Mt. Hope Farm            Danny Lizotte
281 Mt. Hope Road                                       
Sanford, Maine                                      Barbara Lizotte
                                                                    Pam Gauthier
Belgian Draft Horses

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This is Kate and Michael in 1993 at Fryeburg Fair.

This is me and Pat at Fryeburg Fair.
We took 2nd in the ladies cart class in 1998.

    We are located on top of Mt. Hope overlooking the Town of Sanford.  We have 4 Belgians as of this writing.  We attend local fairs in Southern and Central Maine and Northeastern Massachusetts.

    Danny (my brother) started this whole business, he bought a mare and she had two foals which we still have on the farm.  From there we helped out a wonderful gentleman (Morris Lamprey of N. Hampton, NH) for 5 years or more until he went out of the business of showing horses.  We bought 3 of his geldings and all the equipment that went with them in 1990.  Danny drove the hitches, pair, unicorn, 4 up and tandem, Mom (Barbara) and I (Pam) drove the cart classes.  Michael (my nephew) drove in the junior classes.  Today Michael drives all the hitches plus the 4 abreast and I do the cart classes.  Danny drives the truck with the horses.

    We have up and coming teamsters, our juniors, my daughter Kate and my nephew Stephen (Michael's brother).

    Below is a list of fairs we attend and the dates (coming soon). If anyone is at any of the fairs when we are there, please stop by and say hello.

Ossipee Valley Fair-Cornish, Maine
Topsham Fair-Topsham, Maine
Skowhegan State Fair-Skowhegan, Maine
Acton Fair, Acton-Maine
Windsor Fair-Windsor, Maine
Farmington Fair-Farmington, Maine
Cumberland Fair-Cumberland, Maine
Fryeburg Fair-Fryeburg, Maine
Topsfield Fair, Topsfield, Massachusetts

Here we have Michael and Barbara (Micael's Grandmother).  We're at Farmington Fair in Farmington, Maine.  Just before the class started I ran and found Mom and told her we needed her immediately.  She thought something had happened and came out of a friend's camper "hell bent for election".  When we got up to where Michael was waiting for her, she was none to pleased at what I had done, but "oh well, to late", hop up on the wagon Mom and go for a ride.  Michael's driving Beau (off) and Pat.

This is Mac.  We bought him at the Topeka Livestock Auction in March of 1998.  He came home during a snowstorm.  He is now 5 and just a big baby.  Mac has been recuperating since the end of August, he chipped a splint bone and had to have surgery.  Happy to report everything went well and he's doing fine now.  Mac is used as a wheeler and we are training him to go in the cart for our juniors.  He was bought from an Amish family.

Here we have Michael showing Red, our lead horse in the 1700 lb. and under class.  Red usually wins this class and has qualified two years in a row for the All American Classic Belgian.  To Michael's left is Stephen, his brother.  Stephen is showing Mac.  This was taken at Windsor Fair in Windsor, Maine, end of August 1998.

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Pam Gauthier.

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