In Association with

American CashFlow


CbThomas & Associates Funding

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We provide

Working Capital For Small businesses

We specialize in buying small invoices! business notes! purchase orders! equipment Leasing! credit lines!

operating capital, businness funding, business finance,factor accounts receivable factor purchase orders factor business notes

We specialize in serving small communities and townships!!!

We work nationwide!!!

We want to turn your cash slow into cashflow!!!

Please contact us.

We will provide you with a simple application to fill out so that we can learn of your specific needs. Followed by a telephone conversation to discuss and clarify some details should this be necessary.

Cb Thomas & Associates Tel/Fax

Toll Free:1-888-221-1895

operating capital,business funding, loans,factoring, factors accounts, receivable acounts, cash invoice

Immediate Cash For Your Invoices!

When Your Bank Says No!

A Dollar Today Is Worth More Than A Dollar Tomorrow

It's a fundamental financial rule that holds true for any industry. With a positive cash flow, a company can pay it's bills, buy new equipment and invest for future growth. However, before a company can do this, it has to wait for customers to pay the invoices, which can take as long as 90 days after products have been delivered or services have been rendered. In the meantime, cash flow shortages may result in lost business opportunities.

Cb Thomas & Associates works with companies doing business in all commercial fields including manufacturing, distributors, service, construction, medical and more.

Frequently Asked Questions!

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Business? It's quite simple. It's other people's money.

___Alexandre Dumas