Pauline is putting the brick

in the stocking. At the end of the scene, Pauline and Juliet sit back to back

on the bed and said photo on the wall right between them. It's a great shot!


Karen McQuillen





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n020.3 ---------------


From: michaela drapes <>

Subject: Kate Stuff and etc.

Date: Mon, 06 May 1996 08:53:23 -0500

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Good Morining


*warning...excessive self-promotion ahead! (: *


>Check out the latest issue of People Magazine includes their list of the 50

>Most Beautiful People in the world (Mel Gibson's on the cover). I'm happy to

>announce that HC's own Kate Winslet is among the 50 on the list.


On my Kate site is a scan of this pic with the nasty text of the blurb,

which they placed right smack in the middle of her luscious gown,

conveniently Photoshopped out. (:


>I saw an ad for the British version

>of Premiere Magazine which was to have an article about Kate. It should have

>appeared in the March 1996 issue. Has anyone seen it? Does anyone have it,

>and if so, would you be willing to share? I was unable to obtain a copy here

>in the States, but I didn't try *real* hard...just checked my three favorite

>bookstores which carry non-US publications.


I have this magazine...I haven't seen it at my newstand for a few weeks now,

otherwise I'd get you a copy...but I digress. John Argentiero and I have

the scans from the article on our pages, and I have a copy of the interview

somewhere...I'll slap it up on the page asap. (:


>Seems to me there is an actual photo of Juliet Hulme on the wall above

>Pauline's bed in her bedroom (the bedroom that was in the house itself). I've

>seen the same photo of Juliet in another source, and it seems to match

>perfectly. Has anyone else caught this? It can best be seen during the scene

>when Pauline and Juliet are in the bedroom and Pauline is putting the brick

>in the stocking. At the end of the scene, Pauline and Juliet sit back to back

>on the bed and said photo on the wall right between them. It's a great shot!


John Porter, the HC FAQ saint points out that this is a photo of a young

Juliet in a field of daffodils that was highly publicized at the time of the

trial. Its a cool touch...great move on the part of the production

designer! (:





Michaela R. Drapes

Will do WWW design for Atomic Fireballs.





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n020.4 ---------------


From: Jane <>

Subject: NZ HC videos

Date: Tue, 07 May 1996 10:01:36 +1300




Sorry that its taken me so long to get back re the several requests

that I got for copies of the NZ release of Heavenly Creatures on

video. Life has this annoying habit of interfering.


I have contacted the biggest retail outlet for videos over here and

they inform that not only is HC unavailable on video down here, but

that it is generally a year from its release in video rental outlets,

until it is available to buy! As far as I recall, the rental video

(which is the NZ version - I checked) came out about August last year,

so that means a bit of a wait unfortuneately.


I shall ring them once a month or so to hassle them a bit with

repeated queries about the video. Which

won't achieve much, but might make me feel better :-)


I shall of course, let the list know when it does arrive. What I

*do* have though is a copy on hard disk of Alison's Laurie's 1995 article

'Heavenly Lesbians - A Murder Re-Visited' which gives her reading of

HC. Laurie co-wrote the book Parker and Hulme: A Lesbian View, which

she claims sparked off the re-newed interest in the case. There are

many points that I disagree with her strongly on, but it is

interesting to read a completely different viewing of the film. At

any rate I can email it to individual people - I should think that

its too long to post to the group.


By the way, the other day I heard a rumour to the effect that Robin

Williams had brought the rights to make an American version of HC -

does anyone know if there's any truth to the goss?




/ \

/ o __ o \

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( - - - )

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------------------/l\ /l\-------------------


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'"The unfortuneate girl who borrowed a pencil from Gladys

and forgot to return it"

"And....?" interrupted Trubcock.

"Well, I suggested some minor punishment, such as a thirty

minute barrage of punning, but Gladys thought otherwise.

They found Janet's number three iron on the seventeenth

green the following day. It seemed odd, as she usually took

a wood on the seventeenth...."'


(The Billiard Table Murders: A Gladys Babbington Morton




--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n020.5 ---------------



Subject: Some questions...

Date: Tue, 7 May 1996 00:44:35 -0400


WOW! Visited Michaela's sight to get a peak at the "real" Juliet

& Paul, and I was stunned! Wish Pauline wasn't so dark in the

photo, but I suppose that's very fitting!


Want to know if anyone can suggest a link to get a good photo

of Juliet & Pauline holding hands in their dresses (toward the

end)? I found a fuzzy one in a montage, but I'm looking for a

full-sized clearer picture. Thanks!


Also would like to know if anyone knows Melanie Lynskey's

birthdate? Have a friend who keeps track of these things.

Thanks again!









--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n020.6 ---------------


From: "Jefferson F. Morris" <>

Subject: Putrid film reviews

Date: Tue, 7 May 1996 02:25:09 -0400 (EDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


On Sat, 4 May 1996, michaela drapes wrote:


> I recently (as in like yesterday--love the end of the semester) had a

> problem when I tried to use Rafferty's review of Sense and Sensibility. All

> I have to say--is the man blind? I suppose he's one of those film critics

> who hate every film just to seem cool and cynical.


Pretty much. I don't know much about the rest of the New Yorker, but

I've almost always found the film reviews to be absolutely ridiculous. I

read them for the perverse pleasure of angering and irritating myself.

The reviews seem to have no relation to the films, as if the reviewers

have made up their minds beforehand, on the basis of the film's image vs.

their image as cultural and artistic experts. Appearance is everything,

I guess.


Of course, the NY is Pauline Kael's stomping ground. I'm sure she would

have had no less ridiculous things to say about HC. Honestly, she

usually couldn't tell a good film from a hole in the ground. Her reviews

(of which I've read quite a few) were often interesting, but if she ever

actually gave a good review to a good film, it was purely by accident. A

stopped clock is right twice a day, I suppose.





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n020.7 ---------------


From: "Jefferson F. Morris" <>

Subject: Re: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n018

Date: Tue, 7 May 1996 02:27:08 -0400 (EDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


On Sun, 5 May 1996, mailcall wrote:


> well, rafferty wasn't the only one who just didn't get it. remember those

> steve rhodes howlers, "Jackson couldn't decide what kind of movie he

> wanted to make so he made three", "The movie tries to be a comedy as well

> - a sort of true story HAROLD AND MAUDE....", and this little gem, "The

> saddest part was that they spent a lot of money on special effects and

> made a significant part of the movie in a sword and sorcery show ala

> WILLOW or EXCALIBUR. This was an abysmal failure for which I would have

> given it no stars at all." pshee. oh well.


We should take them all for a nice walk in Victoria Park.






--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n020.8 ---------------


From: "Jefferson F. Morris" <>

Subject: Re: NZ HC videos

Date: Tue, 7 May 1996 02:51:11 -0400 (EDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


On Tue, 7 May 1996, Jane wrote:


> By the way, the other day I heard a rumour to the effect that Robin

> Williams had brought the rights to make an American version of HC -

> does anyone know if there's any truth to the goss?


Admiring and liking Mr. Williams as I do, I find it hard to believe that

he'd want to tamper with a modern classic. I just don't see it.


Of course as much as I like him, I will kill him if necessary to prevent

any and all HC remakes. Right after I whack Stallone for trying to redo

'The Killer.'






--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n020 ---------------

From Wed May 8 02:00:56 1996

Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) with ESMTP id CAA19213 for <>; Wed, 8 May 1996 02:00:56 -0700


Received: (daemon@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) id CAA19230; Wed, 8 May 1996 02:00:18 -0700

Date: Wed, 8 May 1996 02:00:18 -0700

Message-Id: <>

Subject: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n021






Status: RO



-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n021 --------------


001 - Bryan Woodworth <bryanw@6 - HEAVENLY tidbits

002 - mailcall <mailcall@kiva.n - robin williams rumour

003 - Michael Chin <mktchin@cos - Forgotten Silver

004 - Tim Baglio < - Re: robin williams rumour

005 - Tim Baglio < - Re: Forgotten Silver

006 - kate ann jacobson <kjac@u - a question for Orson

007 - "Jefferson F. Morris" <jf - Alright, a discussion question.

008 - (Jean Gueri - Re: a question for Orson

009 - (Jean Gueri - Re: Alright, a discussion question.

010 - (Jean Gueri - Re: Forgotten Silver


--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n021.1 ---------------


From: Bryan Woodworth <>

Subject: HEAVENLY tidbits

Date: Tue, 7 May 1996 02:22:09 -0700 (PDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Content-Length: 1851

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


Dear subcribers,


First, some good news -- HeavenlyWeb was finally added to Yahoo!


I have not documented my struggles to the list, but have revealed my

secret battle with some of you. I have tried for over two months to add

"HeavenlyWeb" to Yahoo! I have enlisted the aid of many people.

Finally, Yahoo! added HeavenlyWeb a few days ago.


This shouldn't be a big deal, but it is to me, as Yahoo! is my favorite

web engine. Thanks Yahoo! (


Now, some bad news.


Lamentably, my computer (an old 486dx/2-66 clone) has decided it no

longer likes its RAM. My computer reboots spontaneously, QEMM (a memory

manager) complains of Exception error #14 (very frequently), and

himem.sys (Microsoft memory management tool) complains of "unreliable"

memory. This leads me to believe the memory in the computer is bad.

There are also a lot of other things about this computer which

annoy me.


Therefore, please excuse the lack of work on HeavenlyWeb this week.

Hopefully I will be able to devote attention to it early next week. Right

now, I think I am going to focus my energies on acquiring a replacement

PC. I've been eyeing the Pentium for some time -- guess this is a sign

from Our Heavenly Creatures that I should make that journey to the 4th

world and get the Pentium already darnit :-)


Things which I intend to do once I have time: Place online a nice photo

contributed by Marco (thanks Marco!); place archives of the HC Mailing

List online (in the "Mailing List" section of HeavenlyWeb); make a few

other cosmetic changes (perhaps).


Best regards,


Bryan Woodworth


Heavenly Creatures Mailing List



"'Tis indeed a miracle, one must feel,

that two such heavenly creatures are real." bryan woodworth

-- "Heavenly Creatures," 1994



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n021.2 ---------------


From: mailcall <>

Subject: robin williams rumour

Date: Tue, 7 May 1996 05:08:21 -0500 (EST)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


i am sure this is just a nasty rumour. oh sure, i'm sure the idea was

tossed around since williams just finished remaking a cult classic, "la

cage aux folles". i can find nothing on the web about it. it's probably

just a lot of rot.





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n021.3 ---------------


From: Michael Chin <>

Subject: Forgotten Silver

Date: Wed, 8 May 1996 01:04:55 +1000

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"




With the recent discussions of PJ's wonderful psuedo-doco, I have to

say that the Blade Runner effects (zooming and blips) and the hilarious

sequence on developing emulsionsa and colour film were complete gems. I

was initially deceived in the first few minutes but then the story

progressed into great humour. Classic PJ!


That's all for now.


With the discussion on HC sort of drifting slowly, maybe the list

members can take a hint from the Jane Austen list and discuss scenes

from the movie. The JA list display chapters and discuss each in

detail. Maybe that will stimulate discussion.


On a different thread, has anyone in around the world (including NZ)

done a HC tour of Christchurch? Taking pictures and visiting the

various sites. Not for morbid interest but for remembering the scenes

from the movie.


Well that's my contribution.


Seeya to all.





Michael Chin <> Melbourne, Australia.

<> PostGradDipCS, RMIT.

Northcote CHC's SDO.....................Office: +61 3 9486 3411


"What do Jane Austen, Peter Jackson, Heavenly Creatures,

Kate Winslet, Melanie Lynskey, indie-pop, Apples, atheism,

rationality and small, under-powered cars all have in common?"





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n021.4 ---------------


From: Tim Baglio <>

Subject: Re: robin williams rumour

Date: Tue, 7 May 1996 14:38:26 +0000 (GMT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


On Tue, 7 May 1996, mailcall wrote:


> i am sure this is just a nasty rumour. oh sure, i'm sure the idea was

> tossed around since williams just finished remaking a cult classic, "la

> cage aux folles". i can find nothing on the web about it. it's probably

> just a lot of rot.


Acutally, he did. And if you were kidding about the previous statement,

then bits don't relate sarcasm very well. The movie is called "The

Birdcage," and it was released in the US about a month ago. I saw it and

it was really pretty good... but I've never seen the original, so I

wouldn't know.


| |

| Tim Baglio |

| Bellingham, WA |





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n021.5 ---------------


From: Tim Baglio <>

Subject: Re: Forgotten Silver

Date: Tue, 7 May 1996 14:41:22 +0000 (GMT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


> various sites. Not for morbid interest but for remembering the scenes


Hey... don't discredit morbid interest. It's what drove most of the

romantic era.


| |

| Tim Baglio |

| Bellingham, WA |





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n021.6 ---------------


From: kate ann jacobson <>

Subject: a question for Orson

Date: Tue, 7 May 1996 18:43:37 -0600 (MDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII



Hi everyone,


I have a question for Jean/Mr.Welles - Was this movie filmed in any

general chronological order at all? I know most movies aren't, but I

always imagined this one would be because of its building intensity.

You said you watched the rushes for the murder scene and the "dancing in

the woods" scene on the same night. Does that mean they were filmed the

same day, or within a short time of each other? Kate Winslet said she

was in in tears watching dailies of the murder scene, and it sounds

like it would be really hard to go right on and shoot, say, for example,

Juliet meeting the Riepers for the first time. (But, hey, what do I know?)

Either way, I worship the power of these lovely two.


Kate Jacobson




--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n021.7 ---------------


From: "Jefferson F. Morris" <>

Subject: Alright, a discussion question.

Date: Wed, 8 May 1996 00:02:10 -0400 (EDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII



Everyone give me their thoughts, and I'll give you mine.


What's the deal with the pink gemstone? You know, the one Nicholas and

Honora are killed over. In the film, it literally seems to slip out of a

fantasy sequence and roll right into real life. But is it 'real'?

Information on the real-life murder might be helpful here.


(Sure, this may be in the FAQ already...but isn't everything?)


Clearly, such a blatantly fantastic touch must have some meaning. If

nothing else perhaps it demonstrates how blurred the line b/w fantasy and

reality is for these two desperate schoolgirls. If it represents

anything, perhaps its the creative/destructive lure of the imagination.

Beautiful, but dangerous.







--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n021.8 ---------------


From: (Jean Guerin)

Subject: Re: a question for Orson

Date: Tue, 7 May 1996 05:02:11 -0400

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"



> Was this movie filmed in any general chronological order at all?


It wasn't. I arrived at the end of the day they shot the actual murder

which was very hard on the girls. This was the eighth week of shooting and

they now had to delve deep within themselves and push these characters they

had grown to love into comitting this heinous act.


The next day, when I met them, they were shooting the opening scene. I

arrived on the set at lunch and was introduced to Kate who was very forward

and basically gave me a third degree interrogation. Melanie, on the other

hand sat across the table from me and occasionally threw me a shy glance.

This image will always remain with me as it is not everyday one meets

someone over lunch when they are covered in blood.


When the sun came down that day, the shoot moved inside the tea house for

the scene where Honora is told to "treat herself". When that was finished

we went to the warehouse/studio to see the rushes of the scene where

Pauline crashes on her bike and the walk up to the murder. (Dailies were a

day or two late because we were so far from the lab).


During the two weeks I was there, they shot the volleyball scene, the tram

going up the hill (that includes Fran Walsh's cameo), the scenes of Pauline

in her shack, the run through the woods, the movie theatre scenes

(including Peter's cameo), part of the Port Levy scene ( a red-screen

special effects shot and the shot from inside the sand castle) and the

scene where the girls burn their Mario Lanza records.


I wish I had a copy of the bloopers. One notable one had John/Nicholas seen

from the cable-car and biking off frame only to wipe out (you didn't see

him but you did hear him). Another one had one of the schoolgirls doing leg

lifts (during gymnastics) kicking the teacher in the butt. Despite the

assistant-director calling "Cut!" at that point, the actress remained in

character, pointed at the offending student and said "detention!"


My own blooper is pretty funny. I blew my cue during the kiss scene with

Kate. She was great at calming me down but her efforts were negated by

Melanie's constant pestering about wether my (now ex-)girlfriend would

mind. So here I was poised above Kate. After "Action!" she had to breathe

for a couple her times before opening her eyes and gasping which was my cue

for lowering my hideous self onto her. On the second take, I began lowering

on "Action!". Kate opened her eyes and said "Excuse me...what's going on".

I apologised to her and Peter, regained my starting position and we retook

it from there without stopping the camera. However, when the blooper ran.

It played out this way:




Kate:"Excuse me, but what's going on?"


Peter:"It's Okay! Jean blew his cue. Let's just start again"


Me: "Oh I'm sorry! I'm sorry Kate! I'm sorry Peter! Sorry Alun! ...


Peter: "It's okay -just remember to wait for her eyes to open"


Me: "I'm really, really sorry. Sorry Kate...sorry Peter...I'm really sorry..."


...and basically kept on apologising. I thought I had briefly excused

myself on the set but the next day, while watching the rushes the whole

crew got a good laugh at my overlong, pathetic display of humility.


Between being on the set and watching the dailies, I must say I was

fortunate enough to see a lot of the key scenes.


E. Jean Guerin


Director of Programming

FANT-ASIA Film Festival

Montreal, Canada


also: Film Critic (HOUR magazine) & Journalist (Cinefantastique)

Cult/Trash Cinema specialist (CBC-Radio's Brave New Waves)

Actor (_Heavenly Creatures_,_Frankenstein & Me_,_La Vengeance de la


Femme en Noir_)


The critics rave!


"The Most Hideous Man Alive"

-Kate Winslet, Academy Award Nominee


"Sexy Demon"

-TIME Magazine.








--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n021.9 ---------------


From: (Jean Guerin)

Subject: Re: Alright, a discussion question.

Date: Tue, 7 May 1996 05:02:16 -0400

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


>Everyone give me their thoughts, and I'll give you mine.


>What's the deal with the pink gemstone? You know, the one Nicholas and

>Honora are killed over. In the film, it literally seems to slip out of a

>fantasy sequence and roll right into real life. But is it 'real'?

>Information on the real-life murder might be helpful here.


The pink gemstone was what Honora bent down to pick up when she was

battered (in real-life as well). The use of it in the fantasy sequence is

an old filmic device known as foreshadowing.


I used to make Fran laugh at the possibility that their work might find

itself over-analyzed.


The same goes for an earlier question (in the chat zone) about the use of

bird songs during the murder scenes. It's just ambient sound. Those birds

can be heard in these woods and their songs could even be heard while

watching the dailies.


E. Jean Guerin


Director of Programming

FANT-ASIA Film Festival

Montreal, Canada


also: Film Critic (HOUR magazine) & Journalist (Cinefantastique)

Cult/Trash Cinema specialist (CBC-Radio's Brave New Waves)

Actor (_Heavenly Creatures_,_Frankenstein & Me_,_La Vengeance de la


Femme en Noir_)


The critics rave!


"The Most Hideous Man Alive"

-Kate Winslet, Academy Award Nominee


"Sexy Demon"

-TIME Magazine.








--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n021.10 ---------------


From: (Jean Guerin)

Subject: Re: Forgotten Silver

Date: Tue, 7 May 1996 05:02:27 -0400

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"



>On a different thread, has anyone in around the world (including NZ)

>done a HC tour of Christchurch? Taking pictures and visiting the

>various sites. Not for morbid interest but for remembering the scenes

>from the movie.


Once I have my Net server problems resolved. I intend to download some of

the photos of Christchurch and the (now torn down) tea-house.


Please bear with me.


E. Jean Guerin


Director of Programming

FANT-ASIA Film Festival

Montreal, Canada


also: Film Critic (HOUR magazine) & Journalist (Cinefantastique)

Cult/Trash Cinema specialist (CBC-Radio's Brave New Waves)

Actor (_Heavenly Creatures_,_Frankenstein & Me_,_La Vengeance de la


Femme en Noir_)


The critics rave!


"The Most Hideous Man Alive"

-Kate Winslet, Academy Award Nominee


"Sexy Demon"

-TIME Magazine.








--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n021 ---------------


From Thu May 9 02:01:48 1996

Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) with ESMTP id CAA20352 for <>; Thu, 9 May 1996 02:01:48 -0700


Received: (root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) id CAA02942; Thu, 9 May 1996 02:01:31 -0700

Date: Thu, 9 May 1996 02:01:31 -0700

Message-Id: <>

Subject: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n022






Status: RO



-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n022 --------------


001 - (Jean Gueri - Re: robin williams rumour

002 - mailcall <mailcall@kiva.n - Re: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n021

003 - mailcall <mailcall@kiva.n - the gemstone

004 - Donald Chin <donaldc@nets - Another question to Mr. Hideous...

005 - Michael Chin <mktchin@cos - Keep things going...

006 - Tim Baglio < - Re: Keep things going...

007 - (Jean Gueri - Re: Keep things going...

008 - (Jean Gueri - Re: Keep things going...


--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n022.1 ---------------


From: (Jean Guerin)

Subject: Re: robin williams rumour

Date: Tue, 7 May 1996 05:02:30 -0400

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


>i am sure this is just a nasty rumour. oh sure, i'm sure the idea was

>tossed around since williams just finished remaking a cult classic, "la

>cage aux folles". i can find nothing on the web about it. it's probably

>just a lot of rot.


Actually, it was Dustin Hoffman who had a script in developpement about the

case back in 1992. His people apprached Peter to direct it and he informed

them he was doing a film on that same topic. They offered him the chance to

direct the Hoffman version but he turned it down (and a LOT of money) in

favour of the script he wrote with Fran (how can anyone let go of an oscar

caliber script?).


As HC is in the English language anyway and is the property of an American

studio (Miramax), it is safe to say the Robin Williams "rumor" is probably

no more than a misquoted joke.


However, "The Craft" just might be that...I'm joking but there are some

elements from HC in it: the private school, the french class, the rituals,



E. Jean Guerin


Director of Programming

FANT-ASIA Film Festival

Montreal, Canada


also: Film Critic (HOUR magazine) & Journalist (Cinefantastique)

Cult/Trash Cinema specialist (CBC-Radio's Brave New Waves)

Actor (_Heavenly Creatures_,_Frankenstein & Me_,_La Vengeance de la


Femme en Noir_)


The critics rave!


"The Most Hideous Man Alive"

-Kate Winslet, Academy Award Nominee


"Sexy Demon"

-TIME Magazine.








--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n022.2 ---------------


From: mailcall <>

Subject: Re: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n021

Date: Wed, 8 May 1996 05:40:37 -0500 (EST)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


: > i am sure this is just a nasty rumour. oh sure, i'm sure the idea was

: > tossed around since williams just finished remaking a cult classic, "la

: > cage aux folles". i can find nothing on the web about it. it's probably

: > just a lot of rot.


: Acutally, he did. And if you were kidding about the previous

: statement, then bits don't relate sarcasm very well. The movie is

: called "The Birdcage," and it was released in the US about a month

: ago. I saw it and it was really pretty good... but I've never seen

: the original, so I wouldn't know.


oops, my punctuation (lack of) got me at last. i wasn't being sarcastic or

kidding. i'll say it again differently: i think that hollywood people

toss ideas around all the time. and, since williams has already done a

remake of a film that many people consider a hallowed cult classic, maybe

that's how or why the rumour started that he might also remake "heavenly

creatures", or do his own film based on the parker-hulme story.


what i think is a lot of rot is the rumour that a williams remake of hc is

already in the works or even being seriously planned. yet.


and i searched the net for any reference to robin williams in reference to

"heavenly creatures" and found zip. so i think we can relax....


p.s. i haven't seen "the birdcage" yet. i hope it's excellent!



now gels, it isn't awww, it's Eeeeee!



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n022.3 ---------------


From: mailcall <>

Subject: the gemstone

Date: Wed, 8 May 1996 06:02:37 -0500 (EST)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


>What's the deal with the pink gemstone? You know, the one Nicholas and

>Honora are killed over. In the film, it literally seems to slip out of a

>fantasy sequence and roll right into real life. But is it 'real'?


in the holy scriptures, it says the pink gemstone was real, and

they used it just the way it shows in the picture. in real life, the

stone belonged to juliet and was taken from a brooch rather than a ring.

i'm betting it was part of her costume jewellery. (maybe she's wearing it

when she's "the princess of ilam" and we just don't notice it?) she

really was slightly obsessed with it and it really did have borovnian/4th

world significance. it ended up as part of the trial evidence.



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n022.4 ---------------


From: Donald Chin <>

Subject: Another question to Mr. Hideous...

Date: Wed, 8 May 1996 23:52:50 +1000

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Hi all,


While we list members are fortunate enough to have Jean with us, I would

love to ask another question about the production. BTW...your insights into

the production have been fantastic! Thanks for sharing them with us!


Was the Bennets' party scene ever shot? We have a couple of pictures of

Kate in the spaghetti dress (from Cinema Papers and from the Miramax site)

to show that it must have made it to film of some sort.


Thanks for enlightening us.


Oh, what you said about the bird sounds. It does make sense about the

ambient sounds. Maybe we are looking too closely at this film :-)







Donald Chin <>

"Lost somewhere in Australia...

and fanatical about Heavenly Creatures and Jane Austen!"





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n022.5 ---------------


From: Michael Chin <>

Subject: Keep things going...

Date: Thu, 9 May 1996 00:16:59 +1000

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Hello again


Glad to see the list flowing once again.


Thank you Jean for relating those humourous anecdotes from your

experiences during filming.


One question, did you have lunch with Kate W and Mel L when they were

still in fake blood? Must have been quite surreal.


Thanks again.






Michael Chin <> Melbourne, Australia.

<> PostGradDipCS, RMIT.

Northcote CHC's SDO.....................Office: +61 3 9486 3411


"What do Jane Austen, Peter Jackson, Heavenly Creatures,

Kate Winslet, Melanie Lynskey, indie-pop, Apples, atheism,

rationality and small, under-powered cars all have in common?"






--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n022.6 ---------------


From: Tim Baglio <>

Subject: Re: Keep things going...

Date: Tue, 7 May 1996 13:12:46 +0000 (GMT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


> One question, did you have lunch with Kate W and Mel L when they were

> still in fake blood? Must have been quite surreal.


What an interesting pythonesque idea.... I should try that sometime :)


| |

| Tim Baglio |

| Bellingham, WA |





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n022.7 ---------------


From: (Jean Guerin)

Subject: Re: Keep things going...

Date: Wed, 8 May 1996 00:38:11 -0400

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Hi Michael/All,


>Thank you Jean for relating those humourous anecdotes from your

>experiences during filming.


You are welcome. I just love talking about this film.


>One question, did you have lunch with Kate W and Mel L when they were

>still in fake blood? Must have been quite surreal.


At the long dinner table I was sitting next to Peter and Melanie plunked

herself across from him. She was covered in blood and sort of looked down

with her hair obscuring her face when I looked towards her. She would sneak

a look when she thought I wasn't seeing her. I wondered if my being

french-canadian was a curiosity to her. It was to some who were confused as

to why I didn't have a thick accent like the still-photographer, Pierre

Vinet, who was a french-canadian too.


Pierre, by the way, took all the stills from Heavenly Creatures so if you

see any picture that is not a frame blow-up, it's his (superb) work. He has

a cameo in the film as the high school photographer ("Smile!").


Kate was clean when I met her. We shared smokes ("Americans!") She had

taken her bloody coat off. I think she was done eating and was going to get

"splattered" one she finished smoking. I remember getting this impression

of speaking to a thirty year old veteran stage actor trapped in a

Boticelli. And those blue-grey eyes seemed to have hypnotic power gave the

impression of seeing right through your soul.


There was a restaurant in Christchurch, where a few weeks before a chef

had asked Kate in marriage!!! It reportedly freaked her out a tad. I

jokingly thought he might have gotten an accidental burst of this hypnotic

power. That, like an undiscovered psychic power, she was unaware of how

strong it was (it even registers on film-I'm sure you'll agree!) and it had

these simultaneously both funny and pathetic consequences. She might have

sent him a look to let him know how delicious his Peach Melba Pavlova was.

I've had my first taste of that heavenly desert on my last day there, it

was at that same restaurant. I must admit that that desert might have

gotten me to send wrong vibes to the chef as well (except I might've gotten



Anyway, that's enough for now. I hope it clairifies the detail about who I

had dinner with.


Hideously Yours,




E. Jean Guerin


Director of Programming

FANT-ASIA Film Festival

Montreal, Canada


also: Film Critic (HOUR magazine) & Journalist (Cinefantastique)

Cult/Trash Cinema specialist (CBC-Radio's Brave New Waves)

Actor (_Heavenly Creatures_,_Frankenstein & Me_,_La Vengeance de la


Femme en Noir_)


The critics rave!


"The Most Hideous Man Alive"

-Kate Winslet, Academy Award Nominee


"Sexy Demon"

-TIME Magazine.








--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n022.8 ---------------


From: (Jean Guerin)

Subject: Re: Keep things going...

Date: Wed, 8 May 1996 01:03:35 -0400

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


>> One question, did you have lunch with Kate W and Mel L when they were

>> still in fake blood? Must have been quite surreal.


>What an interesting pythonesque idea.... I should try that sometime :)



Hi Tim/All


another Pythonesque touch. The conversation I was having with Peter was of

making a film like "Spider Baby" (where inbreeding causes this family to

degenerate to the level cannibalism) except that this would be the curse of

the Royal Family and that he could call it "Meet the Royals". Peter

chuckled and said "Meet the Windsors" and at that moment I thought I caught

a glimpse of Pauline smiling at me from under her hair. I say Pauline and

not Melanie here because she had this uncanny ability to embody the

character and stay locked in it. It was running overtime there because of

the intensity the scenes of that day required. (This was when they shot the

final short-but-intense color "scream shot" seen in the N-Z cut that is the

piercing scream we hear after the final fadeout in the Miramax Cut).


It's only later when I read, in the script, the line "You didn't say it had

to be the Windsors" that I understood what secret joke we had shared that



The blood, I must patriotically underline, was another Canadian

contribution to the film. The Richard Taylor/Peter Jackson recipe for blood

is 100% Pure Canadian maple syrup, red food dye and a touch of water (to

retard coagulation).

Looks like blood, dryes like blood, tastes canadian! The recipe was

developped on Braindead (aka Dead / Alive) where they used 3 000 gallons

(or 10 000 litres) of canadian maple syrup.


Declaring he had taken gore as far as he cared to, Peter had declared he

wanted to tell something virtually bloodless but creepy. Thus the Heavenly

Creatures project.


Feel free to use tidbits like these in the FAQ.


E. Jean Guerin


Director of Programming

FANT-ASIA Film Festival

Montreal, Canada


also: Film Critic (HOUR magazine) & Journalist (Cinefantastique)

Cult/Trash Cinema specialist (CBC-Radio's Brave New Waves)

Actor (_Heavenly Creatures_,_Frankenstein & Me_,_La Vengeance de la


Femme en Noir_)


The critics rave!


"The Most Hideous Man Alive"

-Kate Winslet, Academy Award Nominee


"Sexy Demon"

-TIME Magazine.








--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n022 ---------------


From Fri May 10 05:01:43 1996

Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) with ESMTP id FAA09130 for <>; Fri, 10 May 1996 05:01:42 -0700


Received: (root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) id FAA21310; Fri, 10 May 1996 05:00:58 -0700

Date: Fri, 10 May 1996 05:00:58 -0700

Message-Id: <>

Subject: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n023






Status: RO



-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n023 --------------


001 - Bryan Woodworth <bryanw@6 - Misc comments

002 - Jane <misc1341@cantva.can - Christchurch

003 - kate ann jacobson <kjac@u - Pauline's father

004 - (Jean Gueri - Re: Pauline's father

005 - michaela drapes <oleanna@ - Re: Pauline's father


--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n023.1 ---------------


From: Bryan Woodworth <>

Subject: Misc comments

Date: Thu, 9 May 1996 04:05:09 -0700 (PDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Content-Length: 2351

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


Dear subscribers,


Just wanted to thank Mr. Guerin for sharing all his insights from behind

the scenes of the fantastic film "Heavenly Creatures" with all of us. I

find the comments on Melanie Lynskey and Kate Winslet to be quite

fascinating! Mr. Guerin's anecdote about missing his cue in the "kiss"

with Winslet was also quite touching. The experience Mr. Guerin

related was quite what I would imagine most having to experience, were

they in the nervous position of kissing Kate on camera.


I feel very fortunate to be able to read everyone's comments on this

list, including Mr. Guerin's! It is fantastic, what this medium allows.

Without the net, I do not know what I would have done after seeing

"Heavenly Creatures." I just had to share my feelings about this movie

with the world in some way. Thankfully, the net allows this.


It is my strong belief that the film is, in its own way, a cult classic.

This is definitely one of those great movies for which group viewings

are strongly recommended! The level of humor and excitement in this movie

is heightened when you are with friends who can share the emotions with

you. Nothing can quite compare to the rush of reveling in the pleasure

of the girls during the "dancing in the woods," or the uncomfortable

feelings of regret and depression experienced during "the final walk."

If you have not organized a party in your area, I encourage it!


I am a bit embarrassed to reveal that I have not read all of the FAQ! I

thought I had read all of version 1.0, but alas, I did not recall the part

about the pink gemstone being real! (You see, I read most of the FAQ in

a sort of haze at about 3am in the morning... caused me to be late to

class a few hours later!)


I intend to read the version 2.0 FAQ in its entirety, slowly but surely.

I think I'm at about section 3.


I'm keenly interested in learning more about "Heavenly Creatures," and

dearly appreciate all of your contributions. Thank you for helping to

keep the memory of this fantastic movie alive. I am elated at the



Best regards,


Bryan Woodworth


Heavenly Creatures Mailing List



"'Tis indeed a miracle, one must feel,

that two such heavenly creatures are real." bryan woodworth

-- "Heavenly Creatures," 1994



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n023.2 ---------------


From: Jane <>

Subject: Christchurch

Date: Fri, 10 May 1996 06:12:46 +1300




Well from what I have seen of this list, there's not m/any people

around apart from myself who actually live in Christchurch. If

anyone is coming down this end of the world and wants shown around

Christchurch from an HC perspective, I'd be happy to either show you

myself or point you in the right direction! One exception though - I

can tell you where Victoria Park is but I have no desire to show

people through the spots in the film. But I do know (from years of

living here) exactly where the murder was shot and can supply the

info. Less morbidly (only speaking for myself here) I could take you

to the University Staff Club aka Ilam Homestead for lunch - although

be warned - they now have a hideously (sorry Jean) teal blue carpet



Anyway that's the offer for anyone interested.


I started the Robin Williams thread - and with the lack of any

incoming new info I now think that its someone's idea of fun - PJ

perhaps? No more likely one of my friends.....






For those of you awaiting copies of the Laurie article from me - they

are on the way. It's a huge document (relatively speaking) that I

scanned and I am having to go through it doing quite a bit of

editing. But, like Christmas, its on the way.


/ \

/ o __ o \

( \/ )

) (

( - - - )

( )

( )

------------------/l\ /l\-------------------


( )

( __ _)



'"The unfortuneate girl who borrowed a pencil from Gladys

and forgot to return it"

"And....?" interrupted Trubcock.

"Well, I suggested some minor punishment, such as a thirty

minute barrage of punning, but Gladys thought otherwise.

They found Janet's number three iron on the seventeenth

green the following day. It seemed odd, as she usually took

a wood on the seventeenth...."'


(The Billiard Table Murders: A Gladys Babbington Morton




--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n023.3 ---------------


From: kate ann jacobson <>

Subject: Pauline's father

Date: Thu, 9 May 1996 18:15:22 -0600 (MDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII



Hi all,


There is something I have always wondered about. Since Pauline

planned to murder only her mother, she must have obviously thought her

father would have let her get a passport and go off to South Africa with

Juliet. But I don't get this at all from his behavior in the movie. I

know he was a lot more absent from her life than her mother, and he was

cheerful and easygoing, but it seemed to me Pauline was his favorite

child, and he did try to control her actions somewhat (the John incident)

and cared about her future (he was the only one out of the four parents

who wondered if it was a good idea for the girls to spend those last

weeks together).

But maybe she and Juliet were so desperate they could only see the

most immediate obstacle?


Just pondering

- Kate



--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n023.4 ---------------


From: (Jean Guerin)

Subject: Re: Pauline's father

Date: Thu, 9 May 1996 02:17:37 -0400

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


> Hi all,


> There is something I have always wondered about. Since Pauline

> planned to murder only her mother, she must have obviously thought her

> father would have let her get a passport and go off to South Africa with

> Juliet. But I don't get this at all from his behavior in the movie.


This is the "mystery" of the Parker-Hulme case: WHY?


For forty years no one has come up with an explanation. Honora was only

guilty of being a mother. You can see she is actually close to her Mom in

the beginning. In fact, Honora is a lot more aware of something being wrong

than anyone else. Her concern is genuine. Yvonne's grades are slipping, her

daughter's behavior is changing. She is not nagging, she is concerned.

Pauline was confused about the Hulmes. For her, the absence of nagging from

Hilda was a wonderful thing. In fact, it only meant she couldn't be

bothered with motherhood as much as she was with the act of breeding as

well as its status. She likes Pauline there because it means she doesn't

have to feel guilty about being so absent from Juliet.


Pauline also misreads "the noble" Dr. Hulme, unaware that he is

manipulating her mum behind her back.


It is a mystery that baffled people for 4 decades. there were too many

holes i the logic. Some filled in the blanks with religious reasons (the

girls were devil worshippers and even possessed according to some of the

more outrageous speculations). Others explained it with marxist social

theory (Pauline represents the bourgeoys that class of society that gets

brainwashed by the rich to revolt against the very working class they were

born of *GAWD!*) Most tried to fill the blanks with that old "red herring"

H-O-M-O-S-E-X-U-A-L-I-T-Y. Some saw it as a definite sign they were

mentally ill. Some speculated that it was the social repression that caused

them to lash back in the name of lesbiandom. Some saw it as a crime of

lesbian passion.


Peter and Fran used the girls' imaginings (and especially Pauline's because

only the sections of her diaries that were read in court remain as public

record. The actual diaries were destroyed) to fill in the blanks. This is

why the progression towards the murder moves people to sympathise with the

girls. It just happens so smoothly as their inexplicable holes in logic get

filled in by the imagianary events.


My pet theory is that the kingdom of Borovnia pushed Pauline killing Honora

in a desperate bid to avoid the end of the world. Juliet just not get

herself to utter "We're not playing anymore" when she realised Yvonne could

not make that difference and felt she had the blood of Pauline on her hands

(she feared Pauline's suicide). Again, it must be emphasised that Pauline

regretted her action the moment the brick hit but "had to go with it". That

is when reality hit her like a proverbial you-nkow-what.


Again, I speak only for myself as a fan of the film. Do not take any of

this as the gospel of Peter and Fran. I am only speculating. True, I may

have been able to gather more clues on the film than most fans out there

given my closeness as well as a two year head start but I am nonetheless

speculating. I hope my contributions will not intimidate anyone with

presenting their views. After all, I'd be lying if I didn't say that my

view fluctuates as I explore the different aspects of the case. I fell for

the lesbian trap too...


In short, let's hear more ideas out there!


Hideously Yours,






E. Jean Guerin


Director of Programming

FANT-ASIA Film Festival

Montreal, Canada


also: Film Critic (HOUR magazine) & Journalist (Cinefantastique)

Cult/Trash Cinema specialist (CBC-Radio's Brave New Waves)

Actor (_Heavenly Creatures_,_Frankenstein & Me_,_La Vengeance de la


Femme en Noir_)


The critics rave!


"The Most Hideous Man Alive"

-Kate Winslet, Academy Award Nominee


"Sexy Demon"

-TIME Magazine.








--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n023.5 ---------------


From: michaela drapes <>

Subject: Re: Pauline's father

Date: Fri, 10 May 1996 04:04:32 -0500

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"



>> Hi all,


>> There is something I have always wondered about. Since Pauline

>> planned to murder only her mother, she must have obviously thought her

>> father would have let her get a passport and go off to South Africa with

>> Juliet. But I don't get this at all from his behavior in the movie.


My personal hit me tonight as I watched HC letterboxed for the

first time (and got to *finally* sorta almost re-live the experience of

seeing it in a theater).


Bert was very removed from Pauline's rearing, as was pointed out in his

testimony at the trial (see the know the drill <g>). (Perhaps he

suffered from the universal alienation fathers feel from their daughters

when they enter adolescence.) In the film we only see Honora's response to

Pauline's idea that the Hulmes "would take care of [her]." So, if Pauline

and Juliet had succeded in making the "moider" look like an accident, Bert

would be so distraught and concerned about Pauline's future that he would

gladly sign the papers for her to get a passport and head for a new life

with whatever remained of the Hulme family. Could this have been Pauline

and Juliet's train of thought?


Just my .02




Michaela R. Drapes

Will do WWW design for Atomic Fireballs.





--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n023 ---------------


From Sat May 11 08:02:49 1996

Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) with ESMTP id IAA24177 for <>; Sat, 11 May 1996 08:02:48 -0700


Received: (root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) id IAA28373; Sat, 11 May 1996 08:02:35 -0700

Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 08:02:35 -0700

Message-Id: <>

Subject: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n024






Status: RO



-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n024 --------------


001 - - Re: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n023

002 - - The Bigger, Better Heavenly Creatures WebFAQ!

003 - "Jefferson F. Morris" <jf - Moitering Mum


--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n024.1 ---------------



Subject: Re: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n023

Date: Fri, 10 May 1996 10:44:29 -0400


In a message dated 96-05-10 08:02:43 EDT, you write:


>Since Pauline

> planned to murder only her mother, she must have obviously thought her

> father would have let her get a passport and go off to South Africa with

> Juliet. But I don't get this at all from his behavior in the movie. I

> know he was a lot more absent from her life than her mother,


If he was absent more than mom, mom was there more to (as Pauline

would see it) "nag" her. So all her problems, in her eyes, would be

caused by her mother. Very insightful comment by Mr. Guerin about

Mrs. Hulme: "She likes Pauline there because it means she doesn't

have to feel guilty about being so absent from Juliet." If any of you

women out there have a BEST best friend, you know anything your

mother does to you (or doesn't do) causes you to run to your best

friend. With Paul's "nagging" mom and Juliet's absent one, it's not

a surprising they had such an intense relationship. Simply put, they

were each THERE for one another in a way that each NEEDED them

to be.


About the FAQ... did anyone besides me go immediately to the diary

entries? Fascinating!





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n024.2 ---------------


From: (Adam Abrams)

Subject: The Bigger, Better Heavenly Creatures WebFAQ!

Date: Fri, 10 May 1996 12:01:11 -0800

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Fans of the film "Heavenly Creatures" won't want to miss the newly expanded

version of "The Fourth World - the Heavenly Creatures WebFAQ". It is

located at:




New Features For Everyone:


* HeavenlyNews - Updates on people connected to the film, plus new

information and observations. Current feature: reminiscences

from Jean Guerin, who portrayed Orson Welles in "HC"!


* The Heavenly Creatures Crusade - Viewers outside NZ/Australia

are currently being denied the _full version_ of the film, con-

taining 10 more minutes of scenes! Join my email campaign to

persuade Miramax to release this "Director's Cut" to the rest of the world!


New for Frame-Friendly browsers:


You can enjoy Version 2.0 of the FAQ, containing much more detailed

information and analysis of the film than before, laid out in an

easy-to-navigate Frames format. The first three sections are

installed, the remainder is coming very soon!


This "new wing" also features an even more exhaustive list

of links to HC-related sites.


Coming Soon: The Heavenly Creatures Quiz! Fans and newcomers alike can find

out just how knowledgable they are about the film - and learn a few

fascinating facts along the way! Answers will include links to the

appropriate section of the FAQ for further reading.


Enjoy The Fourth World today!


Adam "HC WebFAQ" Abrams



Only the best people fight against Adam Abrams

all obstacles... in pursuit of happiness! Vancouver, BC, Canada

--Juliet Hulme, "Heavenly Creatures"

*Visit the "Fourth World" at*






--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n024.3 ---------------


From: "Jefferson F. Morris" <>

Subject: Moitering Mum

Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 00:36:10 -0400 (EDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


On Thu, 9 May 1996, kate ann jacobson wrote:


> But maybe she and Juliet were so desperate they could only see the

> most immediate obstacle?


Questions about a film like this put us in an odd position. How much can

we look to the historical record in our interpretations?

Should we look at it at all? For my purposes, I'm just going to analyze

the film as if there was no real-life basis.


Obviously, Pauline was going rather crazy at this point. Her dreams of

escaping into the romantic fantasy of a globetrotting, idealized upper

middle class were rapidly slipping away from her. Honora became emblematic

of everything she came to despise about her home life, heritage, and social

station. To Paul, Honora seems so stolidly working-class, so seemingly

bereft of imagination and vitality, and so mired in the dull drudgery of

routine that she hardly seems alive. She's a 'peasant' to be executed,

or an unfortunate onlooker destined to 'cop' it. We hardly see her when

she's not engaged in housework of one kind or another. And naturally she has

no appreciation whatsoever for any of Pauline's artistic endeavors.


When Pauline kills Honora, I see it more as a symbolic repudiation of all of

these factors, rather than any kind of practical means to remain with

Juliet. Pauline is attempting to destroy who she is and where she comes

from, in order to transform herself and 'evolve' into a truly heavenly



So what's going on? Psychosis, pure and simple. Hopelessness and

emotional desperation resulting in a truly 'senseless' act of violence.

'Senseless' but not meaningless. Reminds me a bit of 'Taxi Driver,'

along with a classic quote from Pythonic lore--"A murder is just an

extroverted suicide."


Of course, I could be totally wrong.





--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n024 ---------------


From Sun May 12 16:00:48 1996

Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) with ESMTP id QAA02643 for <>; Sun, 12 May 1996 16:00:47 -0700


Received: (root@localhost) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) id QAA29994; Sun, 12 May 1996 16:00:26 -0700

Date: Sun, 12 May 1996 16:00:26 -0700

Message-Id: <>

Subject: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n025






Status: RO



-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n025 --------------


001 - michaela drapes <oleanna@ - Re: The Bigger, Better Heavenly Creatures WebFAQ!

002 - michaela drapes <oleanna@ - Apologies

003 - kate ann jacobson <kjac@u - The First Time

004 - Michael Chin <mktchin@cos - Laurie and Glamuzino intro


--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n025.1 ---------------


From: michaela drapes <>

Subject: Re: The Bigger, Better Heavenly Creatures WebFAQ!

Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 17:14:04 -0500

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"




I really like what you've done with the latest version of the HC Web FAQ.

However, I have on nit to pick...your link to my Kate Winslet page doesn't instead leads to one of your empty directories. I would

appreciate it if you could fix this problems as soon as you have the time.





Michaela R. Drapes

Will do WWW design for Atomic Fireballs.





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n025.2 ---------------


From: michaela drapes <>

Subject: Apologies

Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 17:15:29 -0500

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Sorry about that folks...I just sent a letter that was meant for Adam to the


list...I guess I need to watch that reply feature a little more carefully.

Sorry for any inconvenience.




Michaela R. Drapes

Will do WWW design for Atomic Fireballs.





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n025.3 ---------------


From: kate ann jacobson <>

Subject: The First Time

Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 16:55:31 -0600 (MDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII



On 11 May 1996, Jefferson F. Morris wrote:


> When Pauline kills Honora,I see it more as a symbolic repudiation of all

> of these factors,rather than any kind of practical means to remain with

> Juliet.


Yes! I think her main motive was definitely symbolic - the four of them

sailing away on the boat together, and like Jean said, preventing the end

of the world. I just couldn't help thinking about their situation, and

no matter how much I ran it around in circles in my mind, there was no

possible outcome in which they could be together.


On a different note:

Does anyone have any interesting stories to tell about where they were

the first time they saw HC (on video, at theaters, etc.)? I only ask this

because my First Anniversary is coming up - on May 23,1995 I saw Heavenly

Creatures for the first time, in the video store where I worked. The only

words that could possibly describe this experience are those of Mario



you came,

I was alone

I should have known

you were temptation


you smiled,

luring me on,

my heart was gone

you are temptation

you are temptation

and I am yours,

Here is my heart-

take it and say

we'll never part.




--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n025.4 ---------------


From: Michael Chin <>

Subject: Laurie and Glamuzino intro

Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 08:08:58 +1000

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Hello HC listers,


My brother just received the Parker Hulme book by Laurie and Glamuzino.

I haven't read it yet but scanned the introduction and the book. The

book was apparently written in 1991 and but since HC was made, a new

introduction for the US was added to put the movie into context.


Well I want to add that the introduction was not complimentary to the

movie or to Peter J and Fran W. The person writing the intro totally

misunderstood the movie and obviously did not pay any attention to the

movie at all.


The opening few sentences of the paragraphs relating to HC was (I

haven't the book with me) that "the movie opens with the two girls

giddly running through at posh estate covered in blood." Now is that an

accurate depiction of the movie. Did she talk right through the movie

and wrote the intro from a vague memory of the movie?


I may be biased about HC but I feel that the author of the intro was

unfair to Peter J and Fran W's movie without good justification.


Again, these are only my opinions. I feel I must defend HC against

unfair criticism.


Regards &c.





Michael Chin <> Melbourne, Australia.

<> PostGradDipCS, RMIT.

Northcote CHC's SDO.....................Office: +61 3 9486 3411


"What do Jane Austen, Peter Jackson, Heavenly Creatures,

Kate Winslet, Melanie Lynskey, indie-pop, Apples, atheism,

rationality and small, under-powered cars all have in common?"





--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n025 ---------------


Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.5) with ESMTP id VAA05980 for <>; Mon, 13 May 1996 21:27:01 -0700


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Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 21:26:31 -0700

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Subject: Digest heavenly-c.v001.n026






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-------------- BEGIN heavenly-c.v001.n026 --------------


001 - (Jean Gueri - Anyone out there?

002 - Tim Baglio < - Re: Anyone out there?

003 - Donald Chin <donaldc@nets - Re:The First Time

004 - "Jefferson F. Morris" <jf - Overlong 'First Time' story


--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n026.1 ---------------


From: (Jean Guerin)

Subject: Anyone out there?

Date: Sun, 12 May 1996 00:11:55 -0400

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


It's Midnight on the american east coast.


If you are up for the next hour or so, I'm on #borovnia on te IRC.


Hideously Yours.


E. Jean Guerin


Director of Programming

FANT-ASIA Film Festival

Montreal, Canada


also: Film Critic (HOUR magazine) & Journalist (Cinefantastique)

Cult/Trash Cinema specialist (CBC-Radio's Brave New Waves)

Actor (_Heavenly Creatures_,_Frankenstein & Me_,_La Vengeance de la


Femme en Noir_)


The critics rave!


"The Most Hideous Man Alive"

-Kate Winslet, Academy Award Nominee


"Sexy Demon"

-TIME Magazine.








--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n026.2 ---------------


From: Tim Baglio <>

Subject: Re: Anyone out there?

Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 22:27:11 +0000 (GMT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


> It's Midnight on the american east coast.


> If you are up for the next hour or so, I'm on #borovnia on te IRC.


> Hideously Yours.


> E. Jean Guerin


Bugger... missed it by 15 minutes.


| |

| Tim Baglio |

| Bellingham, WA |





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n026.3 ---------------


From: Donald Chin <>

Subject: Re:The First Time

Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 21:21:45 +1000

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Hi all,


Just to continue the thread about first viewings of HC...(but unfortunately

with no poetry)


I had just attended the Melbourne International Film Festival in June of

1995. I sat through 86 films in a fortnight. I decided to have a binge out

on films. I normally don't see too many films in a year. HC was released

about 6 months earlier in the cinemas. Somehow I mangaged to miss all the

those screenings. Anyway, it was no longer showing regularly in the

Melbourne. But after the festival, my interest in films was sharpened.

There are quite a few arthouse cinemas in Melbourne that show films long

after their theatrical use-by date. One night three weeks after the

festival on the 16Jul95, the Valhalla (a creaky old art deco cinema) was

screening Luc Besson's The Professional and Heavenly Creatures. To this

point, I had known nothing about the film, had read no reviews, had not

known of the Parker-Hulme case and hadn't seen any of Peter Jackson's

previous films. I had heard of Peter Jackson reputation and knew that he

made off beat zombie comedies. I primarily went to see The Professional

because I had seen it a few weeks earlier. The blurb for Heavenly Creatures

said..."1952: in New Zealand, two school girls commit a brutal murder

fuelled by a passion for Mario Lanza and hormone-induced hallucinations of

a medieval wonderland.". Well, I thought, that can't be too bad. Well, it

wasn't bad, it was quite the opposite - the absolutely best film I had ever

seen! Quite a remarkable experience. I was quite melancholy for weeks after

the film because of the ending (especially with the emotional rollercoaster

ride that Peter Jackson sends the viewer on). I desperately looked for

other showings of Heavenly Creatures in cinemas (it hadn't had a video

release yet). Fortunately, I managed to see it a few times after (on the

14Sep95, 3Nov95 and most recently the 6Feb96). When it was released on

video, I rented the tape, but found it a totally different experience. Not

really the same as in the cinema. For those who haven't seen it in a

cinema, try to. It is well worth it.


Sorry for rambling on for so long!


Regards, Donald




Donald Chin <>

"Lost somewhere in Australia...

and fanatical about Heavenly Creatures and Jane Austen!"





--------------- MESSAGE heavenly-c.v001.n026.4 ---------------


From: "Jefferson F. Morris" <>

Subject: Overlong 'First Time' story

Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 00:28:22 -0400 (EDT)

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


On Sat, 11 May 1996, kate ann jacobson wrote:


> Does anyone have any interesting stories to tell about where they were

> the first time they saw HC (on video, at theaters, etc.)?


No, not really. But I'll relate my initial exposure anyway.


Backstory: I usually stay on top of current films, art-house and

otherwise. I had heard of 'Heavenly Creatures' upon its initial release

in the States. I even remember reading bits and snatches of the review

in the Washington Post (They liked it, I think). So I knew that the film

was a critical success, but it probably never got released anywhere but

D.C. and maybe a few other theatres.


I knew who Peter Jackson was. I had seen 'Braindead,' and although I'd

enjoyed it heartily, I wouldn't have thought it to be the calling card of

a cinematic genius. More of a foreign-born Sam Raimi on cocaine.

Ignorant jackass that I was, I passed on HC in its theatrical run.


Luckily, I live very near a wonderful store that rents laserdiscs.

Sometime in the summer of '95 I noticed the disc available for rent. I

had a number of titles I was interested in seeing ('Before Sunrise' and

'Bullets over Broadway' were the others, if I recall), so I pretty much

flipped a three-sided coin and went with HC.


(Note: If you have to see it on video, do whatever's necessary to see it

on disc. That includes buying a disc player.)


When did I realize that I was watching something really special? It took

a bit of time to dawn on me. I was very impressed by all the early

scenes, and particularly loved 'The Donkey Serenade' sequence. I also

loved Juliet twirling on the bridge, followed by that marvelous track in

on Pauline. But the movie really started to fly for me when they entered

the 'Fourth World' for the first time.


I think it was the giant butterflies that clinched it. I don't know.

Fantastical things like that tend to really grab me. (I'm a big Terry

Gilliam fan as well). It became obvious that there was a profound

imagination at work here, and a remarkable level of visual invention.


>From then on it gets fuzzy. I was too wrapped up in the story to notice

anything else. The clay Borovnians were a stroke of genius. Lanza

singing in the spotlight as the girls waltz. Juliet's aria. The last

walk. Juliet's hand on the branch. Pauline's screams.


I kept waiting for the film to falter, to lose its level of invention, to

deflate...Nope. When the credits rolled over what happened to already be

a favorite song of mine ('You'll never walk alone'), I realized I hadn't

seen anything this good since...ever.


A few days later I went back to the store to purchase the disc, but they

were all out. I ordered a copy, and it took an agonizing month for it to

arrive. But I was good and ready to see it when it did. And for months

afterward, whenever I'd come across the rental disc I'd put it at the

front of the pile, hoping someone else would notice it and give it a

try. I hope someone did.


Also, when I saw the words 'Sung by Kate Winslet' under the Sono Andati

credit, I almost lost consciousness. But that's a whole other story.





--------------- END heavenly-c.v001.n026 ---------------