D elmoz is
a drainage device for tanks of odourless. It is a product
thought to be simple,
their usefulness is particularly emphasize you, since was
designed to economize the water
utilization. Their design complies with the procedures
and international standards, since the
measures, material and utilization are adapted to the
existing sanitary devices.
Understand a cylinder that form part of the exhaust
pipeline, within which is displaced a piston
connected to a plugging ball, the one which acts as
middle to compress air within cylinder preventing t
hus the movement of the ball, the one which is in closed
position. A button that mean as push button,
releases the air compressed, caused that the scope ball
the opened position or of exhaust.
The average load is of 5 1/2 water liters approximately.
We are in the investors search interested in be
associated in a project for the massive production of
If it is interested
please written to delmoz@cantv.net.
In that
way we will be able to give to him more information on
this wonderful device.