Presented September 24, 2004 by Phil French, on the occasion of the Chapters 30th anniversary.

30 years ago - I was 38 years old and all of you were 30 years younger!! Some of you weren't born yet! Our chapter got started as a result of the formation of the Upstate Chapter, which served Syracuse, Rochester, and Buffalo.
Our meetings were held at the Trenholm East Hotel, located in Canandaigua, N.Y. As a result we got to know several other engineers, contractors, manufacurer reps., and plumbing code officials from those cities. This was certainly an upside as it allowed us familiarity when we were working in each other's cities. It has also resulted in long term friendships.
Sometime in 1973 and after many "windshield conferences" we decided that it was time to form the Central New York Chapter. We had experience as to how to do it because we were involved in the formation of the Upstate Chapter. We had one convention under our belts and had elected Bill Albern to the Society Board. We were going Gung-Ho!

We submitted our petition for charter on Feb.13, 1974. 20 full and associate members signed this document when our charter was presented to us on September 24, 1974 at a dinner dance at LeMoyne Manor. Then Society President George Runkle presented the charter. Other Society Officers in 1974 were:

  • SECRETARY-------------------------------BILL ALBERN---------UPSTATE & CNY
  • TREASURER-------------------------------AL STEELE-------------CHICAGO


  • PRESIDENT--------------------------------PHIL FRENCH--------ROBSON & WOESE
  • SECRETARY-------------------------------DAVE DARROHN------ROBSON & WOESE
  • TREASURER-------------------------------DAN YOUNG-------------SWCF

    In addition to the charter members there were many others that contributed to our success and were instrumental in our early beginnings by providing techinical seminars, Industry know-how, financial and moral support. Names that come to mind include:

    Walt Eason, Burns Connors, Chuck Obrist, Hugh Olricht, Nick Orsino, Tom Rourke, Dave Wiggens, Harold Verch, Frank Moran, Hank Wilhelm, Joe Walsh, Tommy Greco, George Koenig, Len Market Sr. and many others, I am having a senior moment remembering them all.

    We were also fortunate enough to have employers who supported our cause. Robson & Woese, SWC&F, Galson, Finnegan, Miller, Fraser-Fassler, and Achinson to name a few.

    We can't thank those people enough for their support and counsel.

    What have we done over these 30 years?
    We have provided the engineers and designers of the greater Syracuse area the opportunity to have met at least 300 times. 300 opportunities to take advantage of technical programs and to just get to know each other. We have had several opportunities to attend the off year synmposium and have had 15 opportunities to attend conventions and expositions where we can attend even more technical presentations and view the latest in product design. It also puts us in touch with other plumbing engineers and designers, manufacturers, contractors and plumbing code officials.
    All of this enhances our knowledge and provides for continuing education regarding plumbing engineering. All of this applied to our designs surely is an asset to the engineering community. This chapter has done an outstanding job in this area.

    What have we produced?
    This chapter has had a major impact in the success of the society. No other chapter, other than Los Angeles, can claim that distinction.
    We have produced several individuals that have been involved at the Society level and have been involved in the formation of 9 chapters. This represents approximately 850 members.
    Four chapters representing four of New York's largest cities - Buffalo, Syracuse, Rochester and Albany. CNY is a result of Upstate, and the Captial Region a result of CNY. This was and is a great accomlishment on its' own, but wait, there is more. Consider the following:
    In the time frame from 1972 to 1976, we were successful in electing 3 of our chapter members (Upstate and CNY) Albern, Maybeck and French - in that order, to the Society Board of Directors. We now represented 50% of the board. Concern from the society office was that we would take the society over. At subsequent conventions, we were able to elect Bill Schaefer and Pete Johnson to the society board. That is 5 individuals, two from upstate, one of which would become a charter member of the CNY Chapter, and 3 from CNY. Three of these individuals went on to become Society Presidents: Maybeck, French and Schaefer.

    Ed Zastudil moved to Nashville where he was instrumental in the formation of the Nashville Chapter serving as their first president. He later moved on to Florida where he was again instrumental in the formation of a chapter down there, where he also served as President.

    Pete Johnson served as a CNY Officer before moving to Denver where he was instrumental in the formation of the Denver Chapter. He went on to serve on the Society Board and is the current chairman of the Convention Committee.

    Frank Heine has served as a chapter officer, Regional Director, and served as the chairman of the Convention Committee for many years.

    Bill Schaefer, Ed Maybeck and I served on the certification committee from its inception in 1982 until 2002. I served at the committee's chairman from 1984 to 2002. Our job was to write questions for the exam.

    To recap, we have had 7 of our local members involved nationally over the past 30 years -- three have served as Society President, and two as memberso fthe Society's Board of Directors. We collectively have over 40 years service to the ASPE Board.

    Ed Maybeck is retired, Bill Albern runs a successful consulting business in Ithaca. Ed Zastudil currently works as a plumbing eingineer in the Tampa area and Pete Johnson is still in Denver, Frank Heine is still in Ithaca and Bill Schaefer is involved in CNY chapter activities by sharing his many experiences he has had over the many years of his practice. I can tell you younger plumbing eingineers and designers that you benefit greatly from it. I am retired but I still do some consulting with RobsonWoese, Inc, and continue to be involved with society issues.

    This is what we have done and what we have produced. We can all be proud of our accomplishments and especially for the knowledge that we have gained by being active participants.

    As I stand here looking at this seemingly youthfull CNY board of directors I see the gung-ho of 30 years ago. I see, not only chapter involvement but involvement at the society level. I challenge you to step up to the society plate and become an integral part of the success of ASPE.

    Congratulations to the Central New York Chapter and to you the 30th chapter board of directors. It has been an honor to be with you on this occasion. may God bless and best wishes for continued success. 1