Hi! I'm Donna.
Welcome to my cyber home!

Come on in and learn more about who I am.

Oh, come on, click on it...it's just my bio...I'm not going to bite!
Well, at least not right now... : )

I'm new to the internet. I hooked up my PM WebTv Plus terminal on March 10, 1998 and have been happily addicted to the web ever since!

My passions and interests include (but are in no wise limited to...) all sorts of crafts, poetry, reading (non-fiction), love to roam around at flea markets and garage sales, my rather odd but lovable family and friends, my new circle of internet friends, imaginative, spontaneous romance and creative, everyday and orchestrated adventure. (Check out my 'Adventure Page' for an idea of what I mean!)

Stop by my 'Poetry Page'before you go. Some of the poems are about me and some I wrote about people who have touched my life deeply...either by their interaction in my life or by my observation of a struggle they were going through in their lives...names (if any) that were originally written in the poems have been either deleted or changed...to protect the innocent. : )

Take some time and roam around my little corner of the world. In addition to links to my own eclectic pages, each of my pages contain a link to my 'Links Page', where you will find some rather interesting links to my favorite spots on the web. Please feel free to email me the URL of any site you think I might enjoy.

I'll be adding a thing or two just about every week, so be sure to come back real soon.

Enjoy your stay!

Links to other pages at

Go to Donna's Place - Bio Page

Go to Donna's Place - Poetry Page

Go to Donna's Place - Adventure Page

Go to Donna's Place - Links Page

Be sure and sign my guest book and/or drop me an email before you leave! I would like to know who is stopping by!

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View My Guestbook

© 1998 TruckPullinDuck@webtv.net
(There's a story behind that addy!)

Just a few of my favorite sites on the web are listed below...stop by my Links Page for more!

Monty Python Online! Love that British humor!
April Fools! A great site full of fun things to create!
Collection of Fulghumisms...Robert Fulghum is my favorite author!
The Art Bell website...The #1 late night talk radio program!
Desiderata...Words of great wisdom.
Brain Candy...A really fun site!

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