Alsace, crossroad of cultures

Traditional dancing: the traditions are still very much alive in Alsace!

Old Ruined Castle

Alsace is a region that remains very influenced by Germany both through historical and Cultural ties.
Although the official language is French the majority of the people still use a language called Alsatian (closely related to Swiss German).
Alsatian culture expresses itself through architecture, literature and different arts (like cooking)!

Due to its geographical location this region had to endure numerous invasions and was at the center of different conflicts between France and Germany.

Alsace is now a very dynamic region, enjoying the closeness of both Germany and Switzerland. It has also become the symbol of reconciliation of the European nations with Strasbourg as its parliamentary capital.

Ponts Couverts
Les Ponts Couverts, Strasbourg (a part of the medieval wall)

Notre Dame de Strasbourg
The Cathedral Notre Dame de Strasbourg (XIV century)

Conseil Regional D'Alsace - Regional Council of Alsace
The City Of Strasbourg
North Vosges Natural Regional Park

Les Dernieres Nouvelles d'Alsace
(Local Newspaper both in French and German)

Pictures on this page where copied from the Regional Council of Alsace web site.