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Just to give you a brief background on myself. I am a black Trinidadian woman, not famous but who likes to meet and interact with people. This web page is being done with the knowledge that my new found friends would like to know something about family my country and myself.

I am presently separated from my husband of twenty-five years and fighting to make a life all on my own again. In that respect I can once more enjoy doing what I want. I now have a garden where I can potter around, grow my roses, orchids and have a kitchen garden.

As most Trinidadians who are fortunate to have a back garden, a coconut, Avocado and mango tree is a must. The mango tree is yet to be planted.

Me... Venance

This picture was taken about ten years ago.


I have been working for an International Organisation for the past twenty-two years. I started as the receptionist and as the years have gone by, have been given the responsibility to include travel and hotel reservation and documentation to the same post. This organisation is unique in a sense, that it is found in about fifty-six countries around the world. Employees around the world are allowed to have their own staff committee to represent them. I have been fortunate to be elected to represent staff in the Caribbean area for the next three years on this committee. So for the next three years we will try to ensure that workers rights are not violated and measures for better working relations are taken into account. Only time will tell whether we are fighting a losing battle or a worthwhile cause.