Welcome to Ivey's Country Gardens! We are the largest Garden Center and Nurseryard in Macon, Georgia. Ivey's offers the total gardening experience-a full line of landscape plants, garden accessories, and knowledge to assist you in any way possible. In addition to gardening, we also offer livestock products including feeds from one of the market leaders in equine nutrition, Nutrena Feeds.
Landscape Trees & Shrubs
Flowering Annuals
Award-Winning Perennials
Tasty Herbs and Vegetables
Garden Accessories
Pennington Brand Products
Ortho Pesticides & Fungicides
Henri Studios Concrete Artwork
Athens Stonecasting Concrete Statuary
Nutrena Feeds
Landscape Materials
Located on 5.12 acres in west Bibb County, Ivey's Country Gardens is the largest Nurseryard in Macon. What began as a backyard wholesale grower is now a proud Southern Nursery Association member and Middle Georgia's standard for any type of garden or landscape plant. Many of our trees and shrubs, from Dogwoods to Yoshino Cherry trees and from Boxwoods to hybrid Weeks Roses are grown at the Garden Center. In addition to our home-grown plants, we purchase trees and shrubs from growers in Georgia and Tennessee to ensure proper acclimation to Central Georgia. Ivey's is always searching for the latest product in horticulture, so we shop as far as Oregon to find high quality plants that will be as unique as our business. Make your self at home and browse our index of trees and shrubs.
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Annuals for All Seasons
Annual bedding plants are the splashes of color that everyone enjoys. Flowering for one growing season, annuals paint window boxes, gardens and landscapes with vibrant reds and yellows or soothing pastels. If you can imagine a color, there is an annual with that color. Ivey's Country Gardens is known throughout Middle Georgia for selling the healthiest, most colorful bedding plants and hanging baskets available; however, we do more than sell these flowers. We grow them. By preparing the plants ourselves, we can carefully regulate the growth rate, control flowering times, and prevent any possible problems. We grow time-honored classics such as impatients and ferns to the latest innovations like the Proven Winners and Georgia Gold Medal Winners plant lines. Each plant Ivey's offers is selected to be unique and adapted to the Middle Georgia climate; our time invested in choosing the correct plants will return rewards in your garden. See our list of annuals grown at Ivey's.
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Flowers to Forget
The most common wish from gardeners that we hear is: "I wish these flowers came back next year." Why not make this wish come true? Perennials are flowering plants that survive the winter to grow and bloom year after year. Ivey's Country Gardens historically grows the hardiest and most vigorous plants on the market. Daybreak greets the sun-loving Gerber Daisies and old-fashioned Hibiscuses while the afternoon gives a soft glow to the Purple Coneflowers and Black-Eyed Susans. These perennials and others like them allow you to have a low-maintenance garden that presents carefree color for you to enjoy. To see a list of available perennials, please view our index.
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Gardening Garnishes
Everyone enjoys returning from the garden with fresh vegetables for a summertime salad or fresh herbs to spice-up a warm winter soup. Ivey's offers the largest selection of herbs and the hardiest, healthiest selection vegetables in Middle Georgia. For nearly a decade we have given you the chance to grow your own tomatoes canning or sandwiches and parsley to garnish your dinnerplate. We carry many seasonal vegetables like watermelon and cucumber or broccoli and collards; we also carry the seasonal herbs like dill and sage or St. John's Wort and peppermint. Please take a moment to look at our list of herbs and vegetables.
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Pennington Seed Company
Ivey's is proud to be a Pennington Master Dealer. Not only does Pennington offer superior "Penn-Coated" grass seed, but we sell their Lawn & Garden Products line. The line is the achievement of developing the products customers need at a much better price than their name brand counterparts. Whether you are searching for lawn fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, or soil amendments Pennington Seed Company provides the tools for a productive lawn or garden. Please take a moment to see our list of Pennington Brand Lawn and Garden Products.
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Ortho Gardener's Problem Solver
Every gardener knows that problems will arise. For most troubles Ivey's recommends Ortho brand products. Developed by Chevron Chemical Company, the Ortho line offers several solutions for most lawn and garden pests and diseases. We can assist you in diagnosing many problems that may arise; contact us with concerns or for a quick overview of common problems and solutions see our listing of Ortho brand Products.
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Henri Studios Masterpieces
Elegance in gardening is often accented with a water fountain or statuary, and the elegance can be seen in the artwork of Henri Studios. Each piece of finished concrete is hand-carved then painted to perfection. The beauty of Henri Studios is not restricted to the garden; the craftsmanship is welcome in the home, as well. From traditional five-tiered fountains to whimsical garden gnomes, Ivey's can help you select the garden (or home!) decor that best suits you. Each piece is guaranteed not to chip or fade for one year. Survey a few examples of the Henri Studios line.
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Athens Stonecasting Garden Ornaments
A perennial favorite of any flower garden is a bird bath or for any cozy corner of the yard, a picnic table. Georgia's premier manufacturer of concrete stonework is Athens Stonecasting, and Ivey's Country Gardens is pleased to be a merchant of their fine products. The warm feeling of watching birds frolic in the water or of gathering for a family picnic can be rekindled with the help of our concrete furnishings. Athens Stonecasting is also the provider of the concrete planters used in the container gardens for which Ivey's is famous. Feel free to look at some samples from Athens Stonecasting.
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Nutrena Brand Feeds
Ivey's Country Gardens not only deals with plants; we also are a carrier of Nutrena Feeds, an industry leader in equine nutrition. If your horses or cattle afford to ride in an expensive trailer, why feed them a low-quality feed? By scientifically balancing the proper amount of grains, vitamins and minerals, Nutrena can offer the best feed for your investment, your livestock, or your pets. Nutrena has raised the standard in horse feeds with their Vitality brand feeds, becoming the pinacle of equine nutrition. Ivey's also carries their full line of feeds for chickens, swine, cats and dogs. Please take a look at our index of available Nutrena Feeds.
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Garden Tools and Accents
Every gardener knows that a great garden needs great plants, but how do you keep that garden looking great? Not only is Ivey's Country Gardens is your place to shop for your flowers and shrubs, but we offer the accessories that will make your garden or landscape the envy of your neighborhood. View our selection of patio and garden umbrellas from the Ken Parker Collection to find the perfect addition to your patio or garden. From soaker garden hoses to shepard's rods and from wind chimes to steel-tooth rakes, Ivey's is your fully stocked garden center. We even have the highly popular Mexican Chimineas! Please browse our online catalogue to search for any product you need for your yard or garden. We are here to ensure that you are prepared for your horticultural adventure and to guide you through each step of your undertaking.
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Revised 31 July 1999
Pennington, Ortho, Nutrena, Vitality are registered trademarks.
All rights reserved.
©1998, 1999 Ivey's Nursery & Landscaping, Inc.