An American Cash Flow Association Member

Cb Thomas & Associates Funding

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Cash Flow - How Does It Work ?

It involves buying, selling, and brokering of privately - held income streams. An income stream is created any time someone creates a note that will bring them payments in the future. Typical examples are business notes, privately held mortgage notes, lottery winnings, and medical receivables to name only a few out of about a hundred income streams.

A Dollar Today Is Worth More Than a Dollar Tomorrow!

If you are the holder of such an income stream such as a business note or a lottery winning, We graduated from the American Cash Flow Institute and received our training to be Diversified Cash Flow Specialists (DCFS).We are also a Member in good standing with The American Cash Flow Association, This allows us to assist you in converting your long term payments into a lump sum of cash to you today with our more than a thousand funding sources in the Association. Please contact us with any questions you might have, if we do not know the answer, our job is to find it for you!

All our services are tailored to the specific needs of each valued client.

American Cash Flow Association

We are a member of The American Cash Flow Association an organization of over a thousand Brokers and Funding sources. We are matchmakers. We match your company's specific cash flow needs with just the right Funding source for your business.

Due Diligence
The process through which brokers and funding sources assess the risk and authenticity of a deal. It is the gathering and verification of information and documentation necessary for the funding sources to make an informed decision as to whether to accept a prospect as a client.
  • Some but not all of our Funder s require a small "due diligence" fee to verify information given on the application
  • A three way conference call will be made between the Funder our client and us to discuss all terms and fees
Individual Consulting
Whether you require short-term or long-term assistance, Cb Thomas & Associates will provide services customized to your specific needs. Our services include:

  • A complete evaluation of all your cash flow needs
  • Making sure that you get paid promptly
  • Evaluation of any equipment leasing needs
  • Finding a buyer for any debt instrument that you want to sell
  • Finding a Funder for your business note or purchase order
Long-term Partnerships
We do things differently; Cb Thomas & Associates are committed to developing lasting relationships with our clients. We become a partnership in the growing of your business. We assist your business in meeting all its cash flow needs.

To accomplish this goal, we always strive to:

  • Become acquainted with our clients' cash f low needs and circumstances in order to provide service tailored to their diverse needs
  • Deliver highest-quality service at consistently affordable rates
  • Free consultation and assistance to solve any business our client might have.
Please contact us.

We will provide you with a simple application to fill out so that we can learn of your specific needs. All application data will be kept strictly confidential and will not be shared with anyone except the Funding Source. Followed by a telephone conversation to discuss and clarify some details should this be necessary.

Cb Thomas & Associates Tel/Fax Toll Free: 1-888-221-1895