Dr. Rick Bewley
Here you will find collectables on: Big Little Books, Tarzan, Coca-Cola, Seltzer Bottles, Star Trek, Biedenharn Candy Company, American Postage Stamps, Keyrings, Lanyards, Shells, Rocks, Beanie Babies, Necklaces, Headbands, Bracelets, Ocuppied Japan, March of Comics, Reddy Kilowatt, and Glass Shoes.

A Special Welcome From
Rick, Sharon, Ted, Stacy, Jared, and Jessica

Christian Entertainment(Click here)

Items For Sale

Big Little Books (Click here)

Here you will find my duplicate Big Little Books from the 30's and 40's.
This page includes my want list and my favorite BLB collectors emails and web sites.
Also listed are some Rolling Stone Magazines.

Keychains (Click here)

Here you will find handcrafted keychains, lanyards, necklaces, headbands, bracelets, crosses, and whistle chains made in a variety of colors to your specifications. These items make perfect gifts for all ages.

Star Trek Items (Click here)

I have stacks of the 1976 and 1979 Star Trek trading cards. Also have some star trek comic books and other paperback books.

Coca-Cola Items (Click here)

Pictured are my Coca-Cola and Pepsi Cola bottles that are for sale. Also have some old coke vending machines.

Beanie Babies (Click here)

Pictured are our duplicate beanie babies for sale. All are mint with tags.

American Postage Stamps (Click here)

Pictured are my American Postage Stamps that are for sale. Singles, plate blocks, first day covers.

Other Collectibles (Click here)

Pictured are other collectibles that are for sale. Old books, Dionne Quintuplets, Little Black Sambo, Moore Banta, Dinah Mulock, and Palmer Cox.

Our Collections

Biedenharn Candy Company
The seltzer bottle crate is one of three that is known to exist. The seltzer bottle is a painted label. There are 7 know varieties of Biedenharn setlzers and I am looking for two of them. My collection has over 42 different varieties of Biedenharn Candy Company bottles.

I own all of the Dell, Gold Key, Marvel and Sparkler cover Tarzan comic books. Working on the Tarzan cover Tip Tops and Argosey

Star Trek
I have all of the Star Trek Comic books. I have over 300 photographs signed by the actors including Gene Roddenberry!

American Postage Stamps
I am only missing six commeratives mint and own all of the United Nations. Also collect first day covers. APS Member #147384

Big Little Books
I have over 1300 varieties of blbs. See the blb duplicates I have for sale. Also listed is my current want list. Big Little Book Club Member #1038

Reddy Kilowatt
This collection started from my job with the power company.

March of Comics
This collection started from me trying to collect the Tarzans comics. I have 90% of the set.


The Baptist Bar
I am really into Coca-Cola bottles, seltzers, and crates. Looking for a original hutchinson style and also an original root Coca-Cola Bottle

Occupied Japan
Sharon is the collector of Occupied Japan. It all started with a cup and saucer set from her grandmother

Seltzer Bottles
I am into the seltzer bottles that are 'colas'. Coke, Barqs, Moxie, Nehi, Dr. Pepper, Orange Crush, and Biedenharn. I am looking for a Pepsi, the etched Biedenharn and any Coca-Cola seltzer bottles that I am missing.

Sea Shells
This world wide collection was started by my grandmother. Our best contribution comes from Florida every year when we visit the beach.

Rocks and Minerials
This world wide collection was also started by my grandmother.

Recent Family Photos(Click here)

My current resume

Email your comments and suggestions. If you have an item that fits in one of the above mentioned collections, lets talk.

This page has been accessed Countertimes since 7/15/98

Updated 2/27/08 by Dr. Rick Bewley (drbewley@hotmail.com)