Here are some pictures from ItalyOne more queer camp, at launch on the 6th of July only five players showed up, one of them left in 10 minutes. During the second day one more fellow from Burgos joined the team and we were FIVE, and another local player Galin (Balkan Botevgrad) was acquired for the camp. so 90% of the practices we were only six:
Special for Michela Del Forno (BPC) ....
Special for Michela Del Forno (BPC)
The Guys in Villa Manin ...
Our Team In The Gym..
.Few Of Us In The Van
Paskalev and Simeon(ready for departure)...
A Pleasent Photo From Udine
- 02/08 Bulgaria Vs. Croatia 72/69 : Victory
- 03/08 Italy Vs. Bulgaria (we lost by 2 points)
- 04/08 Free day for BG team
- 05/08 Bulgaria Vs. Cezh Republic lost by 6 points
- 06/08 Bulgaria Vs. Slovakia LOST
- 07/08 Bulgaria Vs. Bosnia WIN
- 08/08Ciprus Vs. Bulgaria we lost again
Today June the 30th we are leaving for Italy We'll spend a night in Slovenia where the younger team will take off.- Botevgrad was our host from 07/06/99 to 07/15/99
- We are gathering team for EURO qualification in ITALY- first week of August, the camp prolongs in Sofia (first date 07/19/99 1200h GMT+2 Vasil Levsky Hall