"Collected Aphorisms by ar"
Literary Magazine Ideas Thoughts Aphorisms My Way
kurzer Denkspruch, Lehrspruch,
der Gedankensplitter
aphoristic - aphoristisch
German Deutsch Englisch mixed
Copyright © 1998-1999-2000-2001
Andreas Ruthenberg
Your Ideas, Comments, please e-mail them to: literaturworte@hotmail.com
as of January 7th, 2001
Cologne, January 2001
nothing to add, let it be as it is, and go my way...
a waste of summer,
no spring will ever renew anyone here,
the moloch, as always, and as ever before, is always with them, never
a good training ground for lies, to learn, not to ever tell any truth
- facts are all abandoned - discursive caves,
history's tombs and skeletons...all are not waiting to be animated...they
Rome's cruel mantel covers up, bending still every yet to be constructed
soulless constructs, formerly human beings, still marching these streets
click clack
and breaking every youth in his most natural track
nothing to identify with, discursive history shuts them out,
alienates their here and now
it's the only place where time returns
figments of the Other are their only strenghts
Look at those faces:
smiles punished one by one
their grimaces multiply in darkness
and darkness, indeed, multiplies their grimaces...
eyes never lust for you, they look through you and you feel their betrayal....
and their gaze still stirs up their darkness which, you would
have thought, can't no longer be theirs...
Cologne, February 2000
too bad that those nice guys don't know...how
short life really is ...
its closural dictates that annulate all
paradigms of an everlasting present and presence...
this non-existing link betweeen thinking-feeling-youth.
These are non linear nor follow from each other...
Here, nothing is interlinked.
Desire belongs to no set of predictables; it's
variabale and even at that it's spotty...
to celebrate your existential honesty
within a continuum
without getting deflected by any cultural paradigm...
living life surrounded by a certain rhythm
different and other from that what you would
grounded in surprise that life delivers
towards you
without having chosen you in particular
as the recipient...
nothing rhymes towards any predictable outcome...so
why do you sort your vowals arrange them even into words?
managing surprise...a face at a distance, nothing
to see really, hair accross his forehead falling down to his eyebrows,
strong eyebrows, a burning cigarette going back
and forth, across his face I can't make out,
now clasping his two hands in front of his face,
the left hand now lifting up a glass, he's sipping on it...
he's getting up, standing up in his white sweater...a
used up youth from the South...
Always the same: you want another beer and there
he stands and puts in more and more words, filling up more ears
around him with them words as if he was
hired to serve up more and more sentences to whoever stands at the bar...
he keeps on talking, I came for beer and not
to watch him talking...exercising tongue and lips and moving his hips in
as if the bar furniture is a living creature...
short minded youth he has no time for life as
if speed is of the essence rushes back to deliver more words...
after having dumped the beeeer bottle on my shaky
No service here except for an overflow and rush
towards denial...
Alignment of a continuing discourse with an organism
who carries it out like a bazillus...no firmness, no style
-nothing relating to life- every
movement of his a dictate of language...
living out and off dictates and dicta only
discursive products can deliver...
Dualism of commercialism and culture he articulates
words about ....as if they are not a continuum...
defines commercialism as anti-culture...President
of this Republic as the guardien of what?
articulates culture at the exclusion of commercial
distraction; funny culture that can't bear a commercial break
or a nice coffee with bagel, please ?
Flux of time seems to dictate something to THE
tectonics of culture can't stand it when time
suddenly knocks;
culture isn't prepared for what believers dreamt
culture was supposed to be...
Struggle continues but it is always one of paradigms...shaky
models that can't stand up to the times...
a model of LIFE described according
to some self-devised model, script, proto-type ,
a philosphical model reaches out like an antenna,
tentacles, controls you, devours you, suffocates itself once it got us...
Discourse is the worst devourer and catches you
so naturally like language does...
-And while being so devout at it
it murders my desire.
Are you talking me into something or am I giving
up my paradigms?
Are you turning my words around right and left
right in my mouth or am I losing track of proper grammar?
Do you belong to the Grammatical Liberation Movement
Are you adding words to your emotions?
turning something so real into something to be
Spoiler you!
Are you doubting my emotions via a dictionary
and proper grammar?
you too a victim of your (whose actually?) linguistic
I'm a connosseur of my feelings and its
neural connections, I relish them...
you seem to make a living off your dictionary.
You, addicted to words and repeatedly so---EH?
A Grammarien who peddles words...
I am strictly language free, baring certain vowals,
consonants and only when emotions justify these...
Do birds twitter and "sing" just to say something?
Or do we talk to continously practice grammar?
You word addict you!
I keep within the question
to not avoid the answer that lurks ready to be spoken,
but to let language not fool you over and over
and over again....
in the realm of communication question marks
are my preferred what have you's...
WHAT an effort to avoid an answer and struggle
for a question
that sticks unanswered in the universe and
keeps REPEATING itself
Unluckily too many questions ask for an easy answer that structures
its way through grammatical convolutions and convulsions
but don't get any closer to what I've asked you...you didn't get the
question that isn't even asked yet...you simply serve me up with songs
of grammar, free words playing on my ears as if they mean.......
ways to communicate don't include ready packaged answers, phrasings...
If your system is incomplete you've got incomplete
Grammar and words give you saliva to oil your
tongue and produce shaky answers...
maybe it's so complex...that no question can
get to it and what you are talking about is just fluff of grammar
and compulsive reciting of dictionaries that
come after the fact...
definitional excuses, really!
a blackboard full of imaginative possibilities...any
sign will turn your mind whichever I want to turn it-
and you fool you think you think...
leave the blackboard as is - free of words and
no signs to be smart about...enjoy your sign-less possibilities
that will not lead you anywhere; enjoy this not
having to tune into any signs...
this blankness, free of any system...feel your
pulse? your own beat and rhythm and system, your inter-connectedness?
that carries you through life and makes your
day to day possible?
It's not words, sentences, laws of grammar, schools
of thought, paradigms of pay cheques--
it's the bloody horrors circulating through your
keeping your world as rosy as you think it is...
fool are you not,
but aren't you always on the egde towards
something else?
In what are your discourse studies tied up?
In promises, written contracts, cultural trappings?
grammarwordlanguage adventures that got you hooked?
Just like headlines... are you cut short into
a symbol,
a newsy recipes of how to news and turn words,
'cause you're a grammar OK ? clipped like a newspaper clipping!
If you think I'm corrupt don't forget language makes it so...and if
you hire me...you wanna me go conform with your discursive system that
in turn makes me set my alarm clock, and worse, tells me when to go to
bed and when not---
your system turns into a dictation of habits...
I didn't invent language, nor do I believe in it!
Attempts to structure me within your paradigm is your attempt at discursive
Please abstain: discourse attempts trap first the formulator...
So, I'm betwixt them different languages looking at it from a different
perch...and plainly said, I am not looking forward to writing you a letter-
a discursive habit, a discursive ejaculation-
an emotion that touches you, fingertipped touch and no letter will
Touch conquers the membrane that only communicates- save your words,
keep them to make money with, your job job;
just give me a consonant or two and spill your vowels real good, no
words or dictionary like repetitions, Please!
I want you! Not a prototype of culture.
Internet you say! Aren't we all hooked up via life?
Aren't we so very much real good together...separate?
Culture seperates us...Pornography is such a nice internet.
Culture lives off avoidance. Or you call it
less for more-boy, are you hooked!
Internet lives off "I get more as much as
I desire,"
and not as much as YOU let me have!
Needs we don't have, it's our creeds that hurt us...structures
that speak language,
pronounced fences of a defining term....that your tongue and lips are
trained to speak, mouthpiece of your upbringing...
and the rest of living turns into a noble effort at liberation. Any
prices won? awards collected?
Any questions asked yet on how to avoid them?
what would that question be ?
You don't get what I "really mean," you
Fool, there is only meaning within language systems.
What takes you so long to get trapped and begin to understand!
I never look for meaning in you,
if Desire were not a word,
you would understand me.
But you're stuck with words,
and I don't live there where words live.
Even your desire is still filtered out by words
words won't touch ever anybody in the nearness
of you. (near to you, you wordless Desire?)
NO,NO, it's more than you think (in words)
this what I mean is guaranteed WORD-FREE
just like you got smoke-free and all the other frees you've heard talking
But what I'M talking about is talkless...
Copyright © 1998-1999-2000-2001
Andreas Ruthenberg.
January 2001