1945 Youth Org.


Product Name Price Specification Quantity / month Payment
Arang Bakau IDR 7.500 per kilograms ( KG )   5 ton Cash
Arang Batok Kelapa 5.000   5 ton Cash
Block Copper 41.000 97 % rejected 95 % Maximal Capacity Cash
Block Aluminums 20.000 80 % 30 ton Cash
23.500 90 %
24.500 95 %
25.500 98 %
Block Tin White 82.000 99 % rejected 97 % 30 ton Cash
Block Lead 19.000 90 % 30 ton Cash
Coal USD 26 per metric ton ( MT ) 5300 Kcal reject 5100 Kcal 100.000 MT Letter of Credit

Price based on FOB  Buyer's Mother Vessel

30 5800 Kcal reject 5500 Kcal 100.000 MT
39 6300 Kcal reject 6100 Kcal 40.000 MT
42.5 7000 Kcal reject 6800 Kcal 40.000 MT
Iron Ore 45 Fe 65 % reject 63 % 30.000 MT Letter of Credit

Price based on FOB Buyer's Mother Vessel

49 Fe 67 % reject 65 % 30.000 MT
Manganese Ore 79 Mn 48 % reject 45 % 30.000 MT Letter of Credit

Price based on FOB Buyer's Mother Vessel

Additional Offer

Name of Product Location


 ( + 10 % )

Price Specification Payment
Scrap Steel Kalimantan Timur 6.000 Ton IDR

FOB Buyer's Barge

ex. alat berat Cash

5 : 50 : 45

See detail below table

Scrap Steel Kalimantan Timur 2.000 Ton IDR 3.800.000.000

FOB Buyer's Barge

ex. alat berat Cash

5 : 50 : 45

See detail below table

Scrap Steel Kendari 5.000 ton IDR

FOB Buyer's Barge

company assets 5 % Cash

95 % SKBDN

See detail below table

Scrap Steel Pekan Baru 2.000 ton IDR

FOB Buyer's Barges

ex. alat berat Cash

5 : 50 : 45

See detail below table

Scrap Steel Balikpapan 15.000 ton IDR SOLD ex. alat berat Cash

5 : 50 : 45

See detail below table

Scrap Steel Balikpapan 30.000 ton IDR SOLD ex. alat berat dan scrap 10 % Cash

90 % SKBDN

See details below table

Tugboat and Barges Offer

Name of Product Quantity Price Packages Price Specification Payment Terms
Tugboat and Barges 3 set IDR  IDR Year of Build 2004 ~ 2005

Main Engine 2 x 1200 HP Caterpillar

Barges 300 feet

Classification ABS

Flag Singapore

Cash or T/T

after survey and physically check up













Last Update : April, 21 2006


Cash Payment Block Copper

50 % Cash after both parties signing of the contract

50 % Cash after all the product loading to Buyer's transportation

Block Aluminums
Block Tin White
Block Lead
Arang Bakau
Arang Batok Kelapa
Scrap Steel

Down Payment 5 % after signing of the contract, survey, and legally check up

For full cash transaction, second payment must done by Buyer after 80 % product loading to Buyer's transportation.

For SKBDN transaction, then the second payment will be 100 % payable at sight

Tugboat and Barges  

Cash or T/T after Buyersurvey and  check physically the product, but first both parties must signing of the purchase contract in law and legal office before survey. Notary cost will be in Buyer's issue


Letter of Credit Coal

Irrevocable Letter of Credit 100 % payable at sight

International L/C will use HSBC for Banking porpuse

Domestic L/C ( SKBDN ) will use Mandiri Bank and BCA for banking porpuse

Iron Ore
Manganese Ore

New Product and Price Updates will be mark with blue colour






















































Terhitung sejak tanggal 01 Februari 2006, Dian Pratama & Associates akan selalu mengupdate setiap perkembangan yang terjadi pada produk - produk yang ditawarkan melalui halaman website ini. Hal ini dilakukan untuk lebih mengefektifkan pemberian informasi kepada setiap calon pembeli.

Setiap informasi baik tata cara pembayaran maupun harga adalah baku. Setiap negosiasi yang diinginkan harap dicantumkan di dalam Formal Letter of Intent, dan kami akan menjawab LOI anda dalam waktu selambat - lambatnya 3 ( tiga ) hari kerja.

Permohonan maaf yang sebesar - besarnya apabila kami tidak menindak lanjuti permintaan Anda apabila tidak sesuai dengan prosedur yang telah ditetapkan.







Contact us at                                      Dian Pratama & Associates                    Jl. Warung Buncit Raya Ujung no. 5        Ragunan  Pasar Minggu  Jakarta Selatan  Phone   : [ +6221 ] 7823611                    Fax       : [ +6221 ] 7247425                    E - mail : dp1403@hotmail.com      





Copyright © 2006 Dian Pratama & Associates