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Managers today have to face a wide range of
complex situations that involve people, resources,
technology and information. To handle his or her
responsibilities, a variety of techniques have been
developed for specific purposes. Unfortunately because
these techniques are taken in an isolated fashion and are
applied to complex interrelated activities, tasks become
unmanageable. As a result, work efficiency is lower, costs are higher and products or services are poor in quality. Project management has become an increasingly difficult task to perform as people, communities, institutions and nations become more complex. No longer it is advisable to focus on a specific project without considering local conditions and the interaction with its regional context. This involves the analysis of issues that cross frontiers into an ever increasing global economy. Acknowledgement of this complexity places a burden on managers and team leaders who have to face it realistically. Unfortunately, managers have consistently looked upon this challenge from a rather narrow perspective. Projects have failed to respond to the local conditions, by importing solutions with little regard for the technical, political and socio-economic issues. To help managers carry out projects more effectively, it is critical to use a method that enables them to have a wider perspective. In this sense a systems approach will provide the tools to expand their view and face situations in a holistic manner. |
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Systems theory offers an integrated framework for managers, which enables them to comprehend complex processes and suggests tools to handle specific situations in focus with the whole work environment. This page explains this theory applied to project management by exploring in the first part, the concepts behind this line of thought. | |||
A critical issue is setting-up objectives in the context of varying interests in an organisation. Quality and risk management require a clear hierarchy or objectives defined by all the stakeholders. | |||
Participatory Project Management] Collaborative management is a philosophy that incorporates all the participants in the whole process, from the very conception of the project to its operation and decommissioning. As this collaboration encompasses both ends and means, it allows for the generation of flexible and feasible alternatives. |
The need to incorporate issues such as community participation, interaction between institutions and organisations was also discussed . Customers or consumers are no longer passive recipients, the more they become involved in the process, the better results. Systems theory surpasses the potential of Total Quality Management that focuses on passive adaptation and defect elimination, by aiming towards active adaptation. | |||
Y2K From the formation of the management team to issues regarding global competition in open markets, systems theory provides a framework to assimilate issues and provide elements for better decision making. |
ANDRES ROMO BECERRIL I'm lecturer / consultant from Mexico. E-mail at |
[Systems Approach] [Setting objectives] [Participatory Project Management] [Quality and Risk] [Organising]
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