The following priorities are identified as the current focus of ACICO activities. As outlined below, a number of participants at the conference volunteered to assist with the necessary activities.
Please consider volunteering to help with one (or more) of the priorities. If these activities don't capture your imagination, the Board of Directors needs volunteers. Information on how to volunteer for the Board will be available on the Board of Directors' Page.
You can communicate your interest in volunteering for any aspect of these activities by e-mail. Click on the contact person's name or contact one of the identified volunteers by mail or fax. Please remember that the Association will only be as strong and effective as the volunteers who support it through these difficult and challenging times. To paraphrase . .
You are also strongly encouraged to use the bulletin board to post any ideas or comments you have about membership - or any other ACICO related matter. Checking the Bulletin Board regularly will ensure that you are up to date on any news. Be sure to "bookmark" the board and the home page so you can return to them easily.