Welcome . . . . .
to the (temporary) home page of ACICO 

This page is intended to be a focus of information for members of the Association of Community Information Centres in Ontario and will supplement the communications exchange in the Bulletin Board . (Have you signed in/checked out the Board?)

Members (and others) are encouraged to use this page to share material with other information centres - particularly those items which are too long or complex for the Bulletin Board or will be of ongoing or critical interest. Announcements of new material on this page will always be made on the  Bulletin Board so be sure to check there regularly.

The Association has very few resources and will be depending (almost entirely) on these electronic communications. Members are urged to find a way to access the board and the home page in order to keep up to date.

If you have information to share, or have comments or suggestions about this page, contact the webmistress.

For internet "newbies", anything which is underlined is linked to another part of the site. Simply click on the underlined text . . . . . . . .
and away you go . . . .

To contact the ACICO . . .

Your contact person for the Association is  David Caulfield and you can e-mail him by clicking on his name. If more "primitive" communication is your preference, you can contact David by snail mail, phone or fax:
c/o Ancaster Information Centre & Community Services, Inc.
314 Wilson Street East,
Ancaster, ON     L9G 2B9
Telephone: (905) 648-6675
Fax: (905) 648-8949

Current Contents of the Web Page are . . .

  1. Notes from the September, 1997 Conference
  2. Current voluntary responsibilities for the ACICO priorities
  3. Board of Directors list
  4. Update on Windsor's Negotiations with its CCAC


    Planned for the near Future . . .

  1. Members' e-mail addresses (still under construction)
  2. Members' home pages list (still under construction)
  3. Member news
  4. Regional Reports
When new material is added and as these pages . . . and the ones currently under construction . . . are completed, there will be a notice on the Bulletin Board. Keep in mind that these pages will only be as good as the content . . . and that content is up to you. Your "webmistress" is committed to maintaining the page but, after this initial work is done, won't be writing more than her fair share. Make sure your fair share is here - this includes ensuring that we have your correct e-mail and web site addresses. Your support and contribution is valued and essential.


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