A: Education cum IT training Programme for
primary school Students
Based on the MOE
syllabus for primary 1 to 6, its prepare your
child for the challenge of the future through
interactive learning on multimedia PC and with
tutorial support via the Internet.Giving your
children the benefits to learn his or her
schoolwork and meantime equip with strong IT
knowledge and confidence to excel in school and
in life.
B/C: LAN Administrator Course Novell 4.X/Win NT
Intended foe those
who want to prepare themselves readily to work in
the IT market.This course will provides you the
chance to set up a complete Local Area Network
system (LAN) from structural cabling
installation, installation for server and
workstations to administration and
troubleshooting of network.
Course D:
PC Hardware Maintenance & Troubleshooting
This is a DIY
course which teaches you how to identify the
individual parts and build a complete system for
yourself.It covers all the necessary hardware
knowledge inclusive of setup and configuration
under the WIn95/Win 98 operating system.
E:Programming Course :COBOL, Clipper, Visual
This course shall
cover programming concepts and techniques
including detailed of discussions of new features
and practical programming examples.A quick
reference of the commands, standard library and
predefined objects
Visual Basic:
This course will
provide you a graphical based programming
language.Trainees will learn to program drop down
menus, open multiple windows and use a variety of
colors and fonts to enhance visual display.
F:Windows 95 Multimedia cum Internet Setup
This course equip
you with the skills to install Win95,
configuration of multimedia requirement and to
setup Internet requirement. You will learn how to
troubleshoot in Win 95 environment.
Course G:
Web Page Design.
Here you will
learn how to create web pages and post them on
the Internet using Hypertext Markup
Language(HTML). You will learn how to add
graphics to web pages and create clickable image
Course H:
Computer Literacy Course
This course
intends to provide individual who has little
knowledge of PC but who is interested to discover
what's underlining in the PC world.
Course I:
Microsoft Office (Excel, Word)
participants for performing word processing on
the PC.Content include: Correct error, move
around quickly, edit changes, check spelling,
search for text and send text for printing.
concepts of electronic worksheet, procedures for
generating a worksheet.Commands for processing
entries and applying formulas, file processing,
worksheet storing and retrieving.Database
management and graph generation.