BIOENERGY: The First&Ultimate Nutrition to improve each cell of Life.
Are you ready for advanced nutrition?
Oxygen™ is a super energized colloidal mineral concentrate, capable of holding 78 elements , --34 land & 44 ocean— keep in full solution and delivering them, through ingestion, to every cell in the human body. This is an impressive step forward in the field of medicine.
How it works
Oxygen™ provides an additional fountain of Oxygen and Hydrogen to the cells which increase their bioenergetic power to destroy the free radicals related to 90% of the degenerative diseases. The human body regenerates all of its cells every 11 months. Through the use of Oxygen™ these new cell can be freed of cancer, the common cold, viruses, toxins and numerous other debilitating or deadly diseases or conditions.
Primary Effects
First of all Oxygen™ flows through-out the entire body...cleansing...revitalizing... putting the mind in control of bodily functions, thought processes and movement. The human system begins to manufacture its own vitamins, catalysts and enzymes.
Secondary effects
Because the primary effects described above improve digestion, the intestines function normally, diverticulitis disappears, bowels empty regularly and painlessly. Pain is generally alleviated as pockets of gas are removed...harmful compounds flushed away. Ulcers heal quickly...headaches go away. So does the pain of arthritis, cancer and sickle cell anemia.
Now You have access to the only source in the world that can eliminate toxic compounds in a stimulating chain reaction that creates an environment in which harmful bacteria and viruses can no longer thrive. This has become The Ultimate Nutrition against any disease or malady known to humans like Acne, Alcoholism, Allergic Rhinitis, Amoebic Dysentery, Arthritis, Bacilli, Blood Detoxifyer, Bone Breaks, Bronchial Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Cancer, Carcinoma, Cholera, Cold, Constipation, Colitis, Croup, Cuts Cauterized & Healed, Dandruff, Diabetes, Diarrhea, Difhtheria,Distemper, Diverticulitis, Drug Addiction, Drunkeneee, Dry Skin, Eczema, Female Hygiene, Fever, Flu, Fractures, Fungus, Gonorrhea, Gout, Headaches, Heart Attack. Herpes, Kidney infections, Leukemia, Melanoma, Meningitis, Menstruation Pain, Obesity, Overweight, Pneumonia, Psoriasis, Sinusitis, etc..
Oxygen™ is so elemental, so basic and so universally helpful in normalizing human and animal malfunctions that it has often been refered to as the "ULTIMATE MEDICINE".
Buy your Electronutritional Program Now
!! If you suffer of some disorder of health or you like to improve integrally your life... Let us know... !!! We can help you !!!
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