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CJLet's Get Our Creativity Jucies Flowing!Okay we have all these great freebies we've been downloading, so now what? Hope you find some inspiration here. If you have a creation you want to show off, send me a picture, and tell me where you got the design from, if you remember. mailto:CrojanWhat's Cookin!Pfaffriends Projects Page"Here's what I did with the angels(of the Kewpi Site)"
Dee Gee's Kewpi Doll SiteGo to "Pfriend's Projects"
Prov.3:5-6: Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him; and he shall direct your paths!
"This is where the magic happens!" Here's some projects I completed using some of the great freebies I've been Downloading.Wall Art for Child's Room Idea It Takes A Village
 I downloaded them from Sherry Derosa's June exchangeSherry's Site Something for the Fisherman Garment Idea Here's the Butterfly from Emnet along with Min's Butterflies, for a purse & Vest Ensemble. Also, the Tiger from Emnet is outstanding

Link To EmnetLunch Time Sign Idea From Jill McIntire's Faith Hope & Love Collection Bible Cover IdeaLink to Jill's siteMy love for sewing for that" special fashion doll has only increased now that I have my 7570! Barbie Photo Shoot Newstuff Return to CrowJane's Back to TopAssisted by Pamela Anderson
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