

Martin Wood Works

Home of the
"Wood Whore"

"I'll do anything with wood!"

The following is the wood care creed.

Learn it, Live it, Love it.


Do onto the wood as you wood have the wood do onto you!

You don't like being frozen.
You don't like having liquor in you more than a day or two.
You don't like being locked up in a hot/cold car.
You don't like getting banged on your noggin.
You don't want to ride in the dishwasher.
You don't like anything hotter than coffee poured into you.
You don't like being passed around to your friends.......
(well forget that rule if you like, the wood won't mind)
You do like being bathed in warm water with a soft cloth.
(not so long as for your fingers to wrinkle)
You do like being aired out once in a while.

If you follow the golden rules, your wood will behave as expected and you will have many years of enjoyment togethor.

If the wood does not respond after the proper care (and I can tell if you have been naughty or nice),
Return it to Martin Wood Works and I'll stroke it for you........

"The Wood Whore"


Introducing "Hoodoo M'Crack"
(In full dress with his very personal mug)
Want to know how much he likes it? Try using it without his permission!

This is a picture of the beautiful and Most Honored Queen Margaret of Scotland with very own personalized mug. Try and get it from her and you'll be dancing with her Knights!

Here is a picture of the imfamous "BronxElf" Notice it has the Assassin's Guild logo on the front.

And here is a close up picture of the mug and logo. You to can get your logo or personal art work on one as well!

If you prefer we can hand carve or woodburn your favorite pictures.

We can also make matching cups that go togethor or will stand alone.

MWW / Martin Wood Works caters to SCA, Pagan, History Re-enactment, Renaissance Faires and groups, Actors, Movie and Faire Props. Canteens and accessories for Mountain Men. We create historically accurate furniture. We can do fantasy woodworking. Cool gifts for gamers. Custom Wood grips for Black Powder guns. Props for LARP. Coopersmith services. For more information on what we do at Martin Wood Works, please proceed to the next page

Email me!

Here is my Next Page!


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