EurekaPAS Homestead Association
Members welcomes You with a Happy 2007!

our pages and
to us
at EurekaPAS@yahoo.com

and Members as:

We signed up for EurekaPAS June 1998.
Our interests are:
Career; IT Network; Internet; Architecture; Economic Development.
The description of our EurekaPAS Homestead Association Homepage is:
EurekaPAS Homestead Association
Business development as members of EurekaPAS Association
Networking in general
Email us at: pasclub@yahoo.com , if you want to join.
or visit our co-operation Kloge Hoveders netværk a carrerclub in the Mermaid Region of Denmark

You can visit our EHA Members homepages. Click on the links below.

You can also visit our Partners. Please go to our Carousel in News-pages.
Copyright © EurekaPAS Homestead Association 2007
All Rights Reserved EurekaPAS Homestead Association 1998-2007. Websiden er et eksempel på medio 90`er webdesign stil. Hvis du vil se en mer moderne stil så gå til Kloge Hoveders Netværk
by EHA Manager Valdemar Thomsen April 2007
Please contact Webmaster for EurekaPAS Homestead Assocociation: pasclub@yahoo.com .. or 
: for further information upon Club-evenings in 2007. The 17 of December 2007, we will be 11 year at age as a Association well living as an mature NGO.
EurekaPAS Homestead Association Manager Valdemar Thomsen
: ValddemarThomsen@yahoo.com or pasclub@yahoo.com for EHA-Membership application.
Use our e-mail.
: ValdemarThomsen_1@yahoo.dk

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