of ultra-violence and the old in out.
------Mastibatory Ruck n' roll is a DIY Punk/Skin/Everybody friendly organization composed of about three people and a copy machine. It's purpose is to simply express the views and opinions of the local yokles, and most importantly to be obscene, but not ignorant. Everybody has their own voice, but some choose not to express their opinions or speak those voices of theirs to force and encourage change. We, at Mastibatory Rock n' roll choose to speak our voices.
-----The zine is mainly done by derek and myself(philthy). We have a very wide variety of opinions in our zine as Derek is into crust, I'm into oi!, and we have other contributers ranging from lesbian punkers to casuals. And that's just the music side, wait till' we get to the politics. Each issue is well balanced with a few interviews( bands such as Anti-Product, The Offensive, The Criminals, The Fixtures, The Varukers, and more) a few pages of reviews done by numerous people with numerous tastes, and a bunch of pages of columns by ourselves, our friends, and Food Not Bombs. Take a look inside the zine, hope you'll enjoi! it.
Issue #1 --------------------------------------------Issue #2
ISSUE 4,OI! The Issue-A sneak preview
If you would like to place an ad in our zine, for your own band or zine( for free, of course), or you would like to give us a free ad in your zine, or you would like to review our zine, or have your band or zine reviewed, just e-mail antiallism@hotmail.com.
If you are interested in buying a zine, or zines( which we'de prefer, hey, maybe you'll get a deal) e-mail Mastrock@hotmail.com
For any further questions or whatever leave Philip a message at (818)790-7865
See the two of us behind the zine.
being the adventures (zine) of a young man whose principal interests are rape, ultra-violence and beethoven (actually punk)