This is the First Bulgarian Basketball Homa Page proudly hosted by Boris Paskalev Company /all rights reserved/
BE AWARE! All the information in this site is dangerous for your health so entering and reading any of the matter inside it, can be harmful for your physical and mental health.
The season will star again on the 5th of March 1999
Hi I'm Boris Paskalev.
You can mail me at
Please come back soon and visit me in Bulgaria.
You can ask for one on one basketball game with me.
If I had the time I might beat you.
Here are some more basketball info and stuffs
National Youth Team
My young cousin Vesko -Pam and Kournikova and ... HP
Click on MJ,to see some pics round the team
My home page still under construction
You can see me and Alicia Silverstone (I'm the guy with the long hair)-CLICK