340 Walter Drive, Keswick, On L4P 3A7
Phone:  (905) 476-2653 
Fax: (905) 476-8161

e-mail:  marieredmond@rogers.com
We carry Sculpey and Super Sculpey in bulk packaging.  Also available,Superflex, Premo, Sculpey III, Liquid Sculpey, tools,   push molds, and Prosculpt.
NEW PRODUCTS: Studio by Sculpey Clays and Tools.
On the next few pages you will find polymer clay artwork and acrylic paintings that  at one time were just a dream.  Through determination, perseverance and the love and support of my family, they have now become a reality.   A reality that I would now like to share with you.
I have met so many wonderful artists all over the world on the net.
One group in particular is very dear to my heart and they are the Canadian "Clayamies".  We meet in cyberspace on a regular basis to learn from one another and share our hopes and dreams. 
Come visit their website at http://www.crosswinds.net/~clayamies
They look forward to your visit. 

Polymer clay has changed my life in a way no other 'medium' has and has opened up countless opportunities for me to express myself in the most personal way. 

Here are samples of the polymer clay plaques that I create.  This one in particular is a favorite of mine.  My polar bear friend was sculpted out of Premo Polymer Clay.   The foreground is also polymer clay and painted to blend into his scenic wilderness home.
He looks quite content with that fish in his mouth.
This bunny looks a little unnerved by that dead tree.  Or is it DEAD?
I do believe that I see a very disgruntled face looking at the intruder.
Do you see a face?

This plaque was also done with Premo and Super Sculpey, using a clay gun for the grass and flower cut-outs.
Hey Diddle Diddle.....I do believe that I see a cat and a fiddle!  Yes, this is the famous nursery rhyme
come to polymer life. 
I am very proud to say that I finally got to give this
plaque to my new granddaughter, Jaeden.
Nana can't wait to get you into her studio to teach you everything I know.   We can bring your little sister Maya in to share the fun too!
Hurry....call 911....This guy is in for a really bad fall!   Yes, Humpty is falling off the wall and the little mouse on the ground just can't stand to look.

Another little creation done with Super Sculpey and some imagination.
I call this little guy....Snoozer!  He is quite content sleeping under that apple tree.  I wonder if it has anything to do with that bee hive beside him....hmmmm?  

Yet another Premo and Super Sculpey/acrylic paint creation.  
All the things you see under the SEA!
What is that book the hare was reading..."How to Relax".  Do you think that he took it a little too seriously?  Go tortoise GO!
Please take a stroll around and view my other artwork, paintings, switchplates, votives. Ornaments etc.
ARTistic CONNECTions
Craft Internet Mall
Judy Maddigans Push Molds
This Poly Ring site owned by  Picture Perfect Renditions.
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Ooops!  More "sleepy heads".  Do you think that it was the story that put them to sleep? 
This plaque was also created with "Premo" and Super Sculpey.
Well, what do we have here?  Looks like two pandas nestled in a grove of bamboo.  Bon appetite!
This particular plaque is one of my very favourites.  It is quite large. 8" x 10".  There is a lot of clay involved in creating this 3D image.  Quite heavy, but one of a kind.  Hope you enjoyed seeing it. 
Please remember that all of the backgrounds on these creations are also hand painted by me. :o)
Little Miss Muffett sat on her tuffet and what did she see?
You bet.....One wicked big spider!
This large plaque took a lot of hard work to complete, but isn't it cute?
This is my very first attempt at a doll figure in Premo polymer clay.
This will definately be just One of a Kind.
This one is SOLD!
The Tortoise and Hare is SOLD!
This one is SOLD!
This one is SOLD!
Crafters Net
Baa Baa Black Sheep....Have you any wool?
Well, I don't know how much wool he has, but he sure has a heck of a lot of friends.   If two's company and three's a crowd....What are seven sheep on one plaque?
This plaque was also created with Premo and Super Sculpey.
Wouldn't it look great in a baby's room?
This particular one is now hanging proudly in the home of a 'sheep farmer'.

Everyone loves dolphins and I'm no exception.  This plaque features polymer clay dolphins, real sea shells and Glow-In-The-Dark seaweed.  The background is hand painted with acrylic paint.
Canadian Culture
Seniors Search Link for Arts and Crafts
Applecreek Arts & Crafts
Barbara Brabek - Craft Book Author
Polymerclay Haven
Lynden House - Canadian Candle & Soap Making Supplies
Craft Pals
CraftBiz - Resouce for Canadian Crafters
Canadian Sites
Canadian Artists on the Web "CAW"
"New" 3D Votive
Picture Perfect Renditions
Canadian Sculpey Mail Order Supplier
Sculpey Polymer Clay Supplies and the
NEW 'Studio by Sculpey' clay and tools.
Studio by Sculpey, Premo, Super Sculpey, Liquid Sculpey
The Amazing Eraser Clay,
Please visit my NEW website for complete
listing of all clay products and prices at:

This on is SOLD
To view my Keswick studio and learn about my
Art Classes, Birthday P'Art'y info and Summer ART Camp:
Please visit:
This one is SOLD!