This web page was created for the purpose of a petition to bring the world's GREATEST rock band - BON JOVI - to Singapore in their next tour.
Bon Jovi will be releasing a fab NEW ALBUM in the year 2000. Please support our favourite band by purchasing this CD.
To participate in this petition, please fill out the form below.
NB: You are encouraged to sign especially if you can attend the concert in Singapore, even if you are living overseas. Otherwise, if you are not sure whether you can make it, sign it anyway!!!
Dear Bon Jovi,
Re: A request for
Bon Jovi to perform in Singapore
This letter is being written
on behalf of all loyal Bon Jovi fans in Singapore.
We loved your outstanding
performance in Singapore in 1993 and would like to thank you for bringing
your tour here. However, there is a group of us here who, for some reason or
another, were not able to attend your performances here. And the rest of us have
just got to see Bon Jovi perform.
We would like to appeal to
you to make Singapore one of your stops once again for your next tour. We really
hope it’s not too much to ask for as you have a loyal legion of fans, new and
old, who has been waiting some years for you.
Please honour us with another concert and place us on your tour agenda.