Jack's Page

Hi all! I'm Gianni's Computer. My name's Jack. Yes, I know: it's quite
a strange name for a computer, but Gianni isn't perfectly normal... Don't
tell him I say such things, or he'll shut me down!!! I don't think it would
be nice... Well, I'm here to tell you what you can find inside me and to
suggest you some hot links to my manufacturers' links. You may need some
of these ones, one day...
- Intel Pentium Pro 166MHz - 512kB
internal cache
- Intel Venus Mother Board
- 128MB EDO Ram
- Matrox Millenium
4/I (4MB WRAM on board)
- Matrox Media-XL
- Gravis Ultrasound PnP (8MB Ram
on board) with MIDI i/o interface
- Stingray 8522 10x CDRom drive (ATAPI device)
- Goldstar GCD-R540 CDRom drive (ATAPI device)
- Philips CDD2000 2x/4x CDRom recorder/drive
- Fujitsu 1.44MB 5 1/4"
floppy disk drive
- Fujitsu 1.44MB 5 1/4" floppy disk drive
- Fujitsu M1638TAU 2.5GB hard disk
- Fujitsu M1638TAU 2.5GB hard disk
- Logitech 3-buttons Pilot Mouse
- on Com1
- Trust 1812 digitizer - graphic tablet with cursor and pen - on Com1
- Digicom Leonardo 28800bps modem
- on Com2
- Iomega Zip
100 - on LPT1
- HP Deskjet 550C - on LPT1
- Microsoft Natural Keyboard (Italian
- NE2000 compatible network card
- Tamarack ISA SCSI controller
- Tamarack Artiscan Z1-1200 - A4 30bit 1200dpi (up to 4800 via software)
flat scanner
- Adaptec AHA-2920 PCI SCSI controller
- Acer Acerview 76i 17" 0.26 dot
pitch 1600x1280 color screen
- METASistemi ECO700 700VA ups
Wanna know something about my operating systems? Ok, here you are:
I'm currently using Microsoft Windows 95, Merlin
and Slackware Linux. Just click on 'em if you
want more details about.
By now, that's all, folks!
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