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THE CHAMBER Canada's Darkest Magazine


Click the picture to see what the Creator is up to now.  Click the lower icon to read what was left of the chamber archives, which sadly  isn't much. Or read on to your hearts content [ Click Here ] to see the last existing free issue of The Chamber as it was in October 1999. Volume 5 rediscovered. Some efforts will be undertaken to bring the chamber back online for those of you who have followed our legacy. - Locke.

* * * OLD UPDATE 2001 * * *
As of September of 2001, The Chamber archives were destroyed by a former partner and friend. So the legacy built of 6 years came to an end via email viruses, and the hoax of trust. To all those who have supported this website, I bid thee welcome to the olde archive of what little is left. That made us of importance to the underground. Stay strong, and believe in what you are doing. Though the world stands against you, though you meet the wrath of the hating earth. Make peace in knowing that you are the ones that are changing the world forever. Not the mainstreamers, you are forever underground my friends. Peace.

* * * * * * Update 2006 * * * * * *
This is unbelievable. It took me all of 5 years to remember the freakin password for the website. Sorry it took so long to update this. It started in November 1996, we trudged onward and were taken out in 2001. But Look for the archive of old shit coming to this site in 2006. And remember, Consider Yourself Infected.(tm) See yah soon!. The virus has mutated.
We created a blog at blogspot, so spill your blood and guts out there alright? [ http://thechambermag.blogspot.com/ ] That's our new home. Later!

Welcome back to THE CHAMBER Canada's Darkest Magazine. On beloved Geocities.. After 4 years of torment, accidents, and the CURSE on the manuscript. Again in October 1999 we resurfaced. FOREVER WELCOME. FOREVER UNDERGROUND.

The Old Guest Book when The Chamber first started..
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Guestbook by GuestWorld

See the old VOLUME #5 cover.
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Original page designed on Nov.16.99