
Peter`s Home Page

Water Drip

Hi. I have been collecting phonecards for about 6 years . My main phonecard collection consists in cards from Luxembourg. Luxembourg is a small country in central Europe with a total population of 400000. Cards have been issued since 1990 and due to the low population the issues are also low. If Luxembourgish cards should interest you or you would like more information , please contact me.

Besides collecting Luxembourgish cards , I also collect cards from the Carabbean and all British Islands like Jersey , Guernsey , Isle of Man , Falklands , Gibraltar etc I also collect cards from all worldwide islands. If you should have anything you would like to swap with me , please contact me.



Take a look at the phonecards from Luxembourg.

Have a look at the countries from which I collect phonecards

Have a look at the countries from which I have cards to swap

Email me!


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