Jim Poor and Kathleen Verley

Our shop is located in Odessa, Texas. We are full-time farriers servicing the Midland/Odessa area and are members of the Texas Professional Farriers Association. We are both Journeyman Certified through the American Farriers Association.

In our spare time, Jim and I hand craft and design a number of tools, dies, and small equipment for farriers, blacksmiths, and other related trades.

Check out our newest item.....50 or 100 Pound Air Hammers!

Jim is also available for Horseshoeing, forging, and tool making clinics. For more information on clinics, click here.

Air Hammers



Hand Tools

For More Information Phone Us at:

(915)563-0750 (Shop) or (915)563-0760 (Fax)

And last but not least . . . . .

E - Mail

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