I want to thank you so much for visiting my page. Inside you will find some information about my background and what I have to offer you as an educator in terms of services. I also intend to update this page with a number of interesting facts, tips, and commentary for teaching our youth. Make sure you bookmark this page for all the interesting information to come.

A little about me:

Well as I am quite sure you are aware by now my name is Caryl. I have specialized in teaching the handicapped and have a BS in Hearing and Speech Sciences. Teaching for over 13 years in the public school sector.

Certified In:

    Special Education
    Nursery School
    Preschool handicapped
    Speech Corrections
    Teacher of the deaf and hard of hearing
    Elementary Education K-4
    Teacher of the Handicapped

My experience:

    Teacher of the deaf and hearing impairments for 12 years.
    Preschool Handicapped 2 years.
    Comprehensive knowledge of technology for the deaf .
    Fluent in total communications and cued speech.
    Fluent in Sign Language
    Teacher of adult sign language.
    Worked with the physically handicapped, deaf, autistic, neurological, and emotionally impaired populations.
    Mentored a number of the utmost respected specialist in the field.

As a result, I have acquired the ability to develop intensely successful reading and language programs. This has enabled children with pervasive developmental disorders and communication impairments, to advance receptive and expressive language skills.

My Philosophy:

Language is the principal engrossment of my profession, and I am in perpetual pursuit for new ways to foster language development in a-linguistic students. It can be frustrating reaching students with these types of entanglements. It has been my individual determination, we often teach at a level above their ability to adequately absorb information presented. It is essential we teach at their distinctive level of learning. My experience and research has conclusively shown we need to begin at the basics. We need to focus and reach their equivalent and capability to memorize.

My Service:

As a service, I have constructed a curriculum of lesson plans for those of you having difficulty with: acquiring time; obstruction with creativity in teaching concepts; being unseasoned to this arrangement of teaching; complication’s reaching your students, or conceivably a source of finding information or assistance. My service is provided to you with a step by step guide to show you how to develop memory, attention, and language to your students.

Teachers Tip:

Be confident in yourself, your students depend on it. Be consistent and follow through to preserve their respect and admiration. Lastly, add humor in your daily routine to make their education an enjoyable experience.

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