My phonecard want page 
Jellybean Jar
Phonecards from the Carabbean
Aruba Curaçao Barbados
St Lucia Dominica St Kitts & Nevis
Barbuda & Antigua St Maarten Anguilla
British Virgin Islands Jamaica Cayman Islands
Grenada Trinidad & Tobago St Vincent & The Grenadines
Bahamas Monserrat Bonaire
Cuba And other Carabbean islands
and others
British Islands and others
Jersey Isle of Man Falklands
Guernsey French Poynésie Nouvelle Calédonie
Gibraltar Fiji
Christmas chip cards Motorsports cards Disney
and others
I can also swap for other countries , but only chip cards.
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Have a look at the cards from Luxembourg

If you have such cards for swap , send me an e-mail 
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