...........I'd rather be sailing.............................I'd rather be sailing..................
My Sailing Logbook
My Sailboat
Sailing Pictures
Glossary of Nautical Terms
Sailing Links
Sailing Humour
Clubs surrounding 
Lac St. Louis et al
Baie D'urfe Yacht Club
Pointe Claire Yacht Club
The Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club
Beaconsfield Yacht Club 
Hudson Yacht Club
Local Links
Lake St.Louis Power Squadron 
Jim's Sailing Page
Boating Quiz
How well do you know the boating regulations? Take this quiz and find out!
Safety tips:
The law requires all pleasure craft to be equipped with one approved lifejacket or approved personal flotation device for each person on board. Make sure it is approved by the Canadian Department of Transport.

Canadian Coast Guard, Safe Boating Guide
Click here to find out where to get this guide, or call 1-800-267-6687..



Join the neighbourhood!

Last Updated: 04/08/2001

sextantMy Sailing Pagedividers




I caught the sailing bug. Actually I always had it!. Somehow I was always fascinated by the ocean, river or any body of water. Take Lake St. Louis. During the summer you can often find me taking long walks along the marinas, or picnicking at a park overlooking the calming waves. So it was only a matter of time that I got by own boat. Why a sailboat and not power? Well, I think learning to sail requires much more skill and I find much more challenging. It is an art, one that I embrace whole-heartedly. Hence the existence of this page. It will chronicle my progress, include safety tips I pick  up along the way, poems and stories related to sailing, pictures of my sailboat, sailing links, and anything else I can find that is related to sailing. So enjoy, and if you stumble across interesting links related to sailing or have fun sailing stories to tell, please do drop me a line.


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Labour Day Regatta
Sept. 4,5,6  2000
Hudson Yacht Club

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Check it out!
July 10-12
Mayor's Cup Regata, Plattsburgh, NY