Bill4 I'm Hungry For Records

Hi, My name is Bill Kemp and I'm from Raymond, Maine I am a retired psychotherapist. I was able to retire at 48 and am now 58 years old. I collect records of all kinds and my page is for music lovers of all kinds. My father collected records for years and I have since the age of 12 to the present day. I played in bands, and wrote songs from the age of 14 till I was 40. I still write poems and songs and will include them in my page.

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I know that a lot of you people out there love the music of the 50's and early 60's. Well I have just the thing for you. The Wanderers, probably one of the best sites on the web.

Click Below to Visit The Wanderers
50's-60's Real Audio Oldies Music Site!

I still write songs and have played in bands from the time I was 14-40 years of age. I have a song that I wrote in about 15 minutes, and it is in the Roy Orbison style, which I sang in.

If you like or hate it, please let me know at mail to >/bxa href+" '

It's Only A Dream

chorus: I only have a piece of you
But It's enough to get me thru

I close my eyes and there you are
To help me
Make it through the lonely night
But It's only a dream


Your oh so real and no one knows
How I feel
It's like real love
But It's only a dream


Your tender touch makes me
Me feel real again
What can I do without you
But It's only a dream


Your what I need and will
Never be able to have
But then the day comes and
Your gone
But it was only a dream


If you noticed, I have the Doo Wop on site now, and it will lead you to all the golden oldies, which I know most of you enjoy. Click right on it, and put yourself back in the 50's.

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