What's new today?
January 23, 1998
Do you know "障子"pronounced "shoji"and perhaps now included in English dictionaries. It refers to a sliding door (screen) made of wood and pape, very Japanese door. The other day, I had to repaper the sliding doors in my house. So, I went to a hardware store like K-Mart in US to buy a sheet of screen paper, some paste, and a brush to apply the paste with. I bought only the screen paper, because they sell special kinds of screen paper which, heat applied, sticks to wood, eliminating the need to use paste and a brush.
I don't know in detail how it works, but I guess heat-sensitive microcapsules or something are involved in this funny behaviour.
January 21, 1998
I was busy preparing a Japanese version of my home page which is a bit different from my English version here.
Hiroshima streetcar & bus service Co. provides streetcar service and has many kinds of streetcars including used ones from Germany. Of those streetcars, four cars made before the World War Two are still in service. By the way, the streetcars were partly damaged when the first atomic bomb in human history exploded in the sky over the center of Hiroshima City. Several days after the disaster, the damaged streetcars were repaired for serving people who desparately needed such transportation, especially when other means were entirely lost. The streetcars still run every day and I often have a chance to ride one of the very old-fashioned cars.
January 19, 1998
From now on, the newest diary will come first in this column. I have now Japanese version of kaoki's Home Page. Please look at the links in my main page.
January 11, 1998
I was so nervous today in putting additional two sets of 16MB-memory into my computer as this was my first experience. Successful! Only the experienced people can understand how to put the memory into the computer in reading memory manuals/books, because they know how to do it, right? Reading manuals or books doesn't work for the beginners as they don't know how to do it. This means that telling the beginners how to do something with texts is very difficult. Someone knows how to do something is a different story from their telling somebody how to do them.
January 12, 1998
As you might be aware, my company's Home Page is not well organized and the English writing is not good. I'm suggesting the web manager to consider it. So, it will be improved. If you have suggestions on this, please give your comment in the Guestbook.
January 13, 1998
My company sells products based on our own fluidized bed technology, including atmospheric bubbling fluidized bed boilers (AFBC), municipal waste incinerators, and pressurized fluidized bed boilers (PFBC). Presently, pressure vessels with PFBC furnaces are being assembled at our factory and will be shipped to a plant site at the end of March this year. The largest AFBC boiler we built is a 350MWe Takehara plant for EPDC(Electric Power Development Co. in Japan). I'd like to talk about FBCs from time to time for those who are intereted in the technology.
January 14, 1998
Coming back to the topic of 'articles', Mr. Kanaguchi's study on articles first appeared in English as , "Studies in the Articles with Reference to Nouns", Cambridge Annual Biography of English Language and Literature (1961) which I have not yet read. I wonder if anyone with Cambridge could send me a photo-copy of the article.
January 16, 1998
Various kinds of CD-ROM dictionaries are now available at bookstores or softwareshops. Most of them only allow us to use with the CD-ROM always placed in the CD-ROM drive, forbidding us to install it into a hard disc. It's been inconvenient because everytime you want to look at other dictionaries, you have to replace it with the other CD-ROM you want to look at. Now, however, the CD革命/Virtual has solved this problem. It virtually enable us to install CD-ROM into hard discs, providing us with more convenient environment. Once installed, you don't have to put CD-ROMs into the drive.
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