Lapapharm, Inc.
(with emphasis on Crop Protection)

Lapapharm Inc. was founded in 1957 as the successor of Lappas-Candilidis Ltd., a commercial firm operating since 1947 as the representative of American Cyanamid Co. in Greece, distributing Lederle (a division of Cyanamid) ethical pharmaceuticals.
In 1958, Lapapharm Inc. extended activities to pesticides and animal health products representing at that time ACC on an exclusive basis.
At present, Lapapharm consists of 3 main Divisions, Pharmaceuticals, Animal Health and Crop Protection.
(A) Pharmaceuticals.
Presently, Lapapharm represents on an exclusive basis, Nextar, IBI and Regent Lab with a yearly turnover of over 2 billion drachmas (U.S. $ 7.2 million).
(B) Animal Health.
Lapapharm is the exclusive distributor of American Home Products (American Cyanamid Co., Fort-Dodge, Sobrino, Websters) for animal health products and of Alltech Inc., U.S.A. and Hoffman La Roche for pharmaceutical premixes.
The Division's yearly turnover is about 450 million drachmas.
(C) Crop Protection.
The Division operates since 1958 and represented, till 1994, the whole product range of ACC, on an exclusive basis. Apart from American Cyanamid, Lapapharm represented and enjoyed long and extensive relationships with several major international companies.
Since January, 1995 when ACC established their own branch office in Greece, Lapapharm continues an extensive business relationship with them formulating their granular insecticides phorate and terbufos and co-distributing these products in Greece.
In addition to ACC, the Division also handles pesticides and fertilizers from Nufarm, Otsuka, IQV, Cequisa, Isagro, Sipcam and Fertil France. They also distribute a range of pesticides for the former Hellenic Fertilizers, in addition to several generics which have been registered by Lapapharm itself.
In 1975 Lapapharm established its own formulation and packaging plant which is located 26 Km west of Athens with an area of around 12,000 m2. Facilities are available for formulating granular insecticides, EC's and dusts, as well as for packaging any type of formulated products. A modern quality control lab is being equipped.
The factory employs 20 people. The marketing and sales department of this Division employs over 15 people of which 10 are fully qualified and experienced agronomists, providing efficient technical and marketing support under the guidance of Prof. Georgopoulos.
Products are distributed through the central office which is situated in Athens and two branch offices in Larissa and Thessaloniki, thus covering the whole Greek territory, reaching a network of 1,000 outlets.
The Division's turnover was 1.3 billion drachmas (U.S. $ 4.0 million) in 1997.

Athens, December, 1998

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